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A Potential Antioxidant Resource: Endophytic Fungi from

Medicinal Plants I

2 Department of Zoology, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, PR China
3 Department of Botany, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, PR China
4 Republic Polytechnic, Woodlands Avenue 9, Singapore 738964
*Corresponding author; e-mail:

A Potential Antioxidant Resource: Endophytic Fungi from Medicinal Plants. Medicinal

plants and their endophytes are important resources for discovery of natural products. Sev-
eral previous studies have found a positive correlation between total antioxidant capacity
(TAC) and total phenolic content (TPC) of many medicinal plant extracts. However, no in-
formation is available on whether such a relationship also exists in their endophyhc fungal
metabolites. We investigated the relationship between TAC and TPC for 292 morphologi-
cally distinct endophytic fungi isolated from 29 traditional Chinese medicinal plants. The an-
tioxidant capacities of the endophytic fungal cultures were significantly correlated with their
total phenolic contents, suggesting that phenolics were also the major antioxidant con-
stituents of the endophytes. Some of the endophytes were found to produce metabolites
possessing strong antioxidant activities. Several bioactive constituents from the fungal cul-
tures and host plant extracts were identified. This investigation reveals that the metabolites
produced by a wide diversity of endophytic fungi in culture can be a potential source of
novel natural antioxidants.
Key Words: Endophytic fungi, metabolites, medicinal plants, antloxidant activity, phenolic
compounds, Chinese medicinal plants, traditional Chinese medicine, TCM.

There is increasing evidence indicating that re- (Cozma 2004; Halliwell 1994; Mitscher et al.
active oxygen species (ROS, e.g., 02- and OH-) 1996; Owen et al. 2000; Sala et al. 2002). Natu-
and free radical-meditated reactions can cause ox- rally derived antioxidants have received much at-
idative damage to biomolecules (e.g., lipids, pro- tention in recent years (Hu and Kitts 2000;
teins, and DNA), eventually contributing to, for Schulz et al. 2002).
example, aging, cancer, atherosclerosis, coronary Endophytes are fungi or bacteria residing in-
heart ailment, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and side healthy plant tissues without any discernible
other neurodegenerative disorders (Finkel and infectious symptoms (Wilson 1995). They could
Holbrook 2000; Halliwell 1994). Antioxidants be a potential source of novel natural products
are thought to be highly effective in the manage- for medicinal, agricultural, and industrial uses.
ment of ROS-mediated tissue impairments. Because they are relatively unstudied, much at-
Many antioxidant compounds possess anti- tention is now being paid to endophytic biodi-
inflammatory, antiatherosclerotic, antitumor, an- versity, the chemistry and bioactivity of endo-
timutagenic, anticarcinogenic, antibacterial, or phytic metabolites, and the relationships between
antiviral activities to a greater or lesser extent endophytes and host plants (Schulz et al. 2002;
Tan and Zou 2001). Endophytes provide a wide
variety of structurally unique bioactive natural
1Received 4 August 2006; accepted 9 November products, such as alkaloids, benzopyranones, chi-
2006. nones, flavonoids, phenolic acids, quinones, ste-

Economic Botany, 61(1), 2007, pp. 14-30.

9 2007, by The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A.

roids, terpenoids, tetralones, xanthones, and oth- dophytic metabolites and host plant extracts were
ers (Tan and Zou 2001). Antibiotics, antiviral also carried out using several chromatographic
compounds, anticancer agents, insecticidal prod- and spectroscopic techniques (HPLC, LC-MS,
ucts, antidiabetic agents, immunosuppressive and GC-MS). The main objective of this study
compounds as well as antioxidants have been re- was to explore the endophytic fungi from medici-
ported from endophytic metabolites (Strobel et nal plants, which can in vitro produce bioactive
al. 2004), and medicinal plants have been recog- compounds with potent antioxidant activity, as a
nized as a repository of endophytes with novel novel antioxidant source.
metabolites of pharmaceutical importance (Stro-
bel et al. 2004; Tan and Zou 2001; Wiyakrutta et Materials and Methods
Medicinal plants contain a wide variety of free The traditional Chinese medicinal plant sam-
radical scavenging molecules, such as phenolic ples used for isolation of endophytic fungi were
compounds (e.g., phenolic acids, flavonoids, all collected from healthy living plants grown in
quinones, coumarins, lignans, lignin, stilbenes, Hong Kong from March to September of 2005.
and tannins), nitrogen compounds (e.g., alkaloids The collected plants represent 29 species from six
and amines), vitamins, terpenoids, and other en- families, including 13 species in the Apocy-
dogenous metabolites (Cai et al. 2004; IC~hk6nen naceae, seven in the Asclepiadaceae, four in the
et al. 1999; Zheng and Wang 2001). Traditional Polygonaceae, three in the Asteraceae, and one
Chinese medicinal plants have been used for phar- each from the Lamiaceae and the Solanaceae. The
maceutical and dietary therapies for several mil- medicinal plant species were authenticated by
lennia (Cai et al. 2004; Tapiero et al. 2002). Nat- Mr. S. T. Chan, a local plant expert at the Uni-
ural compounds isolated from these medicinal versity of Hong Kong. The plant species and
plants are a rich source of novel drugs with multi- their collection sites are listed in Table 1. All the
ple biological activities including antioxidant flesh samples were taken to the laboratory and
properties. There have been many studies on the treated within 24 hours.
antioxidant activities of various plants of medici-
nal use (e.g., K~ihk6nen et al. 1999; Re et al. CHEMICALS AND REAGENTS
1999; Zheng and Wang 2001). Cai et al. (2004)
reported that phenolic compounds were the dom- The chemicals 2,2'-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothia-
inant antioxidant components in 112 traditional zoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS),
Chinese medicinal plants associated with combat- potassium persulfate, and sodium carbonate were
ing cancer, and similar findings were reported for purchased from Sigma/Aldrich (St. Louis, MO).
133 Indian medicinal plants (Surveswaran et al. Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and HPLC-grade organic
2007), with both studies showing highly signifi- reagents were from BDH (Dorset, UK), and
cant positive linear correlations between the total Trolox (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchromate-
antioxidant capacities and phenolic contents. De- 2-carboxylic acid) from Fluka Chemie AG
spite numerous studies on antioxidant activities (Buchs, Switzerland). Authentic standards, an-
and phenolic contents in plants, however, no tibiotics, and other chemicals and reagents used
comparative investigation has been carried out for in this study were obtained from Sigma/Aldrich.
their endophytes. All the chemicals and reagents used in this study
In the present study, a total of 1,160 endo- were of the analytical grade.
phytic fungal isolates were obtained from differ-
ent tissues of 29 traditional Chinese medicinal ISOLATION OF ENDOPHYTIC FUNGI
plant species. Only the 292 morphologically dis- A total of 20 samples of plant parts (leaf, stem,
tinct fungal isolates were used for investigation of flower, fruit, or root) from the medicinal plants
the total antioxidant capacities, phenolic con- were first washed in running water. The leaves,
tents, and their relationships. The relationships flowers, or fruits were cut into segments (5
between the total antioxidant capacities and total x5 mm), and stems or roots were cut into pieces
phenolic contents in the 29 host plants were con- (10 mm in length). Surface sterilization and isola-
currently investigated for comparison with their tion of endophytic fungi followed a modified
endophytes. Preliminary identification and method as described by Schulz et al. (1993). All
screening of bioactive constituents from the en- the plant samples were surface-sterilized by dip-




