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A thesis submitted for partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of








A thesis submitted for partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of




In the name of
The most Gracious
The most merciful
Who’s Help We Solicit


Water is the basic necessity of human life and the great blessing of ALLAH. The present study
focuses on the investigation of the existing drinking water quality status of Uthal city using
different physio-chemical parameters e:g pH, TDS, EC, Bicarbonate, Chloride, Hardness,
Sodium, Potassium, Alkalinity, Nitrate, Turbidity and Fluoride concentrations. It is noticed that
the ground water quality of Uthal city is declining day by day due to over extraction for the
cultivation of banana crop and also due to the amount of less rainfall in the area. This situation
leads to the major health problems found in the habitants of the city.

The city meets its water demand from an underground water source and 14 samples were
collected from different sources for analyses. The results obtained were compared with the
standards prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO). From the pH values it is noticed
that the water is alkaline in nature but EC were found to be very high in all the samples and the
remaining physio -chemical parameters were found close to the WHO prescribed standards.
However, regarding the aesthetic and acceptability of physical parameters like color and
turbidity were within permissible limit of WHO recommended guideline for permissible limit.
The results predicted that the depth of ground water is increasing rapidly. Hence it is suggested
that there should be ban on ground water mining and would be monitored carefully to stop the
further degradation of water quality.


I declare that this thesis entitled “Assessment of Drinking Water Quality and the
Distribution System of Uthal City Balochistan” is the result of our team research except as
cited in the references. The project has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently
submitted in candidature of any other degree.

Signature: Signature:


Date: Date:



It is stated that all substance (whole text, tables, graphs, pictures, maps, sketches or any
other creative work used without references/citations) within this thesis is the copyright material
of Lasbella University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences (LUAWMS), Uthal, Pakistan.
The use of any materials for academic and non-commercial purposes is allowed with proper
citation of this thesis. The written permission from the author through the LUAWMS is required
for commercial purposes.

Copyright © LUAWMS


It is Certified that contents and form of thesis submitted by Adil Zahid, Zia-ur-Rehman, Saood
Qasim and Tariq Aziz on “Assesment of drinking Water Quality and the Distribution
System of Uthal City Balochistan" has been found satisfactory. We hereby declare that we have
read this thesis and in our opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the
award of degree of BS in Water Resources Management.

1. Supervisor Engr. Muhammad Irfan Malik

Assistant professor
Faculty of WRM

2. Co Supervisor Engr. Imdad Hussain Khoso

Faculty of WRM

3. Dean Dr. Nadeem Nawaz

Assistant Professor
Faculty of WRM

Date of Thesis Defence _________________________2018


This work is dedicated to our families and to all those who believe in the richness of


First, we thanks to the Almighty ALLAH for His protection and guidance in all aspects of
our life.
Next, we would like to express sincere thanks to our supervisor Engr. Muhammad Irfan
Malik (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Water Resources Management) for his invaluable and
tireless efforts in supporting, and supervising us on this BS WRM study. Thank you for your
timely supervising and sharing your valuable professional experiences to equip us in the areas of
investigation of drinking water quality from source to point of distribution of Uthal City.

We owe many gratitude to all individuals and organizations who helped us in making this
study possible by sharing their experiences, resources, time, and efforts. With this regard, we
would like to thank Dr Nadeem Nawaz (Dean Faculty of Water Resources Management), and
Engr. Imdad Hussain Khosa for their intellectual support in drinking water quality parameter
assessments. We would also like to thank Uthal city Water Supply and their experts, mainly
Engr. Tanveer Jamote (SDO of the Public health engineering department), for their
intellectual help and providing me relevant data on water supply system and drinking Water

Last but not the least we would like to pay our heartiest thanks to the PCSIR laboratories
Karachi centre for their support and allow us to test the samples in their water quality lab. We
pay our thanks to Dr. Nusrat and Ms. Warda for their valuable time and technical support, which
helps us in completing our study effectively.

We also thanks to all my teachers, friends and relatives who in one way or another
supported us during the whole length of my BS WRM study.

1.1 Introduction
1.2. Problem Statement
1.3. Scope of the Research
1.4. Objectives
3.1 Study Area
3.2 Data Acquisition
3.3. Existing Water Supply System of the city
3.4. Current Status of the System
3.5. Methodology
3.5.1. Method of Sampling
3.5.2. Physio-chemical Test Methods
3.5.3. Titration
4.1. Physio-chemical analysis
4.1.1. Electrical Conductivity (EC)
4.1.2. Total dissolved solids (TDS)
4.1.3. pH

4.1.4. Turbidity
4.1.5. Alkalinity
4.1.6. Total Hardness
4.1.7. Chloride (Cl)
4.1.8. Calcium (Ca)
4.1.9. Magnesium (Mg)
4.1.10. Sodium (Na)
4.1.11. Potassium (K)
4.1.12. Bicarbonates (HCO3)


EC Electrical Conductivity

MS Microsoft

NTU Ne photometric Turbidity Unit

pH Power of Hydrogen ion scale

EDTA Ethylene Di-Amine Tetra Acetic Acid

TDS Total Dissolved Solid

UNICEF United Nation International Children’s Emergency Fund

PCRWR Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources

P.H.E.D Public health engineering department.

P.C.S.I.R Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

W.H.O World Health Organization



1.1 Introduction

Water is one of the main important abiotic components of the environment.

