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Long Quiz in Science

1. Which of the following is a transfer of heat energy by direct contact between solid materials?
A. friction B. convection C. conduction D. radiation
2. Which law is described when a balloon releases air in the atmosphere?
A. inertia B. conservation C. interaction D. acceleration
3. Sitting around a campfire makes us feel warm. What type of heat transfer takes place?
A. conduction B. convection C. evaporation D. radiation
4. Which term does not belong to the group?
A. oil B. roller C. smooth surface D. spikes in shoes
5. Which of the following illustrates heat transfer by convection?
A. feeling the heat of the sun on the skin
B. getting sunburned for staying long under the sun
C. frying chicken in hot oil
D. entering of cold air inside the room and leaving of hot air through the vents
6.What transformation of energy takes place when a light bulb is turned on?
A. electrical energy to light and heat energy
B. light energy to electrical and heat energy
C. nuclear energy to electrical and heat energy
D. mechanical energy to electrical energy
7. Which of the following is NOT a stored or energy at rest?
A. running water on a dam C. a pencil inside the bag
B. a ball on top of the table D. piles of newspaper
8. Which of the following illustrates kinetic energy?
A. a hanging chandelier C. a stretched rubber band
B. an electric fan that is turned off C. a ticking clock

9. Which of the following objects allows light to pass through it?

A. Mirror B. Glass C. Wood D. Can
10. Which surface has the highest frictional force?
A. wood to wood B. glass to wood C. glass to glass D. cement to cement
11. Who is the proponent of Laws of Motion?
A. Isaac Newton B. Max Planck C. Benjamin Franklin D. Christian Huygens
A. dry cell B. gravity C. friction D. fuel
12. Which of the following forms of energy is present in a nuclear power plant?
A. chemical energy C. heat energy
A. mechanical energy D. nuclear energy
13. What energy is produced by moving electrons?
A. heat energy C. sound energy
B. electrical energy D. light energy
14. Which of the following colors absorbs the most heat?
A. white B. blue C. black D. yellow
15. Which of the following is a characteristic of a pitch?
A. highness or lowness of sound C. loudness of a voice
B. throwing a baseball D. vibration of something

16. What factor prevents an object from moving against surface?

A. light B. sound C. friction D. wave

17. Which of the following situations produces noise?

A. playing a piano B. speeding car C. singing a song D. nature’s sound
18. Which of the following colors reflects the most heat?
B. white B. blue C. black D. yellow
19. What is the invisible light that is emitted by a mobile phone?
A. microwave B. radiowave C. infrared D. gamma rays
20. Which of the following is an example of a chemical energy?
A. digested food B. photosynthesis C. electricity D. sweat
21. Which of the following can generate static electricity?
A. dry cell B. gravity C. friction D. fuel
22. How do you describe kinetic energy?
A. energy at rest C. moving of electrons
B. stored energy D. energy in motion
23. What kind of friction is shown by the stable position of a table?
A. Sliding friction B. Fluid Friction C. Rolling Friction D.Static friction
24. What properties of light is being described when the light bounces back when it hits an o
A. opaque B .absorption C. reflection D. refraction
25. What part of an electromagnetic spectrum is used to show the photographic vision of an
internal organ?
A. radio wave B. gamma ray C. visible light D. X-ray
II. Directions: Match the descriptions in column A with the terminologies in column B. Write the
letter of the answer on the space provided before the number.

___1. It is an energy from the position or composition A. Conductors
of an object. B. Electromagnetic
___2. It is an unpleasant sound. C. Noise
__ 3. It is used for cooking and heating food. D. Generator
___4.It refers to energy due to motion. E. Kinetic energy
___5.It is energy from falling water. F. Laser
___6.These are materials that conduct heat easily
___7.It is the capacity to do work. G. Voltage
___8.A magnet that generates a magnetic field H. Insulator
through electricity. I. Geothermal
___9.These are materials like plastics that do not J. Force
allow the movement of electrons. K. Potential energy
___10. A device that changes electrical energy into L. Microwave oven
mechanical energy. M. Energy


Directions: Read the following sentences carefully. Write Trueif the statement is correct, If it
isfalse,change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct.
1. Light is a factor that makes things visible.
2. Opaque objects are materials that cannot produce their own light.
3.Law of acceleration states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
4. Motion is a change in position of an object with respect to a frame of reference point.
5.Wood and rubber are good insulators.
6.Balanced force is the kind of force that always pull down the object.
7. Luminous objects are the things that produce their own light.
8. Materials that transmit light are transparent.
9. Power companies monitor household energy consumption through speedometer.
10. Isaac Huygens believed that light is made up of particles.

Directions: Answer the question completely yet concise. Use extra pad paper.
1- 5. Explain why are cooking materials mostly made of aluminum, copper or brass?

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