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ping in 75% ethanol for 1 min, 2.5% sodium

.-< hypochlorite for 15 min, and again 75% ethanol
for 1 min, followed by rinsing in sterile water
-d three times. In each petri dish (9cm diameter),
four processed segments or pieces were evenly
spaced onto the surface of water agar (WA)
e% medium supplemented with 200 U/ml penicillin
G and 200 I~g/ml streptomycin sulfate for sup-
< pressing the growth of bacteria, followed by incu-
bation at 28~ until the mycelium or colony
originating from the sample appeared. Hyphal
= E tips were transferred and cultured on potato car-
0 rot agar (PCA) plates, and the purified strains
+l+l+l+l +1 were preserved on potato dextrose agar (PDA)
plates at 4~ in the Laboratory of Department of
Zoology, the University of Hong Kong.
0 ~
od Fresh mycelia (grown on PDA plates at 28~
for 3-6 days) of morphologically different endo-
+1+1+1+1 +1 phytes, approximately equal in quantity, were in-
O P'--

t~ ~_~ oculated in 100 ml flasks, each containing 50ml

of broth (sucrose, 30g; NaNOy 3g; K2HPO 4,
1 g; yeast extract, 1 g; KCI, 0.5 g; MgSO4.7H20,
0.5g; FeSO4, 0.01g; H20, 1,000ml), followed
by incubation with a Shaking Incubator (Daihan
r Labtech Co., Ltd.) at 140rpm for 15 days at
4 28~ The culture broth of each endophytic fun-
{ gus was centrifuged at 1,670g for 10 min and fil-
tered using a Millipore filter with a 0.22-~m
nylon membrane under vacuum at room temper-
..e~~ ature (-23~ to remove mycelium. The filtrate
k.~ sample was stored at 4~ until use within 24
=999 hours.
The plant samples were air-dried in a venti-
lated oven at 40~ to constant weight and
0 ground to fine powder using a Kenwood Multi-
Mill (Kenwood, Ltd., UK) and passed through a
24-mesh sieve. The sample (2g each) was ex-
tracted with 50ml of 80% methanol at room
temperature for 24 hr in a water bath shaker
(Shaking Bath 5B-16) (Techne, Ltd., UK). The
extract was also filtered by a Millipore filter with
.~ a 0.22-~m nylon membrane under vacuum at
room temperature, and stored at 4~ (Cai et al.
..% Total antioxidant capacity was assayed using
F~ the improved ABTS method (Cai et al. 2004; Re
o ~ et al. 1999). The ABTS'+ radical cation was gen-

