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CSWAM Framework Programming Techniques

1. Overview

A Web-site page presentation window/document maybe thought of as collections of

smaller visual entities called containers in fixed positions throughout the page. Web-
site layout design usually divides these sections into permanent and
variable containers of information. The permanent sections of a Web-
site layout/format are referred to as the Master Page and consist of one or more of the
following sections:
• Top of page
• Left-side of page
• Right-side of page
• Bottom of page

The variable Center section(s) of the page is usually allocated for display of information
requested via navigation lists in one or more of the permanent sections. Since
all HTML sections (permanent and variable) must be regenerated for each Web-
site data request event, a copy of thepermanent Master page sections is included as a
preface for all Web-site page contents. Classical Web-site design frameworks, such
as ASP.NET were created to accommodate this archaic page level request and response
design approach and force use of their own proprietary Web-site Server System. This
esoteric Page event based framework system is in a continuous state of flux and must add
incomprehensible “bells and whistle” controls to accommodate modern Web-
site utilization needs (AJAX).

Utilization of the CSWAM Framework package (pk.cswam.framework.js)

revolutionizes the approach to Web-site programming. CSWAM provides
element/object level design of Web-site page activities and integrated management of
application events from the Client-side of the Web-site:

1. Installing initial Permanent Container elements (the Master Page) of the

2. Managing all variable Application activities (Variable Containers)
• Responding to User request events for new application elements and data.
• Updating elements (portions) of the screen with current information.
• Controlling Timed Application events.
• Validating Application input data.
• Message/Data Communication Standards with Server-side Programs.
• Logging and Restoring (on click) Application presentation data.
• Providing Startup Macros for Browser ‘add-on’ processors (plug-ins).
3. Structured Program Code Produced
• No Page Post-back, or background code confusion.
• Separate (Functional) control of all of application presentation elements
• Easy/safe Maintenance and enhancement of the Web-site because it is
accomplished at the element level without affecting the integrity of other
• The Client/Server Program partners utilize a common communication
language (AMAC) and a standard library (amac_lib.lang) of string
manipulation and argument parsing functions.

In short, the CSWAM framework changes the design theory of a Web-site from
an Active Server Page (ASP) to an Active Client Page (ACP) approach.

A. Design of CSWAM Program/Page files

CSWAM Web-site program files are designed to operate in pairs, a Client-side page
layout (container-definition) file and its companion Server-side page
updating ( container-populating) program file. Each presentation element (container) on
a page is defined by a unique ID name in the layout file and references its style/attributes
declared in the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file. The initialization and updating
of HTML objects and data within Client-side (Browser) container elements are
managed by corresponding ID related named functions in the companion Server-

Client-side Program Server-side Program

• Setup ID names for all • Library functions to obtain the

containers function name and argument data
• Startup function – Populate from
Master (Permanent) Containers the CMAC request string ( cmac-
• Application code that may rqst).
useCSWAM facilities. • Master page initialization
• HTML predefined presentation functions to populate Client-
sections. side ID containers with HTML
objects andCSWAM event
response calls.
• Input data verification functions
• Application functions to set,
retrieve Server (Data-base, etc)
information, carry-out Web-site
algorythm logic, and
generate HTML presentation
objects to report results via
a Client-side container.

B. Web-site Page Presentation Control

CSWAM Web-site design relies
on Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), for Container definitions (position within
containers, and presentation attributes). The Browser always applies CSS definitions
to any change of HTML objects on the page. Therefore, when a AMAC call completes
updating the contents a container (ID), all the new HTML objects and attributes are
instantly updated, dynamically refreshing that section/container(s) in the page.

C. CSWAM Tandem Application Programming Files

Web-site programming utilizing the CSWAM framework dictates close integration of

pairs of application program files: a client-side request and server-
side action/response program file.

Client-side Program Operations Server-side Program Operations

1. Request, with argument data, that a 1. Execute the requested function with
named function in a companion Server- argument data to fulfill the Client-
side program is to generate side request, and respond with the
the HTMLand/or Application response desired HTML and/or Application response
information to populate/update data.
its ID Object container(s).

2. Initiate and control timed changing 2. Execute a requested function with

container content (TMAC) activity. argument data to provide the Client-side
TMAC control with the desired file name
response data.

3. Client-side Validation of an input 3. Execute a requested function with

forms data fields in accordance argument data to validate a form data entry
with VMACinstructions, when requested (during Client-side
VMACinstruction execution) and provide
the VMACwith a pass or fail response
indication (1 or 0).

4. Error reporting of Client- 4. Provide unique error condition responses

side andServer-side encountered encountered while processing Client-
System and Application Error siderequest for Application services.
5. Record/Log all Requested Server-
sideresponse data, and update
page Containers IDs by the act of
clicking the Left or Right arrow Icons.

D. CSWAM Framework Service Calls

The CSWAM Framework provides a complete set of service calls to structure and
simplify most major Web-site design programming operations.
These CSWAM framework calls perform all communication with an
addressed Server companion Program function to populate a container(s) with the
request response data. The following communications and bookkeeping features are
managed in the background to complete this type ofCSWAM framework programming
service call:

• AJAX communication interface control.

• Table/queue management of Server call request/response message data.
• Update standard CSWAM variable set with embedded Server response
channel data.
• Interface, call and Server-side Error management, and reporting.
• Client-side container(s) updating with response data.
• Recording all ID-response data in the CSWAM History log.
• Providing User click-activated recall of all history log records

E. AJAX Managed Application Control (AMAC) Communication Standards

The CSWAM Framework programming environment is based upon the following key
• The layout and Program management of all Page HTML container
elements/objects (DIV, SPAN, etc.).
• Use of the AMAC Message Data Structure (AMDS) to:
a. Request (RQST) Server-side function execution with named
argument data and to update Client-side ID container(s) with the
b. Maintain Web-site general Page/Session (PAGE) information.
• Use of AMAC named variables that provide unique message response
sub-channels (Error messages, separate data response messages to update
different Client-side Container ID’s).
• Familiarity with the AMAC library routines to retrieve
function Call argument (RQST ) and Session (PAGE) related data and
easily access Server-side IO API logic( file systems , data-base systems,

1. Relationship of Server-side Functions and Client-side Container(s)

The CSWAM framework provides program control (updating) of each

separate HTML Page presentation element (container object) when a relevant
event(s) is triggered, rather than “post-back” of the entire page when any event
occurs. Once Client-side containers (the “Master page”) are established with
unique ID names, the AMAC Server request message call is used to populate
them. An AMAC server request, passes a function name with its argument data
message to a specified Web-site Server program function for execution.
The Server function generates aresponse message seqment(s) (Amac named
variable(s) ) which is used to populate the specified ID container(s) with
resultant HTML data.
2. AMAC Server-side Function Execution Service Call

The keystone of Web-site design within the CSWAM Framework is use of

the AMAC Server-side Message Service Call (See CSWAM Framework
Manual). This AMAC Server call provides the means of triggering and
asynchronous updating Client-side containers with content generated by Server-
side program function output. There are two AMAC message call function formats
that are used for these purposes, excite and samesite. In both AMAC cases a Web-
site program file (URL-Address) is addressed and a Message-request is directed to
execute an internal function which generates response message segments to be stored
in Client-side Containers(Client-Destination-list) .

a. URL-address
The Universal Resource Locator Address (URL-Address) is the location with
data of the Internet Web-site Program/file that is requested. A URL-
Address has the following general format:

FORMAT: Web-site/File-address?Request-data

Web-site The location of a Server Web-site within


File-Address The Address of the requested File/program within

the Server File system. The question mark (?)
character is the CGI separator from the
subsequent Request-data part of the URL.