Approximately, 97% of the total water is found in oceans, which is not appropriate for drinking,
and only 3% is considered as fresh water, out of which 2.97% is found as glaciers and ice caps.
Only the remaining little portion, 0.03%, is obtainable as surface and ground water for human
use (Muhammad et al., 2013). Clean drinking water is a basic need for good health and it is a
rudimentary right of humans (WHO, 2001). In addition, it is impossible to imagine clean and
sanitary environment without water. At the launch of the International drinking water supply and
sanitation decade (in November 1980), Dr H.T.Mahler, Director-General of the World Health
Organization (WHO), stated that: “the number of water taps per 1000 population is a much
better indicator of a country's health status than the number of hospital beds”, (Development
Forum, 1987).Water quality is the measure of how good the water is, in terms of supporting
beneficial uses or meeting its environmental standards. Potable water is the water which is
suitable for drinking and cooking purposes. Portability considers both the safety of water in
terms of health, and its acceptability to the consumer, usually in terms of taste, odor, color, and
other sensible qualities (Benignos, 2012). Access to safe drinking water and sanitation is a global
concern Safe drinking water is a basic need for good health, and it is also a basic right of
humans. Fresh water is already a limiting resource in many parts of the world. In the next
century, it will become even more limiting due to increased population, urbanization, and climate
change (Jackson et al. 2001).

With most of the global surface water resources utilized, groundwater is now practically
the last remaining frontier for irrigated agriculture. Many of the low rainfall areas of Asia and
North Africa have witnessed a spec-tabular development of dug wells and tube wells in the
recent past (Raqya, 1991; Rao, 1991; Moench, 1992).The most predominant water borne disease,

diarrhea, has an estimated annual incidence of 4.6 billion episodes and causes 2.2 million death
every year (UNICEF/WHO, 2012).

However, developing countries like (i.e. Pakistan) the drinking quality of water is
continuously being contaminated and hazardous for human use due to high growth of population,
expansion in industries, throwing away of waste water and chemical effluents into canals and
other water sources. Howeverdue to lack of proper management strategy for water resources, the
country faces problems of quantity and quality. Pakistan have suffered from a lack of access to
safe drinking water quality and cause of human health problems due to waterborne diseases.
Environment profile of Pakistan indicates that about 40 percent of deaths are related to water
borne diseases resulting from the effluent added by different sources (MCP, 1997). Today, close
to a billion people, most living in the developing world, do not have access to safe and adequate
water (UNICEF/WHO, 2012). The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that around
94% of the global diarrheal burden and 10% of the total disease burden are due to unsafe
drinking water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygienic practices (Pruss-Ustun and Covalan,
2006; Fewtrell et al., 2007; Doria, 2010).

Balochistan is the largest of the five provinces of Pakistan, which constitutes of 44% of the
entire area of Pakistan. The provincial plateau represents mostly hilly terrain. Balochistan has
spacious agro-ecological diversity and is divided into four agro-climatic zones – uplands, coastal,
planes and desert (PARC, 1980). In Balochistan, because of utmost aridity and deficit of
perpetual sources of surface water, the groundwater has been conceived the only reliable source
of water to encounter the growing demands. Historically, water has been extracted from dug
wells and springs. Increased dependence on groundwater sources ensued in large scale drilling of
tube wells which has played a key role in extraordinary groundwater depletion. Groundwater
level declined appreciably in the valley and up to a meter per year decline has been recorded, and
it is predicted that aquifer storage will be consumed in the next 20 years (PCRWR 2002)

Water supply in Uthal city is done through ground water by public health engineering
department through pipeline connections, and also fulfills the requirements through private
boreholes, wells, rain water harvesting and rivers. Uthal is an arid region but the most farmers

are cultivating bananas which require more water this is also the other reason for depletion of
water in the area. The water table of the city is depleting day by day by excessive discharge
(miss management of water resources) due to lack of knowledge and awareness and low
recharge. The quality of the water may not good when the leakage of water supply occurs which
can mix with sewerage water which highly affects the health of population. The total discharge
of seven tube wells are 26 thousand gallon per hour which is supplied to the city for 5 hours a
day except private boreholes and private wells.

1.2. Problem Statement

Water quality and the risk of water-associated diseases are serious public health concerns
in many developing countries like Pakistan. This is mainly due to lack of proper research and
subsequent monitoring of water quality parameters for most of the cities of Pakistan. The
population of Uthal city obtain their drinking water from ground water supply schemes, which is
located in different sites of the city. So far, there is more research activity conduct on the water
supply system of the city that may enable one to know the quality of drinking water and the
effectiveness of the water supply network systems. The health sector of the city regularly reports
that water related diseases are one of the top-ten diseases, and there are certain indicators that the
population of the city is suffering from water-associated diseases, very probably due to poor
drinking water quality.

Water supply system of the city have large transmissions and distributions lines that may
have problem on changes of pressure in the distribution system. For the reason that the increase
in water age is dependent on the difference between the production and consumption rates, high
residence time in pipes and storage duration in water tanks some of the problems. The city water
supply network is very old and pipe network is frequently damaged from which the sewerage
water is entering and contaminating the drinking water. This old supply network will not meet
the growing demand of safe drinking water to the residents of the city. For the clean and safe
drinking water for the inhabitants of the city new water supply network should be installed by
considering the future demand.

