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Name : Paola Yulianti

NIM : 181108113462039
Study Program : Medical Record
Semester : 1 (one) B

Hospital Administration

Hospital Concept
According to the American Hospital Assocition (1974) definition of the Hospital are: RS is an
organization that is organized through professional medical personnel and medical facilities that
permanently hold medical services, continuous nursing care, diagnosis and treatment of diseases
suffered by patients.
According to Kotter (1983) the definition of a hospital is a company engaged in the field of
health services or services, various factors influence the development of hospitals, among others;
technology, epidemiology, demographics, socio-economic factors, community needs for service
quality and regulations, as well as applicable government policy factors.
Whereas according to Wolper and Pena (1987), they define hospitals as places where sick people
seek and receive medical services as well as places where clinical education for medical
students, nurses and various other health professionals are held.

Type of Hospital
Hospitals can be divided into several types according to their respective categories
1. According to the owner: government, private sector
2. According to the philosophy adopted: profit hospital and non profit hospital
3. According to the type of service held: General Hospital and Specialty Hospital
4. According to location (government): center, province and district
Meanwhile according to the capabilities of hospitals in Indonesia can be classified into several
categories, namely:
1. Type A hospital, features: Specialists and wider sub-specialists, Top referral hospital
2. Type B hospitals, features: Specialists and limited sub-specialists, referral services from the
3. Type C Hospital, features: Limited specialist, referral service from the Puskesmas
4. Type D hospital, features: Referral services from the Puskesmas
5. Type E hospitals (special hospitals): Mental Hospital, Heart Hospital, Lung Hospital, cancer,
Leprosy etc.
In some hospital needs can also be classified into 2, namely: Education and non-education
hospitals. Educational hospitals are grouped into 2 groups: (1) health science centers at major
universities that conduct basic health research; and (2) Educational hospitals that hold three or
more specialist medical programs (Trisnantoro, 1992).

Requirements for Establishing a Hospital

1. Name of Hospital
Based on the Decree of the Director General of Medical Sciences No.0308 / Yanmed / RSKS /
PA / SK / IV1992 stated that:
• The name of the hospital cannot use the name of a person who is still alive
• May not mention the type of legal entity, for example a PT hospital. Tambang Batubara Bukit
Asam (Persero) but may be named Bukit Asam Hospital.
2. Hospital Organizers
• Photocopy of notary deed of establishment of foundation (applicant)
• Copy of land certificate or designation letter for location use on behalf of the applicant
• Location permit from the Regional Head of TK II
• Feasibility Study on the establishment of a hospital
• PERSI's recovery
• A statement from the applicant to comply with applicable regulations.
NOTE: All of these requirements were submitted to the Provincial Health Office and copied to
the Directorate General of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in

The function of the hospital

1. Patient services.
2. Community services in the form of cooperation with other parties outside the hospital which
are usually in the form of preventive, promotive and rehabilitative efforts
3. Education, especially for large hospitals that function as places of education.
4. Research
5. Information Services

Understanding Hospital Administration

Etymologically, the Big Dictionary of Indonesian Language (Dahlan, et al., 1995: 646) states
that service is "an effort to serve the needs of others". Service is basically an activity offered to
consumers or customers served, which are intangible and cannot be owned.
Administration is narrowly defined as the preparation and recording of data and information
systematically both internally and externally with the intention of providing information and
making it easy to obtain both partial and comprehensive returns. This narrow definition of
administration is better known as Administration.
The hospital is a facility, an institution and an organization. To manage a hospital well, one must
define precisely, know the function and purpose, know the scope and administration that is
carried out and the obstacles that a hospital goes through. (Tjandra, 2004)
Hospital administration is a process of planning, organizing, directing, supervising, coordinating
and evaluating the sources, procedures, and capabilities available to fulfill the demands on
health, care and a healthy environment by providing and organizing various health efforts aimed
at individuals, family, group or community (Azrul, 2010).
One of the agencies that market services to consumers is health service agencies. Health services
lead to competition among health care providers including among them hospitals. With the
competition between hospitals which is increasingly high accompanied by the many construction
of new hospitals, hospitals need to continue to develop themselves by providing quality services
and giving satisfaction to consumers. One of them is administrative services.