Request-Data The named CGI encoded data variables,

separated by an ampersand (&) delimiter(s), that
accompanies the request.
NOTE: CGI = Common Gateway
Interfaceinternet message
communication standards

b. AMAC Exsite Message Format Call

The exsite function call is used to receive Server-side function execution

response results from a specified URL-addressed program. The format is as
exsite( URL-Address, Message-Request, Client-Destination-list)

c. AMAC Samesite Message Format Call

The samesite function call is used to receive Server-side function execution

response results from the same URL-addressed program. The URL-address used
by this function is the current value of the variable setting in the Client-
side program/file that issued the call. (See CSWAM Framework Document)
The format is as follows:

samesite(Message-Request, Client-Destination-list)

3. AMAC Message-Request
CSWAM employs AJAX communication protocol to transfer data-string messages
between the Client (Browser) and Server executed Web-site programs. CSWAM-
AMAC message strings have simple structural rules (AMDS) that enable quick
parsing of its information into named segment-argument and argument-field
The AMAC Message Data Structure (AMDS) was designed to provide concise and
versatile rules to convey data values and structures between CSWAM
Client and Server side programs.

F. AMDS Message Structure

CSWAM employs AJAX communication protocol to transfer data-string messages

(RQST & PAGE) between the Client (Browser) and Server executed Web-
site programs. The CSWAM/ AMAC message contents obey simple structural rules
(AMDS) that enable quick parsing of its information into named segment-
argument and argument-field components. In most cases (99%), there is no
justification to overburden Client-Server communication with the complexities and
inefficiency of the esoteric XML message structure to identify and access application
data within messages.

1. AMDS Message Data Segment Delimiters

• The first 2 characters of AMDS controlled message are delimiters used

to parse the following information (char. Positions 2 – N) into distinct data
segments. The first delimiter (char. position 0), is used to split the message
data into Argument (A) segments. The second delimiter (char. position 1)
is used to parse an argument (message-segment) into Fields (F) of
argument related data.
i. AFmessage-data
2. AMDS Named Argument Message Data

• An AMDS data argument/segment may be named (arg-name) at the

beginning of its segment. This feature provides for defining different
categories of information within the AMDS message-data.
3. AMDS Named Field Message Data

• An AMDS argument field may be identified by its name followed by an

“=” character (name=) at the beginning of its segment. This named
argument field feature allows for specifying different attributes of
information associated with an argument.
G. AMAC Request for Server Function Execution Message

An AMAC Server request call, employing the AMDS message structure,

passes the name and arguments to a Server function for execution. The first
argument is the name of the Server function to execute followed by
positional or named arguments.

• “,|ldfile, [f]./include/amac_lib,php| cnt=1000”

• In this case the Server program is requested to execute

its ldfile function with the following argument and field values:

Arg Arg name Arg-fld Argument/Field Value Argument

# name Purpose
0 ldfile Function name
1 f ./include/amac_lib.php Name of File
contents to
1 f cnt 1000 Count of chars.
to return

H. CSWAM General Page/Session information Message

The CSWAM framework maintains general session related information utilizing
an AMDS message object ( PAGE) to provide access to its content.
Every AMAC Server request call forwards the PAGE message string to
provide Server side access to general Web-site session information:
• Client-side Browser identification and OS information.
• General Session type information (Client IP address, login, etc).
• Browser Plug-in HTML OBJECT/EMBED Macro definitions.
The first argument in the PAGE Object string is the name ’page’ followed by the
following named argument entries and field data:

Page Field Description

Argument name
[Browser] Client Browser and OS idetification:
version= Browser name
os= Browser version number
Client side operating system
[Client] Client Website Access Information:
calls= The number of calls to the server
userid= User internet identification address
login= User Web-site login name
passwd= User Web-site login passwd

swf Flash Player plug-in HTML EMBED macro:

<DIV><EMBED src='~1' ~2 bgcolor='~3'\
quality='high' loop=0\
align='' type ='application/x-shockwave-flash'\
flv Flow Player plug-in HTML EMBED macro:
<EMBED type='application/x-shockwave-flash'\
~2 ~4>\</EMBED>\
mov Quick Time Player plug-in HTML EMBED macro:
<EMBED src='~1'\
autoplay='true' controller='false'\
bgcolor='~3' ~2 ~4>\
wmv Media Player plug-in HTML OBJECT/EMBED macro:
<OBJECT CLASSID='CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-
bgcolor='~3' ~2 ~4>\
<PARAM NAME='SendPlayStateChangeEvents' VALUE='True'>\
<PARAM NAME='AutoStart' VALUE='True'>\
<PARAM name='uiMode' value='none'>\
<PARAM name='PlayCount' value='1'>\
<EMBED TYPE='application/x-mplayer2'\
src='~1' bgcolor='~3'\
ShowControls='true' ShowStatusBar='true'\
ShowDisplay='false' autostart='true' PlayCount='1'\
~2 ~4></EMBED></OBJECT>\
xap Silverlight Player plug-in HTML OBJECT macro:
<OBJECT ~2 type='application/x-silverlight-2'\
~2 ~4>\
<PARAM NAME=source VALUE='~1'>\
<PARAM NAME=onerror VALUE='onSilverlightError'>\
<PARAM NAME=background VALUE='white'>\
<PARAM NAME=minRuntimeVersion VALUE='2.0.31005.0'>\
<PARAM NAME=autoUpgrade VALUE='true'>\
<A href=''\
style='text-decoration: none;'>\
<IMG src=''\
alt='Get Microsoft Silverlight' style='border-style: none'>\

I. AMAC Message Channels

In accordance to CGI (Common Gateway Interface) conventions

a Server program in execution has all output directed to its Standard-Output (Fid
1) file. This Standard-Output message is returned to the Client-side program that
initiated the Server request call. AMAC message management provides unique
named communication channels within this standard message response pathway.
These data channels are identified as AMAC named-variables on the Client-
side and AMAC named-data segments on the Server-side.
Client-side Server-side Channel Data Server-side Channel
Channel data segment Identification use

Stat.response No channel identification is Default/Standard

applied Data
return channel

Stat.answer \n[[amac-answer=channel-data]] Data

Return channel

Stat.data1 \n[[amac-data1=channel-data]] Data

Return channel

Stat.data2 \n[[amac-data2=channel-data]] Data

Return channel

Stat.data3 \n[[amac-data3=channel-data]] Data return channel

Stat.errror \n[[amac-error=channel-data]] Server Error Message

return channel

Stat.ercode \n[[amac-ercode=channel-data]] Server Error code


Stat.exec \n[[amac-exec=channel-data]] Execute Client-side

CSWAM commands

Stat.rtype \n[[amac-rtype=channel-data]] Specify type of

channel data

J. CSWAM Page Element/Container Updating with Server-side data

The CSWAM framework alters the design and programming of Web-site software
from the classical Active Server Page (ASP) approach to
an Active Client Page Container (ACPC) approach. In the CSWAM/ACPC design
approach, Containers/objects within the page are the smallest unit of Web-
site presentation and event management, instead of the classical ASP approach of
page level updating for all container events. The AMAC Server request statement is
the means of updating Client-side page containers (HTML DIV and SPAN objects).
The request statement has three general components:
• The address of the web-site program to satisfy the request
(URL and CGI variable data)
• The addressed function and argument data within the server program
to process the request and generate the channel(s) of message response
• The destination relationship of Client-side container ID(s) to be
updated with response message data channel information
(AMAC named variables).

1. Client-side Destination of Server Request Message Response data

An AMAC server request statement call is processed by assigning the Server
response message channel data to the specified Client-side containers (elements).
The destination argument/list of the AMAC server request call may specify a
comma delimited list of container-ID:amac_variable specifications for
updating HTML element-containers with Server-side message channel data.
The format of a destination-list specification is as follows:

FORMAT: “*{!}Member-1,Member-2,Member-n,..”

* The star character (*) in the first position of this string

argument specifies that a destination list is to follow.

• If a * is not in the destination string argument, the

argument is evaluated as Java-script (eval(arg)).

• If the destination argument is not a string,

theJava-script function specified by the
argument is executed.

! Normally all Server ID-response channel data is saved

by CSWAM in a history log for later access by user
command. This character (!) when present in the second
position of destination specifications will inhibit logging
of this calls response data.

