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Numerical modelling of circular concrete filled steel tube stub columns under
concentric loading

Conference Paper · March 2016


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3 authors:

An Le Hoang Ekkehard Fehling Prof. Dr.-Ing

Universität Kassel Universität Kassel


Mohammed Ismail
Universität Kassel


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Numerical modelling of circular concrete filled steel tube stub
columns under concentric loading
An Le Hoang, Ekkehard Fehling, Mohammed Ismail
Institute of Structural Engineering, University of Kassel, Germany

This study presents numerical investigations on the behavior of circular concrete filled steel tube (CFST) stub
columns using various concrete strengths under concentric loading on the concrete core, which are based
on the experimental tests of Schneider [1, 2]. ATENA-3D software was used to conduct the numerical
analysis. To get good agreement between test results on CFST stub columns using normal strength concrete
(NSC) and numerical results, it was necessary to use the confined concrete model of Tao et al. 2013 [10] to
define the material laws of the concrete material model “CC3DNonLinCementitious2user” in ATENA-3D.
Meanwhile, it was found that the “CC3DNonLinCementitious2” material model for concrete in ATENA-3D is
acceptable to model CFST stub columns using high strength concrete (HSC). The
“CC3DNonLinCementitious2user” material model for concrete in ATENA-3D, with some modifications of
material laws, is recommendable to model CFST stub columns using ultra high performance concrete
(UHPC). The values of ultimate loads and ultimate strains, the load versus vertical strain of columns obtained
from the experimental results of Schneider and those from the numerical analysis were compared and

Key Words: Concrete filled steel tube columns (CFST), ATENA-3D, normal strength concrete (NSC), high
strength concrete (HSC), ultra high performance concrete (UHPC).

1. Introduction
Concrete filled steel tube (CFST) columns have been used more and more popularly in various
structures around the world such as bridges piers, high-rise building columns and other supporting
structures due to numerous structural benefits, including high strength and fire resistances,
favourable ductility and large energy absorption capacities. Moreover, the local buckling of steel
tube can be prevented by the concrete core, while the steel tube serves as a permanent formwork
for concrete casting, this leads to a reduction of cost and required time for the construction.
It is now well-understood that the passive confinement exerted by the steel tube on the concrete
core results in significant improvements in both compressive strength and ductility. However, due
to the smaller lateral deformation when using higher concrete strengths, the confinement is less
effective in the case of CFST columns employing high strength concrete (HSCFST columns) and
ultra high performance concrete (UHPCFST columns) in comparison with CFST columns
employing normal concrete strength (NSCFST columns) [1, 3, 4, 5]. In addition, it can be stated
that CFST columns loaded on concrete core possess higher ultimate resistance and better ductility
compared to those loaded simultaneously on both concrete core and steel tube ) [1, 4].
Although there have been many studies on NSCFST columns or HSCFST columns, there is
relatively little research on UHPCFST columns. UHPC with compressive strength up to 200MPa
has been increasingly used in a large number of structural engineering applications as a result of
the superior performance and continued advancement of material technology. Hence, several
experimental studies have been recently conducted to examine the performance of UHPCFST
columns (e.g., P.Y.Yan 2008 [3]; Schneider 2006 [1, 2]; Liew and Xiong 2010 [4, 5]; Soner Guler et
al. 2013 [8]; Katie Chu 2014 [9]). Based on the experimental results presented by Liew and Xiong
2010 [4, 5]; Schneider 2006 [1, 2], it is concluded that although UHPCFST columns can achieve
very high load bearing capacities compared to NSCFST and HSCFST columns, the post-peak
behavior is still brittle with the sudden failure after peak load induced by the natural brittleness of
UHPC. Furthermore, it is also recommended that the confinement effect should be neglected in
CFST columns using UHPC [1, 3, 7, 8].
HiPerMat 2016: Ultra-high Performance Concrete and High Performance Construction Materials