Hospital Administration Services

Hospital Administration is a form of health service aimed at individuals and or groups to
develop, maintain and be able to develop the quality and service of hospitals, clinic clinics and
various health services. The graduates are expected to be able to work as Hospital
Administration staff, Medical Records, and Quality Control in various health service industries.
Hospital Administration staff proactively interact with patients / clients, families and other health
personnel in the process of assessing and establishing mutually agreed goals and objectives in
developing quality services in health facilities using unique knowledge and skills possessed by
Bachelor of Hospital Administration.
One of the agencies that market services to consumers is health service agencies. Health services
lead to competition among health care providers including among them hospitals. With the
competition between hospitals which is increasingly high accompanied by the many construction
of new hospitals, hospitals need to continue to develop themselves by providing quality services
and giving satisfaction to consumers. One of them is administrative services.

Health Administration Function

There are many administrative functions in the administration, but in this case the one taken is
the opinion of Azrul Azwar in his book "Introduction to Health Administration Sciences". He
said that administrative functions are divided into 4 types, namely:
1. Planning including financing planning.
2. Organizing, which includes the preparation of staff.
3. Implementation, which includes deployment and coordination.
4. Assessment, namely in order to see whether the plan that has been prepared can be reached or
In achieving these goals, health administration involves many parties, including the government,
insurance, pharmacies, and hospitals. But in health administration this is not only medical
treatment but also preventive (prevention). The process of health administration in hospitals
usually includes the following:
1. Hospital finance, both from the patient and for the benefit of the hospital.
2. Staffing.
3. Patient acceptance.
4. Health facilities for patients.
5. General administration, such as administration and administration.

Hospital Administration Elements

From the understanding of hospital administration there are at least five elements in determining
the success or failure of an administration (Azrul, 2010):
1. Input (input)
What is meant is everything needed to carry out administrative work. Many kinds of inputs or
devices. Some of them are the most important (Azrul, 2010):
a) The education commission of the United States health administration divides into 3 types,
namely sources, procedures and capabilities
b) Koontz and Donnels, distinguish input from four types namely man (man), capital (capital),
managerial and technology.
2. Process
In this administrative process is about steps to achieve the expected goals (Azrul, 2010).
3. Output
Output is the result of administrative work. And the output referred to is about health services
both medical services and public health services (Azrul, 2010).
4. Goals
The intended target or target to whom the output is produced or intended. The administration of
the intended hospital targets individuals, families, groups and communities both directly and
indirectly (Azrul, 2010).
5. Impact
Regarding the consequences caused by the outcome, the expected impact is an increase in health
status. increasing the level of health can be achieved if between needs and demands can be met
properly (Azrul, 2010).

Hospital Administration Benefits

In general, the benefits provided are of three types, namely (Azrul, 2010):
1. Can manage resources, procedures and capabilities in carrying out administration in the
Hospital effectively and efficiently and can be managed as well as possible.
2. Can meet the needs and demands of users of health services both individuals, families, groups
and communities appropriately and according to needs, to meet the needs and demands of the
skills needed to fulfill this.
3. Can provide and implement the best health care efforts for the improvement of public health.
Hospital Administration Scope
1. Administrative activities
The main activity with the administrative function itself starts from planning, organizing,
implementing sampat supervision. Then the administrative work is not limited to typing,
recording or correspondence. (Azrul, 2010)

2. Objects and administrative subjects

The object and subject of administration is the health system, it involves a collection of
continuous complex factors that exist in a country to meet the needs and demands of health both
health services and health financing.

Differences in Hospital Administration and Management

In discussing administration often with management, which comes from the word managie (latin:
manus = hand, agere = do, carry out), the berrarti does it by hand. For this there are two known
opinions, namely (Azrul, 2010):
1. Administration is different from management
Differentiate administration from management. There are two opinions that are applied, namely:
a. Administration is lower than management
It was put forward by Samuel Levey and Paul Loomba who mentioned administrative work only
implementing the policies that had been set, while the work of management was to formulate the
b. Administration is higher than management
Herman Finer stated that mentioning administration is the art of management, while management
is only managing things related to smber, which are basically only part of administrative work.
2. Administration is the same as management
The two terms namely administration and management are often used interchangeably for the
same activities. Means not differentiating between administration and management.

Division of Administrative Services

1. Outpatient Administration Services

a. Patients come to register at the registration counter.
b. The clerk registers the patient:

1) New patient
For patients who do not have / do not carry the KTPP, the index number (in the working area:
00--- and outside the work area 90 .---) is recorded, the Mother Index in the working area is
0100, the first child is 0200, the second child is 0300 etc., Mothers outside the work area 0190,
children I I 0290, children II 0390 etc. KK name, patient name, address in index number
The officer made the KTPK.
The officer made an Outpatient Card.

2) Patients who already have KTPP:

Ugas Officers look for an Outpatient Card according to the KTPP index number for patients who
have been treated / visited.
Officers make an Outpatient Card according to the patient's identity for patients who have never
been treated / visited.