Member (1-n) This is a specification to populate a Client-

sideelement/container with Server-side message
response channel data.
An entry/member in the destination-list has the follow format:

FORMAT: ID{.type}{:AMAC_var}

Destination Member Specification

format.This specification assigns a Server-
sideresponse message channel’s data (The
contents of a AMAC varirable) to the
attribute (.type) of the Client-side
HTMLelement identified by ID.

ID The identification (ID) of the container

element (DIV,SPAN,etc) to be updated.

.type This optional field specifies the element’s

attribute to be updated.
• .v = the value attribute of the element
will be updated.
• If not provided =
the innerHTMLattribute of the
element will be updated with
the AMAC-variable contents.

:AMAC_var This field specifies the response message

channel contents to be used to update the
container element:
• :response (Stat.response)
• :answer (Stat.answer)
• :data1 (Stat.data1)
• :data2 (Stat.data2)
• :data3 (Stat.data3)

If this field is not provided, the position of the

entry in the list determines the default
response message channel used to update, as
Pos0 = response (Stat.response)
Pos1 = answer (Stat.answer)
Pos2 = data1 (Stat.data1)
Pos3 = data2 (Stat.data2)
Pos4 = data3 (Stat.data3)
2. Client-side Destination of Server Error Request Message Response data

If a Server program generates an error channel message during request processing,

the call is completed by AMAC as follows:
• All other Server channel messages are discarded
• If an error container/element (DIV) has been declared (ID=_ermesg) the
error response message (Stat.ermesg) will update (be reported in)
the _ermesg container.
• If an error container/element _ermesg) was not declared , the error response
message (Stat.ermesg) will be reported as an alert message requiring User

3. Client-side Destination of AMAC or Server System Error Message

If a AMAC system type error is detected or the Server program generates a system
category error channel message (error code < 100) during request processing, the call
is completed by AMAC as follows:
• All Server channel messages are discarded.
• If an error container/element (DIV) has been declared (ID=_sysmesg) the
error response message (Stat.ermesg) will update (be reported in)
the _sysmesg container.
• If an error container/element (_sysmesg) was not declared, the error response
message (Stat.ermesg) will be reported as an alert message requiring User

4. Client-side Execution of Server AMAC Exec Message Response data

The final step in AMAC Server request processing is to execute the

Server amac_exec response message channel data, if it exists. The statements/script
contained in this message data (Stat.exec) are executed by the Java-script
eval() function.

K. CSWAM Management of Browser Plug-in (Add-on) Processors

Developers employ other programming languages (other than HTML or Java-script)

and action processors to provide dynamic presentation activities to a Web-site design
such as:
• Java
• Flash Player
• Silverlight Player
• Java player
• Quick time Player
• Media Player
• Flow Player
The Browser HTML language provides for ‘placeholder’ type statements
(object and embed) to allow a ‘plug-in’ program (different instruction processor) to
manage the associated container/object area within the presentation page. These
placeholder type HTML statements specify the following general control features for
execution of ‘add-on’(plug-in) language processors:
• The location (area within the page) assigned to the ‘plug-in’.
• The Server-side URL address of the ‘plug-in’ if not already Client-
side resident.
• The Server-side name (URL address) of the action type program file.
• Argument data (HTML object or embed element attributes and
processor options) to be provided for the specified ‘plug-in’ processor.

1. Plug-in File Types

A corner stone of Client-side (Windows) and Server-side (Web-site) system control is

the format standards applied to all file names.

FORMAT: Ident.Type

Ident This is a general User-application assigned functional

Identification for the file within a folder/directory.
Type This field indicates the type
of Client (Windows) orServer system component
(process) to manage the file.

The Type portion of a Web-site file name designates what Client-side ‘plug-
in’ program is used process it as follows:

File Type Client (Browser Plug-in) Processor

swf Flash Player(Action script)

xap Silverlight Player
flv Flow Player (movies)
mov Quick Time Player (movies)
wmv Media Player (movies)
class Java Applet Player(processor)

2. Use of PAGE Object to Setup HTML Code to Execute ‘Plug-in’ type Files

CSWAM Framework provides the HTML statement structure to

cause Browser execution of Web-site ‘plug-in’ type files via Session/Page data.
The CSWAM session/$_PAGE object contains Macro information for each ‘plug-in’
type file that can be expanded into the correct HTML object/embed element sequence
for Browser execution. The applicable Macro prototype is retrieved using
the arg_data method as follows:

$Macro = $_PAGE->arg_data($plug-in-file-type, null, "X") ;

The plug-in Macro Prototype is expanded into the correct HTML element/statement
sequence (Html_seq) via execution of the _STR::make library function with
the Macro prototype followed by five additional positional arguments (~1,~2,~3,~4,~5)
as follows:

$Html_seq = _STR::make($Macro, $file, $id, $bk, $attr, $param) ;

Macro The “plug-in” Macro prototype string.

file The name of the Web-site “plug-in” file.
id The ident attribute (id= ident) to be given
the HTMLobject or embed element.
bk The background color of the HTML object or
attr Additional HTML object or embed element attribute(s)
param Additional HTML object element param= arguments

3. Setup HTML Code to Execute ‘Plug-in’ type Files Example

The following example demonstrates the use of the CSWAM Session

object (_PAGE) to cause Browser execution of different “plug-in” type Web-
site files.

// Setup Plug-in file execution in window area

function movie()
global $_RQST,$_PAGE;
$file = $_RQST->arg_data('[f]',0,"X") ;
$id = $_RQST->arg_data('[f]','id=',"id=M_center_movie") ;
$bk = $_RQST->arg_data('[f]','bk=',"#FFFFFF") ;
$attr = $_RQST->arg_data('[f]','attr=',"width='100%' height='100%'") ;
$param = $_RQST->arg_data('[f]','prm=',"") ;
$type = strtolower(_STR::get_field("lv",$file,".","mov") );
$macro = $_PAGE->arg_data($type, null, "X") ;
$rsp = _STR::make($macro,$file,$id,$bk,$attr,$param) ;
_SND::rsp('',$rsp ) ;

L. AMAC Request Executable Function List

AMAC is designed to cause execution of Server-side program functions to
dynamically update Client-side HTML container elements. The names of all
functions established for this purpose within the addressed Web-site Server program
must be referenced via entries within an array list:

Requested function name Server program function name/reference

PHP Example:

$my_funcs["master"] = "master" ;
$my_funcs["title"] = "title" ;
$my_funcs["top"] = "top" ;
$my_funcs["lddir"] = "lddir" ;
$my_funcs["bottom"] = "bottom" ;

M. CSWAM Access to Container/Objects ($ object class)

One factor that defines the usefulness of a Web-site development/control framework is

the ease of retrieving and altering ID named HTML page elements/object
The CSWAM framework provides simple referencing to retrieve and update all
established container/object attributes and values via the ($) static
class function(s)/method(s). These functions enable the programmer to:

Purpose Referencing notation Reference Description

Get an HTML object node = $(id) Variable node is set with a
reference pointer to
the id named HTMLobject.

Get an HTML object Value = $(id, attr) Variable value is set with the
attribute value HTML id named object.

Set an HTML object $(id, attr,value ) The HTML id named

attribute object’sattr (attribute/style) is
set with value.

Clear the list of HTML $.clear(list) Clear the contents

Objects $.clear(‘id-1,id-2,…’) (value orinnerHLML attribute)
of the idnamed objects in list
(comma delimited list of id’s).

1. Client-side Modification of Client HTML Objects

The Client-side Web-site controller (the Browser) initiates execution of Java-
script code under the following conditions:

• When the requested Web-site page is retrieved. In this case all the
blocks of Java-script code specified
within HTML <script> and </script> tags are executed.

• When the Web-site page is first started. In this case all the Java-
script code within the HTML body tag onload attribute are
executed (<body onload=”Java-script code” . . . >).

• When an HTML container/object event ( onclick,onmove,etc) is

triggered. In this case the specified attribute-event Java-script code,
within the associated HTML tag, is executed.

