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2019 Support Group

“Fact vs. Fiction with Nutrition and A Cancer Diagnosis”

What do we know about nutrition and gynecological cancers? Generally speaking
Eat the Rainbow!

• Eat mostly plant-based foods/diet – fruits, veggies, beans, peas, whole grains,
nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, coffee and tea
• Limit intake of red meat and avoid processed meats
• Limit intake of alcohol
• Importance of weight management and exercise – obesity related to
gynecological cancers

Green Power Paradise Smoothie: 1 cup frozen pineapple chunks, 1 cup frozen
mango chunks, 2 handfuls baby spinach, ½ fresh squeezed lime, 1” thumb of fresh,
peeled ginger, and 1-2 cups freshly brewed green tea. Blend and enjoy!

Cancer Fighting Cowgirl Caviar: quinoa (cooked in vegetable stock), black beans or
black eyed peas, chopped bell peppers, chopped tomatoes, onion, corn, cilantro,
chopped mango, juice of 1 lime, extra virgin olive oil, 1 tsp chili powder, 1 tsp garlic
powder, optional cayenne for heat, salt and pepper to taste. Giddy-up!

Fact vs. Fiction:

Fiction: Soy foods aren’t safe for women with a history of hormone-related cancers,
including uterine (endometrial) or ovarian cancer.
Fact: Several large studies, following thousands of women for many years, consistently
suggest soy protects against endometrial and ovarian cancer. Compared with women who
do not eat soy, women who regularly eat soy tend to have lower cancer risk. Studies were
all observational; however, they are reassuring that soy foods do not increase cancer risk.
Take Home: Gynecological survivors can safely enjoy soy foods or avoid them if they wish.

Fiction: Cervical cancer is not preventable.
Fact #1: HPV must be present for cervical cancer to develop. Cervical cancer can be
prevented with the HPV vaccine; and regularly scheduled pap smears are important for
monitoring cervical health before cancer develops.
Fact #2: The Mediterranean diet helps prevent the progression of persistent high-risk HPV
infection to cervical cancer.
Take Home: Advocate for HPV vaccination and regular pap smears. Rate your
Mediterranean Diet Score.

Fiction: Alkaline water is better than pure bottles/tap water.
Fact: Pure bottled/tap water has a pH of 7, so alkaline water is any water that has a pH
higher than 7. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14. The body does a really good job of
maintaining an optimal, healthy pH of blood around 7.3. The most common minerals found
in water include calcium, sodium, potassium, copper, manganese, magnesium, and iron.
Location impacts the concentration of minerals in water and hard water has significantly
more calcium and magnesium than soft water. A higher mineral content in water means it
has a higher pH level. Some waters are naturally alkaline, while others undergo processing
to become alkaline. For example, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) added to water makes it
more alkaline. Alkaline water with a pH of 8.8 inactivates human pepsin, which contributes
to acid reflux – which is why this household remedy for indigestion works. If someone is
looking to lessen the acidity in their diet, add more fruits, vegetables and water.
Take Home: If you are eating a plant based Mediterranean style diet and drinking enough
water your body is maintaining your pH.

Fiction: Cancer feeds on sugar.
Fact: Sugar is composed of glucose and fructose. All cells utilize glucose for energy. The
amount of glucose we need each day is determined by our activity levels. Cancer cells are
multiplying rapidly and therefore need more glucose. Cancer cells don’t wait for a person to
eat sugar. Instead, they signal the body to make glucose from the breakdown of muscles. So
cancer cells get glucose regardless of diet. Sugar also contains fructose which if in excess
creates a condition known as insulin resistance. Insulin resistance along with inactivity
promotes weight gain and obesity. Obesity is a risk factor for many gynecological cancers.
Increasing activity and avoiding weight gain are proven to reduce risk of recurrence for
gynecological cancer survivors. Starches only contain glucose - not fructose - and can be a
very important source of fiber and nutrients when whole grains are selected. Sugar only
contributes calories and did I say it is delicious but it should be used sparingly.
Take Home: Avoid sugary drinks and desserts. Opt for naturally occurring sugars in fresh and
frozen, unsweetened fruits. Maintaining blood sugar and weight along with exercise is important
for survivors.

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