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co Winner of the her “The European Cup’. Several manufactures ie for this honor, aut Bultaca did something to win It They produced this new Mark 11 Motralla, ad they raced her st such laces a3 Brands Hatch, Monijuich. There the Mark 11 carved ‘cut her deserved reputation. thera she sraved that the has guts, speed, fang stamina Yes mith this motorcycle, you get a veal mover. and s real handler. Toke ide on th lunjaash the new aly ears, 276hp. engine carve a ste rapidly through 5 geurs, right an up fo {03 mph. rand demand the best, you can still have more about the special kit that olves speads up to Nt vos hard to improve the 175 ec Mercuri larger, and fester 20¢ co Mercuri but once again Sultseo has done it. Now the innovated. classy, |p aveilebte. This new Mercurio was dasigned to be squally at G86 gobbling up miles of freeway or just drifting around town, The new 200¢¢, 20hp. engine, with 10:1 compression ratio. end tor 10 80 mp, Cruise the Mercurio. all day at 70, and realize the amazis only from 8 smaller, Iess robust motorcycle carburetor; easily pushes this bomb up economy that one could normally expect

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