(EX: <input onclick= ”Java-script code” . . . >)

2. Server-side Modification of Client HTML Objects via Exec-channel

The CSWAM framework maintains a logical message communication path (exec-

channel) for the purpose of sending Server-side Java-script code snippets to
its Client-side partner for execution. AMAC processes exec-channel data as the last
step in completing the Server-side message response of a AMAC function execution
Therefore, a Server-side function can update the attributes of any Client-
side HTML Object by employing the exec-channel to return ($) references for
execution as below (in this example, PHP is the Server-side programming language):

_SND::rsp('exec', ("$('tfn','value','cswam.doc');") ;

When executed, the HTML container/object with an ID name of tfn will have
it’s value attribute set to cswam.doc.

3. AMAC Server Function Message Request Processing

One corner stone of CSWAM framework is AMAC management of message

communication for Server-side function execution. AMAC processes a Server-
side function request as follows:
• Prepares a Server-side Function request message to send to the
Server(URL address)
• Sends a asynchronous Function Request message to the Server.
• Completes Function Request processing when the response message
is received from the Server.
AMAC preprocesses all provided request message argument data for the appearance
of _STR(………) method reference strings. If a _STR method string is
detected, AMAC will initiate its execution and replace the original string with
the _STR methods results. Since the _STR(..) method executes the string between the
Parenthesis, thus providing the means of delivering the most current HTML object
attribute settings to Server-side function execution.

EX. onclick="samesite(',|ldfile,[f]_STR( $(\'tfn\',\'value\')','*_response,_answer' ); "

II. Server-side AMAC Library

The AMAC library is collections (classes) of functions (methods) providing a structured

basis for Web-site program development within the CSWAM framework.
Of coarse the Library components must be coded in a Server supported programming
language (VB, PHP, C#, etc.). These routines would be used by most AMAC Server-
side requested functions and is organized into types (classes) of general AMAC Web-
site programming tasks:

Collection Type of reference Reference Collection/Class Purpose

Name Format
_STR Static Class _STR _STR:: A general set
of AMACapplication String
manipulation methods/functions.
_SRV Static Class _SRV _SRV:: Provide AMACinitialization &
Function execution
_AMAC Object of _AVARS $_AMAC-> Provide access to AMACServer-
Class: side CGI variable data:
$_AMAC = new • amac-rqst
_AVARS • amac-mid
_RQST Object of _AMDS $_RQST-> Provide access to allAMAC call
Class: function and argument and field
$_RQST= new message data
_PAGE Object of _AMDS $_PAGE-> Provide access to all Web-site
Class: Session/PAGEinformation.
$_PAGE= new
_SND Static Class _SND _SND:: Send/Return response data to
the Client-side via one of nine
(9)AMAC logical message
• response
• answer
• data1
• data2
• data3
• rtype
• exec
• ermesg
• ercode
_FS Static Class _FS _FS:: A set of Server-side
FileSystem I/Omethods/functions.

In this case AMAC Library components were coded in the PHP language and its Class
member referencing notations are based on PHP language requirements.
An AMAC library coded in another object Oriented Language (Ex. C#, C++,JS, etc.)
would have a slightly different referencing notation for access to the same functional
constituent class members.

A. AMAC General String Manipulation Functions

Web-site presentation programming is primarily a collection of string manipulation

tasks, There is a need for a tailored set of functions to obviate re-inventing the wheel for
each new application. The _STR static class contains the methods (functions) to access
and manipulate string information. These functions provide general string management
features that are used by other AMAC library routines and provide useful tools for Web-
site program implementation.

_STR Method Method/Function Description

• STR::substr ($str, $pos, $cnt) Return field of character within

$STRbeginning at $POS for a count
of $CNTcharacters. If $CNT == 0, the
remaining characters will be the default

• _STR::trim ($str, $lst) Return a new string by

Trimming/removing the prefacing
characters of $STR that match those
listed in $LST.

• _STR::replace ($str, $mlst,$nlst) Return a new string by replacing all

matching $MLST strings
within $STR with a new string $NLST.

• _STR::type ($var) Return TRUE (1) if $VAR is a string,

otherwise FALSE (0).

• _STR::equal ($str, $mstr) Compare the beginning chars

of $STR with$MSTR for equality, and if
they match return TRUE (1), or FALSE

• _STR::match ( $str, $mstr, $ldel ) Match the beginning chars of $STR with
a delimited $LDEL list of entries
in $MSTRfor equality and if an entry
compares its position (1-n) in
the $MSTR list is returnedTRUE (n), or
if there no matches aFALSE (0) state is

• _STR::fld_pos ($oper,$str, $fld) Return first or last position of matching

string $FLD within $STR in accordance
to$OPER setting:
$OPER[0] Type of match (f= first,
l=last match occurrence)
Return -1 is $FLD is not found in $STR.

_STR Method Method/Function Description

• _STR::get_fld Return string before/after

($oper,$str,$fld,$def) matched $FLDwithin $STR in accordance
to $OPERsettings:
$OPER[0] Type of match (f= first, l=last match
$OPER[1] Type of return data (t= Tag data: before
matching $FLD, v=Value data: after
matching $FLD, e= End data: $FLD plusValue data).
If a matching field $FLD is not encountered, the
default $DEF string is returned.

• STR:: splits($str, $del) Return a string array by splitting the $DELdelimited

string $STR segments into array members.

• _STR:: join($sary, $del) Return a string by joining the $SARY array members
together with a $DEL delimiter between the segments.

• _STR::get_data Return the request numbered (0-n) or named($NM)

($str,$nm,$del) field of $DEL delimited data within string $STR. If
the $NM field is not found, aNULL string is returned.

• _STR::set_data Set the (named or entry #) field $NM data within

($str,$nm,$del,$data) string $STR with the specified data $DATA.

• _STR::make Create/make a new string from $ISTR by replacing all

($istr,$args….) its call argument positional references (~1-~n) with the
contents of the provided argument variables $ARGS1 -

B. AMAC Initialization Functions (_SRV Static Class)

Server-side AMAC processing facilities are initialized via services (functions)

provided in _SRV static class methods/functions. These functions:
• Create the $_AMAC object for referencing AMAC related call variables.
• Create the $_RQST object for referencing the requested function’s
argument data within the message.
• Initiate execution of the requested Server program function.
• Generate error report message on Server-side error conditions

_SRV Method Method/Function Description

• _SRV::amac_init() Initialize AMAC development

framework by creating
the $_AMAC & $_RQSTobjects.

• _SRV::amac_func_exec ($myfuncs) Execute the Server function requested

in the AMAC message, provided it’s
name is present in the
Servers $MYFUNCS list.

• _SRV:: error($status, $pref, $type, $file) Send an error response message to the
Client if $STATUS is < 0. The message
will be constructed with:
• $PREF prefixing to the
• $TYPE of error incorporated in
the message
• $fFILE name associated with
the error condition

C. AMAC Variable Accessing Functions ($_AMAC Object)

The $_AMAC Object (an instance of the _AVARS class) provides simple named
access to the AMAC variables as follows:

$_AMAC Method Method/Function Description

• $_AMAC->tag(“name”) Returns the

value of AMAC CGI variableamac-
$NAME data:
• amac-rqst
• amac-mid

D. Message Access Functions via AMDS Class Definition (_Amsd_class)

The AMDS class contains the methods (functions) to manipulate argument and field
data within the message (rqst) and session(page) data of the AMAC Server request
call. The AMAC initialization function creates an $_RQST and $_PAGE object
(instances of _Amds class) and thereby providing a set of functions to access the calls
argument data and Web-site session/page information.

