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Mage 19 lvl mastery

never melee (Natures grasp), 20 yards ideal range
Regrowth /Healing touch -> immediate Poly + instant
Entangling roots- dot + 10s root (dont poly) LOS if possible!
Bash-2 sec stun (+ interrupt)
Shapeshif (Travel form) - spam r1 frostbolts + frost nova - make them oom

Concussive shot - 12s CD - 4-6s duration, Wing Clip no CD - 10s duration
ranged 35-41!!! range (keep on melee)
kill pet if possible in LOS
no disengage, r1 frostbolts + instants to keep in melee
Aspect of Cheetah - instant or wand asap

Double poly to be sure (trinket reaction)
range 10-20y
Dampen Magic on
Arcane Missiles if LOS

Hand of Freedom - 25s CD, 6-10! Sec -> Either double poly+wait, be at range
Forbedeance (Divine protection, Lay on Hands)
Hammer of Justice - 1m, 3 sec stun, trinket worth
Holy Light - probably not that strong, outdmg

Psychic Scream - 8 yd range, 10+ yd sweet spot-> also WotF + trinket asap
Dispel Magic - if spamming to get in range, be ready for fear
Heal - poly + instant to interrupt! 2.5-3 sec cast!
Power Word: Shield - 15 sec. Debuff,
Renew - must outdamage

always be in front on him
Kick- fake cast! 10s CD, 5s school prevent (double Poly)
Stealth- Flamestrike (practice positioning), also in LoS!!
Sprint- 3m cd, poly and reset OR finish him if low HP
Gouge- 10s CD, 4 sec dur, 45 energy, stay at range
use Wand if trying to restealth

Wind Shear - 6 sec CD interrupt for 2 sec
Earthbind totem - 12+ range
Healing wave (2.5-3 ces cast) - poly+instant
Ghost wolf - cannot drop below 100%, fb slow, frost nova in normal form

Fear - 20 yd range!!! Stay above (21-30)
Curse of Agony - decurse (powa)
Sacrifice- kill void? In LOS

Hamstring- 10sec pvp duration, nova+ poly (trinket?)
never be in melee, Charge only out of combat
Arcane Missiles macro
stopcasting poly?

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