1.3. Scope of the Research

This study was mainly focused on investigating the different physio-chemical parameters
to identify the drinking water quality of the city, and relationship of water quality from initial
point to end with pressure distribution to the water supply scheme. The lack of enough budgets,
logistics, distance of the study area from laboratory, and chemical reagents were some of the
main challenges/limitations for the research work. The investigation from sources to point of
distribution to the customer was specifically focused only on the major standards of water quality
parameters (physical and chemical), without considering heavy metals due to lack of reagents.
More attention has been given to identifying the major factors of water quality deterioration,
pressure and variations, of water supply scheme.

1.4. Objectives

The main objective of this study was to assess the drinking water quality of the city
through investigating the quantitative and qualitative measures of water quality parameters
Specific objective include
 To characterize the drinking water quality from source to point of distribution
 To assess the safety and acceptability of drinking water quality parameters using different
characteristics unit process such as physical and chemical through laboratory experiment.



Balochistan is the water scarce province of Pakistan and is facing an unprecedented water
shortage, owing to climate change and poor water management, resulting in exploitation of water
at a rate faster than its replenishment. Particularly in the upland, the water scarcity problem is
even more worrisome as water tables are falling at the rate on average five meter per annum,
threatening the viability of agriculture communities (Khair et al., 2010).The groundwater
monitoring studies during the 1990s indicated a drop of around 0.23–1.09 m/year in some parts
of Quetta (Nguyen et al. 2007).

The health of any community fully depends on the accessibility of adequate and safe
water. Hence, water is predominantly essential for life, health and for human self-respect.
Therefore, in addition to community health benefits, all people have the right to safe and
adequate water retrieved in equitable manner for drinking, cooking, personal, and domestic
hygiene. In this case, both adequacy and safety of drinking water are equally important to reduce
the incidence of water-related & water borne health problems especially diseases like diarrheal
(Bharti et al, 2011).

A possible contamination source that carries threats to drinking water quality are open
field defecation, animal wastes, plants, economic activities (agricultural, industrial and
businesses) and even wastes from residential areas as well as flooding situation of the area. Any
water sources, especially older water supply systems, hand dug wells; pumped or gravity-fed
systems (including treatment plants, reservoirs, pressure break tank, pipe networks, and delivery
points) are vulnerable to such contamination. Particularly systems with casings or caps that are
not watertight are most vulnerable. This is particularly true if the water sources are located close
to surface runoff that might be able to enter the source. Additional way by which pollution
reaches and enters a water supply system is through overflow or infiltration by floodwaters and
inundation of waters commonly contain high levels of contaminants (Haylamichael et al., 2012).

The fitness of community extremely depends on the availability of safe and adequate
water for drinking, domestic use, and personal hygiene. If public health is to be improved and
maintained through provision of safe and adequate water supply the major five key elements are
vital which includes quantity, quality, cost, coverage, and continuity. Most of the time the
occurrence of communicable diseases in the country is related with water supply conditions in
the locality. Infectious diseases affected by changes in the water supply condition are categorized
as follows (Addisie, M., 2012)
 Those spread through drinking water (water borne diseases, such as typhoid, cholera,
gastroenteritis etc.)
 Those transferred through aquatic vectors (water based diseases, such as schistosomiasis)
 Those spread by insects that depend on water (water related diseases, such as malaria and
yellow fever)
 Those diseases produced by the lack of adequate water for personal hygiene (water
washed diseases, such as scabies and trachoma.

Based on the morbidity records, there is still a high incidence of communicable diseases
which most of the time is related to water supply conditions in the country among which about
60% of the top ten diseases are relate to poor quality and scarcity of household water
consumption (UNICEF, 2008).

Drinking water quality is a relative term that relates the composition of water with effects
of natural processes and human activities. Deterioration of drinking water quality arises from
introduction of chemical compounds into the water supply system through leaks and cross
connection (Napacho and Manyele2010).

During a study conducted in Pakistan’s biggest city Karachi, out of hundreds of samples
of water no one was found safe for drinking purposes (Ihsanullah, 2009). Water scarcity in the
region has also resulted from degradation of water sources such as boreholes not being protected
thus making the water unfit for human consumption (Ngima, 2015).

Water quality analyses
Before determining on the ground water, it is important to conduct water quality tests
through representative samples. These tests ideally should be performing on sites and through
samples taken to the laboratory for definitive analysis a at (PCSIR ) Karachi.
Water quality parameters
Water quality parameters are classified in two aspects such as physical, chemical, and
biological characteristics of water in association to the set of standards. These parameters
directly connected to the safety of the drinking water to human use. Water quality parameters
deliver important information about the fitness of a water body. These limits are used to find out
the quality of water for drinking purpose.

Physical aspects of drinking water quality

Physical aspects of drinking water quality mainly classified as; temperature, color, odor,
taste, turbidity, PH, electrical conductivity, and total dissolved solids and regards to examination
of quality test categorized in to physiochemical and aesthetical parameters .

Physiochemical examination

pH of water
The pH of pure water refers to states of acidity and alkalinity of solutions with respect to
hydrogen and hydroxide ions can be expressed by a series of positive numbers between 0 to 14.
In general, water with a pH of 7 is considered neutral while lower than this referred acidic and a
pH greater than 7 known as basic. Normally, water pH ranges from 6 to 8.5. It is noticed that
water with low pH tends to be toxic and with high degree of pH, it is turned into bitter taste.
According to the WHO standards, pH of water should be 6.5 to 8.5 It is significant to measure
pH at the similar time as chlorine residual since the effectiveness of disinfection with chlorine is
extremely pH dependent: where the pH exceeds 8.0, disinfection is less effective. To check that
the pH is in the optimal range for disinfection with chlorine (less than 8.0), simple tests may be
conducted in the field using comparators such as that used for chlorine residual. With some
chlorine comparators, it is possible to measure pH and chlorine residual simultaneously.

