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IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF)

e-ISSN: 2321-5933, p-ISSN: 2321-5925.Volume 10, Issue 1 Ver. I (Jan. – Feb.2019), PP 10-13

Student Perception of School Cooperatives in Growing

Entrepeneur Characters of Smk Patriot Peterongan Jombang
Aris Dwi Septian1, Waspodo Tjipto Subroto2.
*Surabaya State University
*Surabaya State University
Corresponding Author: Aris Dwi Septian

Abstract: SMK Patriot is a SMK that is addressed in Jombang, and also schools that have school cooperatives
to leverage students' abilities in managing business fields, especially in learning entrepreneurship. This
research is descriptive quantitative research. How to collect data through observation, documentation. The
main instrument in this study was using a questionnaire. The results showed t count of 5.065 greater than the t
table of 2.763 and seen from the sig value of 0.000 which indicates that the coefficient value is 0.05> 0,000
which means there is a positive influence between the two variables or significantly between the Membership
variables ( X) affect the test of interest in entrepreneurial interest (Y), so it can be concluded that cooperatives
are very influential on entrepreneurial interests.
Keywords: School Cooperatives, Entrepreneurs
Date of Submission: 23-12-2018 Date of acceptance: 07-01-2019

I. Introduction
Unemployment is a big problem in some developing countries, such as Indonesia. with a high level of
population growth and still not balanced with equal employment, the high level of job demand with a number of
jobs is not comparable.
Communities always prioritize their mindset about working in a more profitable company. Different
conditions if their working time is used for entrepreneurship where fewer opportunity costs are sacrificed by
their own efforts. Deden Setiawan in Fitria (2016: 4) explained that the interest in entrepreneurship is an interest
in becoming an entrepreneur who is willing to work hard and diligently to achieve the progress of his business.
An entrepreneur will create a new job that can absorb labor. Soemanto in rosmiati (2015: 22) says that
the only struggle or way to realize human beings who have moral, attitude, and entrepreneurial skills is
education. Education will provide insight to individuals to become more confident, be able to choose, and make
the right decisions, enhance creativity, morals, character, and intellectuals.
Because increasing population growth is not accompanied by an increasing number of jobs, it is
necessary for the soul of an entrepreneur to be instilled in children from an early age. The school has
responsibility for the development of students. Sumardi in rosmiati (2015: 22) explains that entrepreneurs or
entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs) are those who create a business or business that is expected to have risks and
uncertainties to gain profits and develop business by opening opportunities.
So from that school which has a role as a means of institutions engaged in the development of human
resources, in carrying out its institutional performance, schools must consider many things, including school
goals, policies born in the school system, HR planning in a school, work procedures HR development, and
personal administrative processes at the school. With the existence of the school cooperative, it is expected that
many students will have a contribution value. This can directly affect students to interact in the entrepreneurial
world in their activities actively participating in school cooperatives. While according to Kusumaningrum in
pauli (2015: 57), student participation in school cooperatives will influence the interest in student

II. Purpose of School Cooperatives

Cooperatives aim to promote the welfare of members in particular and society in general and
participate in building the national economic order in the context of realizing an advanced, just and prosperous
society based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution (Idrus in Hartart, 2013: 5). Whereas cooperative students
aim to develop students' ability to manage existing business ventures in schools, with the aim that students
understand business management in a business:

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Student Perception of School Cooperatives in Growing Entrepeneur Characters of Smk….

1. The purpose of the Cooperative is actually almost the same as the goal of the cooperative school in general.
School cooperatives have a goal to improve the members and the community in general. But in this
Cooperative, students are expected to be able to manage their business needs of their own volition.
2. In Cooperative practice students are expected to be able to meet the needs of each student's school
3. To instill a sense of self-esteem, to instill equality, and to foster the teachings of democracy and to arouse
courage in expressing student opinions.
The purpose of the Cooperative is indeed emphasized to support educational activities and train students to do
business early on.

III. Research Design

Based on the background and the formulation of the problem that the researcher presented and the
theory described earlier. This type of research on "students' perceptions of the role of cooperative schools in
growing the character of entrepreneurial students of SMK Patriot Peterongan Jombang" is quantitative
descriptive research using data in the form of numbers and analysis using statistics. The researcher chooses
descriptive quantitative method because it aims to explore data in accordance with the facts in the field and
analyze it with existing theories.
The researcher used a descriptive quantitative research design which aimed to find out a subjective
picture of the role of the Cooperative in growing the character of entrepreneurs students of SMK Patriot
Peterongan Jombang.
Place and time of research
1. Research Place
This research was conducted at SMK Patriot Peterongan Jombang which was addressed on the street
Colonel H ismail no.18 east mancar. The reason for choosing the location was because the school cooperative
had implemented business management in entrepreneurship, the administrators of the school cooperative also
consisted of students who took part in the selection to become administrators of the school cooperative..
2. Research Subjects
The subjects of this study were students of Cooperative actors who were a source of information in
order to provide data that was in accordance with the problem under study. Thus the research subject is a source
of information looking for data and inputs in revealing research problems.

