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DK Teleconference Workshop, Saturday, April 26, 2003

“Eliminating Resistance and Polarization” Part 1 of 2

Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon

Djwhal Khul, here. Tashi delek

Well let’s see. Resistance and polarization are two very interesting topics. If anyone is
having difficulty hearing, I would ask you to tune in with your psychic ears and hear me
in stereo, actually inside your head as well as through the telephone. That is one of the
things that we do on an ongoing basis which is upgrading your natural spiritual abilities
and psychic development, maybe even learning a little white magic here and there. We’ll
hope that we don’t blow out the telephone as we did Wednesday. I’m not going to put it
directly in front of me this time.

So, clearing resistances. I want to talk about it a little bit first so that you have an idea
about where the pattern comes from and how it manifests. Resistance is a result of not
knowing that you can simply make a pure, clean choice about something. It’s that
simple. If you feel stuck in a job because you need the money, you’ll have resistance to it
because you don’t feel that you can just choose another job, or no job or whatever. It’s
that trapped feeling that creates resistance or tension and it’s a normal part of human
development to the degree that even when you are going through a spiritual process and
it’s something that is unknown to you, like energy is accelerating and you feel different,
maybe your sleep patterns are off and your taste buds are changing, you’ll move
somewhat into resistance to some degree because you feel like you don’t have a choice in
the matter, as if you are being accelerated without your permission. Also in relationships
of all kinds, business relationship, personal relationship, even relationship with the Earth
or maybe your internet provider, (now that we’ve had a discussion about that) whatever
the relationship is, there’ll only be resistance if you’re feeling that you can’t choose
freely. So the first thing that we’re going to do is set up an exercise that whenever you
notice that you are resisting something you simply stop and choose. You can choose
anything. Maybe you want to eat that piece of cake and you are resisting the urge. Then
you look at it again and you really want it and you are resisting the urge and you tell
yourself “I can’t because it’s got sugar in it, it’s got flour in it, it’s got chocolate in it, it’s
got nuts in it and I’m allergic to those.” Whatever you are going through in the resistance
process, it’s because a choice is not yet made. You can fool yourself and say, “I choose
to eat the cake,” and then say, “I choose not to eat the cake,” but you still want the cake.
You can get caught in that dynamic of resistance. When that is occurring, when you
think you’ve made a choice but you haven’t fully committed to it energetically; it’s just a
mind trip, if you will; you’re not fully present with your choice. Then what you will do is
condense your bodies, make sure you’re fully present in your physical body, and then
choose again. We can play with some examples of that when we get going into it, but for
right now I’d like you to pick something that you’ve noticed that you really resist, like
maybe a relationship, or moving the relationship into the next phase, or ending a

relationship, or changing it from a love relationship to a friendship. Could also be your
relationship to food or your energy, your relationship to your own personal energy level.
Maybe you’ve been tired and you’ve been resisting being tired or you’ve been ill and
you’re resisting being ill --- you want to be well. It could be a job or moving to a new
location. Also spiritually --- I know you’re all counting up: “How many can I pick?”
We’ll go through the exercise a few times and then at the end of our class we’ll also do
the healing transmission and you’ll get to do a lot of this clearing today. So spiritually
maybe you are resisting mastery, maybe you’re deliberately sabotaging it so that you
don’t have to own your own power. Just a thought! Maybe, maybe, that might be
happening to one or two people on the call or reading the transcript.

So, pick one; just select one for right now and remember you’ve got plenty of time to get
to the rest of them --- there’s all of eternity. So pick one resistance and what I’d like you
to do is set up a reciprocal flow with it. Imagine that whatever the resistance is, that it’s
right out in front of you and that you can set up this flow with it, then try to feel
something coming from it to you, then something going back to the resistance itself. You
really want to own the power of the resistance and you might be surprised at how strong
it is, or surprised at how weak it is. It can be either way. Also, you might feel it in a
spot, like maybe the Throat Chakra, or maybe the sexual energy in your body, maybe
your Heart Center, or maybe it’s making your feet ache, or a hip. Pay attention to where
it lives in your body consciousness, because if it’s in your consciousness it’s in the body
consciousness --- there’s no separation. When you feel things you can actually heal
them. When you’re just thinking, “Oh, yes, I know I resist that and I should clear it,
clear, clear ---,” you’re getting only one tiny level. If you don’t tap into the feeling
modality and shift it from the cellular sensation out of the consciousness, then it’s not a
very thorough removal. That’s one of the reasons I like the work of Byron Katie very
much. It’s ownership --- you move into ownership, “This is how it feels when I carry
that thought, and this is how it feels to other people when I carry this thought or I produce
this resistance. It causes pain in other people. It cause other people to maybe not want to
be around me because I can’t make a decision.” Go into the ramifications of the
resistance. How much of a price are you paying to indulge yourself in resistance? Which
is also saying, “I’m afraid I don’t have a choice.” It can also be, “If I make a choice I’m
afraid I’ll make the wrong one, so I will resist and resist and resist rather than choosing.”

