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Final Project - 5 Things you can do to reject…

Your final project for this unit will be a group presentation that identifies 5
things we can do to reject a specific toxic or dangerous media practice.

1. Pick a toxic or dangerous media practice
2. Identify 5 ways we can reject this practice
3. Elaborate on these ideas
4. Develop your presentation!
a. Make sure it is clear, organized, and creative

For step 1, some options you might consider include:

- Body shaming
- Cyberbullying
- Social status pressures (ex. Pressure to seem popular online)
- Dangers of placing personal information online
- Discrimination
- Manipulation of the truth or lying

You will be doing this project in groups. You may choose how you would like
to present from the options below:

- PowerPoint
- Poster
- Live performance (with written portion)
- Speech

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