$_RQST= new _Amds(mesg) ;

$_PAGE= new _Amds(mesg) ;

1. $_RQST Object storage ($_RQST->name)

NAME Storage Use

$_RQST->mesg Complete message string
$_RQST->adel Message argument delimiting character (mesg[0])
$_RQST->fdel Message argument-field delimiting character(mesg[1])
$_RQST->dels Message component delimiting characters(mesg[0,2])
$_RQST->args Array of parsed message arguments
$_RQST->nm Name used to parse args array entries into the
$_PAGE->nm named argsarray (nmargs).
$_RQST->nmargs Array of named (nm) arguments from the args array
$_RQST->posargs Array that specifies the position in the args array of
$_PAGE->posargs eachnmargs entry

2. $_RQST/$_PAGE Object methods ($_RQST->name/$_PAGE->name)

RQST Method Method/Function Description

1. $_RQST->mk_array(mesg) Store the message string MESG, the

$_PAGE->mk_array(mesg) delimiters (DELS,ADEL,FDEL) and
parse it into the ARGS array.

2. $_RQST->mk_nm_array(fary, nm, Create the NM named NMARGSargument

pary) array and a position PARYarray (if
$_PAGE->mk_nm_array(fary, nm, provided) from the provided argument
pary) array FARG.

3. $_RQST->arg_data(nm,fnm,def) Return the (named or entry

$_PAGE->arg_data(nm,fnm,def) #) fieldFNM data within the specified
(named or entry #) argument NM data.
• If FNM is not provided, the
requested argument NM data is
• If the named NM argument and
field FNM do not exist,
the DEFvalue is returned.

4. $_RQST- Set the (named or entry #) field FNMdata

>set_nm_data(nm,pos,fnm,data) within the specified (named or entry #)
$_PAGE- argument with the provided DATA.
>set_nm_data(nm,pos,fnm,data) • If FNM is not provided, the
position POS of the
named NMargument data is set
with NM +DATA.
• If the named NM argument does not
exist, the new argument is set
with NM + DATA.

RQST Method Method/Function Description

5. $_RQST->fld_data(str,nm,def) Return the (named or entry

$_PAGE->fld_data(str,nm,def) #) field FNMdata within the specified
string STR.
If the named field FNM does not exist,
theDEF value is returned.

6. $_RQST->arg_nm_data (nm,i,fnm,def) Return the (named or entry

$_PAGE->arg_nm_data (nm,i,fnm,def) #) field FNMdata within the specified
entry # I in the named NM argument
array NMARGS.
4. If NM is not the current
namedNMARGS argument array it
and thePOSARGS position array
will be created from
the ARGS array.
4. If the (named or entry
#) NMargument or FNM field
within the argument does not exist,
the DEFvalue is returned.

7. $_RQST->mk_fld_array(mesg) Store the message string MESG the

8. $_PAGE->mk_fld_array(mesg) delimiters (DELS,ADEL,FDEL) and
parse it into the ARGS array.
9. $_RQST->reset_args(args) Reconstruct the message MESG string
10. $_PAGE->reset_args(args) from the contents of the ARGS array
andADEL delimiter

E. Send Message Response Data via _SND Static Class Functions

The _SND class contains the methods (functions) to return response data, to the
requesting Client, via any of the AMAC named logical message response channels.
The _SND function accepts a Short-name to identify the channel and it provides the
additions to the name and format control characters to generate a syntactically
correct AMAC return message.

Channel Channel Data Message Server-side Channel

Short-name Channel Name use

“” (no name) Default/Standard Data

return channel
Stat.answer \n[[amac-answer=channel- Data
data]] Return channel
“data1” \n[[amac-data1=channel-data]] Data
Return channel
“.data2” \n[[amac-data2=channel-data]] Data
Return channel
“data3” \n[[amac-data3=channel-data]] Data return channel
“error” \n[[amac-error=channel-data]] Server Error Message
return channel
“ercode” \n[[amac-ercode=channel- Server Error code
data]] Message
“exec” \n[[amac-exec=channel-data]] Execute Client-
sideCSWAM commands
“rtype” \n[[amac-rtype=channel-data]] Specify type of response
channel data

1. _SND Class storage (_SND::$name)

NAME Storage Use

11. _SND:: $chan Channel Default Short-name to be used if not provided in

next SND::rsp method call ( __SND::tag(“”) ). _SND::
chan is reset to null by the _SND::rsp method/function at
completion of its logic.

2. _SND Class methods (_SND:: name)

_SND Method Method/Function Description

12. _SND:: _(“”, $mesg) Send response $MESG data via default
(response) logical channel
to ClientAMAC request caller.

13. _SND:: rsp($channel,$mesg) Send response $MESG data

via$CHANNEL logical channel to
the ClientAMAC call.
If $CHANNEL is null the current
contents of _SND:: $chan is used as the
logical channel.
NOTE: A null value for the logical
channel destination defaults to sending
the data via the response channel.

F. Server File System I/O via _FS Static Class Functions

The AMAC library provides a simple means of performing general I/O activities for a
Server operating system platform. The _FS static class provides the basic
Methods/Functions, and call arguments to manipulate files within a Server-
side operation system (UNIX, XP, Linux, etc). The methods included in this package
have been programmed in PHP language to be executed on a Microsoft XP
Server operating system.
The AMAC library _FS static class methods/functions provide the following CSWAM
framework Web-site Server file system activities.

_FS Method Method/Function Description

14. _FS::io($type,$file, $ext, &$fbf, $cnt) Perform $TYPE (File, Dir or Stat) I/O
with file $FILE using the address (&) of
buffer $FBF for a count of $CNT (
characters to read for read operation
$TYPE is a (:) delimited string that
specifies the type of I/O activity
(Stat, File or Dir) in the first field
and I/O operation in the second
field(Read, Write ,Mod time, etc.)
$EXT is used for Directory read
operations to limit the returned entry
names to those types(ending string) listed
(: delimited) in the$EXT argument.

15. _FS::stat( $oper, $file ) Return the $OPER specified state info of
$OPER is a (:) delimited string that
specifies the type of state information to
be returned(Status of file:-1=doesn’t
exist, 0= directory file, 1 = non-directory
type file),Modification time, and Access

_FS Method Method/Function Description

16. _FS:: file( $oper, $file, &$fbf, $cnt ) $OPER=(Read

or Write) File $FILE from or to
buffer $FBF $CNT number of
characters and return amount of
characters transferred.
17. _FS::dir($oper, $dir, &$daray, $ext) Populate the array $DARAY with the
names of entries in the $DIR having
name types specified in the $EXT list.
$EXT is a (:) delimited string that
specifies the directory entry types to be
included in the array $DARAY.
Return the number of entries in
18. _FS::dir_cvt_nm($ent) Convert the directory entry
name $ENT to a simple name and return

III. CSWAM Execution of Client-side Functions

A. Client-side Modification of Client HTML Objects
The Client-side Web-site controller (the Browser) initiates execution of Java-
script code under the following conditions:

1. When the requested Web-site page is retrieved. In this case all the blocks
of Java-script code specified within HTML <script> and </script> tags are

2. When the Web-site page is first loaded. In this case all the Java-script code
within the HTML body tag onload attribute are executed (<body
onload=”Java-script code” . . . >).

3. When an HTML container/object event ( onclick,onmove,etc) is triggered. In this

case the specified attribute-event Java-script code, within the
associated HTML tag, is executed.
(EX: <input onclick= ”Java-script code” . . . >)

4. At completion of a CSWAM Server Request Function call.

B. Server-side Modification of Client HTML Objects via Exec-channel

The CSWAM framework maintains a logical message communication path (exec-

channel) for the purpose of sending Server-side Java-script code snippets to
its Client-side partner for execution. The request object Stat.exec variable is
populated with the Java-Script statements received viaServer-side exec-
channel. AMAC processes exec-channel (Stat.exec) data as the last step in
completing the Server-side message response of a AMAC function execution

Therefore, a Server-side function can update the attributes of any Client-

side HTML Object by employing the exec-channel to return Java-script statements
for execution as follows:
(in this example, PHP is the Server-side programming language):

_SND::rsp('exec', ("$('tfn','value','cswam.doc');") ;

When executed, the HTML container/object with an ID name of tfn will have
it’s value attribute set to cswam.doc.