IV. Data Collection Instruments and Techniques

This type of research is explanatory research that aims to analyze the relationships between one
variable and other variables. This variable intends to explain the influence or relationship between the
Cooperative variables on the character of entrepreneurship. The variables in the study consisted of one
dependent variable, namely the Cooperative as a variable (X) and the entrepreneurial character variable as a
Variable (Y). in this study consisted of two variables, namely the independent variable and the dependent
variable. The research design that the researchers made is as follows:

Definition of population is a generalization area consisting of objects that have certain quantities and
characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions (Munawaroh: 2012: 61)
Population is the overall object of the researcher data, which is used by a researcher to test all data that
has been collected in a study. So that researchers take the entire object of members of the cooperative with a
total of 28 members of the school cooperative.

1. Data Collection Method

The researcher observes and distributes questionnaires to students who are in charge of carrying out
sales at Cooperatives in Patriot Vocational Schools. According to Arikunto, (2006: 175) data collection

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techniques are ways used by researchers to obtain the data needed. The scale used in this study is the Likert
scale, which is a scale used to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group of people about
social phenomena (Sugiyono, 2013: 134). In the use of data collection techniques, researchers need an
instrument that is a tool to make data collection work easier. and other data that supports this study. The
research uses:

1. Observation
The researcher conducts direct observations about the state of the student in charge, whether the
Cooperative has influenced the interest in entrepreneurship or not. In this study researchers looked at how
cooperatives can influence the interest in entrepreneurship of a student.
2. Questionnaire
Questionnaires or questionnaires are a number of written questions that are used to obtain information
from a respondent in the sense of reports about the person or things that are known.

V. Test Instrument
The instrument trials in this study used validity and reliability tests, to determine whether or not valid
questions on the questionnaire were valid. minimum requirements to fulfill the validity if the correlation value
of the factor is positive and the amount is> 0.3 if the correlation <0.3, it can be concluded that the instrument
item is invalid (Sugiyono, 2013: 188). The results of the membership validation test are declared valid with a
number of 9 items and and the same results of the validation test. Test of Entrepreneurial talent is declared valid
with a number of 9 items. Reliability test carried out in this study by looking at the table r value and comparing
with the Cronbach Alpha value. The value of Cronbach's Alpha in this study will use a value of 0.3 assuming
that the list of questions tested is reliable if the value of Cronbach's Alpha is 0.3. The reliability test results show
membership variables with a value of 0.737 and in the test variable entrepreneurial talent with a value of 0.774.

VI. Results And Discussion

From the results of the descriptive analysis, data were obtained on membership variables in the medium
category. Of the 28 respondents, a number of 15 students stated if they were active as members of the school
cooperative in their activities. Meanwhile, a number of 13 students stated if they only followed to add insight.
Whereas in the Test variable Entrepreneurship talent in the high category. Of the 28 students, a number of 21
students stated if they were very enthusiastic when selling the items they brought from home to sell at the
Cooperative. While 7 students stated that if they only participated in selling school cooperative items.
From the results of the SPSS calculation a simple regression equation can be made as follows: Y = a +
bX Y = 5.162 + 0.926X The constant value of 5.162 means that the consistent value of the membership variable
is 5.162. Where the constant value is 5.162, meaning if the membership (X) value is 0, then the
Entrepreneurship aptitude Test (Y) value is equal to 5.162 at the regression coefficient value of 0.996 indicating
that if there is a 1% increase in variable membership, it can improve the Entrepreneurship talent test amounting
to 92.6%
Because t arithmetic is 5.065 greater than the t table of 2.763 and seen from the sig value of 0.000
which indicates that the coefficient value is 0.05> 0,000 which means there is a positive influence between the
two variables or significantly between the Membership variables (X) affect the test of interest in entrepreneurial
interest (Y), it can be concluded that cooperatives are very influential on entrepreneurial interests.
Students' perceptions of the interest in entrepreneurship students in this study have a coefficient of
determination (R) of 0.705 or 70%. It means that the variance that occurs in the membership variable towards
Entrepreneurship talent test is 70%, while as much as 30% is determined by other factors not discussed in this

VII. Conclusion
Based on the data obtained from the results of the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that
there is a significant positive effect between cooperative membership on the interests of entrepreneurial talent,
but from the other side it can also be explained that there are still things that need to be addressed, such as lack
of participation of members in cooperatives school, thus giving rise to the perception of just following to add
activities in the school environment, although the results of the above research point to a large response to
entrepreneurial talent but still need from the teacher to add insight and instill a passionate spirit towards students
who are still reluctant or from participating.

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Aris Dwi Septian. “Student Perception of School Cooperatives in Growing Entrepeneur

Characters of Smk Patriot Peterongan Jombang.” IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance
(IOSR-JEF) , vol. 10, no. 1, 2019, pp. 10-13.

DOI: 10.9790/5933-1001011013 13 | Page

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