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Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Technology in education is something that is growing rapidly and widely. AR is a

technology that has been integrated into the educational sector. Compared with the others, AR

technology is something new and is being sought to expand into the field of education. AR

represents a new approach in education to implement the concept of 'edutainment' that can

attract students. AR is an emerging technology with great potential for use in education now

[1]. New Media Consortium (NMC) also reported the same in the latest Horizon Reports [2],

that AR is one of the latest technologies that may potentially have a positive impact on teaching

and learning. AR has a feature that can help learning Chinese language which is multimedia

elements such as graphic, 3D object, video, audio and animation. Therefore, by integrating AR

in learning Chinese language is expected to motivate children in learning the language. Since

Chinese Language is gaining attention at school in Malaysia, parents viewed it difficult to teach

them Chinese at home because Chinese was not a primary language here. In addition, Chinese

language is often seen as difficult language for some children who their first language is not

Chinese. In addition, AR is a technology that can be use and apply by teachers to make the

learning environment more interactive and interesting [3].The problems with research shows

that lack of learning systems based approach to mobile applications and AR for Chinese [4],

lack of mobile application based on AR for Chinese language, lack of attractive features in

teaching materials because it is static, problem in pronunciation, sounding and spelling words

in Chinese correctly. The objectives for this research are to develop an AR mobile application

based on Chinese learning module and Chinese text book for primary school students and to

evaluate the effects of the application to students. The project was developed for children aged

5 to 7 years so that they can learn interactively using image, sound and touch [5].

2.2{tambah. Current system analysis (e.g.: product/prototype/software/tools)

• Characteristics of the system}

2.3 Comparison between existing system

There were many augmented reality application that was developed. Either in Apple

Store or Google play Store. Here there are four existing system that was compared through its

strength and weakness.

Firstly the existing application that was compares is ‘Learn Chinese - HelloChinese’ .

The strength for this application is has attractive interface. It is because this system has many

feature and function in that system. Such as game, writing skill, quiz and the name of animal.

However this system has weakness which that this system is expensive for annual premium

account for the user who use it.

Secondly, the existing system is ‘Pleco’. The strength for this system is its can give the

user more understanding about mandarin language. Because this system is just like dictionary

system. It has phrase and sentences that the user can learn in mandarin. However this system

has weakness which are this system does not has attractive design interface. This system also

make the user feel bored because of does not has attractive function in that system.

Thirdly, the existing system Is ‘FluentU’. The strength for this system is this system

has video that video contain people teach the pronounce mandarin language more accurate.

The user can be more understand and fun to learn when using this system. The weakness for

this system is this system does not has attractive design interface.

Lastly, the existing system is ‘Memrise’. The strength for this system is this system has

many language translation to learn. So the user also can know the translation mandarin from

other language. Such as , Korea language, Tamil Language and Russian language. It is can

make user more understand. The weakness for this system is this system only contain many

text element. It does not has animation and other attractive function to make the user feel

attractive to use this system.

Table : Comparison of Existing Application

Feature Learn Chinese - Pleco FluentU Memrise


Strength - Attractive - Has many - Has video - Can learn the

interface phrase and that give other

- User sentences in more translation

friendly that system understandin language.

g for user

Weakness - Annual - unattractive - Interface - So many text

premium design design in the system

account is interface unttractive - Unattractive

too interface

expensive design

2.4 Literature review on technology used

There are many technology this is useb by many system or application to developed.

Here thera are four existing system that was compared based on the technology used to

developed that system.

Firstly, the existing system is ‘Learn Chinese - HelloChinese’. This system is developed

by using theme letter or word, animal name, has writing skill in mandarin and also game in that

system. This system is using English and Chinese language (mandarin) which is become

intermediate language for this system. Then this system has good navigation and really purpose

for edutainment. It is using 2D animation and the text element that applied is concise and

compelling text. This text doen not has video but has audio which give attractive to the user.

This system is using platform android for user get this system to use it.

