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Busy with your
assignments, essays,
hand-ins, reports?
Striving to get them right?

Make sure that all your work complies with the

Academic Integrity regulations and all the
sources and collaborators are credited.
We've put together some tips to help you
understand Academic Integrity, make sure you
don't break it and support you in these busy times.
Make your degree, your content.
Top Tips to achieve Academic Integrity
- The moral code or ethical
policy of academia
What you need to
Plagiarism - Passing someone else’s work / ideas as your own.
Recycling - Using your old work for a piece of work.
Collusion - Working together to complete an individual piece of work.
Ghost Writing - Allowing someone else to write your work for you.
Cheating - Using study aids or copying someone else’s answers in an

What you can

Manage your time to complete the work by the deadline so you don’t feel
tempted to take ‘short cuts’.
Reference - Include the source of your information.
Paraphrase - Find synonyms to words used in the original resource.
Reflect on your research to develop your own ideas.
Include your ideas only when working on collaborative projects.
Make effective notes when reading and keep them organised.

Who or what you can

LibGuides@Southampton on Academic Integrity and Academic Skills.
Skills4StudyCampus follow the link on the LibGuides@Southampton page.
Your Tutor in a short pre-arranged meeting.
Special Considerations and Extension Dealines Policy or visit The Advice
Centre to find out more.
English Language Support

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