3) Patients Askes / Jamkesmas / Jamkesda / Non Maskin:

The clerk asks the patient to show the Askes / Jamkesmas / Jamkesda / Non Maskin Card
The clerk records the Card number Askes / Jamkesmas / Jamkesda / Non Maskin.
Officers withdraw fees according to local regulations for patients from outside the district.
c. Officers carry out outpatient books to the desired service destination and officers in the
intended service room monitor and receive patients and carry out services according to the
applicable standard / service standards.
d. The Counter Officer takes the outpatient Card to the respective examination room / service
after completion of service and administration in the relevant examination / service room.
e. The Counter Officer saves the Outpatient Card to the Archive Rack according to the index

2. Inpatient Administration Services

a. Doctors advise patients to stay in hospital.

b. With the agreement of the patient / family / person in charge of the patient, the IGD / POLI
nurse informs the receptionist that the patient will be hospitalized.
c. The nurse directs the family / person in charge of the patient to register the inpatient to the
d. For patients who enter through the ED, the receptionist asks for a patient treatment card (for
old patients) or records the patient's data / identity completely (for new patients).

1) General Patients
• Receptionist offers hospitalization rates clearly to patients.
• If there is an agreement from the family / person in charge of the patient, then the receptionist
provides a form of "Payment Statement" to the family / person in charge of the patient to be
filled in and signed
• Receptionist asks for guarantees of hospitalization to the family / responsible person in the
form of a KTP / SIM or other identification
• After the "Payment Statement Letter" form is filled in and signed by the patient, give the form
to the Medical Record section to find the Inpatient Patient Status file in accordance with the
Medical Record Number and then the Inpatient Patient Status is delivered by the Medical Record
officer to the IGD / POLI addressed.
2) Insurance Patients
• Inquire about the ownership of health insurance that the patient has
• If the patient enters during working hours, ask the patient to take a guarantee issued by the
relevant company / insurance. If patients enter outside working hours, collateral is taken the next
day, during working hours.
• Request a guarantee sheet, a copy of the insurance card, and a referral letter from the
Puskesmas (except emergency cases) as a complement to the bill.
• Asking patients to complete other requirements related to insurance bills they have.
• If the administrative requirements are not complete, the family / person in charge of the patient
is given a maximum of 2x24 hours to fulfill the requirements (during inpatients). If not fulfilled,
the patient is considered GENERAL.
• Determine and notify the family / person in charge of the patient about the room to be occupied
by the patient in accordance with the ration determined by the relevant insurance, by grouping
Adult (Male / Female) and / or Child.
• If the patient asks to go up to the treatment class (except JAMKESMAS and JAMKESDA),
provide a "Statement of Willingness to Pay for Difference in Cost" to be filled out and signed by
the patient / family of the patient.
• Receptionist asks for guarantees of hospitalization to the family / person in charge of the
patient (specifically for patients who ask to go up the treatment class) in the form of a KTP / SIM
or other identification.
• After the form of "Statement of Willingness to Payment for Difference" is filled out and signed
by the family / person in charge of the patient (especially patients who request to go up to the
treatment class), give the form to the Medical Record section.
• All inpatient administration files that have been completed are given to the medical record
section to find a file of Inpatient Patient Status in accordance with the Medical Record Number
and then the Inpatient Patient Status is delivered by the Medical Record officer to the intended
• The Medical Record Officer records in the patient visit book and gives a sign of hospitalization.
• The receptionist informs the inpatient department about the room that the patient will use to
prepare all the facilities and facilities.
• The nurse prepares a new patient room.
• After the inpatient room is ready, the nurse tells the receptionist that the room is ready to be
• Receptionist informs the POLI / IGD room nurse that has been prepared.
• POLI / IGD nurses deliver patients to inpatient rooms.

3) Emergency Services Administration

• Patients come to the emergency room, while the patient / delivery family
• Patients take care of registration at the TPPGD counter. For certain cases such as patients who
come under exposure to other pollutants / impurities, the patient will be cleaned first in the
decontamination room (if general conditions permit) then they can enter the emergency room.
• The IGD nurse conducts Triage in the triage room, namely by accepting the patient, conducting
a rapid assessment of the patient's clinical condition, deciding the priority for handling the
patient based on the emergency.
• For emergency patients, action is taken as needed, if necessary, a supportive examination and
consultation will be conducted by a specialist.
• For emergency patients resuscitation and stabilization are carried out, if needed, a supportive
examination and consultation will be conducted by a specialist. And for certain conditions, if
needed, patients can also go directly to OK or ICU for further treatment.
• After completion the patient's family arranges administration for:
- go home
- Inpatient
- Refer to a higher hospital