erated by reacting 7mm ABTS and 2.45mm tion. The following gradient elution program was
potassium persulfate after incubation at room used in the improved HPLC method (solution A,
temperature in darkness for 16 hours. The 2.5% formic acid, and solution B, 100%
ABTS'* solution was diluted with 80% ethanol methanol): 0 min, 5% B; 15 min, 30% B; 40
to an absorbance of 0.700 + 0.005 at 734nm. min, 40% B; 60 min, 50% B; 65 min, 55% B;
The tested sample was diluted with 80% ethanol and 90-98 min, 100% B. Flow rate was
so as to give 20-80% inhibition of the blank ab- 0.8 ml/min and injection volume was 20 ~1. De-
sorbance with 0.1 ml of sample. ABTS'* solution tection was monitored at different wavelengths
(3.9 ml; absorbance of 0.700 + 0.005) was added for various phenolic compounds: 280nm for
to 0.1 ml of the tested samples and mixed thor- hydroxybenzoic acids, flavanones, flavanols,
oughly. The reactive mixture was allowed to stand isoflavones, terpenoids, and tannins; 320 nm for
at room temperature for 6 min and the ab- hydroxycinnamic acids and flavones; 370 nm for
sorbance was immediately recorded at 734 nm. flavonols and chalcones.
Different levels of trolox standard solution in
80% ethanol were prepared and assayed under LC-ESI-MS
the same conditions. The absorbance of the re- The LC-MS-2010A system used in this study
sulting oxidized solution was compared to that of consisted of a LC-10ADvp binary pump, a SIL-
the calibrated trolox standard. Results were ex- l 0Avp auto-sampler, a photodiode-array detector,
pressed in terms of trolox equivalent antioxidant a central controller, and a single quadrupole MS
capacity (TEAC), i.e., gtmol trolox/100ml cul- detector with electrospray ionization (ESI) inter-
ture of endophytic fungus or mmol trolox/100g face (Shimadzu, Japan). The analytical column
dry weight (DW) of plant. was VP-ODS C18 column (250 x 2.0 mm, 5 gtm)
(Narmura Chemical Co., Seto, Japan). LC condi-
DETERMINATION OF tions were as follows: solvent A, 0.1% formic
TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENT acid, and solvent B, MeOH with 0.1% formic
Total phenolic content (TPC) was estimated acid. A gradient elution used was 0-5 rain, 5%
using the Folin-Ciocalteu colorimetric method B; 5-15 min, 5-30% B; 15-40 min, 30-40% B;
described by Liu et al. (2002) and Cai et al. 40-60 min, 40-50% B; 60-65 min, 50-55% B;
(2004) with minor modification. Briefy, the ap- 65-90 min, 55-100% B; 90-95 rain, 100% B;
propriate dilutions of the sample (0.2 ml) were 95-96 min, 100-5% B; 96-100 min, 5% B. The
oxidized with 0.5 N Folin-Ciocalteu reagent for 4 flow rate was 0.2 ml/min, injection volume was
min at room temperature. Then the reaction was 5-10 ~l, and detection was at 280nm. The LC
neutralized with saturated sodium carbonate eluant was introduced directly into the ESI inter-
(75g/1). The absorbance of the resulting blue face without flow splitting. The scan range of
color was measured at 760 nm with the spec- ESI-MS was m/z 160-800. The ESI voltage was
trophotometer after incubation for 2 hr at room 4.5 kV in positive ion mode and 3.5 kV in nega-
temperature in darkness. Quantification was tive ion mode. A nebulizing gas of 1.5 l/min and
done on the basis of the standard curve of gallic a drying gas of 10 l/min were applied for ioniza-
acid. Results were expressed as gallic acid equiva- tion using nitrogen in both cases.
lent (GAE), i.e., mg gallic acid/100 ml culture or
g gallic acid/100 g DW. GC-MS
A GCMS-QP2010 system (Shimadzu, Japan)
R P - H P L C ANALYSIS equipped with an AOC-5000 auto-injector with
RP-HPLC analysis was performed using a a headspace MSH02-00B and with a common
Hewlett-Packard HPLC System (HP 1100 series, syringe (10~1) was employed for analysis of
Waldbronn, Germany), consisting of a binary volatile and aliphatic compounds. Headspace
pump and a diode-array detector (DAD), and conditions were as follows: powder samples were
equipped with a Nucleosil 100-C18 column kept in incubator vials in an oven at 110~ with
(5~m, 250• with a Nucleosil 5 C18 shaking for 20 min. Injection volume was 1 gtl. A
guard column (5 ~m, 4 • 4 mm) (Agilent Tech- DB-5MS column (60mx0.25mm, o with
nologies, Loveland, CO). Phenolic compounds in 0.1 ~m film thickness) was used with helium as a
the samples were analyzed using our previous carrier gas at a fow rate of 2.46 ml/min. The GC
method (Cai et al. 2004) with slight modifica- oven temperature was kept at 40~ for 0.5 min

