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End-time Mind Control

Independent thinking under attack

“Nanocomputers implanted in our brains that connect to the cloud

will usher in a new era of critical thinking and human advancement,
Google’s Director of Engineering predicts in a TED Talk. … Ray
Kurzweil says that by the 2030s, nanobots embedded through the
bloodstream into our brains will create hybrid-minds that combine
the current power of our brain with the almost limitless processing
capacity of cloud-based computers. These micro-computers will
help us get quick answers to complex problems and will provide the
extra juice needed to come up with creative new ideas. … With the
help of brain implants that are directly linked to computers, humans
may be able to improve their brain function, or even one day upload
their thoughts or download the thinking of others.” – https://

“Elon Musk want to connect computer to your brain so we can keep

up with robots.” –

“God has given men talents which He means that they should use.
He has given them minds and He means that they should become
thinkers, and do their own thinking and planning rather than depend
upon others to think and plan for them.” – Christian Leadership, 38

Critical thinking skills at an all-time low.

“More than 80 percent of employers said recent graduates were

deficient in… critical thinking.” – Wood, D. (2007) 1 in 3 Unprepared
for Life After High School.

Psychologists tell us that less than half the population are even
capable of the highest level of thinking skills, and only about 5% of
the population actually think for themselves.
“Moral purity depends on right thinking….” – Gospel Workers, 126
“Every human being, created in the image of God, is endowed with
a power akin to that of the Creator — individuality, power to think
and to do. The men in whom this power is developed are the men
who bear responsibilities, who are leaders in enterprise, and who
influence character. … It is the work of true education to develop
this power, to train the youth to be thinkers, and not mere reflectors
of other men’s thought.” – Education, 17

“…children—and their developing brains—have been “wired” from

an early age to memorize and retrieve “facts” on demand, but not to
think or reason.” –

“When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about
his actions.” – Carter G. Woodson

“How fortunate for leaders, that men do not think.” – Adolph Hitler
10 Thought-Destroying Tactics

Tactic 1: A lack of physical activity

Research is now telling us that, for the young child, physical activity
is actually more important than time spent studying.

The Cerebellum…

• linked with higher, frontal levels in the brain

• ability to perform repetitive activities automatically (like
• cognitive skills
• language
• social interaction
• music
• attention

Movement is NECESSARY for the development of the cerebellum.

“After birth, physical activities are one of the child’s main means of
advancing physical, intellectual, and emotional growth, so you
should encourage many forms of body movement.” – Jane Healy.

Educational Psychology. Your Child’s Growing Mind, 23



“Young persons are naturally active, and if they find no legitimate scope
for their pent-up energies after the confinement of the schoolroom, they
become restless and impatient of control; they are thus led to engage in
the rude, unmanly sports that disgrace so many schools and colleges,
and even to plunge into scenes of dissipation. And many who leave their
homes innocent, are corrupted by their associations at school. Much
could be done to obviate these evils, if every institution of learning would
make provision for manual labor on the part of the students,—for actual
practice in agriculture and the mechanic arts. Competent teachers
should be provided to instruct the youth in various industrial pursuits, as
well as in their studies in the school room. While a part of each day is
devoted to mental improvement and physical labor, devotional exercises
and the study of the Scriptures should not be overlooked. Students
trained in this manner would have habits of self-reliance, firmness, and
perseverance, and would be prepared to engage successfully in the
practical duties of life. They would have courage and determination to
surmount obstacles, and moral stamina to resist evil influences.” (Signs
of the Times , August 26, 1886)


DEVELOP A PRACTICAL SKILL: “In our school in Australia we
educated the youth along these lines, showing them that in order to
have an education that is complete, they must divide their time between
the gaining of book knowledge and the securing of a knowledge of
practical work. Part of each day was spent in manual labor. Thus the
students learned how to clear the land, to cultivate the soil, and to build
houses; and these lines of work were largely carried on in time that
would otherwise have been spent in playing games and seeking for
amusement. The Lord blessed the students who devoted their hours to
learning lessons of usefulness.” (Counsels to Parents, Teachers and
Students p. 310)

“The monotony of continual study wearies the mind, and they take but
little interest in their lessons; and to many the application to books
becomes painful.” Child Guidance . P. 333

Agriculture is one of the best forms of physical activity.


• self-confidence
• self-esteem
• patient
• persevering
• improved science understanding
• better test scores
• overall better learners.

