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Pekanbaru, 23 Agustus 2018

To :
Sir / Madam
PT. Kwarsa Hexagon
At Bandung – Jawa Barat

Subject : Work Application

Dear Sir,

Nama saya Agi Nofrimon. Umur saya 25 tahun. Saya sehat jasmani dan rohani. Saya lulus dari
Poltekkes Kemenkes RI Padang, gelar Diploma 3 Kesehatan Lingkungan pada Agustus 2015.

Saya sangat termotivasi, pekerja cerdas dan siap menerima tantangan di tingkat mana pun. Saya
dapat menangani proses kerja administratif, berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris, dan melek
komputer. Saya juga sangat adaptif, suka keragaman, dan mampu bekerja sebagai tim.

Berdasarkan penjelasan saya di atas, saya ingin bergabung dengan perusahaan Anda yang
terkenal. Saya yakin bahwa saya dapat mencapai masa depan saya dengan Anda dan perusahaan
Anda. Karena itu, saya melampirkan dokumen yang diperlukan untuk referensi Anda lebih

Akan sangat berterima kasih jika Anda bisa memberi saya kesempatan untuk wawancara kapan
saja yang nyaman bagi Anda. Terima kasih banyak atas perhatiannya.

Sincerely yours,

Agi Nofrimon, Amd.KL



Names Agi Nofrimon, Amd.KL

Jl.Wortel Ujung no.7A, Delima, Tampan, Kota


Telephone(s) Mobile: +62-852-7478-2793

Nationality Indonesia
Place and Date of birth Payakumbuh and November 15th 1993
Gender Male, 25th years old

Desired Employment / Occupational

Admin Safety

Work Experiences

Dates June 1st 2016 – Mei 2018

Occupation or position held HSE and Environmental Staff
Main activities and responsibilities - As a PIC (Person In Charge) in managing
details of environmental health programs to
prevent disease caused by the environment and
maintain high standards of health in the work
- Conducting management and supervision on the
quality of clean water, drinking water,
wastewater, food sanitation, indoor & out door
air quality, vector control and other work
included in environmental health work
- Conduct supervision and evaluation of
cleanliness of all areas of the hospital
- Develop and socialize sanitation standards for
all sanitation scope
- Develop workplace sanitation guidelines /
guidelines in accordance with laws and
- Recommend, measure and determine steps to be
taken in the context of eradication of infectious
diseases resulting from poor environmental
- Provide counseling in order to maintain good
food quality
- Conduct HSE related monitoring activities
such as monitoring of light fire extinguishers,
hydrants, hazard zones
- Conduct work monitoring activities at altitudes
and hazard areas
- provide training to employees on OSH basics in
hospitals and environmental health community
in hospitals
- design safety signs in the hospital area

Name and address of employer Awal Bros Panam Hospital

HSE and Environmental Staff – Department
Type of business or sector

Formal Education

Dates 2012 - 2015

Title of qualification awarded Diploma 3 Environmental Health degree
Understanding Environmental Health
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Requirements at the Hospital, Understanding the
Basics of Occupational Health and Safety
Name and type of organization providing
Poltekkes Kemenkes RI Padang
organization and training
Thesis Title Residential Waste Management System
Graduated Point Average (GPA) 3.26 ( scale 4.00)

Personal Skills and Competences

Mother tongue Indonesia (fluent speak/read/write)

English (good speak/read/write)
Technical computer skills and competences Hardware
Audio & Video
MS office (basic installation and administration)

Windows 98/Me/XP ( basic installation and

Additional Information As an individual, I see myself and committed
myself as an honest person, able to work
independently or as a part of a team, creative,
willing to work under pressure, hard working,
strong motivation and high responsibility.

Course/Seminar/Training Record

- Training The Supervision Development of

Type Competences Occupational Safety & Health Norms (AK3U) –
- Integrated Management System Training ( OHSAS
18001 : 2007) Sistem Manajemen K3 - 2018
- Integrated Management System Training (ISO
14001 : 2015)Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan - 2018
- Integrated Management System Training (ISO
9001 : 2015) Sistem Manajemen Mutu – 2018
- Penerapan Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan untuk
Pengolahan Limbah Medis di Fasilitas Pelayanan
Kesehatan – 2018
- Pengolahan Limbah Medis Teknologi Autoklaf –
- Peran Pest Manajemen Dalam Memperkuat Industry
Hospitality dan Food Manufacturing di Pekanbaru –
- Training Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) - 2016
- Playing another music likes guitar, drum, bass, etc

I would like to state that all the information above is true.

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