C. CSWAM Argument Execution References

During client-side CSWAM AMAC or TMAC Server function request processing,
all argument data is examined for the appearance of _STR(JS-stmts) method
references. If a _STR method string is detected, CSWAM will initiate its execution
and replace the argument text reference (_STR(JS-stmts) with its results. Since
the _STR(..) method executes the string between the Parenthesis, it provides the
means of delivering the most current HTML object attribute conditions to Server-
side function execution.

EXAMPLE: ',|ldimg,[f]_STR(Nd(\’ lpics1\’).src)'

In this example of RQST argument substitution, the file name [f] of the
argument to the ldimg Server-side function is generated by executing
the CSWAM Nd function ( Nd( \’ lpics1\’) ), to obtain and substitute the
source (.src) name of .img type file with an object ID name/attribute
of lpics1.

D. CSWAM client-side Java-Script Language Functions

1. CSWAM Argument Retrieval Functions

CSWAM framework also provides string management functions to operate upon
delimited string segments:

Function Function Purpose

_STR.get_field_num(str,nm,del) Return the entry # position (0 – n) of the

named NMfield within the
delimited DEL string STR.

_STR.get_data (str,nm,del) Return the (named or entry #) field NM data within

the specified string STR.

_STR.set_data (str,nm,del,data) Set the (named or entry #) field NM data within the
specified string STR with the specified data DATA.

_STR.splits ( str {, del}) Return an array of DEL delimited string segments

within the specified STR. If a delimiter DEL is not
a comma (,) is the default delimiter.

_STR (JS-stmts) Return the result of executing

embeddedCSWAM/Java-script statements JS-
stmts. The specified JS-stmts statement(s) are
executed and the resulting data replaces the
original statement reference (_STR (JS-stmts)
). This statement is detected only during client-
side CSWAM Serverrequest argument data

_STR.replace (str, fld, nfld ) Return a string that replaces all occurrences of
dataFLD within a string STR, with new
data NFLD.

_STR.trim (str, trmlist ) Return a string that trims (removes) all occurrences
of the listed characters in TRMLST that are a
prefixcharacter in the string STR.

_STR.lbl(name,snum,del,cnt) Return a list of CNT number of unique labels/Ids by

combining the NAME with
the SNUM++ argument and providing a
delimiter DEL between entries.

2. CSWAM Access to Container/Objects ($ object class)

One factor that defines the usefulness of a Web-site development/control framework is

the ease of retrieving and altering ID named HTML page elements/object
The CSWAM framework provides simple referencing to retrieve and update all
established container/object attributes and values via the ($) static
class function(s)/method(s). These functions enable the programmer to:

Purpose Referencing notation Reference Description

Get an HTML object node = $(id) Variable node is set with a
reference pointer to
the id named HTMLobject.

Get an HTML object Value = $(id, attr) Variable value is set with the
attribute value HTML id named object.

Set an HTML object $(id, attr, value ) The HTML id named

attribute object’sattr (attribute/style) is
set withvalue.

Clear the list of HTML $.clear(list) Clear the contents

Objects $.clear(‘id-1,id-2,…’) (value orinnerHLML attribute)
of the idnamed objects in list
(comma delimited list of id’s).

IV. Cswam Web-Site Application Example Using CSWAM Framework

This section presents an example using the CSWAM software to implement a

sample Web-site (cswam) application. The sample Web-site employs
the CSWAM package and was implemented on an Apache/PHP Server platform, and
consists of the following files:
• The CSWAM-Framework File (pk.cswam.framework.js)
• The CSWAM-Framework Cascading Style Sheet file (cswam.framework.css).
• The AMAC Server-side String Management Library(amac_lib.php)
• Arrow symbol files (l-arrow.gif and r-arrow.gif).

• The sample Web-Site Cascading Style Sheet file (cswam_client.css).

• The sample Web-Site Client-side program (cswam_client.php).
• The sample Web-Site Server-side program (cswam_server.php).
• Any sample Picture files (.jpg& gif) in the Web-Site /pics directory/folder.

A. Cswam Web-Site Client-side Program

The Client-side program of this sample Web-site is divided into three sections:
• Master Page (Permanent containers) Initialization
• Support Code including Form Verification Tables
• HTML defined Container Page layout

1. Cswam Web-Site Client-side Layout(Master page) and Presentation

The design of the cswam sample Web-site breaks the presentation page into eleven (11)
sections (containers). The section object ID names are declared in
the cswam_client.php program file and their named attribute definitions are located in
the cswam_client.css file as follows:

Page Container Description ID Names in ID Style Names in

cswam_client.php cswam_client.css

Page Heading
• Page navigation _pgnav S_pgnav
• AMAC Request string _answer S_answer
• System error reporting _sysmesg S_sysmesg

Master Page Sections Master S_Master
• Page Title M_title S_title
• Top of Page M_top S_top
• Left side of page M_left S_left
• Right side of page M_right S_right
• Bottom of page M_bottom S_bottom
M_center S_center
Center of page(Variable
• Server ermesg message _ermesg S_ermesg
• Server data1 response variable _data1 S_data1
• Server response message _response S_response

2. Cswam Web-Site Server-side Function Execution and Variable Settings

The design the cswam Web-site demonstrates the interaction between the Client-side
(cswam.client.php) and its companion Server-side (cswam.server.php) program.
The ID named containers declared in the cswam_client.php program are populated via
output response data from specified functions or variable settings executed in the
companion cswam_server.php program on the Server. These relationships are as

Page Container Description ID Names in Function or Variable in

cswam_client.php cswam_server.php

Page Heading
• Page navigation _pgnav S_pgnav
• AMAC Request string _answer \n[[amac-answer=……]]
• System error reporting _sysmesg \n[[amac-ermesg=……]]
Master Page Sections
• Page Title M_title title()
• Top of Page M_top top()
• Left side of page M_left lrqst()
• Right side of page M_right lddir()
• Bottom of page M_bottom bottom()

Center of page(Variable M_center


• Server ermesg message _ermesg \n[[amac-ermesg=……]]

• Server data1 response _data1 • butform()
variable • submit()
• tmac()
• track ()

• Server response message _response • butform ()

• page()
• ldfile ()
• tblform ()
• menu ()
• track ()
• Server response message Used by CSWAM • input (amac_args)
VMAC package to
verify input data
items at server
3. Client-side Master Page (Permanent containers) Initialization/Startup

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<html xmlns="">
<title>CSWAM Client side Web-site</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cswam_client.css" />
<script src="pk.cswam.framework.js" language="javascript"

<script language="JavaScript">

// ************ Master Page (Permanent containers) Initialization ************ = 'cswam_server.php' ;

function startup()
var flash = ",|movie,[f]./videos/Media.wmv";

Ajax.Log.init('_pgnav') ;
4. Client-side Support Code including Form Verification Tables

// load pics
function ldpics(fnm)
var fnms = _STR.replace($(fnm,'value'),'\n','|' ) ;
var pargs = ',[ids]_STR(_STR.lbl("rpics",1,"|",1)),[attr]h=296|w=396|c=1';
var rqst = ',|tmac,[ops]sc=10000|dn=0,[imgs]' + fnms + pargs ;
xexpics( 0,'_response',rqst,"") ;

// Input Verification definition entrys

// 'req','group','item','eid','ecolor','emesg');

vmac_ents = {'kitchen':"req=req,group=ckbox,item=Kitchen,ecolor=red,emesg=Must
select at least 3 items,test=[^:]{$*0>=3}",
select a car color,test=[^:]{$*0==1}",
select at least 1 item,test=[^:]{$*0>=1}",

var tst_login ='{@cswam_server.php,input,login[login,$0,pw,$[passwd]0]==1}' ;

var erM_login ='Login not allowed' ;
var erM_passwd ='Invalid passwd' ;