Mycobacterium Vaccae – found in the soil

• reduce depression
• improve lung health
• boost the immune system
• fight cancer
• strengthen the digestive system
• treat arthritis
• improve emotional and mental health
• lower stress and anxiety
• reduce allergies
• make you smarter!

“ If possible, the home should be out of the city, where the children can have
ground to cultivate. Let them each have a piece of ground of their own; and
as you teach them how to make a garden, how to prepare the soil for seed,
and the importance of keeping all the weeds pulled out, teach them also how
important it is to keep unsightly, injurious practices out of the life. Teach
them to keep down wrong habits as they keep down the weeds in their
gardens.”—The Adventist Home, 146.1.

“compared to those that did not ingest the bacterium, the M.vaccae mice
“navigated the maze twice as fast and exhibited half of the anxiety behavior.”
Serotonin is also thought to play a role in learning, so it may have helped the
mice not just by making them less anxious but by facilitating greater
concentration. Once the bacterium was removed from their diet, they
continued to perform better than the control group for about three weeks. As
the bacterium left the system, the superhero effects tapered off and by the
third week, the difference was no longer statistically significant.”-Naomi A.
Sachs, It’s In The Dirt! Bacteria In Soil May Make Us Happier, Smarter.

“Students who are actively engaged in garden projects tend to enjoy learning
and show improved attitudes towards education.”-Canaris, 1955;Dirks and
Orvis, 2005

“A study of children with learning disabilities who engaged in gardening

found that they increased their nonverbal communication skills, developed
awareness of the advantages of order, learned how to participate in a
cooperative effort, and formed positive relationships with adults.”-Dyment &
Bell, 2006.

“…..being around plants helps children learn faster, improve health, reduce
crime, enhance the natural environment and greatly reduce the stress of
everyday life.”-Charlie Hall , Taxes A&M University.

“Research shows that kids learn faster when they are in green environment.
Those with attention deficit disorders have longer attention spans when they
are in a natural gardenlike environment as to a sterile, concrete classroom.”-
Charlie Hall, Taxes A&M University.

“Instead of telling students about the growth cycle, teachers become

coaches by helping students actively explore and manipulate soil, worms,
seeds, and plants. They can have conversations with students as they
observe that seeds germinate and seedlings grow. Students can use their
hands to show and point to different plant parts rather than be taught using
one-dimensional techniques based solely on paper and pencil.-Elementary
School Gardening Programs Enhance Science Education for All Learners.
Teaching Exceptional Children July/Aug 2012.

Math and Gardening

• Counting seeds and plants

• Measuring rows and figuring out how many seeds to plant

• Measuring how far apart to plant seeds

• Measuring the height of a seedling.

Science and Gardening

• Observing and predicting growth of plants

• Parts of a plant and the purpose of each

• Photosynthesis

• Meteorology

• Solar system

• Bugs and other critters through real-life observation

• Cycle of plant life through compositing.

Advantages of a country/farm life

• Awareness of the world and environment

• Helps develop the power of attention

• Responsibility

• Cause to effect

• Industry

• Economy

• Diligence

“There is nothing like a few potato beetles or cabbage warms to educate

children {and adults, for that matter} about ecology and entomology.
National Geographic online has great bug photographs and articles, but
nothing compares to picking beetles and worms off plants to truly
understand the natural world.”-Jim Hole, Wild child terrain.10 reasons your
kids will dig gardening. Life

Tactic 2. Overstimulation

Overwhelming the mind with an inappropriate level (too much) of

stimulus. This can take many forms – examples are too many toys,
a too busy schedule, and too much time in school.
Symptoms of over-stimulation

• stress
• danger response
• over-activity
• frustration
• irritability
• superficial thinking
“The bell will ring just when they’re engulfed in learning about the
solar system to tell them it is time to start learning how to dissect a
sentence. A child learns that no subject is truly meaningful or
interesting, and therefore learns not to be truly interested in
anything meaningful.” – Elizabeth Walling. Ten ways public school
destroys free thinking.

