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Preference Error List:

1) Error When Creating New Eligibility Criteria using Link by In OTL Preferences (Doc ID
2) Not Able To Link OTL Preferences Using People Group Segment (Doc ID 2378064.1)
3) After 12.1 HRMS RUP11 OTL Administrator Preference "LINKED TO" LOV Error "Invalid Value
for ELIG_CRITERIA" (Doc ID 2441634.1)
4) OTL Preferences Are Not Applied Correctly To Employees With The Same Eligibility Criteria
(Doc ID 2505084.1)
5) Why Are You Getting the Error 'APP-HXC-366221: A Preference Cannot Be Parent of
Something' When Trying To Add A New Preference? (Doc ID 466431.1)
6) After R12.2 RUP10 Timecard for Terminated employees Error " This person does not have
preferences for the selected effective date" (Doc ID 2309369.1)
7) ERROR: ORA-04063: view "APPS.HXC_RESOURCE_RULES_V" has errors 04063. 00000 - "%s
has errors" when editing Preferences (Doc ID 2423640.1)
8) Preference Errors Fdfgvd Failed Due To Ora-01406: Fetched Column Value Was Truncated
(Doc ID 1307937.1)
9) OTL: HXCTKSAT: Error 'Please Enter An Hours Type' When Pressing Submit In Timekeeper
(Doc ID 303843.1)
10) When Saving a Time Entry Rule on the Eligibility Criteria Tab the Following Error Occurs:
"APP-HXC-366084: Rule name already exists should not occur" (Doc ID 1970070.1)
11) Why Is the Error "Your Change and Late Audit Setup Is Invalid. Contact Your System
Administrator" Appearing? (Doc ID 461484.1)

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