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Indonesia should continue with its structural reform agenda in the coming months to

strengthen its economic fundamentals, as global uncertainty was expected to ease this
year, a senior Bank Indonesia (BI) official has said.

One of the key issues that needed to be addressed was managing the current account
deficit, which was blamed for the rupiah's steep fall last year.

A current account deficit means that a country is spending beyond its means in terms of
foreign exchange liquidity, causing a reliance on external financing like foreign direct
investments and portfolio investments. Portfolio investments are usually sensitive to
global market sentiments.

Considering that Indonesia was a net oil importer, BI Deputy Governor Mirza Adityaswara
said it needed to step up renewable energy outputs and reduce its dependency on fossil
fuels as a priority of the structural reform agenda.

“As a country that continues to grow, we obviously need more energy. So, it’s about how
to diversify our energy sources to be independent of imported fossil fuels,” Mirza said in
Jakarta this week.

The oil and gas deficit has weighed heavily on Indonesia’s overall trade balance. The
country recorded a deep trade deficit of US$8.57 billion last year, driven by a $12.4 billion
deficit in the oil and gas industry, according to Statistics Indonesia (BPS).

In the first two months of 2019, the oil and gas industry posted a deficit of $886 million,
exceeding the non-oil and gas trade surplus of $152 million in the same period.

Mirza said that last year's large trade deficit was caused by a decline in the prices
of Indonesia's export commodities and larger imports of capital goods due to the
government’s infrastructure drive, which was necessary in going forward to boost growth
in gross domestic product (GDP).
The country imported $6 billion in capital goods for infrastructure alone, according to
calculations from the central bank’s statistics department.

The 2018 trade deficit had widened the current account deficit to 2.98 percent of GDP, or
$31.1 billion.

BI expected the current account deficit to be the one remaining factor that would pose a
risk to the rupiah’s stability this year, said Mirza, as inflation remained under control and
the United States Federal Reserve was nearing the peak of its tightening cycle.

The current account deficit was expected to narrow to 2.5 percent of GDP this year,
benefiting from the full implementation of several government measures to reduce
imports, such as expanding its 20 percent blended biodiesel ( B20 ) policy and slapping
higher import duties on 1,147 consumer goods.

BI announced its medium-term projection for the current account deficit at 2 percent of
GDP by 2024.

“If we could manage the current account deficit to 2.5 percent or even 2 percent of GDP
[by 2024], we would have a stable situation [in which foreign] funding flows into Indonesia,
as well as a higher rate of GDP growth compared to the current level,” said Mirza.

BI Governor Perry Warjiyo called for more focused and consistent structural reform,
including addressing the current account deficit, to unlock the potential for higher GDP

“Structural reform policies are crucial. We have to improve our aggregate demand – how
to encourage capital [movement] and improving labor [productivity],” said Perry. “We
have enacted [structural reform policies] and will continue to be consistent with existing

Perry said Indonesia needed to direct its structural reform agenda to improve
competitiveness, such as maintaining a conducive investment climate, encouraging
diversification away from commodity-based sectors and improving human capital.

Center of Reform on Economics (CORE) Indonesia executive director Mohammad Faisal

concurred with Perry, saying structural reform policies needed to be enforced

“Structural reform need to connect between various policies, such as policy synergy
between the fiscal, monetary and real sectors,” Faisal added.

Reforms should also be directed toward fostering stronger policy linkage within the
manufacturing sector to reduce dependency on imported raw and auxiliary materials, he
Summary Response

In this essay “BI Urges Focused Structural Reform to Boost GDP Growth”, the writer Marchio Irfan
Gorbiano states that Indonesia should continue with its structural reform agenda in the coming months
to strengthen its economic fundamentals. I agree with this statement because our economic conditions is
still weak. Indonesia is still difficult to gain many benefit from multiple sectors.

BI Deputy Governor Mirza Adityaswara said it needed to step up renewable energy outputs and reduce
its dependency on fossil fuels as a priority of the structural reform agenda. I agree with this statement
because Indonesia has so many renewable energy potential which can alter many existing not-renewable
energy like fossils energy.

Mirza also said that last year's large trade deficit was caused by a decline in the prices of Indonesia's export
commodities and larger imports of capital goods due to the government’s infrastructure drive, which was
necessary in going forward to boost growth in gross domestic product (GDP). In this Jokowi’s era of
government, there are lots of infrastructure building done by him. Infrastructures built costs a lot of
money from APBN. So I also agree with this statement.

In the other side, Perry Warjiyo, Governor of BI, said Indonesia needed to direct its structural reform
agenda to improve competitiveness, such as maintaining a conducive investment climate, encouraging
diversification away from commodity-based sectors and improving human capital. I agree with this
statement. If we conduct a good environtment in every business agendas, such as improving
competitiveness, we will gain many benefits from those business sectors.