“Quietness, calmness, and freedom from artificial excitement build

strength in the immature child.” – Dr. Raymond Moore. School Can
Wait, 81

Tactic 3: Too much study

Study is good, but we can have too much of a good thing. The time
should be divided between study and practical work.
Effects of Too Much Study…

• “learned helplessness”
• “shutting off”
• superficial learning
• burn out
• illnesses
• learning disabilities

Tactic 4: Testing

The Animal School

Once upon a time, the animals decided they must do something to

meet the problems of a New World.  So they organized a school.
They adopted an activity curriculum consisting of running, climbing,
swimming, and flying. To make it easier to administer the
curriculum, all the animals took all the subjects. They were all highly
motivated, and wanted to get good grades, so they each tried very
hard.  The duck was excellent in swimming and flying, in fact, better
than his instructor, but he lagged behind his classmates in running
and climbing, so he had to stay after school and also drop
swimming in order to practice these two subjects. Soon his webbed
feet were badly worn from running that he was only average in
swimming. But average was acceptable in school, so nobody
worried about that except the duck.

At the start of the year the squirrel was first in his class in climbing
and running and was second only to the duck at flying. But he
developed serious frustration issues in the flying class because his
teacher made him start from the ground up instead of from the tree
top down. He developed “Charley Horses” from over exertion and
caught pneumonia in swimming class, so missed so much school
that he got a C in climbing and a D in running. To make matters
even worse, because the squirrel constantly squirmed and
chattered in class, and had difficulty paying attention, he was
diagnosed with a learning disorder.  The squirrel eventually was
placed in remedial classes and had to be medicated in order to
continue with his school work.

The rabbit started at the top of the class in running, but had a
nervous break-down because of so much make-up work in

The fox was a natural in his running class and scored well in
climbing and swimming, but became so frustrated at his inability to
get good grades in flying that he began assaulting his classmates.
He even tried to eat the duck. His behavior was so disruptive he
was expelled from school. He fell in with a rough crowd and
eventually wound up in a center for animal delinquents.

The eagle was a problem child and was disciplined severely. In the
climbing class he beat all the others to the top of the tree, but he
insisted on using his own way to get there.

The elephant, meanwhile, developed low self-esteem because he

couldn’t do well in any of the subjects.  When he sank into clinical
depression, his therapist persuaded him to try a different school that
focused on subjects such as lifting and carrying. The elephant was
disappointed, because careers in lifting and carrying were not as
prestigious as careers in flying, swimming, climbing, or running.
Even though he always felt inferior, he managed to make a decent
living and support his family.

At the end of the year, an abnormal eel that could swim exceedingly
well, and also run, climb, and fly a little had the highest average and
was Valedictorian. The prairie dogs stayed out of school and fought
the tax levy because the administration would not add digging and
burrowing to the curriculum. They apprenticed their children to a
badger and later joined the groundhogs and gophers to start a
successful private school.

“The factory model of education … ignores individual differences in

mental abilities and learning rates and learning styles. Children are
pressured to meet uniform standards as measured by standardized
tests. Those who cannot keep up in this system, as indicated by the
tests, are often regarded as defective vessels and are labeled
“learning disabled,” or ADHD.” – David Elkind. Ph.D Child
Development,Tufts University. The Hurried Child, 77

“…education is “reforming,” which means more basics, more hours,

more homework, more testing – more of everything that is creating
the problem. It is a classic case of the cure being worse than the
disease.” – David Elkind. Ph.D Child Development, Tufts University.
The Hurried Child, 77

“Under these circumstances children discover very quickly that

passing tests, rather than meaningful learning, is what school is all
about.” – David Elkind. Ph.D Child Development, Tufts University.
The Hurried Child, 56

“…there is no time or space to develop deep understanding of

concepts, test out new ideas through verbal and written action, or
develop deductive reasoning skills.” – Carla Hannaford. Smart
Moves, 97

“The memorizing necessary for these tests is a linear process that

does not require entire brain use. …Rote memory is a straight-line
process requiring none of the depth of understanding that comes
from whole brain activation. In short, rote memory does not require
thinking.” – Carla Hannaford, Smart Moves, 97

“There is no evidence that [standardized tests] make a difference in

learning. Who is benefitting from testing? …large corporations and
publishing companies.” – Doris Fromberg, Director of Early
Childhood Teacher Education, Hofstra University

Tactic 5: Poor Health and Nutrition

The diet profoundly affects the brain – especially in childhood.

Some examples are artificial additives negatively affecting IQ, sugar
negatively affecting brain myelination. Plenty of fruits and
vegetables are important for proper brain development.

