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The Mother Care Hospital

Diyan :Hello,good evening .Mother Care Hospital . How can i

help you miss?

Diyan :Yes miss, i will write your identity first . What is your
name miss?

Diyan :How can i call you miss?

Diyan :How old are you miss?

Diyan :Are you single or married?

Diyan :ok next, what do you do?

Diyan :OK. I need you to confirm about admission data here.

You are addmitted in Mei 3 2018 at 3 o’clock. Next,what
are you got here ?

Diyan :What you are admitted from registration desk or Er or

your home or other?

Diyan :Do you have your own family Doctor?

Diyan :Miss , i need to take you vital sign. Please!

First of all i want to measure your height , stand up


Diyan :Next , I want to measure your wight . Can you stand


Diyan :i will measure your blood presure. Could you lie down
and rest miss?
Ok please roll your sleeve up a little . Can you hold your
arm out straight for me?

I will wrap the cuff round your arm . just relax ,that’s
right . You won’t feel any pain; it will just be a bit tight
around you arm, OK

Diyan :Next, i will measure your temperature. Can you put this
in the armpit

Diyan :Ok next , i will measure you respiration . Can you put
your hand on the your Stomatch

Diyan :Thank you miss , I have finished checking the vital signs

Diyan :Yes miss , letter i will read out its results at the end of
the examination

Diyan :How do you feel today?

Diyan :Has anything changed recently? What was you usual

condition before that?

Diyan :Can you tell me what was going on with you antil you
have got here in chronology

Diyan :How did the pain influence ypu daily life?

Diyan :Have you ever hospital lized before?

Diyan :Have you ever got any surgery before?

Diyan :Do you have allergies?

Diyan :what kind of allergies do you have?

Narrative description
a patient named hulayfa adila aged 21 years, a woman. she is
married. his job as a teacher. he came to the hospital on 3 May
2018 at 3 o'clock. his main language is Indonesia. he came to the
hospital in her car. he has a family doctor that is a zainal doctor.

the results of the patient vital sign examination show weight

69kg, height 168 cm, blood tension 130/90, temperature 37
degrees. 80 pulses per minute and respiration 24 times per minute.

And her feels Pain during urination , itching in the vagina and
coming months irregularly. Previously her chronology of the illnes,
I once fell from a ledder, then her stomatch hit the table , after
that incident when her urinate pain and my menstruation is not
regular and also at that time eating boiled noodles mixed with eggs
after that my vagina itch

her was disturbed by her illness and often went to the

bathroom and her had been hospitalized because of the disease
tipes and her has a history of allergies with chicken eggs

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