Again, pick one. It’s very powerful now. We’re going to feel that reciprocal flow
building, really feel it in the body strongly, please. Then, with your entire being make a
choice, a choice that will get you out of that loop. You should feel the energy change
rather dramatically. Sometimes it drops off; there’s no reciprocal flow any more.
Sometimes it smoothes out; sometimes instead of a push/pull, you’ve got a full energy
flow. (Pause) All right. Wonderful. Let’s do another one before I open it for discussion
and then maybe you can share what experience you had if you want to. Again, pick one
thing that you’re conscious of, that you’re in resistance to. In this one I would encourage
you to go physiologically --- the body resisting losing weight, or the body being insulin
resistant, or the body resisting digesting foods properly, headaches, other pains in the
body, maybe arthritis or something like that. Try something on a physical level that is an
indication of resistance in the body and set up a flow with it. Imagine that it’s out in front

of you and you are receiving energy from it and giving energy back to it. You’re setting
up this energy dynamic so that you can feel the full effect that this particular resistance
has had upon you. (Pause) Feel it in your body, maybe coming from another point in
your body than you thought it was. (Pause) Sometime you’ll pick up another emotion to
it, say guilt or shame or something like that. Really move into the emotion. Embrace it.
Set up a flow with it. (Longer pause) All right, now that you’ve really embraced the
resistance make a choice and consider not just choosing something, but also allowing it.
“I choose and allow.” We’ll go more specifically into other examples for those who need
some help deciding exactly what choice will get them out of a particular resistance form.
It could be as simple as “I choose and allow.” “I choose and allow losing weight. I
choose and allow balancing my blood sugar. I choose and allow balancing my PH. I
choose and allow proper digestion. I chose and allow feeling great in my body.”

Now I want to talk a little bit about polarization and how that sets up the dynamic for
resistance. You notice the word “resistance” is often used in war. The resistance did
this, blah, blah, blah. Polarization is something that was really heightened on the planet.
It’s starting to come back into a more feminine energy, more toward Oneness coming up
here. We’re just starting into it so I want to facilitate that and the idea in your own
personal consciousness: avoid polarization. Avoid any strong statement in either
direction. As we were getting ready for the call this morning I was listening to plenty of
dialogue about polarizing, so rather than polarizing against a company, or against a
government, whatever you would polarize against, instead think of it as all-inclusive. In
other words, go down into the function of a single cell and re-think the way that works
with electrons and protons, the nucleus and the cell wall, and all the things going on
inside a single cell. It could look like polarization in the negative, but when you look at it
like an organism the parts are all interdependent on one another. So one is not bad and
the other good, they’re just there in complement for each other. Then when you look at
your life, maybe shopping for insurance companies and this one has this attribute and this
one has another, and this one has a bad reputation this one is reliable. You’re sorting
everything out. Make it all-inclusive instead. Think of it all inside the cell and then
you’re going to focus on one part of the cell, but you’re going to continue to allow all the
other parts to interact. In other words, they are all going to continue to exist and you do
not have to be polarized against them in a personal way. You just pick your point of
focus. If I take that to the dynamic going on now between war and peace and that whole
concept, the extreme polarizations are saying there absolutely should be war and there
absolutely should never be war. And then there are some that say that sometimes it’s
justified but they don’t like it and others that say it’s probably going to continue to
happen, that we need military and bombs and weapons and whatever. Again, put it all
inside a cell and think of it as this beautiful work of art. It’s not the kind of work of art
where you can say, “Well, I don’t want that blue dot in there. I think I’ll take it out.” It’s
already existing; it’s beautiful just the way it is and there’s nothing to change about it.
When you think there’s something to change you move into polarity against the change.
When you think there’s something to change, you actually move into polarity against the

Let’s say you decided to move your dresser into another spot in the room. The initial
energy is a polarization and even a slight resistance to the change even though you’re
looking forward to seeing what it looks like in another spot or making the room more
balanced or feng shue or whatever. That’s the initial response: polarization. Then you
make the choice, “Yes, I’m going to move the dresser.” Resistance says, “No, I don’t
have the energy right now, or I don’t want to pull all the drawers out, or there are too
many things on top,” going through all the list of why not to move the dresser, and then
your list of why I should move the dresser and then maybe you can’t move it until you
get help and so on. But there’s a polarization, resistance in play until the deed is actually
done, in place. Then the energy about moving the dresser is gone. It should be gone.