There are very few who realize the most essential wants of the
mind, and how to direct the developing intellect, the growing
thoughts and feelings of youth. . . . The system of education
generations back has been destructive to health and even life itself.
Five hours each day many young children have passed in school
rooms not properly ventilated, nor sufficiently large for the healthful
accommodation of the scholars. The air of such rooms soon
becomes poison to the lungs that inhale it. Little children, whose
limbs and muscles are not strong, and their brains undeveloped,
have been kept confined indoors to their injury. Many have but a
slight hold on life to begin with. Confinement in school from day to
day makes them nervous and diseased. Their bodies are dwarfed
because of the exhausted condition of the nervous system.
-The Health Reformer, September 1, 1872 .

“And if the lamp of life goes out, the parents and teachers do not
consider that they had any direct influence in quenching the vital
spark. When standing by the graves of their children, the afflicted
parents look upon their bereavement as a special dispensation of
Providence. By inexcusable ignorance, their own course had
destroyed the life of their children. Then to charge their death to
Providence is blasphemy. God wanted the little ones to live and be
disciplined, that they might have beautiful characters, to glorify Him
in this world, and praise Him in the better world. In order to be in
accordance with fashion and custom, many parents have sacrificed
the health and life of their children. . . .”
-The Health Reformer, September 1, 1872.

Many children have been ruined for life by urging the intellect, and
neglecting to strengthen the physical. Many have died in their
childhood because of the course pursued by injudicious parents,
and teachers of the schools, in forcing their young intellect, by
flattery or fear, when they are too young to see the inside of a
school room. Their minds have been taxed with lessons, when they
should not have been called out, but kept back until the physical
constitution was strong enough to endure mental effort. small
children should be left free as lambs to run out of doors, to be free
and happy, and be allowed the most favorable opportunities to lay
the foundation for sound constitutions. Parents should be their only
teachers, until they have reached eight or ten years of age. They
should open before their children God’s great book of nature as fast
as their minds can comprehend it.
-The Health Reformer, September 1, 1872.

Many mothers feel that they have not time to instruct their children,
and in order to get them out of the way, and get rid of their noise
and trouble, they send them to school. The schoolroom is a hard
place for children who have inherited enfeebled constitutions.
Schoolrooms generally have not been constructed in reference to
health, but in regard to cheapness. The rooms have not been
arranged so that they could be ventilated as they should have been
without exposing the children to severe colds.

And the seats have seldom been made so that the children could sit
with ease, and keep their little, growing frames in a proper posture
to ensure healthy action of the lungs and heart. Young children can
grow into almost any shape, and can, by habits of proper exercise
and positions of the body, obtain healthy forms.
It is destructive to the health and life of young children for them to
sit in the schoolroom, upon hard ill-formed benches, from three to
five hours a day, inhaling the impure air caused by many breaths.
The weak lungs become affected, the brain, from which the nervous
energy of the whole system is derived, becomes enfeebled by being
called into active exercise before the strength of the mental organs
is sufficiently matured to endure fatigue. . . .
-Selected Messages, book 2, pages 426–439 [1865].

And not only has the physical and mental health of children been
endangered by being sent to school at too early a period, but they
have been the losers in a moral point of view. They have had
opportunities to become acquainted with children who were
uncultivated in their manners. They were thrown into the society of
the coarse and rough, who lie, swear, steal, and deceive, and who
delight to impart their knowledge of vice to those younger than
themselves. Young children if left to themselves learn the bad more
readily than the good. Bad habits agree best with the natural heart,
and the things which they see and hear in infancy and childhood
are deeply imprinted upon their minds, and the bad seed sown in
their young hearts will take root, and will become sharp thorns to
wound the hearts of their parents. During the first six or seven years
of a child’s life special attention should be given to its physical
training, rather than the intellect.

After this period, if the physical constitution is good, the education

of both should receive attention. Infancy extends to the age of six or
seven years. Up to this period, children should be left like little
lambs, to roam around the house, and in the yards, in the buoyancy
of their spirits, skipping and jumping free from care and trouble.
Parents, especially mothers, should be the only teachers of such
infant minds. They should not educate from books. The children
generally will be inquisitive to learn the things of nature. They will
ask questions in regard to the things they see and hear, and
parents should improve the opportunity to instruct, and patiently
answer, these little inquiries. They can in this manner get the
advantage of the enemy, and fortify the minds of their children, by
sowing good seed in their hearts, leaving no room for the bad to
take root. The mother’s loving instructions at a tender age is what is
needed by children in the formation of character. . . .