and programmed to 150~ at a rate of l~ morphologically distinct isolates from the 29 me-
to 250~ at a rate of 10~ and kept con- dicinal plants were selected for antioxidant activ-
stant at 250~ for 10 min. Liquid injection ity screening and total phenolic content assay
method was also used in this study. A CP-WAX (Table 1 and Fig. 1). The characteristics of colony
52 CB column (50 m x 0.20 mm, o with 0.2 I~m or hyphal and microscopic morphology were
film thickness) was used with helium as a carrier used to differentiate among these isolates. The
gas at a flow rate of 1 ml/min and injection vol- most endophytic fungi (83 strains) were isolated
ume was 1 I~1. The GC oven temperature was from Tabernaemontana divaricata (L.) R. Br. ex
kept at 40~ for 0.5 min and programmed to Roem. & Schutt., while the least (23 strains)
150~ at a rate of 6~ to 250~ at a rate of from Rauvolfia verticillata (Lour.) Baill.
8~ and kept constant at 250~ for 8 rain.
Splitless injections were done in both headspace TOTALANTIOXIDANTCAPACITYAND
and liquid injection methods. The MS was oper- PHENOLIC CONTENT
ated in electron ionization mode (70 eV) with a The improved ABTS method has been widely
scan range of m/z 40-600. The interface and ion used to assess total antioxidant capacities of crude
source temperature were 260~ and 200~ re- extracts (Cai et al. 2004; Re et al. 1999). Using
spectively. A library search was carried out using this method, we measured the total antioxidant
NIST and SZTERP libraries. capacities of the methanolic extracts from the 29
medicinal plants as well as the cultures of the 292
STATISTICALANALYSIS endophytes isolated from these plants. Table 1
All sample determinations were conducted in showed that antioxidant activity of the medicinal
triplicate and the results were calculated as mean host plants ranged from 2.24 to 74.60 mmol
standard deviation (SD) in this study. Coeffi- trolox/100g DW. Palyganum capitatum showed
cients of determination (R2) were calculated using the highest TEAC value (74.60 mmol/100g
Microsoft Excel 2000. Differences between mean DW), followed by P. cuspidatum (56.22
values were compared by least significant differ- mmol/100g DW), M. suaveolens (54.94
ence (LSD) calculated using the Statistical Analy- mmol/100g DW), and Polygonum chineme L.
sis System (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC). (53.66 mmol/100g DW). The TEAC values of
the 292 endophytic fungi cultures exhibited a sig-
Results nificant variation, ranging from 2.87 to 526.93
Ftmol trolox/100 ml culture, with a mean value of
ISOLATIONOF ENDOPHYTIC FUNGI 49.76 btmol trolox/100ml culture. Most fungal
A total of 1,160 endophytic fungal strains were strains (190 of 292 isolates, 65.1%) showed mod-
isolated from the 29 traditional Chinese medici- erate activities (20-50 p~mol trolox/100ml cul-
nal plants. All the plant samples were found to ture). Distribution (the number of isolates) of en-
harbor various endophytic fungi with different dophytic fungi isolated from each medicinal
colonization rates (CR). This was consistent with plant with different ranges of total antioxidant
previous reports (Saikkonen et al. 1998; Strobel capacity (TEAC value, ~mol trolox/100ml cul-
and Daisy 2003; Wiyakrutta et al. 2004). Melod- ture: A,<20; B, 20-50; C, 50-100; D, 100-200;
inus suaveolens (Hance) Champ. ex Benth., Stro- E, > 200) was shown in Fig. 1A. The endophytic
phanthus divaricatus (Lout.) Hook. & Arn., and fungi with more than 100 p~mol trolox 100/ml
Polygonum cuspidaturn Sieb. & Zucc. had endo- are given in Table 2. Strain AcapF3 isolated from
phytic fungi colonizing in all of the tested sam- the flower of Artemisia capillaris Thunb. pos-
ples (CR values were 100%). Cerbera manghas L., sessed the strongest antioxidant capacity with the
Trachelospermum jasminoides (Lindl.) Lem., Hoya value of 526.93 [~mol trolox/100 ml culture, fol-
carnosa (L. f.) R. Br., Toxocarpus wightianus lowed by TwL3 isolated from the leaf of T. wight-
Hook. & Arn., Polygonurn capitatum Buch.-Ham. ianus (298.35 ~mol/100 ml), PrL7 isolated from
ex D. Don, and Cestrum nocturnum L. also the leaf of Plumeria rubra L. (269.7
showed high colonization rates, and their CR val- ~mol/100 ml), AcS6 isolated from the stem of A.
ues were 92.5%, 95.0%, 95.0%, 92.5%, 97.5%, curassavica (267.0 I~mol/100ml), CrF2 isolated
and 92.5%, respectively, whereas Asclepias curas- from the flower of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.
savica L. showed the lowest CR (36.7%). Out of Don (224.8 gzmol/100ml), AlL4 isolated from
the total 1,160 preliminary fungal isolates, 292 the leaf of Artemisia indica Willd. (217.8

Fig. 1. Number of endophytic fungi isolated from each medicinal plant and screening of endophytic fungal
metabolites for trolox (A) equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) and (B) total phenolic content (TPC). Code
names in the figure correspond with the code names of medicinal host plants in Table 1.



Codeof TEAC(lamol TPC (naggalhc

Endophyte HostPlant Source trolox/100mlculture) aud/100m1culture)
AcaL5 Allamanda cathartica L. leaf 124.00_+ 1.963 7.67-+ 0.133
AcS6 Asclepias curassavzca L. stem 267.00_+ 3.321 26.83 + 0.280
AcapF1 Artemism capillaris Thunb. flower 127.41 _+2.036 13.71 _+0.190
AcapF3 Artemma capillaris Thunb. flower 526.93_+ 7.942 49.22_+ 2.441
AcapF4 Artemisia capdlarzs Thunb. flower 177.12 _+4.119 18.43 _+0.195
AiL 1 Artemisia indica Willd. leaf 100.20 _+0.718 6.88_+0.099
AlL3 Artemisia indica Will& leaf 102.21 + 2.969 8.69 _+0.129
AiL4 Artemism indica Willd. leaf 217.76 _+2.081 21.27 _+0.166
CmL3 Cerbera manghas L. leaf 139.44 + 1.418 12.00_+0.210
CnoL3 Cestrum nocturnum L. leaf 127.40_+ 0.557 9.06 + 0.022
CnoS 1 Cestrum nocturnum L. stem 125.40 _+0.562 9.58 _+0.058
CnoS4 Cestrum nocturnum L. stem 152.60 _+1.368 10.17 -+0.082
CrF2 Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don flower 224.80_+2.910 32.37_+0.541
CrL7 Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don leaf 183.30_+0.777 19.33-+0.128
HcL2 Hoya carnosa (L. f.) R. Br. leaf 117.90_+0.915 6.74_+0.100
MsL4 Melodinus suaveolens (Hance) leaf 204.40_+ 0.797 27.35 _+0.617
Champ. ex Benth.
NoS3 Nerlum oleander L. stem 150.79 _+2.045 13.95 _+0.109
PcuS7 Polygonum cuspldatum stem 164.20 _+3.067 18.01 _+0.035
Sieb. & Zucc.
ProS7 Polygonum multzflorum Thunb. stem 115.30_+ 1.892 6.33_+0.053
PrL2 Plumeria rubra L. leaf 109.25 _+2.081 11.76_+ 0.255
PrL7 Plumeria rubra L. leaf 269.70_+ 3.925 22.26_+ 0.232
TwL3 Toxocarpus wightianus leaf 298.35 _+3.604 24.28_+0.095
Hook. & Am.
Control 1.28 0.02
LSD (p < 0.05)* 4.633 0.956
* LSD (p< 0.05), least significant &fference,was used for significantdifference comparisonamong means of various endo-
phytic fungal cultures.

