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(PROG-111A) 43/50

The equivalent of clauses in coding is?

Int num = 1; for(num=num;num<=10;num++) is an acceptable code snippet.
Loop that has a pre-determined number of iterations
An int can be used even if it is declared outside a for-loop.
Overload methods must be the same name as the class
What the break statement in this example does is ________.
-Ends the whole instance of the loop
The random( ) method sorts the array randomly.
The last part in a for loop setup can be an ________.
- both
The “1” in arrayName[1] is called an ________.
The continue; statement ends all the iterations of a loop.
- False
Which is not a proper increment?
- n+-;
Infine for-loops can be declared as for( ){ }.
- False
If-if is more logical than else-if.
- False
The else statement can be removed if not needed.
Expressions, Statements and Blocks are like composing sentences and paragraphs.
You can declare a new method in the subclass which is not declared in the superclass.
The return value of the equals( ) method is ________ .
-None of the choices
The Arrays.sort( ) method sorts an array into _________ order.
This type of declaration is discouraged: “int myArray[ ]”
- True
An if-else-if-else statement is a block.
If the increment num=num+2 is changed to num++, the final value of num will be
The term of each pass through a loop makes is called?
Loops must always have a continue or break statement.
1+2+3/4*5 is an unambiguous expression
Conditional statements can contain more conditional statements.
- True
int num = 1;
if(num==1 && num<=1){
The conditional statement will _______.
- execute the body
byte( ][ ][ ) myArray; is an example of ________.
- An error
An array _______ hold objects.
- can
A reference variable can be reassigned to other objects provided that it is not declared
- final
The test expression of conditional statement cannot contain _______
Each pass through of a loop is called a cycle.
- True
If the increment “num = num + 2” is changed to “num = num + 1” the final output will be
Ifs and else-ifs test expressions return true or false.
- True
_______ classes increase the encapsulation of you methods and data.
- nesting
Constructed methods are initialized with 0 or null depending on the data type.
- true
The else statement catches whatever argument the if and else-if didn’t
- True
An iteration of a loop is equivalent to one pass through.
- true
38. If we change the initial value of num in line 6 to “num = 0”, the println output will be
The else-if statement can be used alone.
- false
Abstract methods need sub-classes to contain their implementations.
The method arraycopy( ) does what?
- Copies the contents of an array to a destination array.
An array can be infinitely long.
- False
A loop can contain no expressions or statements inside.
- true
Conditional statements are the same as declaration statements.
- False
You cannot use inherited methods directly in a child class.
- False
The equals( ) method compares 2 arrays.
- True
Method invocations are statements
- True
To implement encapsulation, you have to declare class variables with the private
- True
Inner class methods can be called by constructing the inner class.
- False
Encapsulated data are hidden from other classes.
- True

Refer to the code snippet below. Identify what part of a method is shown in each
number (the underlined one).

GIVEN: public int getArea

Answer: Method Name

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

Answer: val_1 + val_2

Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE.

The filename of the Java file above is

Answer: False

Refer to the code snippet below. Identify what part of a method is shown in each
number (the underlined one).
GIVEN: int getArea

Answer: Return Type

Fill in the blank:

Answer: foo

Procedural programming will be tricky for applications.

Answer: small

Strings can directly concatenated to an int.

Answer: False
TRUE OR FALSE: The value of “val_3” is 3

Answer: FALSE

Fill in the blank:

Answer: barfoo

Refer to the code snippet below. Determine whether the given is a local variable,
instance variable, access modifier or a class name.

GIVEN: private class EmployeeRecord

Answer: access modifier

TRUE OR FALSE: The assigned values of “val_1” & “val_2” are integers.

Answer: FALSE

Fill in the blank:

Answer: 200

True or False: A method could be declared without any parameters.

Answer: False
Fill in the blank:

Answer: foo

Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether
it’s TRUE or FALSE.

There are no errors in line 11.

Answer: TRUE

Determine the output.

Answer: error

True or False: Non-procedural programming focuses on how a task is done rather than
on what task should be done.

Answer: False

Refer to the code snippet below. Determine whether the given is a local variable,
instance variable, access modifier or a class name.

GIVEN: private class EmployeeRecord

Answer: class name

Determine the output.

Answer: chocolate bar

True or False: If you are running a program through CLI, the class name and the file
name should be different.
Answer: False

Fill in the blank:

Answer: 6

The “indexOf( )” method returns the first instance of the specified character.

Answer: True

Please refer to figure 1 to answer the question below:

If we change the initial value of num in line 6 to “num = 0”, the println output will be

Answer: 0

Strings can readily accept int values.

Answer: True

True or False: Keywords are Java reserved words which are used as identifier for
interface, constants and constructs.

Answer: True
Refer to the code snippet below. Determine whether the given is a local variable,
instance variable, access modifier or a class name.

GIVEN: int noOfEmployee

Answer: local variable

True or False: After compiling a Java program through the CLI, run it using the java and
press Enter.

Answer: True
Refer to the program below. Read each statement carefully and write the output for
each line specified.

Line 22 will display on the screen.

Answer: 1

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