If you still tend to hold on to things after you’ve moved it, like “Maybe I shouldn’t have
moved it, maybe I should move it back, now I should move something else.” That’s a
form of torment in the mind, or a form of torture in the mind. It means that you are over-
thinking, but also deliberately torturing yourself mentally. If that is the case, go back into
childhood and ask yourself who in the family was the mental torturer. This does not have
to be someone who talked. It could be someone who was busy in their head a lot of
times, but didn’t necessarily say it all out loud, but really as a child or an adult you were
very sensitive and picked up on their thoughts. Or who was the worrywart in the family?
Maybe the whole family operates that way. Then again you’ll have resistance to that
initially. “Oh, it was Grandpa, constantly running on about things, or there’s Mom, “You
should this and should that and did you empty the garbage yet and what about your
shoes? Did you put them in the wash, did you make your bed?” Maybe it was that, the
initial “Oh, yes, that’s who it was.” There’ll be a resistance; automatically there’ll be a
polarization to that person, to that pattern. So again, what we want to do is set up a
reciprocal flow with it. The energy moves very, very nicely. It’s embracing and loving
the energy, rather than repelling it or hating. You can’t change anything you’re still in
resistance to. The change only occurs when the resistance stops or is remedied. So let’s
set up the reciprocal flow to whoever in the family was the mental torturer, mentally
tortured themselves and you picked up the pattern. Maybe they mentally tortured
everybody else, too, but you have simply picked up a pattern. You’re not stuck with it,
therefore you don’t need to resist it. As we get in touch with the energy and any side
emotions that come up with it, maybe guilt, shame, a tight feeling in your stomach,
cringing or being afraid or getting verbally defensive yourself when you sense the pattern
coming up, whatever it is, just keep incorporating. Think of it like a cell that needs all of
its parts to function --- that’s how creation works. (Sound of outbreath) Then let the
energy go, just let it dissolve into a very peaceful bliss. Make your choice: “I choose
peace. I choose and allow peace. I receive peace. I give peace.” Then this pattern of
mental torture --- the other person, or the whole family unit, they still own that unless
they decide to transcend it. It’s still their pattern, but you don’t have to have it. You
transcended the pattern for yourself. All right. Good.

Taking it to a world degree, I think you’re all acutely aware of what happens with
polarization and resistance: our country versus their country, or our religion versus their
religion. When that polarization gets so strong, people actually act against human nature,
begin to kill each other and forget their humanity, getting into their righteous cause.

We’re seeing it very clearly playing out right now with all the distrust going with it. It’s
a global scale for the healing transmission. I would like to work on that resistance in the
Middle East, the resistance between religions and such. Whether I say it specifically in
the healing transmission or not, that’s where your energy work is going to go. So we’ll
work on healing that. In the meantime, anyone care to share a realization or experience
from what we’ve already done this morning?

STUDENT: Djwhal, I experienced both exercises in my throat and thymus. I did one on
sabotaging mastery and felt in the throat and thymus. Then I did one on my arthritis and
I was so surprised that that’s where it showed up, in the same place and even stronger.
So I’m going to have to do some considering about what that is all about. I didn’t expect
to feel it there at all.
DK: Good. Mostly in the throat? (Just beneath it, with the thymus, upper chest.) If you
were, just off the top of your head, to say what emotion lives there, what would you come
up with? (Fear.) Fear, exactly. Arthritis is very much fear based. (It was so strong. It
shocked me.) Good! This is revelation. The truth revealed is a good thing, because then
you feel it, you become aware. It’s about awareness as well. You become aware of all
the things that we normally keep hidden from our own self, hidden from the
unconsciousness. So, good. I think that being in the Aquarian Age in general, you’re
going to see more things connected into that Throat Chakra than normal, and also
different patterns in the communication realm. Some of that could be attributed to
different technology and things like that. But communication patterns are very rapidly
changing and, again, that sets up a fear and a resistance coming into the Throat Chakra.
This is why there are a lot of thyroid problems that are not really thyroid problems and a
lot of immune system or thymus problems that aren’t truly immune system. (I know that
I should be doing work on the phone, more distance work and I have resisted that. I have
wanted the face-to-face and I definitely think that has to do with communication there in
the Throat Chakra --- and mastery. It’s all right there. That was a big AHA. And in just
talking about it, the pressure has subsided.)

Good. I’m encouraging many healers to learn to work on the phone and to do
conference calls and to work on the internet and maybe video conference and whatever
they need to do. That’s very, very important, because as we get a little further into this
decade you’ll see a lot less travel, more troubles with shipping and more troubles with
flying. Automobiles at the moment look to be all right, but there also will be some
restrictions with that coming up in a couple of years. So using other methods, such as
telecommunication, or electronic or wireless, radio and television, is very, very
important. Those kinds of things are the new medium of teaching. Healing can be just as
powerful over the telephone as it is in person. (It all brings such truth to that.) Yes. I
would be extremely limited in the number of students I could reach if it weren’t for this
medium. Anyone else? I do want you to share your experiences about resistance and
polarization and any realizations that you get add more depth to the workshop.