Ixmol/lO0 ml), and MsL4 isolated from the leaf tent (TPC value, mg/100ml: A, <1.00; B, 1.00-
of M. suaveolens (204.4 Ixmol/lOOml). In con- 5.00; C, 5.00-10.0; D, >10.0) was also shown in
trast, the control broth without endophytic fungi Fig. 1. The endophytic fungi with higher pheno-
showed nearly no activity (1.28 Ixmol/lOOml). lic content are given in Table 2. Seven endophytic
We estimated the total phenolic content of the isolates (AcapF3, CrF2, MsL4, AcS6, TwL3,
292 selected endophytic fungal cultures and their PrL7, and AiL4) with higher antioxidant capacity
medicinal host plants using the classical Folin- also contained more phenolic compounds, and
Ciocalteu colorimetric method. It was found that their T P C values were 49.22, 32.37, 27.35,
the medicinal plants contained 0.28 to 8.69 g of 26.83, 24.28, 22.26, and 21.27mg/100ml (all
gallic acid per 100 g DW. Total phenolic contents more than 20 mg/100 ml), respectively. The T P C
of the 292 endophytic fungal cultures showed a value of control broth without endophytic fungi
huge variation, ranging from 0.12 to 49.22mg was close to zero (0.02 mg/100 ml) (Table 2).
gallic acid per 100 ml culture, with a mean value
of 3.43 mg gallic acid/100 ml culture. Two hun- RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TOTAL
dred and seventeen of the endophytic fungal iso- ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITY AND PHENOLIC
lates (74.3%) contained medium levels of pheno- CONTENT
lics (1.00-5.00 mg/100 ml). The distribution of Figure 1 also shows that the endophytic fungi
endophytic fungi isolated from each medicinal containing a lower phenolic content (TPC<
plant with different ranges of total phenolic con- 1.00 mg/100 ml) mostly possess weaker antioxi-

Fig. 2. Relationshipsbetween total antioxidant capacities and phenolic contents of (A) metabolites of 292
endophytic fungal cultures selected from the 29 host plants and of (B) methanolicextracts from the 29 Chinese
medicinal host plants.

dant activity (TEAC values< 20 p~mol/100ml), nolic content (x) was established for both the en-
and the endophytic isolates with moderate antioxi- dophytic fungal isolates (y=9.1524x + 18.41,
dant activities (TEAC values within 20-50 R2=0.9041) and their host plants (y=8.3211x -
p~mol/100ml) normally contain medium levels of 2.0333, R2 = 0.9150). These correlations suggest
phenolics (1.00-5.00mg/100ml), while those iso- that the phenolic compounds are most likely re-
lates with high total phenolic content sponsible for the antioxidant activities of the fun-
(TPC> 10.0mg/100ml) also have high total an- gal cultures and the host plants. However, this
tioxidant activity (most of TEAC values>100 does not imply that the phenolic compounds of
I~mol/100 ml). As shown in Fig. 2, a correlative re- the host plants are actually produced by their fun-
lationship was present between the total antioxi- gal endophytes in situ. The small number of fun-
dant capacity and total phenolic content in the gal cells in planta, compared to the concentration
292 endophytic fungal isolates as well as in their of cultivated fungal strains, is unlikely to make a
host plants. A highly positive linear correlation be- major contribution to the quantity of phenolics of
tween total antioxidant capacity (y) and total phe- the host plant, although fungal colonization itself