Secondly, the existing system is ‘Pleco’. The ‘Pleco’ system is using theme letter or

word and be just like the dictionary system. It is using English and Chinese language

(mandarin) as intermediate language. This system is for edutainment and has good navigation.

However this system has limited graphic element because it just like focus on dictionary. There

were many text element that is applied for this system. User can get this system on android.

Thirdly, the existing system is ‘FluentU’. This system is using selection of videos with

subtitles adapted to all language competency levels for user to teach the mandarin language

more accurate and understanding. This system also has letter or word that apply in this system.

It is using English and Chinese language (mandarin) as intermediate language for this system.

This system is very interactive because has many function in that system. This system has many

graphic element. User can user this system by using platform android and ios.

Lastly, the existing system is ‘Memrise’. This system has limited graphic element. Then

the navigation for this system is moderate and also purpose for edutainment. It is using English

and Chinese language (mandarin) as intermediate language for that system. The animation that

apply for this system is 2D animation. This system has many text element that apply on that

system. The platform that applied in that system is android and IOS for the user to get this


Feature Learn Chinese - Pleco FluentU Memrise


Theme - Letter / - Letter / - Letter / word - Letter /

word word - selection of word

- Animal - dictionary videos with

name subtitles

- Writing adapted to all

skill language

- Game competency


Intermediate English and English and English and English and

language mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin

Navigation Good Good Good Moderate

Edutainment Yes Yes Yes Yes

Graphic Many graphic Limited graphic Many graphic Limited graphic

element element element element

Video No No Yes No

Animation 2D animation 2D animation 2D animation 2D animation

Text Concise and Many text Concise text Many text

compelling element element element


Audio Yes Yes Yes Yes

Interactive Very interactive Moderate Very interactive Moderate

Platform Android Android - Android - Android


2.5 Chapter Summary

The findings from the review reveal AR is being increasingly explored in the field of

language education. Augmented reality is impressive and focuses certain elements of what one

sees that surely would greatly impact on learning languages. The three-dimensional effect

could capture the attention of who learns more easily. Augmented reality can be viewed as a

new learning-teaching strategy or technique that might be linked with Gibson's 'affordances

theory' as well. According to his theory, perception of the environment inevitably leads to some

course of action. Affordances, or clues in the environment that indicate possibilities for action,

are perceived in a direct, immediate way with no sensory processing. It can be used for

improving learning in general, and language learning in particular. Learning is not a linear

process. It's a dialogic integrative process that should go beyond traditional classroom

practices. It will be a good and brilliant idea to mix reality with technological tools that might

enhance language learning.

Basically, every AR application have its own weakness and strength. Users need to

know their needs and interests so they know the right application that suitable with their

focuses. For example, if they want to learn another translation language other than Chinese

language (Mandarin), they can go for Memrise system. If the user tend to understand the

learning that contain many explanations and words, so they need to use the relevant application.

There are many choices they can found in application store. They just need to use applications

that are compatible with their emphasis to perceive the effectiveness of the application itself.

For our group project, research on these existing products and its specific features will be taken

for project enhancement. Features will be used as reference for the application to be developed.

In terms of advantages, it can be taken and these advantages are utilized in order to produce a

better product.

Chapter 3: System Development Methodology

3.1 Introduction

A Software development methodology or system development methodology in

software engineering is a framework that is used to structure, plan and control the process of

developing an information system.SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle is the

process consisting of a series of planned activities to develop or alter the software product.

Therefore, this chapter will discuss the methodology that will be used for our group project

which is AR Bahasa Mandarin (ARBM). The development methodology used for our

application is RADITER model. RADITER is recommended to enable systematic approach in

the development of augmented reality-based applications. This model also chosen because it

gives procedural guide for planning and delivering instruction that integrates technology and

media into the teaching process. It also helps to organize instructional that we want to deliver

in ARBM. RADITER model is integration of Waterfall model and Assure model. This

methodology consist of five phases which is requirement analysis, design, implementation,

testing and evaluate.