With regard to the numerical studies on CFST columns, it can be clearly seen that most of the
nonlinear finite element (FE) modeling have been carried out with ABAQUS software based on the
modification to Concrete Damaged Plasticity Model (CPDM). To simulate the CFST columns, it is
quite important to propose a reasonable model for confined concrete core with taking into account
the confinement effect. Up to present, although there are many models of confined concrete
assumed by various authors, these models may not be suitable for all concrete strength, in
particularly for UHPC because that UHPC as a new innovative cementitious material exhibits very
different characteristics compared to NSC and HSC. Consequently, several numerical studies on
UHPCFST columns have been conducted to compare with the own test results (e.g., Z. Yang 2013
[11]; N. Scholle et al. [12]; T.Y. Song et al 2012 [6]). With the effort to develop a versatile FE model
for simulation CFST columns using wide range of concrete strength, Tao et al. 2013 [10] presented
a stress-strain curve model for concrete confined by steel tube, in which the plastic strain after
ultimate strength is increased and the descending branch is modified. This model is described in
the second section.
ATENA software program developed by Cervenka Consulting is well-known as a useful tool for
modeling of concrete structures. By using ATENA, the behavior of structural member could be
predicted not only at ultimate load but also throughout the complete loading history. For modeling
concrete, the concrete material model “CC3DNonLinCementitious2user” in ATENA allows the user
to define the own material model laws, beside that the confinement effect is also automatically
considered in this model and the model “CC3DNonLinCementitious2” [15, 16]. Therefore, ATENA
is recommendable for modeling the structural members using various concrete strengths,
especially for modeling UHPC structures because unlike the NSC and HSC which have well defined
material models, no standard model for UHPC is implemented in ATENA.
From the issues highlighted above, it is clear that further investigations on the behavior of
CFST columns using various concrete strengths, especially UHPCFST columns through
experimental tests or numerical analysis are necessary. Thus, the main objective of this paper is to
present the numerical modelling of circular CFST stub columns employing NSC, HSC and UHPC
subjected to the concentric load applied only on concrete section by using ATENA-3D version 5.1.1.
A three dimensional nonlinear finite element model was established based on the parameters from
the actual test results of Schneider [1, 2] on the CFST columns, concrete cylinders and hollow steel
tubes, which are shown in table 1 and figure 1.
Table 1: Main parameters of tested columns (Schneider 2006 [1, 2])
Type of
D(mm) t(mm) L(mm) (MPa) (GPa) (‰) (MPa) (GPa)
NSCFST 168.3 4.0 640 33.3 28.824 1.97 350 200

HSCFST 168.3 4.0 640 96.0 42.838 2.54 350 200

UHPCFST 168.3 4.0 640 172.0 56.897 3.66 350 200

Figure 1: Tests on CFST columns with loading on concrete core (Schneider 2006 [1, 2])
Notes for table 1:
Numerical modelling of circular concrete filled steel tube stub columns under concentric loading

D: outside diameter of steel tube, t: thickness of steel tube, L: length of column, : unconfined compressive strength of
concrete cylinder, : elastic modulus of concrete cylinder, : ultimate compressive strain of concrete cylinder, : yield
stress of steel, : elastic modulus of steel . UHPC without fibres was used in the tests.