may induce the host plant to produce a different both contained a high level of chlorogenic acid
phenolic profile. Our results were consistent with (Fig. 4). A major volatile composition, tentatively
previous reports that phenolic compounds are named artemisin (C12H10, MW 154), was detected
major antioxidant constituents in medicinal herbs, in both AiL4 (an endophytic fungal culture) and
vegetables, fruits, and spices (Cai et al. 2004; Shan its host plant (A. indica) (Fig. 5). Furthermore, A.
et al. 2005; Zheng and Wang 2001). indica also contained high levels of caffeoylquinic
acid derivatives (di-O-caffeoylquinic acids) (Fig.
Different phenolic compounds normally pos- Discussion
sess specific chromatographic behavior and UV- The ubiquity of endophytes in the plant king-
vis spectral characteristics (Cai et al. 2004; dom has been well established as they have been
Sakakibara et al. 2003; Santos-Buelga and found in all species investigated, including algae,
Williamson 2003; Shah et al. 2005). Because of mosses, ferns, and vascular plants (Arnold et al.
the diversity and complexity of the natural mix- 2000; Arnold, Maynard, and Gilbert 2001; Gam-
tures of phenolic compounds in the large num- boa and Bayman 2001). In this study, all the 29
ber of samples, it is rather difficult to character- tested medicinal plants were colonized by various
ize every compound and elucidate its structure. endophytic fungal strains, with morphologically
Therefore, only a preliminary identification of distinct fungal isolates ranging from 23 in R. ver-
phenolic compounds and other bioactive com- ticillata to 83 in 77. divaricata. Most of the iso-
positions in the endophytic fungal metabolites lated endophytic fungi showed no reproductive
and their medicinal host plants was carried out structures or no distinctive features when cul-
in this study. We analyzed major phenolic com- tured on common mycological medium. This is a
pounds in selected endophytic fungi (TEAC > 50 common problem concerning the identification
txmol/100 ml) and all the medicinal host plants of endophytes (Arnold et al. 2000; Gamboa and
using RP-HPLC with DAD by comparison with Bayman 2001; Wiyakrutta et al. 2004). Thus
over 100 authentic phenolic standards and re- identification of these endophytic fungal isolates
lated literature data (Cai et al. 2004; Sakakibara was not performed in this study. However, the
et al. 2003; Tan and Zou 2001). Most of the se- endophytic fungi did exhibit characteristic cul-
lected medicinal host plants and endophytic fun- ture colony or hyphal and microscopic morphol-
gal metabolites were also analyzed using LC-ESI- ogy that could be differentiated amongst the iso-
MS and GC-MS. lates. In addition to traditional morphological
The preliminary results showed that major identification methods, modern molecular biol-
types of bioactive compounds in both the medic- ogy techniques are required for characterization
inal host plants and endophytic fungal metabo- and classification of these isolates.
lites were phenolic acids, flavonoids, tannins, The improved ABTS method was not only a
quinones, phenolic terpenoids, volatile con- rapid and reliable test of total antioxidant capac-
stituents, and aliphatic compounds. Representa- ity in vitro, but also an advantageous assay appli-
tive bioactive compounds identified in this study cable to both hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxi-
are given in Table 3. Chlorogenic acid (5-O-caf- dants or systems (Cai et al. 2004; Re et al. 1999;
feoylquinic acid) was a major phenolic com- Shah et al. 2005). This method was also success-
pound from medicinal plants widely distributed fully used in the present study to screen antioxi-
in the families of Apocynaceae and Asclepi- dant capacity for the 292 morphologically differ-
adaceae. High levels of chlorogenic acid could be ent fungi out of the total 1,160 endophytic
detected in most of the plant samples in these fungal isolates. The RP-HPLC methods have also
two families (Fig. 3), especially in 77. divaricata been well developed for most categories of phe-
which had the highest level of chlorogenic acid nolic compounds in plants (Cai et al. 2004;
and strong antioxidant activity (TEAC value was Sakakibara et al. 2003; Santos-Buelga and
26.60 mmol/100g DW). Interestingly, certain Williamson 2003; Shan et al. 2005). In this
compounds were found in both the endophytic study, the constituents in methanolic extracts of
fungal culture and the corresponding host plant the 29 medicinal host plants and in the metabo-
extract (Table 3). For example, AiL1 (an endo- lites from some (bioactive) endophytic isolates
phytic fungal culture) and its host plant (A. indica) were preliminarily analyzed and screened by



CompoundCategories LC-MSObserved
and Representanvc AdductIons(m/z)or
Conmtuents GC-MSData Endophyte~ McdmmalHostPlants
Phenolic acids
Chlorogenic acid (5-O [M-HI (353), AiLI* A. indica*, G. pictum,
-caffeoylquinic acid) [M +H] + (355), H. carnosa, N. oleander,
[M + Na]+ (377) T. divar~cata
Di-O-caffeoylquinic acids [M-H]-(515), A. mdzca, N. oleander,
[M + Na] + (539) S. divaricata
Quercetin 3-rutinoside [M-HI (609), A. indlca, C. nocturnum,
(rutin) [M + Na] + (633) Z divaricata
Quercetin 3-rhamnoside [M-HI- (447),
(quercitrin) [M + H] + (449), P. capitatum, P. chinense,
[M +Na] + (471) P. cuspidatum, P. multiflorum
Anthraquione glycoside [M -H]-(518), P. cuspidatum
[M + Na] § (541)
Rehein [M -H]-(283) P. cuspzdatum
Emodin [M -H]-(269), P. cuspidatum, P. multiflorum
[M + H]+ (271)
Volatile compounds
Artemisin MW: 154, Ci2Hl0 ALL4* A. indica*
Aliphatic compounds
Hexadecanoic acid, MW: 270, CI7H3402 CrF2*, CrS5*, C. roseus*, C. nocturnum,
methyl ester PcuL7*, PrL7*, P. cuspidatum *, 1~ rubra*,
SdL2* S. divaricata*
9-Hexadecenoic acid, MW: 268, CI7H3202 ASS3,CrS5,
methyl ester PcuS7
9,12-Octadecadienoic MW: 294, CI9H3402 AcaL5*, CrF2*, A. cathartica*, C. roseus*,
acid, methyl ester CrL6*, PcuL7*, C. nocturnum, P. cuspzdatum*,
PrL3* P. rubra*
11,14,17-Eicosatrienoic MW: 320, C21H3602 AcaL5* A. cathartica*, A. sinensis,
acid, methyl ester P. cuspidatum, T. peruviana
* Compounds were found m both endophytic fungi and their host plants.