The first education children should receive from the mother in

infancy, should be in regard to their physical health. They should
beallowed only plain food, of that quality that would preserve to
them the best condition of health, and that should be partaken of
only at regular periods, not oftener than three times a day, and two
meals would be better than three. If children are disciplined aright,
they will soon learn that they can receive nothing by crying or
fretting. A judicious mother will act in training her children, not
merely in regard to her own present comfort, but for their future
good. And to this end, she will teach her children the important
lesson of controlling the appetite, and of self-denial, that they
should eat, drink, and dress in reference to health.

Selected Messages, book 2, 426–439 [1865].

Tactic 6: Age Segregation

A normal part of childhood that is actually a new idea, and not a

good thing.

“The placement of children in separate classes with others of the

same age is a fairly recent phenomenon. Age segregation did not
occur in full force until the advent of compulsory education laws
brought a large influx of children to the public school system.” – Jay
Fieldman and Peter Gray. Some educational benefits of freely
chosen age mixing among children and adolescents. Phi Delta
Kappan; March 1999, Vol. 80 Issue 7, p507-512

“…never in history until the 20th century have young people been
largely separated from the ongoing productive activities of society.”
– Gunhild O. Hagestad and Peter Uhlenberg. The Social Separation
of Old and Young: A Root of Ageism. Journal of Social Issues, Vol.
61, No. 2, 2005, pp. 343–360
“…society’s survival depends on raising new generations in close
proximity with adults who are engaged in their central roles.
Institutional age segregation creates a situation in which parents’
productive work—indeed, major portions of their adult lives—are
carried out in settings where there are no children. …children do not
get to know a variety of adults and observe their lives….” – Gunhild
O. Hagestad and Peter Uhlenberg. The Social Separation of Old
and Young: A Root of Ageism. Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 61, No.
2, 2005, pp. 343–360

“Does such division take place naturally anywhere? In industry, do

all twenty-one year old laborers work separately from twenty years
olds or twenty-three year olds? In business, are there separate
rooms for thirty year old executives and thirty-one year old
executives? Where, where on earth was this idea conceived? Is
anything more socially damaging than segregating children by year
for fourteen — often eighteen — years?” – Dan Greenberg. Back to

The Zone of Proximal Development: Children develop primarily by

attempting tasks they can accomplish only in collaboration with a
more competent individual.


• academics
• self esteem
• socialization skills

“The results seem to show that a child’s social development

depends more on adult contact and less on contact with other
children as previously thought.” – Dr. Larry Shyers.

“When you are little and just with kids your own age, the range of
possible activities is restricted by the knowledge and abilities of
those in your age group; but in collaboration with older kids there is
almost no limit to what you might do!” – Dr. Peter Grey. Freedom to
“A close study of what big people were up to was always the most
exciting occupation of youth….” – John Taylor Gatto. Dumbing Us
Down, 27

Tactic 7: Media

“Children spend more time with electronic media than they do in

any other activity, aside from sleep.” – Gentile DA, Reimer RA,
Nathanson AI, Walsh DA, Eisenmann JC. Protective Effects of
Parental Monitoring of Children’s Media Use: A Prospective Study.
JAMA Pediatr. 2014;168(5):479-484. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.

In the discussion about media, the most common argument given in

favor of children’s media use is its educational value.

“More than 50% of parents said the most important reasons their
children watched TV was because they have them watch programs
that will help teach their children something, that it’s good for the
children’s brain development, or because watching TV is something
their children really enjoy doing.” — http://

For starters, let us consider a certain school district that has

implemented technology.

Here’s a recent article from the New York Times, titled, “In
classroom of future, stagnant scores.”

Kyrene school district, in Arizona, has decided to be innovative.

They’ve gone all out when it comes to educational media. Since
2005 they’ve spent nearly 33 million on educational technology. If
anywhere should be seeing some gains and improvement from
educational media, Kyrene school district should.

So…how’s it going?
“Since 2005, scores in reading and math have stagnated in Kyrene,
even as statewide scores have risen.”

— New York Times, In Classroom of the Future, Stagnant Scores

“My gut is telling me we’ve had growth. But we have to have some
measure that is valid, and we don’t have that.” — David K. Schauer,
Kyrene superintendent

“The $10 million study of 15 educational software products is the

most extensive federal study yet to follow methods that the U.S.
Department of Education considers scientifically rigorous.” — –

What did they find?

