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Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, the deepest gratitude always goes to the

Almighty God, Allah SWT, for His blessing and mercies, good health, strength,

and patience to finish this thesis. Shalawat and taslim are addressed to the great

revolutionist and the chosen man, our prophet Muhammad SAW.

Many problems had been faced in finishing this thesis. Those problems

would not have been solved without help, motivation, supports, suggestions,

critics, guidance, assistances and advice from many people. It would be an honour

to express her appreciation to all of them.

Her deepest appreciation and thanks are addressed to her supervisors,

Prof. Dr. Djamiah Husain, M. Hum and Dr. H. Syarifuddin Dollah, M.Pd. for

their suggestions, corrections, advice, and most valuable education and guidance

during the writing of this thesis. She specially thank to her thesis examiners,

Prof. M. Asfah Rahman, M.Ed., Ph.D and Muh. Hasbi, S.S, M. Hum for their

encouragements and insightful comments.

Her most profound and sincere gratitude goes to

Dr. Kisman Salija, M. Pd; the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Literature, Dr.

A. Muliati M, M. Pd; the Head of English Department, Dr.

Maemuna Muhayyang, M. Pd; the Head of English Education Program, and all

the lecturers and administrative staff of English Department, Faculty of

Languages and Literature, State University of Makassar. She is heavily indebted

to her academic advisor Dr. H. Syarifuddin Dollah, M.Pd. for his time, valuable

education, motivation and guidance during four years in her study.

Her deepest gratitude goes to the-head master,

Drs. H. Chaidir Madja, M. Pd, all teachers and all staff of SMP Negeri 26

Makassar for allowing her to conduct a research in SMP Negeri 26 Makassar and

for their services during this research. Special thanks to the English teacher,

Rosmaniar, S. Pd, for her advice, suggestion and time. Also, her thanks to all

students in VIII-5 class for their friendliness during this research.

Her sincere gratitude also goes to her best friends for the supports,

togetherness, understanding, sharing, corrections, and experiences during her

study in this University, Tri Susilawati Akib, Nur Rahmah, Ferawati, Siti Khadijah

Hapsari, Nur Khearah Ummah, Ulfa Musyriha, Lisna Frastiana Lukin, Siska

Basri, Anggar Susilowati, Besse Fatwa Ilmi, Mutmainnah Mursidin, A. Devia

Minda Putri, A. Eka Rezky, Nurul Qur’ani and all English Education Students

class C 2008 “Once You Enter, You’ll Never Get Out”.

Last but certainly not the least, she wishes to extend an everlasting

appreciation and deepest thankfulness to her families. Her beloved parents,

Kaharuddin, S.Pd. SD and Kasmawati, and also her sisters, Kartini and

Karlina , for their love to her, who have given her endless love, material, advice,

prayer and moral encouragement until the end of the days she pursued her study in

this University.
Finally, she surely believes and realizes that this thesis is still far from

perfectness. Therefore constructive suggestion and criticisms would always be

very expected and respected.

May Allah SWT always be with us, Amin.

Makassar, September 2012

The Writer

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