using PR-HPLC, and some were identified by gated in endophytic fungi. The correlation be-
LC-ESI-MS and GC-MS. The results showed tween TEAC and T P C values (Fig. 2) provides
that phenolic compounds (e.g., phenolic acids, support for the hypothesis that phenolic com-
flavonoids, tannin constituents, hydroxy- pounds are also responsible for the total antioxi-
anthraquinones, and phenolic terpenoids) and dant capacity of the endophytic fungal cultures.
certain volatile or aliphatic constituents were Endophytes are a poorly investigated group of
major substances in the endophyte cultures and microorganisms, and endophytic fungal metabo-
host plant extracts. The categories of bioactive lites represent an abundant source of bioactive
compounds identified in the host plant extracts and chemically novel compounds (Strobel et a[.
were similar to those of 112 traditional Chinese 2004). Wiyakrutta et al. (2004) reported that the
medicinal plants (Cai et al. 2004). Phenolics have metabolites produced by endophytic fungi from
long been associated with antioxidant capacity in Thai medicinal plants exhibited antimicrobial,
plants, but this association has never been investi- anticancer, and antimalarial activities. Endo-

Fig. 3. HPLC chromatograms (280 nm) of methanohc extracts from the selected medicinal plant species in
the family Apocynaceae and Asclepiadaceae. The dominant peak (retention time, - 20.3 min) in HPLC profiles
of all selected plants was identified as chlorogenic acid ([M-H]- ion at m/z 353, [M + H] § ion at m/z 355, and
[M + Na] + ion at m/z 377) by ESI-MS and by comparison with the related authenuc standard.

phytic fungi were also found in a Chinese medic- cells (Kumar et al. 2004). Song et al. (2005) re-
inal plant, Tripterygium wilfordii, and the endo- ported that a phenolic compound (graphislactone
phytic fungal cultures possessed antiproliferative A) with strong free radical-scavenging and an-
activity on human peripheral blood mononuclear tioxidant activity was isolated and identified from

Fig. 4. HPLC chromatograms (280 nm) and ESI-MS data of phenolics from (A) an endophytic fungus
(ALL1)and (B) its host plant (A. indica). I, chlorogenicacid (5-O-caffeoylquinicacid) (MW 354); 2, 3, and 4,
unknown phenolics (MW 212, 210, and 240); 5, 6, and 7, di-caffeoylquinicacid isomers (MW 516); 8, apigenin
7-O-glucuronide (MW 446).

the culture of Cephalosporium sp., an endophytic from those medicinal hosts showing a high an-
fungus isolated from the root of Trachelospermum tioxidant capacity, such as M. suaveolens, Nerium
jasminoides (Apocynaceae). In the present study, oleander L., R cuspidatum, R multiflorum, and 77.
most of the endophytic fungal cultures showed wightianus (Table 1 and Table 2). Also, the endo-
antioxidant capacity to some extent, and those phytic fungi (AcapF1 and AcapF4 from the flow-
possessing high phenolic contents exhibited very ers of A. capillaris; ALL1, ALL3, and AiL4 from
strong antioxidant activities. These findings show the leaves ofA. indica) possessing strong antioxi-
that the metabolites of endophytic fungal cul- dant activities were isolated from two Artemisia
tures can be a potential source of natural antioxi- medicinal plants, both with a high antioxidant
dants. capacity. The strongest antioxidant fungal strain,
Strobel et al. (2004) showed that plants with AcapF3, was found in A. capillaris, which also
medicinal values provide the best opportunities showed strong antioxidant activity using the
to isolate novel endophytic microorganisms as DPPH method by Jung et al. (2004). In contrast,
well as ones making novel bioactive products. In no endophytic fungal culture with strong antioxi-
this study, we found that several endophytic dant activity was found from the host plant R
fungi (MsL4, NoS3, PcuS7, PmS7, and TwL3) capitatum, which showed the highest antioxidant
with strong antioxidant activities were isolated capacity of all the plants studied. This could

Ittt (xl00.000)



20. D r~ L~ o

3 T6 %

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 I00 i~In

Int (x10,O00,O00)

i ~ (B)

07e- ~ o o 71 ~o ~i=7

; - ~,., . l ~ , - . !~ 9
10 20 30 40 50 80 70 80 90 IOOmll~

Fig. 5. GC chromatograms of volatile compounds from (A) an endophytic fungus (ALL4) and (B) its host
plant (A. lndica). Molecular weight and formula are noted for most peaks in the figure. Tentative identification of
major peaks: 1, eucalyptol; 7, caryophyllene; 8, oL-caryophyllene;9, dimethyl phlthalate; 10, artemisin; 11, o~-far-