2. Finite element model for CFST columns in ATENA-3D

2.1 Finite element type and mesh
In this study, 3D solid Tetrahedral elements (CCIsoTetra) with reduced integration (4 nodes) were
used for the steel tube, concrete core and steel plates. The global element size was determined to
be 30mm with the mesh compatibility requested on the contact between steel tube and concrete
core, concrete core and steel plates. In addition, the contact between the steel tube and the
concrete core was modeled by interface elements (CCIsoGap). Figure 2 shows the finite element
mesh for the element divisions of a circular CFST column of 4 mm steel tube thickness, 168.3 mm
outer diameter and 640 mm length.
2.2 Boundary conditions and load application
To minimize the influence of end conditions on CFST stub columns, two steel plates have been
placed at both ends of a column in the experimental set up. If no stiffening method is used, local
buckling of the steel tube is more likely to be initiated at the ends, which may affect the overall
performance of the specimen. Thus, two steel rigid plates have been simulated as rigid block to
model the loading plates. The contact between the surfaces of both steel plates and the surface of
concrete core were defined as “perfect connection”.
In the FE model in ATENA-3D, steel blocks with the triangular shape were chosen, which also
represents the loading mechanism in the real test and prevents the unrealistic deformation near the
loading points and support plates and the unequal distribution of loading. The material model of
steel rigid block was defined as 3D Elastic Isotropic material (CC3D ElastIsotropic). The top line of
the triangular steel block was fixed against all degrees of freedom except for the direction of the
applied load, while the bottom line of triangular steel block was fixed in all direction (as shown in
figure 2).
In ATENA-3D, the load is increased simultaneously by displacement control and the Newton-
Raphson iteration method is used for solving nonlinear equations [15]. Thus, two prescribed
deformations were placed at two monitoring points on the top line of the upper steel block (as shown
in figure 2). Through these two monitoring points, a graph of the load-displacement relationship
was generated in analysis step and also observed in post-processor tool of ATENA-3D.

Fixed at top
Monitoring Fixed at
point Circular bottom line
Steel plates
placed only
on concrete

CFST column Concrete core Steel tube Contact Steel plates Boundary conditions
Figure 2: Finite element mesh and element divisions of CFST column model in ATENA and boundary conditions

2.3 Modelling of steel tube

The material of the steel tube was assumed to follow the elastic-perfectly plastic material model
with an elastic modulus of roughly 200 GPa. The Von-Mises yield criterion was also applied for
the strength of steel tube due to the biaxial stress state, which includes axial and hoop stresses in
the steel tube. Hence, in ATENA-3D, steel tube was modelled using CC3DBilinearSteelVonMises
HiPerMat 2016: Ultra-high Performance Concrete and High Performance Construction Materials

with yield strength of 350 MPa. The Poisson’s ratio for steel tube was taken as 0.3, this value has
been used widely in FE numerical simulation.
2.4 Modelling of concrete core
In ATENA-3D, concrete core was modelled using CC3DNonlinearCementitious2User (for NSC and
UHPC in this study) or CC3DNonlinearCementitious2 material models (for NSC and HSC in this
study). It is indicated that the hydrostatic failure criterion (Menétrey-William plasticity function) was
adopted in ATENA in order to evaluate the softening behavior of concrete under compression, this
allows simulating the concrete under tri-axial behavior. On the other hand, for concrete cracking in
the tensile region, Rankine failure surface was approximated as a crack grown in the principal stress
direction. Therefore, CC3DNonlinearCementitious2User and CC3DNonlinearCementitious2
material models have the capability to consider concrete cracking, crushing and plastic behavior
[15,16]. It can be clearly seen that the concrete model CC3DNonlinearCementitious2User includes
some mechanisms which are:
 Tension function (including post cracking softening behavior)
 Diagram for compression (including post-peak branch behavior)
 Strength reduction due to cracking
 Shear function
 Shear strength reduction due to cracking
 Tension-compression function
For defining the material models, some input parameters were taken from the results of
concrete cylinder tests of Schneider, for instance elastic modulus, tensile and compressive
strengths, plastic compressive strains (as shown in table 1). The Poisson’s ratio was taken as 0.2
for concrete core. However, it is quite important to define the diagram for compression of confined
concrete core. For this reason, the stress-strain model proposed by Tao et al. 2013 [10] was
adopted in this study in order to increase the plastic strain of confined concrete after peak stress
and then modify the softening branch. Figure 4 shows the stress-strain curve for confined concrete
developed by Tao et al. [10].

