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 Communicable disease = penyakit menular, the disease that carried by someone to another
person by direct and indirect, the spreading ways mechanism can be through the
air/physicals contact/by touching contimated surfaces (the disease that carried by someone
to another person direct or indirectly by through the air/physicals contact/by touching
contimated surfaces)
 Particular interventions = specific series of atempts such as prevention, education,
repression, control to improve public health
 Natural history of disease = the course of natural disease without any treatment which occur
from a healthy stage to disease
 Infectious disease = disease that caused by microorganism that invade tissues such as
bacteria,fungi,virus, parasites that can be spread direct or indirectly from one person to
 Transmission = penularan, the transfer of a things such as infectious agent or genetic disease
from one person to another that lead to be disease, cara penularan sehingga penularan
tersebut menjadi penyakit
 Exposure = paparan, the condition that maybe have harmful effect or a faktor yg bs bikin
seseorang sakit


1. How is the superficial proses of infectious disease?

2. What are the factors that causes infectious and communicable disease?
3. What is the benefit knowing natural history of disease?
4. What is the definition of natural history of disease?
5. What are the prevention of disease (5 level)?
6. What are the stages of natural history of disease?
7. How is the transmission of infectious disease?
8. What are the differences of communicable disease and infectious disease?
9. How is the treatment to people who have infectious disease?
10. What are the differences between direct and indirect transmission of disease?
11. How does the bacteria enter to the tissues/hospes?
12. What are the examples of infectious disease?


1. What is the definition of natural history of disease?

 The progression of a disease process in an individual over time in the absence of
treatment and therapeutic intervention
2. What is the benefit knowing natural history of disease?
 We can give a proper diagnostic, prevention, treatment on the right time
 We can conduct and analyze the course of a disease as well as the changes occuring
due to the natural or human intervention
 Increasing the health promotion
3. What are the factors that causes infectious and communicable disease?
 Environment, population density, level of education, level of social economy
 Agents (biotik & abiotik), Host (genetic, umur, jenis kelamin), Lingkungan fisik
(geografis & keadaan musim), Lingkungan biologis (dibawa binatang), sosial ekonomi
(pekerjaan, urbanisasi, perkembangan ekonomi, bencana alam), Pola hidup tidak
4. What are the prevention of disease (5 level)?
 Health promotion (peningkatan kesehatan)
 Spesific protection (mencegah penyakit dg menghentikan infeksi bibit penyakit
ditujukan pd org yg rentan)
 Early recognizition & prompt treatment (mengenali lebih dini)
 Disability limitation (mengurangi masa org yg terinfeksi)
 Rehabilitation (pemulihan kesehatan)
5. What are the stages of natural history of disease?
 Masa pre-patogenesis (sdh terjadi interaksi, blm berkembang tp ada faktor)
 Masa patogenesis (sdh terjadi perub patogenesis akibat paparan penyakit)
- Subklinis = peny blm bermanifestasi mnjd nyata
- Klinis = kronis /akut
- Penyembuhan = sembuh/cacat/kematian
6. What are the differences of communicable disease and infectious disease?
7. What are the differences between direct and indirect transmission of disease?
Direct = Orang ke orang (sexual transmission, skin to skin)
Indirect = Melalui udara (bersin)
8. What are the examples of infectious disease?
Ebola, hepatitis, hiv aids, difteri, tetanus, tbc, influenza, sexual infectious disease, dll
9. How is the superficial proses of infectious disease?
 Proses interaksi (agen, host, keadaan lingkungan)
10. How does the bacteria enter to the tissues/hospes?
 Bakteri berbentuk kapsul licin berlendir : mudah masuk
 Bakteri menyekresi racun yg membunuh leukosit
 Bakteri membentuk daya tahan pd lingkungan (intrasel)
11. How is the transmission of infectious disease?
12. How is the treatment to people who have infectious disease?


1. What is the definition of natural history of disease?

2. What is the benefit knowing natural history of disease?

3. What are the factors that causes infectious and communicable disease?

4. What are the prevention of disease (5 level)?

5. What are the stages of natural history of disease?

6. What are the differences of communicable disease and infectious disease?

7. What are the differences between direct and indirect transmission of disease?

8. What are the examples of infectious disease?

9. How is the superficial proses of infectious disease?

11. How is the transmission of infectious disease?

12. How is the treatment to people who have infectious disease?

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