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no. RED is the color of…

1 Red is sunset Hot and bright sun
2 Blazing and bright.
3 Red is feeling brave Bravery and strength/power
4 With all your might.
5 Red is a sunburn Nose that is burnt by the sun (when
6 Spot on your nose. you are under the hot sun for too
7 Sometimes red A rose (the flower)
8 Is a red, red, rose.
9 Red squiggles out Blood that comes out of a cut
10 When you cut your finger/hand
11 Red is a brick Brick that is used to build houses
and buildings

12 And the sound of a Loud and high pitch sound of a

band. musical band

13 Red is hotness The great feeling of embarrassment

14 You get inside makes you feel like hiding from
15 When you’re other people
embarrassed (Some people blush when they are
16 And want to hide. embarrassed – their faces turn red)
17 Fire-cracker, fire- Fire crackers, fire brigade
engine or an unsteady movement of flame
18 Fire-flicker red– like a candle or flickering light (like
a police car/ambulance/fire
19 And when you’re Your head feels hot with anger (hot
angry temper)
20 Red runs through your
21 Red is an Indian, Reference to the native American
22 A Valentine heart. Romantic love

23 The trimmings on The bright red decorations on a

24 A circus cart. circus cart
25 Red is a lipstick The color of lipstick that women
love to wear

26 Red is a shout Loud call or cry (to show a strong


27 Red is a signal A warning of danger (to be on the

28 That says: “Watch look-out / to be alert)
29 Red is a great big A big rubber ball
30 Rubber ball. (small children are always attracted
to a red ball)
31 Red is the giantest Red is the most widely seen color
32 Color of all. around us / the color that we will
notice immediately around us
(‘giant’ already means very big.
‘giantest’ is just to make it sound
extremely big)
33 Red is a show-off, Obviously easy to
(Some people use red simply to
attract attention – maybe for
34 No doubt about it - personal reasons)
35 But can you imagine The question emphasizes the fact
36 Living without it? that our life would be dull and
boring without red as a color in the

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