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How to structure architecture in a strem lined way?

Why this document is nessary?

*architecture as aprocess is a progressive field which will adapt and grow from time to time
,therefore it it nessary to state what has been achieved ,what is leaft and what is expected to be
meat in the near feuture.
* “specificitity is the power of the product”-finding the explicite purpose and goal with in the
confusion of the sound of needs; can contrubite geatly to undertand and get a handle at what
was achieved and what is left and in the final analysis to state clear degree of certainity
*unfortunately in life ,many thing go in a vicous circle –in which one would keep doing the
same thing and have the same problem overagain and again .this by it self deters a person from
going forward and progress.even if he advances forward ,it is likely he has tken a lot of time just
to accomplish a certain thing.this document must help to reduce ,by thte grace of god ,this going
in the circle habits.


-I have untealistic expectation of what could be achived over a certain period of
time.ex if a project ,in my estimation will take a week to do,I will certainly finish
probablt in 1 months or even half a quarter of the month to .i.e 1 expectation for
every 2.25 realization.

Geberal guidlines to follow

-my spiritual walk with the lord has a very direct and distinct relation with my profession
.discarding myprayers and devotional time with the lord as if it is unprofitable and wastful; ting
to do is a very dadly thing to do .the result of such an assumption is empitienes,void of any
significance and meaning ,dryness,lackof joy and others,,,,,remember chrsit words…”without
me you can do nothing”
-make a finite progress each day-it will amount a lot at the end of the day .both extrimesare
generally wrong-assumin you cad do every thing in one day, or taking a year to finish such a
small task are wrong in their assumption.
-you must always love the work more than that comfort it steal from you.yoou are going to live
a little longer ,so buckle –up and build your self and do what is honering to God.

-life, in a narrow scence, should be understood in a whole to specific scence .that is to say what
youy shold do every day as a basis for every day life(‘ personal higine,eating ,caging
cloth…’).you cant’t expect to do work wholeday without eating and taking k=care of yourself.
…”God gave me a message and a horse and I killed the horse” don’t kill the horse-your body.
- you always have to be discipline-discipline is a very core and essnce of a deciple.this is to say
in remark
1)-you willalaways keep your word at any circumstances
2) -you need to adher always to standard instead of conventional method of practicing
3)very importantly, diciplin refers totime and behavioural management.i.e in refrence to
time –it would mean you must always rise up and go to bed at a stated time.(at this point you
must decied wheathr you would be a late night person or a morning person- I have decided to
be a morning person)it meansyou will be at a place where youneed to be at a particular time.

-the sonner,the better

-any test quiz ,assignment ,project meetings ,reading should not affect my early
devotion to the Christ of GOD.your goal is not to be known,but to know Christ.
-any reasorce gathering on the subject /assignment must be finifshed before a
predetermined days.

What this document shoul include

-the implication that are drawn here must have a stated factual reason to conclude that are
clearly stated .ex –

b)what are the main goals of my architectural practice

 Providing unparallel architectural qualitieswhich would include standardize use of

wclien to service delivery process

c)what do inintend to accomplish when ifinished my architectural 5 1nd half year

of training and why?
There a re 3 areas you must address-knowlwdge,skill and experience
Knowlwdege –technical-how do you solve a particular problem?
-Cognitive -how many books you read

What is the core issuu raised by professionally practicing architects and their
-the architect leads,always.
-you have to convince them you can do the project before engaging in to the
design process
-it is the process of managening …
-Use contextual opportunities very well
-What are the bsis of architectural make up
1)building knowledge-alaways learn upgrad,reaserch
2)creative processrefers to identity-sustainability-enviroment a-innovative ideas
3)high standard-iam going this way and this is the only way
3)professional ethics-upstanding value-profesionaism-best practice-buildign
reputation-relation building
4)social responsibility-commnuity innvolmrnt,impowering and mentoring
-setting a standard-both for the work you do and yourself
“we shape our building and therefore they shape us”
(thoutfull and detailedand small interior based (sew westu segeba wow yemilebet
new engi ke wechi yemiyamer building aydelem-usally small
volumes)ARchitecture not a foul ones)

Fg jjb








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