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Web Engineering Programming Lab File

Practical -3
Objective: To create ahtml file by applying the different styles using inline, external &
internal style sheets.

Following software’s are needed to run HTML files −

 Linux/Mac/Windows operating system.

 A web browser (supporting HTML 5).
 A text editor (Sublime) to create HTML file.

 Create a HTML file named “blog.html”.
 Create an external style sheet named “blog.css”.
 Link the external style sheet to html file using <link> tag.
 Run the file using any web browser supporting HTML5.

HTMLcode snippet:

File Name: blog.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Blog</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="blog.css">

<!-- internal css -->

body {
width: 80%;
border: 20px solid #bdc3c7;
font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;
padding: 20px;
margin: 20px auto;
max-width: 700px;

<link href='blog.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

Aditya 00213303116
Web Engineering Programming Lab File

<div class="post">

<div class="date">Feburary 12 2019</div>

<h2>This Is My First Article</h2>

<p class="quote">
Bacon ipsum dolor amet capicola strip steak landjaeger, biltong spare ribs rump
cow ground round andouille sirloin pork. Short ribs pig prosciutto swine. Flank turducken
turkey rump, leberkas shoulder bresaola ham hock tail drumstick corned beef. Venison
pork chop beef jowl short ribs.

<p style="color:blue" ><!-- inline css -->

Bresaola short ribs pastrami, beef ribs spare ribs kielbasa ham tongue kevin landjaeger
chicken ball tip. Pork chop beef kevin strip steak, chicken pork belly pastrami ham hock
flank shoulder chuck turkey ribeye andouille ball tip. Shoulder tenderloin chicken shank
bacon shankle sirloin.</p>

<p>Pork pig pork loin prosciutto meatball turkey beef ribs ground round. Pork
belly salami shank pork chop turducken ribeye swine shoulder tri-tip fatback cupim short
loin chuck strip steak. Rump pork chop t-bone.</p>

<div class="post">
<div class="date">Feburary 19 2015</div>
<h2>This Is Another Article</h2>

<p class="quote">
Bacon ipsum dolor amet capicola strip steak landjaeger, biltong spare ribs rump
cow ground round andouille sirloin pork. Short ribs pig prosciutto swine. Venison pork
chop beef jowl short ribs.

<p style="color:blue" >Shankle beef ribs tongue strip steak flank landjaeger
capicola hamburger chuck pancetta kevin. Sirloin landjaeger chicken, bresaola brisket
swine short ribs turkey short loin ball tip porchetta ham hock. Capicola frankfurter jowl
short loin. Kevin flank hamburger, beef venison shankle short loin bresaola frankfurter</p>

<p>Bresaola short ribs pastrami, beef ribs spare ribs kielbasa ham tongue kevin
landjaeger chicken ball tip. Pork chop beef kevin strip steak, chicken pork belly pastrami
ham hock flank shoulder chuck turkey ribeye andouille ball tip. Shoulder tenderloin
chicken shank bacon shankle sirloin.</p>


Aditya 00213303116
Web Engineering Programming Lab File

File Name: blog.css

<!-- external css -->

background-color: rgb(180,0,0);
background-color: honeydew;
th, td {
padding: 8px;
text-align: left;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
h1 , h2, h4, div{
background-color: honeydew;
color:black; }
ol , ul{
background: linear-gradient(to left,#f0fff0,rgb(180,0,0));

Aditya 00213303116
Web Engineering Programming Lab File

Aditya 00213303116

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