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Dear Sir/Madam

Subject: Campus Drive Request for Promotion of the 10th All-Pakistan MediaFest in Air University

Every year MediaClub hosts more than 400 participants from all over the country and provides
them with a platform to create, innovate and showcase their talents through different genres of
digital media at the annual All-Pakistan MediaFest held in Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of
Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI). After the immense success and popularity of the All
Pakistan MediaFest ’16, Media Club will be organizing its 10th All Pakistan MediaFest’17 from
17th-19th February 2017.

This event challenges students to use their creativity to bring their ideas to life in a multifaceted
competition that comprises of different categories, each catering to a different field of digital
media. For this purpose, we would be immensely grateful if you give us permission for a campus
drive in your university on Tuesday, 31st January, 2017. Our aim is to promote our event and
encourage students, who have expertise, knowledge and passion in the related categories to
register and participate in the 10th All Pakistan MediaFest as a team .We hope this event will once
again prove to be a healthy opportunity to develop, appreciate, polish and explore talents in the
youth. It will be an honor to have students of your university to be a part of our event.

Best Regards,

Shahzaib Ab bas Prof. Dr. Zia Ul Haq,

Event Coordinator, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
MediaFest’17 Advisor, MediaClub
0314 3049844

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