// Send Form data on SUBMIT event

// form argument is the ID of the HTML Form element/object
function sendform(form)
var url = Ajax.xsite + '?' + Amac.mk_url_list( $(form) ) ;
var cmd = '!!submit![s]style="height:100px"![no]login,passwd,amac-' ;
var list = 'login,passwd,kitchen,color,interests,date,email' ;
if( vmac( 1, vmac_ents, list) )
exsite(url,cmd,'*!_response,vresults.v:data1') ;
return(true) ;
return(false) ;
5. Client-side HTML defined Container Page layout

<body onload="startup();">

<div id='_pgnav' class='S_pgnav'></div> <div id='_answer'

<div id='_sysmesg' class='S_sysmesg' ></div>
<div id='Master' class='S_Master'>
<div id='M_title' class='S_title'></div>

<div id='M_top' class='S_top'>


<div id='M_left' class='S_left' >


<div id='M_right'class='S_right' >


<div id='M_center' class='S_center'>

<span id='_ermesg' class='S_ermesg'></span>

<span id='_data'></span>
<span id='_response'></span>


<div id='M_bottom' class='S_bottom' >

<span id='_bottom'></span>

B. Cswam Web-Site Server-side Argument String Servicing Functions

The directions for processing a Server message request (AMAC) are contained in the
amac-rqst variable string passed to the requested Server program (URL). The amac-
rqst string contains the information needed to process the message request; the function
name and its argument data. Amac-rqst is a delimited list of arguments and delimited
field data within the argument members. The first argument (0) in the list is the name of
the function to be executed followed by its argument data (1-n).

TMAC Named Argument List Members

Argument and/or field data specified in the (rqst/args) argument of

a CSWAM Server call may be distinguished by its bracket enclosed name [nm]
or nm= within its delimited list. The name (nm) can consist of any number of characters.
The CSWAM Timed Managed Application Control (TMAC) Service Call, in
the initpgm/tmpgm default case, requires the use of named arguments and field data in
its (rqst/args) field as follows:

TMAC ARG Name Argument Purpose

[ops]………. Specifies the operations to complete the timed request:

Named Fields:
dn= 1 Place objects down within the container
0 Place objects across within container
sc= The timing cycle to manage container
content changes

[imgs]………. Specifies the name of a folder of or image file(s) on the Server:

[ids]………. Specifies ID’s to create within the container to populate with the

[attr]………. Specifies the attributes of each object/container presented:

Named Fields:
h= the height (px) attribute of each object ID
w= the width (px) attribute of each object ID
g= the gap (px) between each object ID
s= the spacing (px) between each line up of
c= the count of objects that comprise a lineup
before starting the next column (dn=1) or row

C. Cswam Web-Site Server-side General Purpose Code (PHP Language)

1. Cswam Setup Processing Code

// Setup Processing Code

include("./amac_lib.php") ;
$my_funcs["master"] = "master" ;
$my_funcs["title"] = "title" ;
$my_funcs["top"] = "top" ;
$my_funcs["lddir"] = "lddir" ;
$my_funcs["bottom"] = "bottom" ;
$my_funcs["ldfile"] = "ldfile" ;
$my_funcs["page"] = "page" ;
$my_funcs["butform"] = "butform" ;
$my_funcs["ldimg"] = "ldimg" ;
$my_funcs["tblform"] = "tblform" ;
$my_funcs["input"] = "input" ;
$my_funcs["submit"] = "submit" ;
$my_funcs["dump"] = "dump" ;
$my_funcs["tmac"] = "tmac" ;
$my_funcs["menu"] = "menu" ;
$lines_in_page = 30 ; //Max number of report lines

// Setup Processing Code

$lines_in_page = 30 ; //Max number of report lines
_SRV::amac_init(); //Init $_RQST & $_AMAC
_SND::rsp('answer',$_AMAC->_("rqst") ) ;
_SRV::amac_func_exec( $my_funcs) ;
2. Cswam Master Permanent Container(s) Contents

// Master Template for page

function master()
title() ;
_SND::$chan = "data1";
top() ;
_SND::$chan = "data2";
bottom() ;
_SND::$chan = "data3";
lddir() ;
$lrqst ="\",|tmac,[ops]sc=20000|dn=1,[imgs]./pics,\
[attr]h=80|w=80|g=20|s=20|c=9\"" ;
$exec = _STR::make(";expics( 0,'M_left',~1, '' );",$lrqst);
_SND::rsp('+exec',$exec ) ;

3. Cswam Title Section Permanent Container Contents

// Title of page
function title()
global $_PAGE ;
$rsp = _STR::make("<SPAN style='margin-left:300px;font-weight:bold;
font-size:18px'>CSWAM Framework Example(~1:~2-~3)</SPAN>",
$_PAGE->arg_data('[Browser]','version=',"X") );
4. Cswam Top Section Permanent Container Contents

// Top of page
function top()
$rsp = _STR::make("<SPAN id='S_top'>
<DIV id=menu>

<SPAN style='position:absolute;left:0px'>
<LI><A href='#'>Item(s) =<TEXTAREA class='inlist' id='tfn' value='' rows=1
\"samesite(',|ldfile,[f]_STR( $(\'tfn\',\'value\'))','*_response,_answer'
Items to access</SPAN></A></LI>

<LI><A href='#' onclick=\"$.clear('_ermesg,_response,_data');\">

reset form<SPAN>Reset everything</SPAN></A></LI>

<SPAN style='position:absolute;left:260px'>
<LI><A href='#' onclick=
\"track( 'tfn' );\">
Track Items<SPAN>Track the named items</SPAN></A></LI>

<LI><A href='#' onclick=

\"samesite(',|butform,[f]_STR( $(\'tfn\',\'value\'))','*_data,_answer' );\">
load pages<SPAN>load pages of named file</SPAN></A></LI>

<LI><A href='#' onclick=

\"ldpics('tfn') ;\">load pics<SPAN>Cycle Pics from named Dir.</SPAN></A></LI>

<SPAN style='position:absolute;left:380px' >

<LI><A href='#' onclick=
\"samesite(',|tblform','*_response,_answer') ;\">load tblform<SPAN>
load table form</SPAN></A></LI>

<LI><A href='#' onclick=

\"samesite(',|menu','*_response,_answer') ;\">load menu<SPAN>
load the Menu</SPAN></A></LI>
<LI><A href='#' onclick=
,'*_data:data1,_response:response,_answer:answer' );\">
load folder<SPAN>load the named folder</SPAN></A></LI>



_SND::rsp('',$rsp ) ;

5. Cswam Bottom Section Permanent Container Contents

// Bottom/footer Section Perminent Container Contents

function bottom()
_SND::rsp('',"<SPAN style='margin-left:400px;font-weight:bold;\
font-size:18px'>Bottom Of Page Section</SPAN>"); }
6. CSWAM Right Side Section Permanent Container Contents

// Load Directory/folder Output into Container

function lddir()
global $_RQST;
$dir = $_RQST->arg_data('[d]','',"X") ;
$dir_aray = "" ;
$n=_FS::io("dir:read",$dir,"",$dir_aray,0) ;
$rsp= _STR::make("<DIV id='folder' ><INPUT type=text id='dfn' value='~1'
\"samesite(',|lddir,[d]' + $('dfn','value'),'*M_right:response,_answer:answer'
for( $i = 0; ( $i < $n ) ; $i++ )
$entry = $dir_aray[$i] ;
$file = _STR::get_field("lv",$entry, "/",$entry) ;
$type = strtolower(_STR::get_field("le",$file,".","") );
$bkground = "";
$cfunc = "" ;
$sfunc = "ldfile" ;
$opt="f" ;
$dest="*_response,_answer" ;
if( !(_FS::stat( "stat",$entry ) ) )
$sfunc = "lddir";
$dest="*!M_right:response,_answer:answer" ;
$entry=_FS::dir_cvt_nm ($entry);
$cfunc= _STR::make("$('tfn','value','~1');",$entry );
else if( _STR::get_field("le",".jpg:.gif",$type,null) != null)$sfunc = "ldimg" ;
else if( _STR::get_field("le","",$type,null) != null)
$sfunc = "movie" ;
$entry = $entry.$_RQST->fdel."bk=#FF0000";
$click = _STR::make("onclick=
if( !$i )$click="" ; // current directory
$rsp= _STR::make("~4<DIV><A href='#' ~1 ~2>
~3</A></DIV>",$bkground,$click,$file,$rsp) ;
_SND::rsp('exec',$ex ) ;
_SND::rsp('',$rsp . "</DIV>" ) ;

