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Biology was my favorite subject in high school and I cannot wait to teach. I love biology because I can
apply what I teach in the classroom to lessons and experiences to our lives outside the classroom. When
they come to my biology class, students will be met with hands-on activities, experiments, and
questioning that develops their understanding of the subject. As a teacher, I will facilitate student learning
and collaboration. To promote collaboration, I will teach students to be respectful of other students’
beliefs and opinions. I will teach respect by modeling respectful behavior and interactions, and sharing
with students their expectations for respect in my classroom. Students will always be treated with respect
from myself and their peers. By teaching to students to respect their peers, students will feel comfortable
asking questions in class, sharing their opinions, and creating discussion in the classroom. There will be a
zero tolerance policy for bullying in my classroom. I will have teach 21st Century skills in my classroom
by incorporating technology, creating discourse, and having students work with different peers in the

5 Belief Statements

1. I believe that I can help students be excited to learn.

1. I want to help students feel excited about learning. I will do this by giving them an
environment that they feel comfortable entering in order to promote learning and the
exchange of information between students. I will raise enthusiasm by having hands on
activities that let students learn at a pace comfortable to them. I will motivate children to
engage with the content. By consistently bringing in different educational tools such as
new technology, art activities, and scientific equipment in creative and meaningful ways,
I will keep students interested in science.
2. I believe that learning is a collaborative experience.
1. Students learn from each other. Everyone brings their own experience and learning from
the past into the classroom. Students who collaborate to solve problems and think
critically are more likely to make connections to apply new content. For assignments and
assessments, I will rotate between letting students pick their groups, having groups
randomly assigned, or assigning groups myself in order for students to learn how to work
with a variety of peers from different backgrounds
3. I believe that student misbehaviors will be handled in logical and appropriate ways
1. Misbehaviors in my classroom will be handled with logical responses. When I decide the
response to a misbehavior in my classroom, I will first follow school wide policies for the
misbehavior. For behaviors where I decided the level of consequence or redirection, I will
make those decisions though reasoning and measuring the severity of the misbehavior.
One of my educational philosophies is that I can explain y choices to the students,
parents, and administration, and this philosophy will be large part for my decision making
for behavior management. I believe that communication with the parents is essential to
helping students be successful in the classroom, and I will reach out to parents/guardians
about student behavior and the steps to manage misbehavior. I will also take into account
that students come to class with problems from outside my classroom, so my first step
when managing behavior is to understand the perspective of the student. My
interpretation of the student perspective will be taken into account when deciding
management strategies. An important step of behavior management that I will do is
making of record of the behavior, who was contacted, and the plan for managing
behavior in the future. Collecting this data will help create plans for students, hold
students accountable for their action plans, and help prevent conflicts with parents.
4. I believe that I am responsible for helping the student learn no matter what their background.
1. I will have diverse students in my classroom. I am responsible for teaching each of them
equitably. I will do this for students with IEPs, ELLs, 504 plans, and different learning
styles. I will provide differentiation in my classroom to help students become successful.
I believe that each student will need different strategies and tools to be successful and I
want to work with students to provide them with an environment and the resources that
they will need to strive. I also believe that what works for one student will not work for
everyone, and I believe in helping students with their current needs everyday in the
5. I believe that students can show success in different ways.
1. Student’s have different ways of showing success. I want to provide many opportunities
for students to show that they are reaching their goals. I want to provide a variety of
assessments for students to assess if students are meeting the benchmarks and standards
for the class. By having a variety of assessments such as projects, quizzes, discussions,
classwork and lab reports students can show how they can succeed in different ways. I
also believe that having a variety of assessment strategies is engaging and will keep
students involved in the material.

​I want my students to learn to respect others, respect the environment and to respect themselves. By
learning to respect others, students will feel comfortable sharing their opinions about the content we are
learning in class. I want to class to have discussions about the subject especially when students don’t
understand something. I also want students to make connections about the subject on their own and feel
comfortable to share them with the class. I also want students to learn to respect the subject of biology.
The science of life is important when humans have the largest impact of the lives around us. Every action
we do as humans has an outstanding effect on our planet and I want students to learn that their actions
matter. No matter how small, the choices that students make can make a different. I also want to students
to learn that they deserve respect. I will give every student the respect that they deserve and I want them
to learn that they deserve respect. I will believe in my students and I want to teach them to believe in
At the beginning of this class, I was not even officially in the science education major. I had never
thought too much about how I would be as a teacher so when I was asked to write my classroom
education philosophy at the beginning of the semester I had no idea what to write about. I have learned an
immeasurable amount about teaching this semester and it lead me to reflect about the kind of teacher I
want to be. First off, I learned that I really love the idea of being a teacher. When I was reviewing my
initial classroom environment philosophy, it was very obvious that I imagined that teaching was going to
be direct instruction to a class of students who were all the same. A major thing I learned through this
semester was that the classroom is going to be diverse. This semester I learned about IEPs, multicultural
education, ELLs, achievement gaps, and tracking students. The ability to share knowledge and get
students excited about learning is what I want to do everyday for the rest of my life. I want to make a
difference in students lives and get to know them as people who are going to grow up to make a

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