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How to Fix SambaCry Vulnerability (CVE-2017-7494) in Linux


Gabriel Cánepa

Samba has long been the standard for providing shared file and print services to
Windows clients on *nix systems. Used by home users, mid-size businesses, and large
companies alike, it stands out as the go-to solution in environments where different
operating systems coexist.

As it sadly happens with broadly-used tools, most Samba installations are under risk
of an attack that may exploit a known vulnerability, which was not considered to be
serious until the WannaCry ransomware attack hit the news not too long ago.

In this article, we will explain what this Samba vulnerability is and how to protect the
systems you are responsible for against it. Depending on your installation type (from
repositories or from source), you will need to take a different approach to do it.

If you are currently using Samba in any environment or know someone who does,
read on!

The Vulnerability
Outdated and unpatched systems are vulnerable to a remote code execution
vulnerability. In simple terms, this means that a person with access to a writeable
share can upload a piece of arbitrary code and execute it with root permissions in the

The issue is described in the Samba website as CVE-2017-7494 and is known to affect
Samba versions 3.5 (released in early March 2010) and onwards. Unofficially, it has
been named SambaCry due to its similarities with WannaCry: both target the SMB
protocol and are potentially wormable – which can cause it to spread from system to

Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and Red Hat have taken rapid action to protect its users and
have released patches for their supported versions. Additionally, security
workarounds have also been provided for unsupported ones.

Updating Samba
As mentioned earlier, there are two approaches to follow depending on the previous
installation method:

If you installed Samba from your distribution’s repositories.

Let’s take a look at what you need to do in this case:

Fix Sambacry in Debian

Make sure apt is set to get the latest security updates by adding the following lines to
your sources list (/etc/apt/sources.list):

deb stable/updates main

deb-src stable/updates main

Next, update the list of available packages:

# aptitude update

Finally, make sure the version of the samba package matches the version where the
vulnerability has been fixed (see CVE-2017-7494):

# aptitude show samba

Fix Sambacry in Debian

Fix Sambacry in Ubuntu

To begin, check for new available packages and update the samba package as follows:

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install samba

The Samba versions where the fix for CVE-2017-7494 has already been applied are
the following:

17.04: samba 2:4.5.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.17.04.2

16.10: samba 2:4.4.5+dfsg-2ubuntu5.6
16.04 LTS: samba 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.7
14.04 LTS: samba 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.8

Finally, run the following command to verify that your Ubuntu box now has the right
Samba version installed.

$ sudo apt-cache show samba

Fix Sambacry on CentOS/RHEL 7
The patched Samba version in EL 7 is samba-4.4.4-14.el7_3. To install it, do

As before, make sure you have now the patched Samba version:

Fix Sambacry in CentOS

Older, still supported versions of CentOS and RHEL have available fixes as well. Check
RHSA-2017-1270 to find out more.

If you installed Samba from source

Note: The following procedure assumes that you have previously built Samba from
source. You are highly encouraged to try it out extensively in a testing environment
BEFORE deploying it to a production server.

Additionally, make sure you back up the smb.conf file before you start.

In this case, we will compile and update Samba from source as well. Before we begin,
however, we must ensure all the dependencies are previously installed. Note that this
may take several minutes.

In Debian and Ubuntu:

# aptitude install acl attr autoconf bison build-essential \
debhelper dnsutils docbook-xml docbook-xsl flex gdb krb5-user \
libacl1-dev libaio-dev libattr1-dev libblkid-dev libbsd-dev \
libcap-dev libcups2-dev libgnutls28-dev libjson-perl \
libldap2-dev libncurses5-dev libpam0g-dev libparse-yapp-perl \
libpopt-dev libreadline-dev perl perl-modules pkg-config \
python-all-dev python-dev python-dnspython python-crypto xsltproc \
zlib1g-dev libsystemd-dev libgpgme11-dev python-gpgme python-m2crypto

In CentOS 7 or similar:

# yum install attr bind-utils docbook-style-xsl gcc gdb krb5-workstation \

libsemanage-python libxslt perl perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker \
perl-Parse-Yapp perl-Test-Base pkgconfig policycoreutils-python \
python-crypto gnutls-devel libattr-devel keyutils-libs-devel \
libacl-devel libaio-devel libblkid-devel libxml2-devel openldap-devel \
pam-devel popt-devel python-devel readline-devel zlib-devel

Stop the service:

# systemctl stop smbd

Download and untar the source (with 4.6.4 being the latest version at the time of this

# wget
# tar xzf samba-latest.tar.gz
# cd samba-4.6.4

For informative purposes only, check the available configure options for the current
release with.

# ./configure --help

You may include some of the options returned by the above command if they were
used in the previous build, or you may choose to go with the default:

# ./configure
# make
# make install

Finally, restart the service.

# systemctl restart smbd

and verify you’re running the updated version:

# smbstatus --version

which should return 4.6.4.

General Considerations
If you are running an unsupported version of a given distribution and are unable to
upgrade to a more recent one for some reason, you may want to take the following
suggestions into account:
If SELinux is enabled, you are protected!
Make sure Samba shares are mounted with the noexec option. This will prevent
the execution of binaries residing on the mounted filesystem.


nt pipe support = no

to the [global] section of your smb.conf file and restart the service. You may want to
keep in mind that this “may disable some functionality in Windows clients”, as per the
Samba project.

Important: Be aware that the option “nt pipe support = no” would disable shares
listing from Windows clients. Eg: When you type \\\ from Windows
Explorer on a samba server you would get a permission denied. Windows clients
would have to manually specify the share as \\\share_name to access the

In this article, we have described the vulnerability known as SambaCry and how to
mitigate it. We hope that you will be able to use this information to protect the
systems you’re responsible for.

If you have any questions or comments about this article, feel free to use the form
below to let us know.


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