Total dissolved solids (TDS)
Water has the aptitude to dissolve an extensive variety of inorganic and some organic
mineral deposits or salts such as potassium, calcium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides,
magnesium, sulfates etc. These mineral deposits formed undesirable taste and diluted color in
appearance of water. There is no contract have been developed on bad or optimistic effects of
water that exceeds the WHO standard of maximum permissible level is 1,000 mg/l. A total
dissolved solid (TDS) in drinking water originates in numerous ways from sewage and urban
industrial wastewater etc. Hence, TDS test is mostly an indication to control the general quality
of the water.

Electrical conductivity (EC)

Used to measure the ability of aqueous solution to carry an electric current such as;
concentration of ions, mobility, valence and temperature. Clean water is not a good electrode of
electric current rather a good heat proofing and increase in ions concentration improves the
electrical conductivity of water. In general, the amount of dissolvedreally measures the ionic
process of a solution that allows it to transmit current. Therefore, ac solids in water concludes
that the electrical conductivity. Electrical conductivity (EC) is cording to WHO standards EC
value of drinking water quality should not exceeded 400 μS/cm

Turbidity is a measure of the degree of cloudiness or muddiness of water. It is an
expression for an optical property that causes light to be scattered and absorbed. It is not possible
to correlate turbidity with the weight concentration of suspended matter because light scattering
properties of the suspended particulate matter depends upon size, shape and refractive index of
the particulates. It is caused by suspended matter such as clay, silts, finely divided organic and
inorganic matter, soluble colored organic compounds, plankton, and other microscopic

Turbidity is important because it touches both the acceptability of water to consumers,

and the selection and competence of treatment processes, particularly the efficiency of

disinfection with chlorine since it uses a chlorine demand, defends microorganisms, and may
stimulate the growth of bacteria.

Aesthetic parameters of drinking water quality

Aesthetic limits are those obvious by the senses, namely turbidity, colour, taste, and
odour. They are important in monitoring public water supplies because they may cause the water
supply to be disallowed and alternative (possibly poorer-quality) sources to be adopted, and they
are simple and cheap to monitor qualitatively in the field

Chemical aspects of drinking water quality parameters

Chemical impurity of drinking water supply sources may be causes due to natural sources
such as; certain industries and agricultural exercises. While toxic chemicals are present in
drinking water, there is the risk that they may cause either acute or chronic health effects.
Chronic health effects are more common than acute effects because the levels of chemicals in
drinking water are rarely high enough to cause acute health effects (Benignos, 2012).
The major chemical or inorganic parameters of drinking water quality mainly classified
as; pH , TDS, hardness, calcium, magnesium, chloride, fluoride, alkalinity, nitrate, bicarbonate,
sodium, potassium, turbidity, EC , and some toxic metals such as; copper, chromium (cr+6),
Iron, Manganese, etc.


Hardness of drinking water is due firstly to calcium and magnesium carbonates and
bicarbonates (which can be removed by boiling) and calcium and magnesium sulfate and
chloride (which can be removed by chemical precipitation using lime and sodium carbonate).

Hard water is mainly described with high mineral contents that are usually not dangerous
for humans. It is frequently measured as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) because it contains mainly

calcium and carbonates which are the most dissolved ions in hard water. Public acceptability of
the degree of hardness of water may be different considerably from one community to another.


The presence of acid substances is indicated by pH below 7.0 and alkaline substances by
pH greater than 7.0. Acidic water is corrosive to metallic pipes. Alkalinity is the presence of one
or more ions in water including hydroxides, carbonates, and bicarbonates. It can be define as the
capacity to neutralize acid. Moderate concentration of alkalinity is desirable in most drinking
water supplies to stable the corrosive effects of acidity. However, excessive quantities may cause
a number of damages. The WHO standards express the alkalinity only in terms of total dissolved
solids (TDS) of 500 mg/l

Nitrate (NO3)

Nitrate is one of the extreme significant disease causing parameters of drinking water
quality, particularly blue baby syndrome in babies and has been used as an indicator for the
presence of organics. Nitrates can cause methemoglobinemia at greater than 100 mg/l where a
baby cannot take breaths enough oxygen (Roberts, 2006). The sources of nitrate are nitrogen
cycle, industrial waste, nitrogenous fertilizers etc. The WHO guide lines maximum permissible
values of nitrate in drinking water is 50 mg/l as NO3 for nitrate and 3mg/l as NO2 for nitrite
(Alan et al., 2000).

Chloride (Cl)

Sometimes special significance is given to the chloride contents of water, particularly

sodium chloride and is mainly obtained from the dissolution of salts of hydrochloric acid as table
salt (NaCl), NaCO2 and sources of chlorides are mainly from road salts, wastewater, storm
sewers and animal feed etc (Terence, 1979). Surface water bodies often have low concentration
of Cl and are a home of main physiological processes. High chloride concentration demolition

metallic pipes and structure as well as harms growing plants. Permitting to WHO guideline
maximum permissible limits of the concentration of chloride should not exceed 250 mg/l.