In summary, I support BI’s idea to urge focused structural reform to boost GDP growth. We could do many
things such as making good environment in business agendas, maintaining renewable energies and so
many more.
artinya BI memperkirakan defisit transaksi berjalan menjadi satu-
satunya faktor yang tersisa yang akan menimbulkan risiko
bagi stabilitas rupiah tahun ini, kata Mirza, karena inflasi
Indonesia harus melanjutkan agenda reformasi tetap terkendali dan Federal Reserve Amerika Serikat
strukturalnya dalam beberapa bulan mendatang untuk mendekati puncak siklus pengetatannya.
memperkuat fundamental ekonominya, karena Defisit transaksi berjalan diperkirakan akan menyempit
ketidakpastian global diperkirakan akan berkurang tahun menjadi 2,5 persen dari PDB tahun ini, mendapat manfaat
ini, seorang pejabat senior Bank Indonesia (BI) mengatakan. dari implementasi penuh dari beberapa langkah
Salah satu masalah utama yang perlu diatasi adalah pemerintah untuk mengurangi impor, seperti memperluas
mengelola defisit transaksi berjalan, yang disalahkan atas kebijakan campuran 20 persen biodiesel (B20) dan
penurunan tajam rupiah tahun lalu. menampar bea impor yang lebih tinggi pada 1.147 barang
konsumen .
Defisit transaksi berjalan berarti bahwa suatu negara
membelanjakan di luar kemampuannya dalam hal likuiditas BI mengumumkan proyeksi jangka menengah untuk defisit
valuta asing, menyebabkan ketergantungan pada neraca berjalan sebesar 2 persen dari PDB pada tahun 2024.
pembiayaan eksternal seperti investasi langsung asing dan “Jika kita dapat mengelola defisit neraca berjalan hingga 2,5
investasi portofolio. Investasi portofolio biasanya sensitif persen atau bahkan 2 persen dari PDB [pada tahun 2024],
terhadap sentimen pasar global. kita akan memiliki situasi yang stabil [di mana asing]
Menimbang bahwa Indonesia adalah importir minyak pendanaan mengalir ke Indonesia, serta tingkat
netto, Deputi Gubernur BI Mirza Adityaswara mengatakan pertumbuhan PDB yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan
perlu meningkatkan produksi energi terbarukan dan level saat ini, ”kata Mirza.
mengurangi ketergantungannya pada bahan bakar fosil Gubernur BI Perry Warjiyo menyerukan reformasi
sebagai prioritas agenda reformasi struktural. struktural yang lebih fokus dan konsisten, termasuk
“Sebagai negara yang terus tumbuh, kami jelas mengatasi defisit transaksi berjalan, untuk membuka
membutuhkan lebih banyak energi. Jadi, ini tentang potensi pertumbuhan PDB yang lebih tinggi.
bagaimana mendiversifikasi sumber energi kita agar tidak “Kebijakan reformasi struktural sangat penting. Kami harus
bergantung pada bahan bakar fosil yang diimpor, "kata meningkatkan permintaan agregat kami - bagaimana
Mirza di Jakarta minggu ini. mendorong [pergerakan] modal dan meningkatkan
Defisit minyak dan gas sangat membebani neraca [produktivitas] tenaga kerja, ”kata Perry. "Kami telah
perdagangan Indonesia secara keseluruhan. Negara ini memberlakukan [kebijakan reformasi struktural] dan akan
mencatat defisit perdagangan yang dalam sebesar US $ terus konsisten dengan kebijakan yang ada."
8,57 miliar tahun lalu, didorong oleh defisit $ 12,4 miliar di Perry mengatakan Indonesia perlu mengarahkan agenda
industri minyak dan gas, menurut Statistik Indonesia (BPS). reformasi strukturalnya untuk meningkatkan daya saing,
Dalam dua bulan pertama 2019, industri minyak dan gas seperti menjaga iklim investasi yang kondusif, mendorong
mencatat defisit $ 886 juta, melebihi surplus perdagangan diversifikasi menjauh dari sektor berbasis komoditas dan
non-minyak dan gas sebesar $ 152 juta pada periode yang meningkatkan sumber daya manusia.
sama. Direktur Eksekutif Pusat Reformasi Ekonomi (CORE)
Mirza mengatakan bahwa defisit perdagangan besar tahun Indonesia Mohammad Faisal sependapat dengan Perry,
lalu disebabkan oleh penurunan harga komoditas ekspor mengatakan kebijakan reformasi struktural perlu
Indonesia dan impor barang modal yang lebih besar karena ditegakkan secara konsisten.
dorongan infrastruktur pemerintah, yang diperlukan untuk "Reformasi struktural perlu menghubungkan berbagai
maju untuk mendorong pertumbuhan produk domestik kebijakan, seperti sinergi kebijakan antara sektor fiskal,
bruto (PDB). moneter, dan riil," tambah Faisal.
Negara mengimpor barang modal $ 6 miliar untuk Reformasi juga harus diarahkan untuk mendorong
infrastruktur saja, menurut perhitungan dari departemen keterkaitan kebijakan yang lebih kuat dalam sektor
statistik bank sentral. manufaktur untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada bahan
Defisit perdagangan 2018 telah memperluas defisit neraca baku dan bahan pembantu impor, katanya.
berjalan menjadi 2,98 persen dari PDB, atau $ 31,1 miliar.

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