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I raised the case of online games, namely pubg mobile.

(OK, I will display the

pbug mobile video) pubg mobile is a game that is played with an internet
connection globally. this game is very fun because i can play with friends
anywhere and we can make strategies and work together. this game is very
much played by millions of people around the world.

The MUI considers terrorism in New Zealand to be influenced by the penchant

for playing online shooting games, so MUI reviews the launch of PUBG mobile
in Indonesia is dangerous or not. but from the children to the adults said, after a
long period of playing pubg there was no feeling of wanting to do a real battle,
so here MUI could not judge whether the online game was illegitimate or not,
because they had to look at various aspects first. therefore, publisher players
when they want to still be able to play pubg mobile.

in some students, many were surprised that pubg mobile would be considered
illegitimate, it could cause their favorite games to be played back in Indonesia,
therefore they hoped that mobile pubgs would not be blocked or given
illegitimate labels.
Later the discourse of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued a fatwa forbidden by the
Unknown's Battlegrounds or PUBG Player game which was widely discussed. This discourse
triggered a rejection reaction from Warganet, especially from those who are players of the
PUBG game. A citizen named Jeremia Lourdes reacts by starting a petition entitled 'Reject
Haram Fatwa & Blocking PUBG.' The petition made through the website on
Wednesday (3/27/2019) that to date has received as many as 12,477 signatures.
The account named Jeremia Lourdes made the petition for President Joko Widodo, Kominfo
and the Indonesian Ulema Council.
The author of the petition assessed that the shooting incident in the city of Christchurch, New
Zealand was not the fault of the PUBG team. In the name of the PUBG players, he admitted
that he never had the slightest feeling of wanting to kill after playing the battle roy genre game.
Jeremia explains, the purpose of this game is to practice tactics in war. The game with the
concept of shooting, according to Jeremia, has been commonly played since ancient times.
In fact, according to him, many films played in theaters and television still present acts of
violence or crime.
However, with a sarcastic tone, Jeremi stated that he agreed with the blocking of the PUBG
game, but with several conditions.
"Even so, I agree that the PUBG game is blocked, provided that all war-themed games and
gunshots in any media (smartphone and playground in the mall) are also eliminated, not just
PUBG, all films with the theme of war and armed fights (both in theaters or on television) is
also blocked, "he wrote sarcastically.
Not enough with these requirements, he added the closing of the kitchen knife factory because
according to him it was very risky to cause stabbing.
"It's all right if it allows the kitchen knife factory to be closed in Indonesia because it is very
risky to cause murder and stabbing in the environment," he said.
Known at the end of his writing, Jeremia was still 16 years old and he wrote this petition
representing the voices of PUBG players in Indonesia. The discourse of the MUI's forbidden
fatwa on the PUBG game came after a shooting incident in Christchurch City, New Zealand.
The Deputy Secretary General of the MUI, Amirsyah Tambunan, stated that his party did not
only review PUBG games to be given a fatwa forbidden.

Amirsyah said that the MUI also did not cover the possibility of studying other online games.
At present, said Amirsyah, the MUI is still reviewing the positive and negative impacts that
arise from PUBG and other games.
Amirsyah said the study involved a number of experts, ranging from health to psychology.
Later, Amirsyah continued, the fatwa issued by the MUI depended on studies involving these
experts. According to Amirsyah, at the latest next month MUI can release official statements
regarding PUBG and other games.

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