Figure 4: Stress-strain model proposed for confined concrete of Tao et al. 2013 [10]
The ascending curve OA is given by:
σ A. X + B. X
= when 0 < ε ≤ ε (1)
f 1 + (A − 2)X + (B + 1)X
Where: X=ε ε (2)
E ε
A= (3)
(A − 1)
B= −1 (4)
In which the strain at peak stress under uniaxial compression ε (at point A) is calculated as below:
ε = 0.00076 + (0.626f − 4.33). 10 (5)
with is compressive strength of concrete in MPa
Numerical modelling of circular concrete filled steel tube stub columns under concentric loading

The increase of plastic strain is described by the strain (at point B), which is determined by
the following equations:
=e (6)
fB . .
k = (2.9224 − 0.00367f ) (7)
It should be noted that is closer to ε when the concrete strength is higher.
Where is the confining stress provided to the concrete at point B and given by the equation:
1 + 0.027f . e .
fB = (8)
1 + 1.6e . (f ) .
For the descending branch of the confined concrete model (BC), an exponential function was
used and defined by:
σ = f + (f − f )exp − ε≥ε (9)
In which f is the residual stress; α and β are parameters determining the shape of the softening
branch. β can be taken as 1.2 for circular section. Meanwhile, f and α are proposed by the
f = 0.7 1 − e . f (10)
and α = 0.04 − (11)
1+e . .
As has been discussed above, the confinement effect could automatically be taken into account
in CC3DNonlinearCementitious2 model. So, with the effort to compare the results between
CC3DNonlinearCementitious2User model and CC3DNonlinearCementitious2 model, NSC core in
CFST column was divided into two case of material models, one defined by
CC3DNonlinearCementitious2 and the other one defined by CC3DNonlinearCementitious2User.
Besides, for CC3DNonlinearCementitious2User all crucial laws as mentioned above except the
diagram for compression was defined following the default setting of ATENA. Figure 5a illustrates
the compressive diagram of NSC core through the modification following the proposal of Tao et al..

a) b)
Figure 5: a) Diagram of compression of NSC in CC3DNonlinearCementitious2User based on Tao et al. [10]
b) Diagram of compression of UHPC in CC3DNonlinearCementitious2User based on Tao et al. [10]

a) b)
Figure 6: a) Strength reduction due to cracking based on Fehling et al. 2010 [14]
b) Reduction of tensile strength due to lateral compression based on Speck 2011 [13]

HiPerMat 2016: Ultra-high Performance Concrete and High Performance Construction Materials

In terms of HSC, only CC3DNonlinearCementitious2 model was used to define the material
law. However, for UHPC, some laws were newly defined by the previous assumptions of some
researchers due to the different characteristics under uniaxial, biaxial or triaxial behavior compared
to NSC, HSC. Figure 5b and figure 6 describe the main laws of UHPC.
2.5 Modelling of interfaces between steel tube and concrete core
The ‘‘CC3DInterface’’ material model in ATENA 3D was used to model the contact between steel
and concrete core. The interface material is based on Mohr–Coulomb criterion (as shown in figure
7). The constitutive relation for a general 3D-dimensional case is given in terms of tractions on
interface planes and relative sliding and opening displacement and it is given by formulae [15]:
τ K 0 0 ∆v
τ = 0 K 0 ∆v (12)
σ 0 0 K ∆u
In which: is the shear stress in direction x and y, while is the normal stress
K is initial elastic shear stiffness, K = with G is minimal shear modulus
K is initial elastic normal stiffness, K = with E is minimal elastic modulus
K , K denote the initial elastic normal and shear rigidities, respectively
∆v is relatively displacement on surface and ∆ is relatively opening of contact
t is width of interface zone
The initial failure surface corresponds to Morh-Coulomb with tension cut off:
|τ| ≤ c − σ. cos∅ for σ ≤ f (13)
τ = 0 for σ > f
∅ is coefficient of friction.
f is tension strength on surface. It is recommended to set the Interface f to 1/2 or 1/4 of the tensile
strength of the weaker material next to the interface [16].
c is cohesion. The Interface cohesion c is recommended to be set to 1-2 times f [16].

