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Lower Bound calculating method

lowerBound global var preset to 0

getLB(Graph, number of nodes)
Create adjacency matrix
Find all neighbours of all nodes, store them in a jagged array
Create array of degrees
Heapsort array of degrees
Loop: for all nodes, in descending order of degrees, that have more neighbours than the current
lower bound:
Call the recursiveSearh(Graph, adjacency matrix, node’s neighbours, lowerBound)
Compare return value to previous lowerBound.
If return value greater, overwrite lowerBound
Return lowerBound
recurisveSearch(Graph, adjacency matrix, node’s neighbours, lowerBound)
If the call has more neighbours than the lowerbound
Create adjacency matrix of neighbours
Count connections in the matrix, save into sum variable
If sum = max value of neighbours adjacency return the number of neighbours as lowerBound
Else if sum + 2 = max value of neighbours adjacency return the number of neighbours as
lowerBound (pruning step)
Else if sum = 0 it’s an isolated node, return previous lowerBound (pruning step)
Create smaller array for new set of neighbours
Find the node with the least edges
Remove the node (only 1 at a time)
Recall recursiveSearch(Graph, adjacency matrix, new neighbours, lowerBound)
Else return previous lowerBound (pruning step)

Lower bound based on:
Heapsort based on Jason Harrisons algorithm’s modified version provided for CCN (2018-200-KEN1210)

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