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So War for the planet of the apes is the 3rd film in the new prequel/Reboot of the planet

of the apes movies. And this is about Caeser going on a journey to stop a war between his
apes and an army of highly trained soldiers, while he also tries to control his more violent

First the obvious, the CGI is amazing and is truly a technological marvel to cinema. Andy
Serkis once again plays the ape ruler Caesar and is easily the best movie character in
recent years, in each film he has gotten progressively better and in this one it is definitely
the best performance. The story is great and is well acted throughout. This movie is also
an amazing drama. There are a lot of moments that just make you jerk a tear every once
in a while and its believable. The action sequences are pretty good too. Woody Harrelson
plays the colonel and he does a pretty good job at it (He is not as good as koba but still
good). He is just a character that you can relate to and you understand why he is doing all
of this. Caesar and the colonel are pretty relatable. As much as i would love to say how
great this movie is, i better stop right here.

I loved every part of this movie and i did not find anything i did not like about it, but i am
gonna talk about why i think most people were disappointed with this film. So if you
watched all the trailers and looked at the title you may be expecting one thing, a ton of
apes and humans fighting with guns and rockets. But although there is some of that in this
movie, its definitely not the main point of it. This movie to its core is about the war that a
person faces emotionally while war is happening around him. We see this concept with
Caesar all the way through the movie.

It also talks about what terrible things a person or people would do in a war. Woody
Harrelson's character does what he does because he believes that the entire human race is
going to go extinct if he does not act. I mean, would you do that if you knew that you
could slowly be replaced by another species?

So some people do not like this film because they were expecting a full on hardcore war
movie. And it is that, but it really is a commentary about how a person has a war within
themselves when war is happening around them. And people either missed, did not care,
or did not understand the more darker themes about this movie.

But anyway, in the end i thought this movie was a masterpiece in every way it could have
been. It has amazing CGI, performances, action sequences, dark themes, tear jerking
moments, and a beautiful moral to it. A+ or 10/10 APES TOGETHER STRONG!
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228 out of 417 people found the following review useful:
beautifully filmed non-existent plot and unrelatable characters plus a bunch of nonsense
Author: ctc5030 from Singapore
17 July 2017

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

I enjoyed the first few minutes of fighting in the forest and the rest of the movie is just
insufferable. Nothing makes much sense and the pacing is so slow that I almost dosed off
for a while. The good cinematography and CGI does not make up for the lack of a decent
plot and forced character build-up.

One example is that the little girl did not give a sh*t when she discovered that her father
(who supposedly risked everything escaping from the military to protect and care for her)
had been killed by the apes but later was clearly moved to tears by the death of one of
apes who's been round and for a few days and gave her a flower one time (maybe daddy
just never put flowers in her hair and that's like her thing?). I guess the writers' reasoning
is that Caesar and the apes are the good guys, and the girl's father tried to kill them, so he
must be a bad guy, so no sympathy for him, oh no no no, not even from his own daughter,
who needs to be on the good side later, because plots! So you can see how this kind of
character development successfully makes me unable to empathize with any of the
characters in this movie (to be honest, I did feel for the girl's dad, poor guy).

Perhaps the most irritating thing is the messy way the apes communicate with each other.
While most of them seem to be fluent with sign languages and occasional 'O-O-' noise
that makes them 'apish', Caesar and a few other main characters can also speak some
English with broken grammar. Sometimes Caesar speaks English to apes that only do
signs and they seem to understand it (then why don't they just speak English themselves
or why don't Caesar just use sign language which others are more comfortable with?). I
know these things are there to make the movie more 'realistic' but they don't work and
only add to more confusion and unnecessary suffering for the audience. Sometimes other
apes sign to Caesar behind his back and he totally gets it without even looking at them!
This kind of mixing up nonsensical things just makes my OCD explode, not to mention
90% of the movie is listening to this slow and boring enunciation of infantile broken
English or reading subtitles.

I can go on, but I don't want to. I wish I had the courage to walk out of the theater half
way through the movie but I was a coward and instead I weep for the future of cinema.
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267 out of 497 people found the following review useful:
No, it's not really thought provoking, or a very good film at all.
Author: sswilkinson from United States
16 July 2017

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

I've seen the original Planet of the Apes with Charlton Heston and Roddy McDowell, I've
seen the remake with Tim Roth, I've seen thousands of films during my life. War for the
Planet of the Apes seemed to me as simply a showcase for the digital ape effects.

It's full of closeups of different digital ape faces against a blurry background. Af if it's
1957 and we should be marveling at new Disneyland animatronic characters. It's full of
distant shots of digital chimps scurrying around. That's most of the movie.

What people are saying is thought provoking, is a simple illustration of two groups in
conflict. Draw comparisons to Nazis and Jews, black and white, Shia and Shi'ite, slave
and slave owner. The same "thought provoking" questions arise.

The only difference here is that it's put into a science fiction context - what if apes were
as smart as humans? Well, what if cats were? Or squirrels? Had this been an action film,
I'd say OK, it's an action movie and it's fine. But it isn't. It has some action, but is not an
action film. It's mostly a very slow moving, dull, inarticulate drama.

Inarticulate in two ways. A lot of the apes use sign language instead of speech, and the
script is not clever or intellectual. A few flashes of well written dialog come up during an
exchange between the Colonel (Woody Harrelson) and Caesar (digital ape) and that's all
there is. Less than five minutes. The rest of the dialog is mainly focused on vengeance
and war or merciful understanding. There's no complexity or intellectual stimulation here.

I'm shocked that nearly all professional film critics give this movie a high rating and
praise. Perhaps they all received $5,000 checks from the film studio.
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155 out of 274 people found the following review useful:
Some of the worst writing I have ever seen
Author: fkarpenko from Moscow, Russia
22 July 2017

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

I was first reluctant to see this film when my friend invited me but after seeing that it has
a whopping 8.1 rating and remembering that the previous films were quite enjoyable I
was prepared to see a truly good movie. I was incredibly disappointed. **SPOILERS**
My first trouble with the film happened with the appearance of the little girl, who seemed
to serve absolutely no purpose other than to spontaneously cause tear- jerking moments
which were accompanied by sad music in every instance. Throughout the film there must
have been around 10 of these, all of them completely pointless and forced. It also baffled
me that she had close to 0 reaction to her father dying yet, when a gorilla who she had
known for literally one day died, she wept like it was her brother. Another massive
problem is that the entire plot of this movie hinges on one condition: that every single
person out of the ~1,000 soldiers at the concentration camp is a complete and utter
imbecile. Caesar's crew is running around right outside of the walls of the camp? Of
course no one notices, why would anyone be on over-watch at a military base? All of the
monkeys escape from their cages? Of course there was only one person watching over
them. In addition to that, for the duration of what seemed like 10 minutes no one else
even noticed that all the monkeys were gone or that the single guard watching over them
was killed. Are these real soldiers!? Even statistically, what are the chances that not a
single soldier looked at a cage that is in plain view from any part of the camp. These were
just the most glaring issues I had with the film. So little thought went into the script.
These are incredibly basic problems which could have been fixed with even the slightest
effort, This movie was so incredibly dumb that even my friend who doesn't have much
interest in film asked me if I wanted to leave before the film was over.

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