Bachelor of Hospital Administration Medical Record Concentration

S-1 Study Program Hospital Administration has a very important position on other fields of
science, both basic science to strengthen research on medicine and for applied sciences such as
the world of health and medicine which are highly dependent on the study and development of
the world of medicine. Health care and treatment are so very important where the presence of
health services, especially treatment is a necessity.
In this position, the role of health services about shifting treatment is one of the elements that
determine competitive advantage. Hospital Doctoral Program Study Program focusing on study
materials in the field of medical record service quality, is directly related to aspects of
application towards health services, medicine, midwifery, nursing, and pharmacy. Departing
from the focus of study materials in the fields of science and health, the Hospital Administration
department curriculum is structured on the basis of chemistry, physics, biology, management,
and information systems. The foundation of science is given through the basic course is only
about 10%, the rest is a specific subject that does not belong to any department because Hospital
Administration is a science that prints professional workers in different fields of health with
medical science or other health sciences .
The Science Direction developed by the Hospital Study Program of the Helvetia Health Institute
was prepared with a special development, namely the development of Hospital Administration
with Medical Record Competence. With the combination of several sources, the direction of the
scientific field of administration of the Helvetia Institute of Health Hospital is: There are four
aspects that form the basis of the scientific development and administrative specifications of the
Helvetia Health Institute Hospital, namely;
1) study in the field of medical record services;
2) Hospital production and quality control studies from all aspects;
3) study in the field of hospital service analysis;
4) Hospital Administration studies that are based on the concept of sustainable development
that has not been developed in Indonesia.

The vision of the Hospital Administration S1 program is, "Becoming the Advanced, Leading
Institute in Health to support the Indonesian Vision 2020", the Vision of the Hospital
Administration S1 program is formulated, "Becoming a research-based hospital administration
study program that becomes national standard reference and entrepreneurial spirit ".
The mission of the Hospital Administration Study Program for Medical Record Concentration
(Undergraduate Degree) at the Institute of Helvetia Health is:
1. Develop the science of hospital administration with a concentration of medical records
supported by reliable technology to improve services in the health sector
2. Strengthening and encouraging self-development to become creative, innovative and inclusive
leaders with a broad perspective on hospital administration
3. Carry out quality, appropriate and sustainable research and community service
4. Develop a professional culture in managing university resources
5. Establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with various national, regional and international
institutions in implementing the Tridarma of Universities.
The main goals of the education of the Hospital Administration Program The Medical Record
Concentration (Bachelor Degree) of the Helvetia Health Institute are prepared to support the
Vision of the Study Program, including:
1. Organizing a Hospital Administration study program that has the standard and best medical
record administrative competency standards
2. Gave birth to creative, innovative and inclusive leaders and broad view in the field of Hospital
3. Producing quality, effective and sustainable research and community service that is useful for
the development of health services
4. Develop a professional culture in managing university resources
5. Establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with various national, regional and international
institutions in implementing the Tridarma of Universities.

Data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2015 included 2,421 hospitals,
and 9,717 health centers. The Hospital and Puskesmas need professionals in their management,
while the number of educational institutions that hold Hospital Administration programs,
especially S1, are only 5 throughout Indonesia and the only one in Bali. Seeing the data and
opportunities mentioned above, the health service needs in the field of home administration pain
in the future is still very much needed, while the availability of human resources in the Hospital
Administration is still very minimal. As is known that the demands of the community, the quality
of health services both in health centers and in hospitals are increasing, along with the increase in
social, economic and educational status of the community. For this reason, health service
facilities are obliged to improve service quality through meeting the standards of facilities,
human resources and service systems. One standard that must be met is the HR standard both in
terms of quality, quantity and competence, both human resources that function directly in the
service and those who have the task of supporting health services. The establishment of PS ARS
will educate ARS human resources, in order to become professional, superior human resources,
able to compete in the global era and always be challenged to optimize themselves as health
workers. In order to fulfill the principles of governance of modern organizations (good
governance) and uphold strategic initiatives for institutional transformation.
Hospital Administration Study Program Excellence
The Hospital Administration Study Program produces graduates of hospital administration who
are competent in Good Corporate Governance and are able to think scientifically, solve problems
and adapt to scientific, technological and environmental developments. Having advantages and
characteristics in integrated management, the importance of integrated management is the
implementation of integrated quality in government-owned hospitals in the era of globalization
that has an obligation for the government as the manager and person in charge.

Degree and Competence

Bachelor of Hospital Administration (S.ARS); competent in the field of Hospital Administration
based on modern management.


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