3.2 Methodology Choice And Justification

For software process model selection, we decided to choose RADITER model. We use

RADITER model because of variety factors. This model is chosen because it gives

procedural guide for planning and delivering instruction that integrates technology and

media into the teaching process. It also helps to organize instructional that we want to

deliver in ARBM. This model also can be used by all because it is simple and easy to

understand. By using this model, learners is centered. This is because in requirement

analysis phase, we also analyze the learner based on their prior knowledge. It helps

developer to develop a right courseware based on the learner requirements. In RADITER

model, there is also testing phase. Testing phase is done by the developers and testers.

Testing phase is important to make sure there is no defect in ARBM and it meets all the

functional requirements stated in the first phase that is requirement analysis. After being

tested, there is also evaluate phase in RADITER model. This phase is where ARBM is

being tested and evaluate by the learner. In this phase, we can know whether ARBM that

we develop meets the learner expectation and function accordingly based on what the

learner need from ARBM. RADITER model is integration of RADITER model and Assure

model. Hence, RADITER model will give guidelines to develop ARBM with high

efficiency in time, cost and quality. Furthermore, RADITER model is only concentrate in

developing a software without concern to what the learner is actually need. While, Assure

model focus in learner analysis. By integrating this two models, we can provide a complete

phases to develop ARBM. The RADITER model contains six phases that are requirement

analysis, design, implementation, testing and evaluate.

3.3 Phases within chosen methodology

Phase Activities Model/Tool/Technique Deliverable

Requirement -Requirement -Voice recorder -Voice transcript

analysis elicitation -Video recorder -Software

-Interview Requirement

-Brainstorming Specification (SRS)

-Requirement -Voice transcription


-Requirement -Requirement reviews


Design -Architectural -Use case diagram -Software Design

design represents Functional Documentation

diagram (SDD)

-Activity diagram

represents Behavioral


-Umlet software

-SmartDraw software

Implementation -Create 3D objects -Unity software -Source code

-Create 3D objects -Vuforia software -Working system

-Create coding for -Android Studio

mobile application software

Testing -System testing -Katalon Studio -Test cases

software -Test report

-Takes an external -Black box test -Defect report

perspective of the technique -Software Testing

test object to derive Documentation

test cases (STD)

-Uses an internal -White box test

perspective of the technique

system to design

test cases based on

internal structure

Evaluate -Get feedback from -Questionnaire -Questionnaire

user analyze report

Phase 1 - Requirement analysis

The first phase of RADITER model is requirement analysis. In this phase all the

requirements of ARBM is defined clearly in detail to make sure the development process run

smoothly. We elicit the requirement through interview with target users. In Interview, ARBM

requirement team will ask questions to the target users in order to know the requirements that

needed for ARBM to be developed, and hence requirement team can gather the requirements

from the answers. We elicit the requirement through brainstorming also. We will call important

stakeholders for ARBM and sit together to brainstorming on ARBM. Next we will analysis all

those requirements that we gather. All the interviews and brainstorming sessions are conducted

by recording it with video recorder and audio recorder. The requirement team will do an audio

tran scripting and analyze the requirements gather. Last is requirement validation. The

requirement team will seek confirmation of all those requirements from important stakeholders.

The deliverables from this phase is audio transcription and Software Requirement Specification

document (SRS).

Phase 2 – Design

The second phase of RADITER model is design. Design is a phase to transform user

requirements from previous phase, into suitable form, which will help the programmer in next

phase, implementation. In this phase, it will design ARBM for architectural design. In

architectural design, it will represent the structure of all components that are required to build

ARBM. Use case diagram and activity diagram are implemented in architectural design by

using Umlet. Use case diagram will give view of what function that user can perform using

ARBM and what function ARBM can perform. Use case diagram represents functional

diagram for ARBM. Activity diagram will describe all the interactions in ARBM. For activity

diagram, it will represent behavioural diagram for ARBM. Design team will use SmartDraw to

design architectural for ARBM. The deliverables from this phase is use case diagram, activity

diagram and Software Design Documentation (SDD).