“…no difference in academic achievement between students who

used the technology in their classrooms and youngsters who used
other methods.” —

“A review by the Education Department in 2009 of research on

online courses — which more than one million K-12 students are
taking — found that … policy makers “lack scientific evidence” of
their effectiveness. …much educational software is not an
improvement over textbooks.” — – New York Times, In Classroom
of the Future, Stagnant Scores

(Media discussed in greater depth in the iChild session.)

Tactic 8: Education chiefly of the mind

Proper education and development must include physical, mental,

and spiritual/emotional development.

“An education derived chiefly from books leads to superficial

thinking. Practical work encourages close observation and
independent thought.” – Education, 220
Tactic 9: Lack of training to think

“It is the work of true education to develop this power, to train the
youth to be thinkers, and not mere reflectors of other men's
thought. Instead of confining their study to that which men have
said or written, let students be directed to the sources of truth, to
the vast fields opened for research in nature and revelation. Let
them contemplate the great facts of duty and destiny, and the mind
will expand and strengthen.Let them contemplate the great facts of
duty and destiny, and the mind will expand and strengthen. Instead
of educated weaklings, institutions of learning may send forth men
strong to think and to act, men who are masters and not slaves
of circumstances, men who possess breadth of mind, clearness
of thought, and the courage of their convictions.” -Education by
Ellen G White. Page, 17.2

“… their ability to think, children schooled at home seem to be

five or even ten years ahead of their formally trained peers.” -John
Taylor Gatto, Dumbing Us Down,22

“Whatever an education is, it should make you a unique individual,

not a conformist….” John Taylor Getto. Dumbing Us Down 67

“The education that consists in the training of the memory,

tending to discourage independent thought, has a moral
bearing which is too little appreciated. As the student sacrifices
the power to reason and judge for himself, he becomes incapable of
discriminating between truth and error, and falls an easy prey to
deception. He is easily led to follow tradition and custom.”
-Education by Ellen G White. Page, 17.2

“It is not so very important for a person to learn facts. For that he
does not really need a college. He can learn them from books. The
value of an education in a liberal arts college is not the learning of
many facts, but the training of the mind to think something that
cannot be learned from textbooks.” - Albert Einstein

1947, Einstein: His Life and Times by Philipp Frank, Translated from
German by George Rosen, Edited and Revised by Shuichi Kusaka,
Quote Page 185, Published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York. (Verified
with scans)

“Few people think more than two or three times a year ; I have
made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or
twice a week.” George Bernard Shaw

“God has given men talents which He means that they should use.
He has given them minds and He means that they should become
thinkers, and do their own thinking and planning rather than depend
upon others to think and plan for them.” -Christian Leadership

“In times of discouragement and darkness, how important to have

calm, thinking men, who are not dependent on circumstances, but
who trust God, and labor on in the darkness as well as in the light.
Men who serve God from principle, although their faith may be
severely tried, will be seen leaning securely upon the never-failing
arm of Jehovah.” -1892 Gospel Workers , page, 143.3

“The best soldiers are those who are trained, who are intelligent,
faithful, courageous, true. A soldier needs to think. ..The warfare in
which we are engaged is largely mental, and the mind that is the
most thoroughly trained will do the most acceptable work.” -Signs of
the Times, September 7, 1891 par. 3,4

“[God]He knows that they will have to battle against the powers of
darkness that strive to gain control of the human mind…”
-Messages to Young People ,pages 163

Training Children to Think

• Allow children to figure things out.
• Let children learn by exploring.
• Allow them to make minor mistakes.

Tactic 10:???

• inability to think formally

• disorganization of the brain
• learned helplessness
• learning disabilities
• eye problems
• school burnout
• school dropout
• lack of spirituality
• a major cause of our young people leaving the church
• a major cause of the lack of thinking skills

(Tactic 10 identified and discussed in detail in session 2).

“The position of a parent is one of the most responsible on earth,

yet it is far too lightly regarded by the majority of the world. … The
future of the rising generation is in the hands of parents; for, in a
great measure, they hold within their control the destiny of their
children both for time and for eternity. The salvation of the young
depends almost wholly upon the training they receive in childhood.”
— The Signs of the Times, December 19, 1878

“Never before was there so much at stake; never were there results
so mighty depending upon a generation as upon these now
coming upon the stage of action….” Gospel Workers ,page 68

“The greatest want of the world is the want of men--men who will
not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and
honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men
whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men
who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.” Education , p.

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