Calcium is the greatest significant and abundant in the human body and sufficient
consumption is essential for normal growth and health. Around 95 percent calcium in human
Body stockpiled in bones and teeth. The high deficiency of calcium in humans may cause of;
rickets, poor blood clotting, bones fracture etc. The maximum daily requirement is of the order
of 1 - 2 grams and come from mostly dairy products. There is certain evidence to indication that
the incidence of heart disease is reduced in areas served by a public water supply with a high
degree of hardness, the primary constituent of which is calcium, so that the presence of the
element in a drinking water supply is advantageous to health (Environmental Protection Agency,
2001). According to WHO (1996), its permissible range in drinking water is up to 75 mg/l.

Magnesium (Mg)
Magnesium is plentiful and a major nutritional requirement for humans (0.3-0.5 g/day). It
is the second major component of hardness and it generally comprises 15-20 percent of the total
hardness expressed as CaCO3 (Environmental Protection Agency, 2001). Human body contains
about 25g of magnesium (60% in bones and 40% in muscles and tissues). According to the
WHO standards, the allowable range of magnesium in water should be 150 mg/l.



3.1. Study Area

The Uthal city is located on 25°48ˋ26ˋˋN latitude and 66°37ˋ19ˋˋ62 E longitudes, 24m
above the mean sea level. Area of the city region is about 15153 km². According to 2017 census
report population of Uthal city is 72,526. The climate of Uthal city is mostly hot. Summer are
mostly hot and humid while the winter season is moderate and pleasant. The mean rainfall in the
year is 254 mm and the raining season is generally in the months of July and August.

Fig.1: Location map of Uthal city.

3.2. Data Acquisition

Water samples were collected in pre-cleaned plastic bottles with necessary precaution from
different sites from 1 April 2018 to 15 April 2018 to analyse various physio-chemical parameters
of drinking water. Selections of seven different stations were identified and water samples were
collected at sites and assign as Irrigation colony stadium, B & R colony, Hindu Muhala, Sharif
colony, Jamali colony and Lakha Gooth. The main aim of the study was to investigate the
physio-chemical characteristics of water samples in Uthal city because most of these samples are
located in the vicinity of the city. Sample sites are identified in Table 1..

Table. 1. Water sampling stations

S.No Location Dia of tube Discharge Power source
wells (inch) (gal/hr)
1 Irrigation colony 4 4000 AC
2 Stadium colony 4 4000 AC
3 Hindu Muhala 4 4000 AC
4 B- and-R 4 4000 AC
5 Jamali colony 3 3000 DC
6 Sharif colony 3 3000 DC
7 Lakha gooth 4 4000 AC
Total hourly discharge 26,000 gal/hour

3.3. Existing Water Supply System of the city

The existing water supply source of Uthal city are bore wells. The existing water supply
scheme was studied and designed by Balochistan Water Engineering works and constructed by
Pakistan Water Works Construction Enterprise. The construction work of the scheme was
completed about 38 years ago in 1980. The scheme was designed as water supply service to
alleviate the supply of water to the city.

Detail information was gathered for clear understanding of the existing water supply
demand, coverage, service level, operation, and maintenance of the scheme from Water Supply
and Sewerage Authority Office. Moreover, the community in the city needs additional protected
water supply sources in the views of beneficiaries both from the commercial, public and
domestic consumption for potable water of the existing scheme. This is caused due to the
increased living standards of the residents.

3.4. Current Status of the System

The current status of the water supply scheme was assesses by field observations and
discussions. As a result, the following gaps were identified. The design of the treatment plant
was having pre-treatment unit of horizontal roughing filtration unit and slow sand filtration unit.
However, at present the horizontal filtration unit has been changed into sedimentation unit
preceded by chemical coagulation system due to frequent clogging of the roughing filter media.
For chemical coagulation alum added into the raw water without any appropriate coagulation and
flocculation unit as the horizontal roughing unit has not been designed to meet such conditions.
Thus, it is anticipated that flocculation and coagulation is not properly carried out in this system.
Besides when Alum is added to water, because of the chemical reaction the pH of the water
could be low, this in turn could affect slow sand filter unit, which is biological treatment unit that
depends on bacteria. The low pH could perhaps kill certain bacteria, which are important for the
filtration unit. Moreover, adding of chemical could incur additional cost on the utility

3.5. Methodology

3.5.1. Method of Sampling

Samples were taken from locations that are representative of the water source to the
distribution network, points at which water is delivered to the consumer, and points of use. In
selecting sampling points, each locality was considered individually; however, the following
general criteria are usually applicable:

Sampling points should be selected in such a way that the samples taken are
representative of the different tube wells and to the end of distributions. These points should
include the samples representative of the conditions at the most unfavourable sources or places in
the supply system, particularly low-pressure end zones.

3.5.2. Physio-chemical Test Methods

For Total Dissolved Solids, pH, Electrical Conductivity, Nitrate and Fluoride
measurements, the water samples were collected in bottles randomly by washing with distilled
water. The pH meter HANNA HI 2211, TDS and EC meter HACH, having electrodes were used
immediately on spot to measure pH, Temperature, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and Electrical
Conductivity (EC), respectively. These electrodes were immersed in the samples and then the
measured parameters were displayed on the LCD screen of the instruments.

