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GCSE ICT - Computers and your health

Health and Safety – Why? o Keyboard must be adjustable

 People have a right to be safe at so that they can lie at an angle of 10
work. degrees
 All employers must do as much as o Keyboard should have
they can to ensure that their workers are concave keys to prevent fingers
safe. slipping and reduce impact shock on
 This is enforceable in law – Health fingertips, fingers, wrists, and arms.
and Safety at Work Act (1974).  Radiation –What can be done to
reduce radiation hazards?
Hazards in an ICT workplace o Special radiation reduction
 Backache – What can be done to shields on VDUs.
alleviate backache?
o Swivelling chairs. Things that must be considered
o Movable base with castors. when designing an office
o Adjustable back rests that  Avoid the use of single pendant
support the lower back area. lamps as they produce glare on computer
o Regular breaks to change VDUs.
posture.  Use florescent tubes with diffusers or
 Eye strain and headaches – What can that produce artificial daylight.
be done to combat eye strain and  Avoid the use of carpets made from
headaches? artificial fibres as these cause static
o No screen flicker. electricity.
o Angle, brightness, and  Things that must be considered when
contrast must be adjustable. designing an office
o Reduction of reflective light.  Windows should have adjustable
o Proper and adequate lighting. blinds so that sunlight will not produce
o Free, regular eye tests for VDU glare on computer VDUs.
operators.  Cables should be ducted and not
 Repetitive strain injury – How can RSI allowed to trail across the floor.
be avoided?  Sufficient power sockets with surge
o Keyboard should be separate resisters should be installed so that only
from the VDU. one piece of equipment is plugged in to
each socket.
GCSE ICT - Computers and your health

Look carefully at the following picture of an office.
Circle and list all the health and safety hazards that you can find.
Extension Task:
Does the room that you normally study ICT in comply with what you have learned about Health
and Safety? If it does not, why doesn’t it?

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