occur because we might not have isolated all the 2005). Furthermore, artemisin, a major volatile
endophytic fungi present in P. capitaturn, and constituent in the genus Arternisia, was identified
only six of the 48 fungal isolates from the host in both A. indica and AlL1 using GC-MS (Fig.
plant were screened for their antioxidant activity. 5). Volatile oils are important bioactive composi-
There are previous reports that some endo- tions in medicinal plant species of Artemisia (e.g.,
phytes isolated from plants producing certain A. indica, A. capillaris, A. annua) (Gao et al. 2000;
bioactive compounds could make the same natu- Xiao et al. 2000). The 11,14,17-eicosatrienoic
ral products as the hosts (e.g., Stierle, Strobel, and acid, methyl ester, one kind of aliphatic com-
Stierle 1993; Lee et al. 1995; Strobel and Hess, pound with antioxidant and anticarcinogenic ac-
1997). For example, taxol, a famous anticancer tivities (Rameazni-Kharazi 2004), was also de-
compound isolated from the bark of Pacific yew, tected in both the extract ofAllarnanda cathartica
has also been obtained from its fungal endophyte L. and the extract of its endophytic fungal isolate
(Taxornyces andreanae) in vitro (Stierle et al. AcaL5 using GC-MS (Table 3). This suggests that
1993). In the present study, chlorogenic acid (5- endophytic fungi might produce the same bioac-
O-caffeoylquinic acid), a major bioactive phenolic tive natural compounds as some of those found in
compound, was detected in both the host plant A. their host plants.
indica and its endophytic fungus AlL1 isolated The colonization and propagation of endo-
from the leaf using RP-HPLC and ESI-MS (Fig. phytes may in some ways offer significant benefits
4). Chlorogenic acid and its derivatives possess a to their host plants by producing a plethora of
wide range of bioactivities, such as antioxidant, substances that provide protection or increase the
antimutagenic, immunomodulatory, and antiviral fitness of the hosts, such as enhancement of
activities (dos Santos et al. 2005; Li, But, and Ooi stress-, insect-, or disease-resistance, and produc-

tivity improvement (Tan and Zou 2001; Strobel Although our comparative analysis of the
et al. 2004). Some endophytes exhibit host pref- bioactive compositions of the host plants and the
erence (Petrini et al. 1992) and tissue specificity isolated endophytic fungi has led to the discovery
(Luginbuhl and Miiller 1980). Spatial hetero- of some unique natural products produced by the
geneity (Carroll 1995) or seasonal differences endophytic fungi, it is just the first step in the in-
(Rodrigues 1994) also exist in terms of composi- vestigation of the relationship and interaction be-
tions and quantities of endophytic strains. These tween the host plants and endophytes. It remains
ecological or seasonal variations also affect the unclear whether the hosts and endophytes ex-
potency of medicinal plants, as we have known change metabolites or whether the endophytes
that both the seasons and places of collection are can produce the same bioactive products through
important factors affecting their medicinal values. metabolic processes independently from the
The study by Plowman et al. (1990) suggests a hosts. One mechanism proposed to explain why
fungal basis for the ethnobotanical utilization of some endophytes produce the same bioactive
piripiri (medicinal species of Cyperus) from Ama- compounds as their host plants is genetic recom-
zonia. Earlier findings also showed that coniferin bination of the endophyte with the host in evolu-
and syringin, two monolignol glucosides pro- tionary time (Stierle et al. 1993; Tan and Zou
duced by the host plant, were specifically recog- 2001). Recent molecular biological studies of
nized by the endophytic Xylarlaceae species as Pestalotiopsis microspora, an endophytic fungus of
chemical signals during the establishment of Taxus wallichiana, may have provided an explana-
fungus-plant interactions (Chapela et al. 1991). tion as to how some of the host plant genes may
However, the hypothesis that medicinal values of have been acquired, expressed, and replicated by
plants have a biological basis resulting from fun- the endophytes (Long et al. 1998).
gal infection needs further investigation. On the other hand, it is also possible that the
medicinal values of some of the plants may in
Limitations of the Study fact come from their endophytes. The traditional
The relationship between fungal endophytes Chinese medicinal plants have a long ethnobo-
and their host plants is a complicated research tanical history, and are related to specific use or
topic. There have been suggestions that many of applications by indigenous peoples. This is a spe-
the compounds that we typically think of as plant cific rationale for the collection of medicinal
secondary metabolites may in fact be produced plants for endophyte isolation and natural-
by fungal endophytes. However, it is unlikely that product discovery. However, our study has not
such compounds isolated from the host plants used randomly chosen plants that are not used in
could be entirely produced by their endophytes traditional Chinese medicine as a control group
in situ, considering the small quantity of the en- for comparison. Clearly, further research is
dophytes within each host plant. In contrast, needed to ascertain whether traditional medicinal
when the fungal endophytes were isolated and plants are more likely to harbor novel antioxidant
cultivated in vitro, the number of fungal cells fungi and their products than plants selected at
would be multiplied far beyond their normal random.
concentration in planta, and thus a measurable
phenolic profile is possible. Ideally, an Concluding Statements
endophyte-free plant of the same species should A large number of morphologically distinct en-
be used to serve as control, but such a plant is dophytic fungi were isolated from the 29 tradi-
difficult to find because every plant previously tional Chinese medicinal plant species studied.
studied is host to one or more endophytes Most of the endophytic fungal cultures exhibited
(Arnold et al. 2000; Arnold, Maynard, and antioxidant activities. The total antioxidant ca-
Gilbert 2001; Gamboa and Bayman 2001; Stro- pacity of the endophytic fungal metabolites was
bel et al. 2004). Without controlled experiments significantly correlated with their total phenolic
to test whether the host plants can produce the content. We also isolated and screened several en-
same compounds in the absence of their endo- dophytic fungi which could produce the metabo-
phytes, however, we cannot conclude with cer- lites containing bioactive compounds with potent
tainty that the same compounds are in fact pro- antioxidant capacity. These findings indicate that
duced in vivo by the endophytes alone or by both the metabolites produced by the endophytic
the endophytes and the host plants. fungi in culture were a potential source of natural

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