The physiochemical tests were performed using UV Thermo scientific

spectrophotometer. A powder reagent chemical was dissolved in 10ml of water sample in a
cylindrical sample cell and allowed to react. Color develops with intensity proportional to the
amount of the target element was measured. Each element has a unique maximum absorption
wavelength at which the spectrophotometer was adjusted. Light was allowed to pass through the
sample cell so that light is absorbed at the required wavelength. The results were displayed on
the LCD screenin mg/l in proportion to the amount of light absorbed at that particular

3.5.3. Titration
Titration is a laboratory method of quantitative analysis used to determine unknown
concentration of a substance by known substance. The analysis was performed using burette-
kind of laboratory glass made for exact measurement of volume of solution used by using Digital
EDTA (ethylene di-amine tetra acetic acid) is added as a titrant. The EDTA reacts with
all free calcium and magnesium in the sample. At the end of the titration, when free magnesium
ions are no longer available, EDTA removes magnesium ions from the indicator changes its
color from red to blue.



4.1. Physio-chemical analysis

The physio-chemical parameters directly related to the safety of the drinking water to
human consumption. The physio-chemical water quality parameters provide important
information about the health of a water body. These parameters are used to find out the quality of
water for drinking purpose. During field survey the following physio-chemical parameters were
also investigated using laboratorial experiment.

fourteen samples were collected at different tube wells of existing water supply system
from source to end point of distribution system were analysed. The physical and chemical water
quality parameters analyzed in the laboratory were pH, Turbidity, Color, Temperature, Electrical
Conductivity, Total Dissolved solids, total hardness, alkalinity, Potassium, Turbidity, Calcium,
Magnesium, Nitrate, Bicarbonate, Chloride and Fluoride.

4.1.1. Electrical Conductivity (EC)

Electrical conductivity laboratory results depicts that the EC values of Uthal city water
supply varies from 1410 to 3050 μS/cm, which is very high at all the stations exceeding the
WHO maximum permissible limits as shown in Fig. 4.1. These results clearly indicate that the
water in the systems are characterized by high ionized and has the high level of ionic
concentration activity due to high concentrations of dissolved solids.

Figure 4.1: Electrical Conductivity values of different stations

4.1.2. Total dissolved solids (TDS)

Water has the ability to dissolve a wide range of inorganic and some organic minerals or salts
such as potassium, calcium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides, magnesium, sulfates etc. These
minerals produced un-wanted taste and diluted color in appearance of water. This is the
important parameter for the use of water. The water with high TDS value indicates that water is
highly mineralized. Desirable limit for TDS is 500 mg/l and maximum limits 1000 mg/l which
prescribed for drinking purpose. The concentration of TDS in present study was observed in the

range of 703 to 1699 mg/l as shown in Fig.4.2. The stations which are not within the permissible
limit of WHO standards are affecting the persons and suffering from kidney and heart diseases

Figure 4.2: TDS values of different stations

4.1.3. pH

pH is an index of the amount of hydrogen ions (H+) that are in a substance. The pH scale
measured with respect to neutral substances as reference. Substances with a pH higher than 7.0
(7.1 - 14.0) are considered alkaline or basic. Substances with a pH less than 7.0 (0 - 6.9) are
considered acidic. According to the WHO, the minimum and maximum allowable pH ranges
from 6.5 to 8.5 for portable water.

The pH values of water in the study area ranges from 7.25 to 7.87 for most of the sample
as shown in Fig 4.3. In general, the result shows that the existing water supply of Uthal city is
slightly alkaline.

Figure 4.3: pH values of different stations

4.1.4. Turbidity

The turbidity of water depends on the quantity of solid matter present in the suspended
state. It is a measure of light emitting properties of water. The WHO recommended value is 5.00
NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit). The lab results indicates that the turbidity was found to be
in range and very low as shown in Fig 4.4.

Figure 4.4: Turbidity values of different stations
4.1.5. Alkalinity

Alkalinity is a measure of the ability of water to absorb hydrogen ions without significant
pH change. Simply stated, alkalinity is a measure of the buffering capacity of water and is thus a
measure of the ability or capacity of water to neutralize acids. The major chemical constituents
of alkalinity in natural water supplies are bicarbonate, carbonate, and hydroxyl ions. These
compounds are mostly the carbonates and bicarbonates of magnesium, and calcium.

The Total alkalinity assessment of the study area shows that it varies from 100 to 550
mg/l of CaCo3 as shown in Fig. 4.5. These results show that at all points of sample taken the
values of total alkalinity lay below the WHO maximum permissible limit.

Figure 4.5: Alkalinity values of different stations

4.1.6. Total Hardness

Hardness may be considered as a physical or chemical parameter of water. It represents

total concentration of Calcium and Magnesium ions. Originally, hardness was examined and
evaluated in raw water sampling as an indicator of water quality in terms of precipitating soap.

The laboratory results shown below in Fig 4.6 that the degree of hardness of the Uthal
city water supply can be categorized as the moderately soft and hard water at some stations.

Figure 4.6: Total Hardness values of different stations

4.1.7. Chloride (Cl)

Chlorides are compounds of chlorine. They remain soluble in water, unaffected

biological process, therefore, reducible by dilution. Their concentration at higher levels than
adjacent waters is an indication of pollution (usually chloride concentration under 10mg/l is
expected (De Zuane, 1996).

