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Warm-up:Pass the ball game.

Ask the students to make a big circle in the

classroom. Introduce the question for the circle and write the structure on
the whiteboard: […WRITE QUESTION AND ANSWER STRUCTURE…]. Ask the
students to make a few examples of the question and answer it. Then ask
the students to pass the ball in the circle, ask each other questions and give
the correct answers. The teacher assists the students if
necessary.Motivation:Picture cloud. Put the topic-related pictures on the
whiteboard and ask the students: What is it? How are these things
connected? What one word can we use to group all these things? Write
several answers on the whiteboard and then tell the students the correct
answers. Compare the students answers with the original version and ask if
their suggestions were correct.Introduction of the new vocabulary and
grammar:Spell it right (team version). Show the pictures to the students and
say the new words. Then write letters from the word in a random order on
the whiteboard. Tell the students that you forgot how to write the word
correctly. Tell them that you need help placing the letters in the correct order.
Repeat the word one more time and ask the students: What is the first letter?
What is the last letter? Split the students into teams and ask to arrange the
rest of the letters. Once done, reward the teams with points.Teaching
material introduction:Ask the students to read the title of the recording. Then
ask the students to close it and ask to predict the contents of the recording
(write the questions on the whiteboard if necessary): “Who is the story
about? Where does the story happen? And etc.”. Choose the best answers
and write them on the board. In the end of the lesson it will be possible to
compare the predictions with the original audio.Practice:Play the recording
for the first time. Ask the students to listen to it carefully. Once finished, ask
the students to tell: What was it about? What did you just hear? Did you like
it?Productive work:Ask the students to look at the questions written on the
questions with the students and tell them that they will have to listen to the
recording carefully and answer the questions in the end.Productive work
presentation:Prepare a ball. Tell the students that they will answer the
questions now. Throw the ball to a random student, ask the question and
check the answer. Once done, ask the student to pass the ball and continue
with the other students.Short revision:What was interesting in the lesson?
Ask the students if they liked the lesson. Depending on the answer ask them:
What are the 3 things you like about the lesson? What new things did you
learn today? Write the answers on the whiteboard.Homework explanation
and assignment:Introduce the homework to the class: […WRITE
HOMEWORK…]. Explain the new words in the homework and ask the
students to try to do one part of the homework (orally). If the students have
problems, revise the material introduced during the lesson.

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