Phase 3 – Implementation

The third phase of RADITER model is implementation. During implementation, the

development team creates the actual application. In this phase, activity of coding started.

Development team takes information from the previous phase and create a functional ARBM.

Coding is where all design specifications from previous phase are developed in small programs

called unit and turned into functional ARBM. To create 3D objects, development team use

Vuforia and Unity as tool to create the objects. The 3D objects will appear in smartphone when

the user scan the ARBM card. For the mobile apps, the development team use Android Studio

as tool to create the coding. The deliverables from this phase are source code and a working

system of ARBM.

Phase 4 – Testing

The fourth phase of RADITER model is testing phase. The activities perform in this

phase are integration of system testing. ARBM is tested to make sure if it works as expected.

Perform testing activities (Functional and non-functional) to make sure that ARBM meets the

requirements stated. The testing team will use dynamic testing to perform testing that is black-

box and white-box testing. The tool use for system testing is Katalon Studio. If any defect,

error or failure occur, it will be need to be stated in report. The testing activities need to be

stated in report to perceive possible continuity problems before they happen. In this phase the

deliverables are test cases, test report, defect report and Software Testing Documentation


Phase 4 – Evaluate

The last phase of RADITER model is evaluate. In last phase, it will focus on getting feedback

from the real user. By getting feedback from real user, we can know if ARBM has meets the

objectives stated in requirement analysis phase or not. We can also know if ARBM meets user

expectation or not. By getting feedback from real user, it is more appropriate than getting

feedback from our team itself. This is because, real user feedback is not the same with IT

people. Ultimately this last phase is the most important. It is helpful to reflect on ARBM

objective, requirements, the instructional strategy and the instructional materials. By evaluating

the usrr against the objectives it can be determined if the lesson was effective and whether any

step needs to be modify or re-examined. To get user feedback, we use questionnaire. The

deliverable from this last phase is questionnaire analyse report.

Use case diagram


1. User scan QR code to get the mobile application.

2. User scan AR Mandarin card with camera.

3. User view the Mandarin character on the phone.

4. User can hear the Mandarin character pronounciation.

5. User can click Exit in the mobile application to exit ARBM.

Sequence diagram


1. User scan the QR code to get the AR mobile application in their phone.

2. After getting the AR mobile application, user can scan the mandarin card.

3. User can choose exit to quit or exit from ARBM.

4. User can scan the Mandarin card and view character on their phone together hear the

Mandarin card pronounciation.

{Activity Diagram}

For designing all UML diagrams, we use Umlet as tool. Umlet is a free and open source

tool to help in designing UML. We use Umlet to draw use case, sequence diagram and activity

diagram above. Umlet is easy to use even just for a beginner. It also has a good user interface

beside of helping us to draw UML diagram fast.

3.4 Technology and Tools used to develop the system

For this project, the main technology or tool used to build the Augmented Reality

are Vuforia. Vuforia is one of the most popular platforms to help you work with

augmented reality development.

Supported platforms: Android, iOS, UWP and Unity Editor.

Functionalities: Recognition of the different types of visual objects (a box, cylinder,

plane), text and environments recognition, VuMark (a combination of picture and QR-

code). Also, using Vuforia Object Scanner, you can scan and create object targets. The

recognition process can be implemented using the database (local or cloud storage).

3.5 System requirement analysis: Hardware and Software {buat justification untk

stiap list ni

3.5 System requirement analysis: hardware and software

• List and justify


Processor Two quad core processors

RAM 4 GB RAM ( 8 GB Recommended )

Disk Space 50 GB Minimum ( Recommended )

Graphic Card Nvidia GeForce 550M or AMD


1. Operating System: Windows 10

2. Database: MySQLite

3. Java SE 9

4. Unity

5. Blender

6. Search Engine (Browser)

7. Vuforia

3.6 Chapter Summary

In conclusion, this chapter have been detailed discovered the methodology that

will be guided through ARBM development. Each phase fully describes and made this

project easier to maintain successful until finished. Each phase is related one of each

another, therefore to start a new phase, we must finish a previous phase first.


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