High chloride concentration damage metallic pipes and structure as well as harms
growing plants. According to WHO standards, the concentration of chloride should not exceed
250 mg/l. In the study area, the chloride concentrations of the laboratory result were ranging
from 283- 604 mg/l as shown in Fig. 4.7. Consequently, all the samples have higher
concentration of chloride, as maximum permissible limit value set by WHO guidance level.

Figure 4.7: Chloride values of different stations

4.1.8. Calcium (Ca)

The Calcium is one of the alkaline earth elements, fifth in abundance in the earth‟s crust
(3%), reacts with water essential constituent of bones and teeth. Since there are no, or very
limited, standards propagated for calcium in drinking water because of no toxicity concern.
According to WHO guidance, the maximum permissible limit of calcium, in drinking water
quality is limited to 75mg/l for internationally acceptable value and 200mg/l as an excessive

Calcium in drinking water supply has not been associated with any specific disease, and
then an upper limit as a guide may be used, such as 75mg/l in relation to hardness. The lab
results ranges between 32 to 344 mg/l of calcium as shown in Fig. 4.8. The laboratory result of
calcium at the Stadium 2 location exceeds the WHO guidelines that can affect health of the

Figure 4.8: Calcium values of different stations

4.1.9. Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium is a light, silver-white, malleable, ductile, metallic chemical element; it is the

eight most abundant elements in the earth’s crust, never found as a free element. Magnesium has
been considered as nontoxic to humans at the concentration expected in water or not rejected by

According to WHO International Standard of Drinking Water (1963), the list of the
maximum acceptable level is 50mg/l and a maximum allowable level is 150 mg/l. The laboratory
result of the study area were found between the range of 24.23 to 155-30mg/l of (Mg+2) and
these values are below the maximum acceptable level set by WHO as shown in Fig.4.9 .

Figure 4.9: Magnesium values of different stations

4.1.10. Sodium (Na)

Sodium is a silver white metallic element and foundin less quantity in water. Proper
quantity of sodium in human body prevents many fatal diseases like kidney damages,
hypertension, headache etc.

According to WHO standards, concentration of sodium in drinking water are 200 mg/1.
In the study area Fig.4.10, the finding shows that sodium concentration ranges from 117
to235mg/1 of the city limit value set by WHO.

Figure 4.10: Sodium values of different stations

4.1.11. Potassium (K)

A soft, light, sliver-white, wax like, metallic, common chemical element of the alkali
group, similar to sodium, that oxidizes rapidly when exposed to air. In drinking water supply, tap
survey indicates that the values of potassium ranges from a minimum of 2.35mg/l to a maximum
of 3.52mg/l. According to the WHO, the maximum permissible limit value for potassium is
limited to 1.5mg/l. The laboratory result of potassium concentration at all sample points of the
location of the study area were not found between the expected range described above and below
the maximum permissible limit value set by WHO as shown in Fig: 4.11.

Figure 4.11: Potassium values of different stations

4.1.12. Bicarbonates (HCO3)

Bicarbonates concentration in water relies on pH and is usually more than 1000 mg/l in
groundwater. It is the standard alkaline constituent found almost all surface and ground water
bodies and therefore affects alkalinity and hardness of water. The weathering of rocks adds
bicarbonate content in water. Mostly bicarbonates are soluble in water i.e. bicarbonate of

magnesium and calcium etc. is the main causes of hardness of water. The hard water is modrate
soft and hard in some stations causes the gastro diseases. The value of bicarbonates is not
recommended by WHO however it is considered to be not more than 500 mg/l. Current study
revealed the concentration of bicarbonates ranges from 122 to 671 mg/l, but one station exceed
the WHO guideline as shown in Fig. 4.12.

Figure 4.12: Bicarbonate values of different stations

Table 4.1: Parameters with Calculated Values
S.No Name of pH TDS EC Bicarbonate Chloride Mg Ca
locations (mg/l) (µs/cm) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l)
1 Irrigation 7.6 1524 3050 244 531 29.07 64
Colony 1
2 Irrigation 7.9 1699 3020 200 355 48.46 120
Colony 2
3 Stadium 1 7.3 1277 2470 305 496 135.7 176
4 Stadium 2 7.9 1385 2800 244 604 155.1 344
5 Hindu Muhala 1 7.6 768 1540 305 320 43.61 100
6 Hindu Muhala 2 7.7 710 1437 122 319 72.69 120
7 B & R colony 1 7.3 980 1965 244 355 109 160
8 B & R colony 2 7.6 991 1980 244 301 109 140
9 Jamali Colony 1 7.6 1199 2400 244 426 29.07 64
10 Jamali Colony 2 7.6 1210 2410 244 460 82.38 104
11 Shareef colony 1 7.7 1006 2020 244 301 29.07 32
12 Shareef colony 2 7.5 962 1933 183 301 24.23 80
13 Lakha Gooth 1 7.3 836 1673 305 567 72.69 80
14 Lakha Gooth 2 7.7 703 1410 305 283 79.95 100

WHO standards for the following parameters

pH 6.5 - 8.5 TDS EC Bicarbonate Chloride Mg Ca
1000 400 500 250 150 70
mg/l µs/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l

Table 4.2: Parameters with Calculated Values
S.No Name of Hardness Na Alkalinity Nitrate Turbidity K Fl
Locations (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l)
1 Irrigation Colony 1 224 23.5 200 0.103 0.3 3.52 0.0014

