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Salivary glands, liver, gallbladder and pancreas accessory organs of digestive system

Motility the term for the process wherein the food passes along the tube
Mucosa inner lining that consists of mucous epithelium
Submucosa consists of blood vessels, nerves and glands, superficial to mucosa — thick layer
of connective tissue
Muscularis has an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer
Serosa most superficial— composed of connective tissue or epithelial tissue
Mucosa in the stomach wall, gastric pits are found where?
Surface mucous cells the gastric pit is lined with what
Simple columnar epithelium epithelium of mucosa in stomach wall
Mucous neck cell you will find this near the gastric pit
Chief cells very darkly stained cells
Parietal cells very pale cells
Pepsin what does chief cells in the stomach produce
Hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor what does the parietal cells in the stomach produce
Simple columnar epithelium lining epithelium of villi of small intestine
Buccinator muscle muscle that forms most of the cheek walls
Tongue mass of muscle covered with mucous epithelium
Frenulum fold of tissue anchoring its underside floor of the mouth
Hard palate anterior, bony portion of mouths roof
Soft palate posterior soft portion of mouths roof
Palatine tonsils lymphatic structures on the posterior, lateral aspect of the mouth cavity
32 teeth how many teeths do humans have
Incisors central and lateral cutting teeth
Canine tearing teeth
First and second premolars tearing and cuttung teeth, each with two points or cusps
First second and third molars grinding teeth with t3 flattened cusps
Crown superior portion of the tooth
Neck the narrow portion, below the crown
Root portion of the tooth within the alveoli or spaces of mandible and maxillae
Pulp cavity the central space of the tooth filled with pulp
Pulp connective tissue with nerves and vessels
Dentin hard, decalcified tissue that forms most of the tooth shell
Enamel the hard. Nonliving. Mineralized substance that covers the dentin of the alveolar
ridges of the jaws
Periodontal membrane fibrous lining of the alveolar walls
Periodontal ligament projects from the periodontal membrane to the root of the tooth, keeping it
in place.
Salivary glands exocrine glands whose ducts empty into the mouth cavity
Saliva produced by the glands, watery solution containing mucus, mineral ions and digestive
Parotid glands largest pair of salivary glands
Parotid gland secretes a serous solution.
Parotid duct the parotid gland flows through here leading to the cheek wall across from the
2nd upper molar
Submandibular glands produce mostly serous fluid and some mucous fluid
Sublingual glands produce mostly mucous fluid
Nasopharynx, oropharnyx, laryngopharynx three regions of pharynx
Esophagus connects pharynx to the stomach
Stomach enlargement of the digestive tract
Cardiac opening opening from the esophagus into the cardiac region
Fundus region of the stomach superior to the cardiac opening
Body main portion of stomach — greater curvature and lesser curvature
Pyloric region portion of the stomach near the pyloric opening into the small intestine and
pyloric sphincter
Pyloric sphincter surrounds the pyloric opening
Rugae large folds of mucosa
Small intestinelong narrow tube that folds to fill a large portion of the abdominal cavity
Duodenum c-shaped beginning of small intestine
25 cm length of duodenum
Jejunum middle sectionof small intestine
2.5 m length of jejunum
3.5 m length of ileum
Ileum very long section of small intestine
Common bile duct duct that empties duodenum
Ileocecal junction

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