Figure 7: Failure surface for interface element [15]

There are two additional rigidity values that need to be specified in the ATENA 3D input. They
are denoted as K ( ) , K ( ) . These values are used only for numerical purposes after the
failure of the element in order to preserve the positive definiteness of the global system [16].
The K and K get extremely high values (approaching to infinity) because the width of interface
zone t between concrete and steel tube is approaching to zero value. According to Troubleshooting
of ATENA [16], the initial stiffnesses K and K can be determined by the equation:
E (concrete in Pa)
K =K = . 10 (14)
element size
In [16], the residual stiffness values K ( ) , K ( ) for numerical purposes are also
recommended about 1/100 - 1/1000 of the initial stiffness values.
For CFST stub columns, values of friction coefficients between concrete and steel tube of 0.1 -
0.6 have been used by different researchers [10]. In this study, the friction coefficient was taken as
0.4 to ensure the convergence.
Numerical modelling of circular concrete filled steel tube stub columns under concentric loading

3. Comparison and discussion

The precision of numerical model in ATENA-3D was judged by comparing the load- vertical strain
(L-S) curve (figures 8 - 11) and the values of ultimate load and ultimate strain (as shown in tables
2 - 3) from the ATENA’s results against the experimental results of Schneider 2006 [1, 2].

Load in KN

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Strain in ‰

Figure 8: Comparison of L-S curve of NSCFST column using CC3DNonlinearCementitious2 for concrete model
between ATENA-3D and test results
Load in KN

250 TEST
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Strain in ‰

Figure 9: Comparison of L-S curve of NSCFST column using CC3DNonlinearCementitious2User for concrete
model between ATENA-3D and test results

It can be observed from the actual tests that a large deformation is achieved after peak load for
NSCFST columns. Moreover, this type of column exhibits a remarkable ductile deformation
capacity [1, 2]. The ultimate loads of NSCFST columns from ATENA-3D and tests are compared in
table 2 and 3, which show that there is good agreement between the ATENA-3D and experimental
results, with the largest difference being 3 % for CC3DNonlinCementitious2 and 1 % for
CC3DNonlinCementitious2User. It is also evident from table 2 that NSCFST column model in
ATENA using CC3DNonlinearCementitious2 performs a smaller ultimate strain (4.69 ‰) compared
with that (12.22 ‰) in test result. However, when CC3DNonlinearCementitious2User was adopted,
the ultimate strain from ATENA (10.05 ‰) results is closer to test result.
Figures 8 and 9 illustrate the L-S curves from ATENA-3D and tests, which plotted in the same
graph for comparison purposes. As can be seen from figure 8, the CC3DNonlinCementitious2
model gives the mismatched curve in plastic region, the slope of the curve from ATENA before
peak load is a little bit steeper than that from tests. In addition, after peak load the curve from
ATENA includes a descending branch, while the curve from test results do not show the softening
branch. However, figure 9 indicates that ATENA-3D model using CC3DNonlinCementitious2User

HiPerMat 2016: Ultra-high Performance Concrete and High Performance Construction Materials

predicted a very similar curve in both elastic and plastic regions in comparison with that from test
Table 2: Comparison of the ultimate load and strain values between ATENA-3D and test results for NSCFST and
HSCFST columns using CC3DNonlinearCementitious2

Type of Maximum ATENA Schneider ATENA/TEST

columns value

Load (kN) 1723.50 1771 0,97

Strain (‰) 4.69 12.22 0.38

HSCFST Load (kN) 3048 3339 0,91

Strain (‰) 4.84 5.23 0.93

Table 3: Comparison of the ultimate load and strain values between ATENA-3D and test results for NSCFST and
UHPCFST columns using CC3DNonlinearCementitious2User

Type of Maximum ATENA

Schneider ATENA/TEST
column value
Load (kN) 1759.8 1771 0,99
Strain (‰) 10.05 12.22 0.82