2 Irrigation Colony 2 400 58 550 0.045 0.5 2.35 0.0032

3 Stadium 1 800 00 250 0.143 0.4 2.94 0.0002

4 Stadium 2 1100 35 200 0.091 0.3 3.52 0.0014

5 Hindu Muhala 1 344 70 250 0.069 0.4 2.94 0.0016

6 Hindu Muhala 2 480 47 100 0.067 0.4 2.94 0.0016

7 B & R Colony 1 680 58 200 0.108 0.5 2.35 0.0016

8 B & R Colony 2 640 70 200 0.134 0.3 2.94 0.0014

9 Jamali Colony 1 224 94 200 0.106 0.3 2.94 0.0004

10 Jamali Colony 2 480 88 200 0.077 0.3 3.52 0.0006

11 Shareef Colony 1 160 76 200 0.143 0.4 2.94 0.0008

12 Shareef Colony 2 240 76 150 0.075 0.6 2.94 0.001

13 Lakha Gooth 1 400 64 250 0.094 0.3 2.94 0.0012

1 464 17 250 0.011 0.6 2.35 0.002
14 Gooth 2

WHO standards for the following parameters

Hardness Na Alkalinity Nitrate Turbidity K Fl

500 mg/l 200 500 1 5 1.5 1
mg/l mg/l mg/l NTU mg/l mg/l

Table of stations with sample location points

S. No Location Name Latitude Longitude

1 Irrigation colony 25°79ˊ610˝ 66°62ˊ193˝

2 Irrigation colony 2 25°79ˊ799˝ 66°62’ 851’’

3 Stadium tube well 25°80ˊ657˝ 66°62ˊ728˝

4 Stadium 2 25°80ˊ540˝ 66°62ˊ270˝

5 Jamali colony 25°81ˊ00˝ 66°62ˊ00˝

6 Jamali colony 2 25°80ˊ78˝ 66°62ˊ105˝

7 B & R colony 25°81ˊ070˝ 66°62ˊ623˝

8 B & R colony 2 25°80ˊ970˝ 66°62ˊ310˝

9 Hindu Muhala 25°80ˊ789˝ 66°62ˊ368˝

10 Hindu Muhala 2 25°80ˊ774˝ 66°62ˊ302˝

11 Sharif colony 25°81ˊ26˝ 66°62ˊ868˝

12 Sharif colony 2 25°81ˊ212˝ 66°63ˊ098˝

13 Lakha gooth 25°81ˊ843˝ 66°62ˊ722˝

14 Lakha gooth 2 25°81ˊ16˝ 66°62ˊ52˝



The composition of ground water in Uthal city is high in TDS, EC, Chloride and
Calcium, which exceeds the WHO standards and can affect the health of the communities and
their residents. The drinking water quality parameters and the effects of pressure in directly on
residual in the water supply systems of Uthal city from source to points of distribution were
investigated through laboratory experiments. Characterization and analyses of drinking water
quality parameters were done using a total of 14 randomly selected representative samples of
water from different locations of the water supply system of the City. Comparison of the water
quality parameters with the permissible limit but some of the water quality parameters’exceeds
the WHO guidelines which affects the public health. The main physio - chemical parameters
considered for investigation include, Turbidity, pH, Electrical Conductivity, Total Dissolved
Solids, Total Hardness, Alkalinity, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Chloride, Fluoride, Nitrate,
Phosphate, and Bicarbonate were analyzed in relation to the health prevalence of water-
associated diseases. The laboratory results have shown that except for Total Dissolved Solids
concentration and EC among the physio - chemical parameters, the remaining all parameters
were found within the permissible limit of WHO guidelines recommended values concerning the
safety and acceptability level for the end users.

Generally, concerning the physio - chemical parameters, the water seems to be near safe
and there is no significant harmful effect on the health of the users. However, further rstudies
that involve a wide-scale and an intensive data collection and sophisticated laboratory analyses
are necessary to arrive at precise and ultimate conclusions. Only physical water quality
parameters like turbidity were not aesthetically acceptable because at most points of sample
locations their values were found above the maximum permissible limit of the WHO guidelines
as well as that of recommended values.

The results analyses have shown that most of the end user points are at low risk. Which is
operated manually that is not effective in homogenously mixing. This is mainly due to the high
turbidity and the lack of appropriate design of the system components and due to the water
supply system is very old and phased out of the design period.

It can be concluded that the selection of the location of the source site was not
appropriate because of its situation at the down steam of the city that can be easily contaminated
by chemical effluents from domestic sewages and agricultural activities and the subsequent
biological factors that deteriorate the quality of water. From the existing water supply system
design, it can simply be observed that there was no serious consideration of the factors that affect
water quality.


To meet the present and future water requirements of the Uthal city additional water
supply sources will be needed. In addition, the new source may solve the prominent problems
associated with the design and operational systems of the existing source which was constructed
thirty years ago.

As an immediate solution for the existing problems, until the new project is completed
and start its full operation for the city‟s drinking water supply, the responsible authority and the
beneficiaries should effectively use thefollowing appropriate recommendations in order to
maintain the existing quality of water

As much as possible the oldest galvanized pipe be replaced by either PVC pipes. This is
helpful to avoid the rusting problems in the system.

To make a system efficient we have to engage the local community and government
officials, in operation and maintenance of the water supply schemes.

Additional filtration plants should be installed, so that the safe supply of drinking water
should be provided to the residents of the city.


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