7. Cswam Load Server-side Text File into Container

// Load Select file Text Output in window area

function ldfile()
global $_RQST;
$file = $_RQST->arg_data('[f]','',"X") ;
$file_bf ="" ;
$status = _FS::io("file:read",$file,"",$file_bf,64000) ;
$file_bf=_STR::special($file_bf,"<>" ) ;
$rsp = _STR::make("<TEXTAREA id='textshow'
class='textshow'>~1</TEXTAREA>",$file_bf );
_SND::rsp('exec',$ex ) ;
_SND::rsp('',$rsp ) ;

8. Cswam Load Server-side Image File into Container

// Load Image file into in window area

function ldimg()
global $_RQST;
$img = $_RQST->arg_data('[f]','',"X") ;
$rsp = _STR::make("<IMG src=~1 class=M_center
_SND::rsp('',$rsp ) ;

9. Cswam Place Plug-in Action Program in Window Container

// Setup Plug-in file execution in window area

function movie()
global $_RQST,$_PAGE;
$file = $_RQST->arg_data('[f]',0,"X") ;
$id = $_RQST->arg_data('[f]','id=',"id=M_center_movie") ;
$bk = $_RQST->arg_data('[f]','bk=',"#FFFFFF") ;
$attr = $_RQST->arg_data('[f]','attr=',"width='100%' height='100%'") ;
$param = $_RQST->arg_data('[f]','param=',null) ;
$type = strtolower(_STR::get_field("lv",$file,".","mov") );
$macro = $_PAGE->arg_data($type, null, "X") ;
$rsp = _STR::make($macro,$file,$id,$bk,$attr,$param) ;
_SND::rsp('',$rsp ) ;
10. Cswam Place Timed Picture Images in Window Container

// Place Timed Picture Images in Window Container

// Set up picture display windows and return Image file names in amac-answer

// tmac call named arguments and fields

// [ops] sc=scan time| dn= down/across
// [imgs]image file name(s) or image directory name
// [ids]container id-1|.|.| container id -n
// [attr] h=height| w=width|g=gap|s=space|c=cnt of container windows

function tmac()
global $_RQST;
$imgs = $_RQST->arg_data('[imgs]','',"***") ;
$ids = $_RQST->mk_fld_array('[ids]') ;
$down = $_RQST->arg_data('[ops]','dn=',0) ;
$height = $_RQST->arg_data('[attr]','h=',0) ;
$width = $_RQST->arg_data('[attr]','w=',0) ;
$gap = $_RQST->arg_data('[attr]','g=',0) ;
$space = $_RQST->arg_data('[attr]','s=',0) ;
$cnt = $_RQST->arg_data('[attr]','c=',0) ;
$left= 0 ;
$top= 0 ;
$tinc = 0 ;
$linc = 0 ;
if( $down )$tinc = $height + $gap;
else $linc = $width + $gap;
for( $i=0, $j=$cnt, $n=sizeof($ids); ( $n-- > 0 ) ;$i++, $left += $linc, $top +=
$tinc )
$rsp =
_STR::make("<SPANstyle='position:absolute;top:~1px;left:~2px;",$top,$left) ;
$attr =_STR::make("height:~1px;width:~2px'>",$height,$width)
$id= $ids[$i] ;
$img =_STR::make("<IMG id=~1 style='height:~2px;width:~3px'
alt='~1' onclick=\"samesite(',|ldimg,[f]_STR( $(\'~1\',\'src\'))','*_response,_answer'
);\" ></SPAN>",
_SND::rsp('',$rsp . $attr . $img ) ;
if( --$j == 0 )
$j = $cnt ;
if( $down )
$left += $width + $space ;
$top = -$tinc ;
$top += $height + $space ;
$left = -$linc ;
if( _STR::field_pos("f",$imgs, $_RQST->fdel) >= 0 )
$ents=_FS::io("dir:read",$imgs,'jpg:gif',$dir_aray,0) ;
$pics =_STR::join($dir_aray,",");
_SND::rsp('data1',$pics ) ;

11. Cswam Load Input Table-Form verification into response window area

// Load Input Table-Form verification into response window area

function tblform()
$rsp = _STR::make("
<DIV id='vermess'></DIV>
<form id=form1 class='S_response' action='cswam_server.php'
onSubmit=\"sendform('form1');return false;\">

<TABLE id=tbl width='300px' align='center'>

<TR valign='middle' align='left'>
<TD align='center' height='25'width='45%' ></TD><TD width='45%'
<TR><TD>Login</TD><TD><DIV id=login_x></DIV><INPUT
type=text name=login id='login' value=''></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Passwd</TD><TD><INPUT type=password name=passwd
id='passwd' value='' ></TD></TR>
<TR><TD></TD><TD>What is in your Kitchen?</TD></TR>
<TR><TD></TD><TD><DIV id=kitchen_e></DIV>
<DIV id='kitchen'>
<INPUT type=checkbox name=kitchen[] id='k_sk' value=sk
<INPUT type=checkbox name=kitchen[] id='k_rf' value=rf
<INPUT type=checkbox name=kitchen[] id='k_st' value=st
<INPUT type=checkbox name=kitchen[] id='k_wa' value=wa
<INPUT type=checkbox name=kitchen[] id='k_ta' value=ta
<INPUT type=checkbox name=kitchen[] id='k_ch' value=ch
<TR><TD></TD><TD>What is the color of your car?</TD></TR>
<DIV id='color'>
<INPUT type=radio name=carcolor id='c_wh' value=white
<INPUT type=radio name=carcolor id='c_bk' value=black
<INPUT type=radio name=carcolor id='c_re' value=red ><B>red</B><BR>
<INPUT type=radio name=carcolor id='c_bl' value=blue
<INPUT type=radio name=carcolor id='c_si' value=silver
<TR><TD></TD><TD>What activities interest you?</TD></TR>
<select id='interests' name='other_interests[]' multiple size='5' >
<option id='o_no' value='None Selected'><B>Select Interests</B></option>
<option id='o_bicycle' value='Bicycling'><B>Bicycling</B></option>
<option id='o_golf' value='Golf'><B>Golf</B></option>
<option id='o_tennis' value='Tennis'><B>Tennis</B></option>
<option id='o_none' value='None'><B>None of the above</B></option>
<TD width='100px' valign='top'><BR>
Hold down the &#145;CTRL&#146; key to Select more
than 1.<BR>
(Mac Users: hold down the &#145;COMMAND&#146; key).
<TR><TD><B><P>Date</P></B></TD><TD><INPUT size='30px' id='date'
name='date' type='TEXT' /></TD>
<TR><TD><B><P>Email</P></B></TD><TD><INPUT size='30px'
id='email' name='email' type='TEXT' /></TD>
<TR><TD></TD><TD><INPUT size='10px' type='SUBMIT'
name='Submit' value='Submit' ></TD></TR>
");_SND::rsp('',$rsp ) ;

12. Cswam Verify Input form item(s) data

/ Verify Input form item(s)data

function input()
global $_RQST;
$type = $_RQST->arg_data('[type]','',"X") ;
if( $type == 'login' )
$n = $_RQST->arg_data('[n]','',"X") ;
$login = $_RQST->arg_data('[login]','',"X") ;
$pw = $_RQST->arg_data('[pw]','',"X") ;
if( ($login == 'rer') && ($pw == 'mypasswd') )_SND::rsp('',"1" ) ;
else _SND::rsp('',"0" ) ;
_SND::rsp('ermesg',"*** Server Application Error: ".$type." is not a
input name option ***" ) ;

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