Load (kN) 4670 4216 1.107

Strain (‰) 4.81 5.57 0.83

With regard to the HSCFST columns, it can be shown from the tests that the initial stiffness is
higher compared to the NSCFST columns and there is a smooth loading drop with increasing the
strain after peak load [1, 2]. Figure 10 shows the comparison of L-S curve of HSCFST column
between the predicted one by ATENA-3D using CC3DNonlinCementitious2 model and the
measured one from the test results reported by Schneider. It can be shown that the curves from
ATENA-3D and tests are rather close to each other with the similar shape in both elastic and plastic
regions. Furthermore, it can be seen from table 2 that the largest difference of ultimate load between
ATENA-3D and tests is 9 %, while the ultimate strains has the difference of 7 %. Thus the accuracy
of ATENA-3D using CC3DNonlinCementitious2 model for simulating HSCFST columns is
In terms of UHPCFST column, experimental tests of Schneider revealed that the L-S curve of
UHPCFST column is similar to HSCFST columns in the elastic and plastic stages before peak load,
but with a more distinctive characteristic in post-peak behavior [1, 2]. It can be observed from the
test results of Liew and Xiong that due to the brittleness of UHPC core, a very loud cracking was
heard around the first peak load, then following by a sudden drop in the L-S curves [4, 5, 7]. After
the load drop from the first peak load to the second peak load, a horizontal plateau was obtained
[7]. The second peak load is herein defined as residual load [7].
It has been demonstrated in figure 11 that the general shape of L-S curve of UHPCFST column
from ATENA-3D results and test results is quite similar. However, the curve in plastic stage before
peak load of ATENA-3D is slightly steeper than the curve of tests. On the other hand, the curve in
ATENA-3D exhibits the sudden drop at peak load as well as the horizontal plateau in post-peak
branch, which is the most significant characteristic of UHPCFST columns under concentric loading
on concrete core.
Numerical modelling of circular concrete filled steel tube stub columns under concentric loading


Load in KN
1000 ATENA

500 TEST
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Strain in ‰

Figure 10: Comparison of L-S curve of HSCFST column using CC3DNonlinearCementitious2 for concrete model
between ATENA-3D and test result
Load in kN

1500 ATENA
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Strain in ‰

Figure 11: Comparison of L-S curve of UHPCFST column using CC3DnonlinearCementitious2User for concrete
model between ATENA-3D and test result

With respect to ultimate loads and strains of UHPCFST columns, it can clearly be seen in table
3 that ATENA-3D predicted a higher ultimate load than test results with difference of 10.7 %, while
the largest difference between ultimate strain in ATENA-3D and test is 17 %. Besides, the ratio
between residual load and ultimate load from ATENA-3D is approximately 70 %, while this ratio is
roughly 60 % from the test results [2].
It can be explained that the difference of ultimate loads (ATENA result is higher than test by
10.7 %) and strains or the L-S curves between ATENA-3D and test results in the case of UHPCFST
columns may be a cause of the effect of shrinkage induced from the hardening process of UHPC
core in CFST columns or the initial imperfection in the specimens, such as initial eccentricity or the
friction in the support ends. A shrinking gap between concrete core and steel tube leads to the
reduction of load resistance of composite columns and the efficiency of composite action between
two materials. It is quite clear that the higher concrete strengths experience larger shrinkage,
particularly with UHPC. Consequently, the influence of shrinkage should be considered for the
modelling of UHPCFST columns.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, the numerical modelling of CFST columns under loading on concrete core by using
ATENA-3D has been presented. The accuracy of ATENA-3D model was verified through
comparison with experimental results of Schneider. The following conclusions are drawn:
 The numerical models in ATENA-3D successfully predict the behavior of CFST stub columns
under loading on concrete core. The ultimate loads and strains as well as L-S curve obtained
from ATENA-3D show good agreement with experimental results of Schneider.
HiPerMat 2016: Ultra-high Performance Concrete and High Performance Construction Materials

 For NSCFST columns, the model of Tao et al. 2013 should be taken into account in order to
get better prediction of L-S curve in plastic region.
 For HSCFST columns, the model CC3DNonlinCementitious2 in ATENA-3D gave good results
compared to experimental results.
 For UHPCFST columns, the model CC3DNonlinCementitious2User in ATENA-3D gave
reasonable prediction. However, material laws of UHPC should be more sufficiently defined
based on previous assumptions for UHPC and the influence of shrinkage should be also
considered in the modelling of UHPC.
 ATENA-3D is enough reliable to conduct numerical modelling of CFST columns with various
concrete strengths.

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