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Subyek Hukum Internasional (subjects of international law)

- Sebelumnya apa itu subjek hukum  Setiap orang atau badan hukum yang memiliki hak dan


- Apakah Definisi dari subjek hukum Internasional?

- Bagaimanakah Karakteristik dari International legal Personality

- Apakah hubungan antara subyek hukum internasional dengan international personality?

- Apakah “Negara” adalah satu-satunya subjek hukum Internasional

- National Law legal personality, legal person, subject of the law

- The concepts of international legal personality

National Law: Legal Personality, Legal Person, Subject of the law.

Legal Personality is primarily an ‘Legal Acknowledgement that an entity is capable of exercising

certain rights and being subject to certain duties under a particular of system law

- Subjec of International Law is an entity capable of possesing international rights and duties
and having the capacity to maintain its rights by bringing international claims. (ICJ, 1949).

What is the meaning of having capacity to maintain its rights?

1. Capacity to make claims in respect of breaches of International law

2. Capacity to make treaties and agreements valid on international plane
3. The enjoyment of immunitites and privileges from national jurisdiction

Are state the only subject of international law?

In the 19th century, States were the only subjects of international law

Oppenheim emphatically stated: “since the law of nations is based on the common consent

While states remain the predominant actors in international law, the position has changed

After second world war, new actors have emerged on the International plane, such as public
international organizaions estabiilished by States (IGOs), non-governmental organizaions (NGOs)
created by individuals, multinational corporations and even individual human beings. There are

States as a subject of International law

States are the subjects of International law par excellence.

It is, therefore, important to have a clear idea of what a state is for the purposes of international

Professor Oppenheim defines ‘State’ in these terms: “A state is in existence when the people is
settled in a country under its own sovereign government.

Pemerintahan yang berdaulat adalah: Negara berhak menentukan apapun yang terjadi pada
negara, tidak bisa diatur oleh kekuatan lainnya

Criteria of Statehood under International Law

Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States 1933 provides as follows: The
state as a person of International law should posses the following qualifications:

1. A Permanent population
2. A defined territory (Stable political community and this must be control of a certain area);
3. Government; and
4. Capacity to enter into relations wuth other states

Sebelum tahun 1933 ada kebiasan2 internasional untuk membentuk sebuah negara, konvensi hanya
mengumpulkan dalam perjanjian tertulis sehingga negara lebih pasti apa yang dimaksud dalam
negara, proses tersebut dinamakan kodifikasi

Defined Territory

For a state to exist, there must be a defined territory. The control of territory is the essence of a

This is the basis of the central notion of establishing the ‘territorial sovereignty’, exclusive
competence of the state to excercise sovereign authority withing that territority

But absolute certainty about a state’s boundaries is not required; many states have out-standing
frontier disputes.

Uty possidenty juris (Sebelum Indonesia, yaitu Sumatera, jawa, kalimantan, Sulawesi)

Wilayah Negara

- Wilayah darat
- Wilayah Laut/Perairan
- Wilayah Udara  Wilayah Darat+Luas Laut Wilayah

Permanent Population

- There must be people linked to a specific territory on a more or less permanent basis and
who can be regarded as its inhabitants Wandering tribes do not qualify to be a state
- In the Western Sahara case (1975) ICJ Rep. 12, the territory of the Western Sahara is
populated by nomadic tribes who go freely across the territory is such that they may be
regarded as its ‘population

- To be a state there must be government. The government must be ‘effective’ within the
defined territory and exercise control over the permanent population. The mere existence of
a government in itself does not suffice, if it does not have ‘effective control’.

Capacity to enter into relations with other states

- When the Montevideo Convention refers to ‘capacity to enter into relations with other
states’, it is reffering to “independence” in law from the authority of other states.


Organisasi Internasional

- Ditandai dengan adanya Advisory Opinion dari ICJ dalam kasus “Reparation of Injuries”
tahun 1949 status hukum terhadap PBB
- Oleh karenanya, badan-badan (specialized agencies) khusus dari PBB juga merupakan
subyek hukum Internasional
- Dibatasi hak dan kewajibannya oleh Treaty Pendiriannya

Takhta Suci

- Merupakan peninggalan sejarah dimana sejak dahulu kepala Gereja Roma juga memiliki
kekuasaan duniawi= Penghormatan sejarah atas peran Gereja dalam perkembangan Hukum
Internasional modern
- Adanya Lateran Treaty (11 Februari 1929) takhta suci

Palang Merah Internasional

- Diakui keberadaannya sebagai subyek karena peran aktifnya dalam melindungi korban-
korban perang
- Statusnya diperkuat dalam konvensi-konvensi Jenewa tahun 1949
- Ruang lingkup yang terbatas
- Kewajiban menjaga imparsialitas

Perjanjian Individu

- Perjanjian perdamaian Versailles tahun 1919 antara Jerman dengan Inggris dan Perancis
(Kemungkinan individu ke hadapan Mahkamah Arbitrase Internasional). “ a supreme offence
against International morality and the sanctity of treaties” – former German Emperor
(William II of Hohenzoilern)


- Memperoleh kedudukan dan hak dalam keadaan tertentu dalam hukum perang
- Didasarkan atas: hak menentukan nasib sendiri, hak memilih sistem ekonomi, politik &
Sosial, dan hak menguasai sumber kekayaan alam dari wilayah yang didudukinya
- Contohnya: PLO
Types Of Non State Actors

- Multinational business corporations

- Terrorist and criminal networks
- Factions in an internal conflict
- Privatised military personels
- Multinational NGOs
- Multinational civil society networks

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