STUDENT: Djwhal, for me it was resistance to self-love and I feel it in the center of my
chest, well, an aching in my heart, in the center of my chest, just pain. I know that it

comes from fear and the resistance to self-love. When we talked about the patterns that
we imitate, I picked up a lot of issues from my mother.
DK: I’d like to go into the self-love issue a little bit more in depth because that’s really
the core work for everyone. I do feel that the pressure ache in the chest, yes, is “My own
self-love is missing.” A lot of heart attacks are because of missing self-love or looking
for love outside of self until the heart says, “No, it’s supposed to be inside of self, but you
haven’t fed me in so long I’m going to quit on you.” Those are self-love issues. So I
had fun with the channel yesterday. I’m not too much on modern music, but I’m sure the
rest of you will know this song. I think it’s a Beatles song. “Money Can’t Buy Me
Love.” I was having her change the lyrics. It took her quite a while to get it, but instead
of “I don’t care too much for money,” it was, “I do care much about money, money can
buy me love,” meaning self-love, and then moving that around. One of the ways that
spiritual seekers very effectively sabotage themselves in the self-love department is not
having enough money to take care of their bodies. So I think the song was about using
money to get love which is a whole other issue, I’m sure, but what I am talking about is
letting yourself receive whatever you need in order to love yourself, take care of yourself
and stay in service. And, again, feeding that heart, that self-worth, self-esteem, self-love
aspect --- and really feeding that. Give yourself that energy. Don’t look for that outside
of self. Very important.

Now, let’s all take a moment to take that ache, if you can feel that pressure or ache in the
chest, take it out outside and put it right in front of you. You might just want to hold it in
your hand. We want to give the body the experience of what is the sensation when that
heaviness is removed. Set up reciprocal flow of the lack of self-love that you’re
polarizing with or resisting. Now it’s out in front of you. (Outbreath) Breathe that
energy through. Set up a reciprocal flow to it. You might notice it also triggering
something else in the body. The colon is also a very hot spot, for colon and heart are
very closely connected. Set up that reciprocal flow of energy so it’s pretty strong.
Again, we’re encompassing everything, all-inclusive. We’re not going to get rid of that
shadow aspect. We’re going to love it and include it in the process. You don’t go and
slay or wound or dismember your bad parts. What you want to do is incorporate them
exactly as a cell uses all its parts. So now, again, the choice: “I choose and allow self-
love.” If it didn’t feel real to you yet ask to get all the way into your body, totally, all
parts of your consciousness condensed into your physical form. Full occupancy, no
vacancy. Then again, “I choose and allow self-love.” That should feel a little it different.

STUDENT: Djwhal, I found also that if I say “I am here because I choose to love
myself,” it works very strongly from that passionate quote that you gave years ago.
DK: And even I would modify it now: “I am here because I love myself, not because I
choose to.” (I agree.) Anyone else?

STUDENT: Djwhal, with the first exercise I had something tangible here in the house
that I’ve been resisting. It worked beautifully. Not only did it work, but it I saw what
else I could do. It gave me inspiration. With the second, I felt nothing and what you just
took us through really helped me, because when I’m working with myself I tend to
philosophize and I don’t make it real. You helped make it real. I took it out of myself

and put it in front of me and then I could work with it the same way I worked with the
tangible one.
DK: Good. Excellent. You have to make things real. Many of the spiritual students
mean quite well, but they’re in the head. They’re not really anchoring what they’re
learning. It’s all philosophy, rather than realization. (That’s my shortcut, I call it.) It’s
all about the physical plane. This is a good thing to remind oneself from time to time ---
and I do mean everyone --- the reason you’re here, the reason you’re in a physical body,
is it’s all about the physical plane of consciousness. You are Lightworkers to affect
change on the physical plane: changes in government, changes in the way food is grown,
changes in the environment, changes in peace policies, changes in whatever, that’s what
you’re here to do. You’re working in the world, otherwise you wouldn’t be having a
body. (In just the past week I’ve had some real AHA’s about all this. Some of this stuff
I’ve heard all my life that I didn’t know I didn’t understand. They were talking about,
literally, know thyself. My God! They’re talking about literally! And the Buddhists
with their mindfulness --- that was just a few days ago. Holy cow! Talking about
literally. And so I’ve been philosophizing for years about things that are literal!) Yes. In
Buddhism you study and study and study and study, spending anywhere from two to five
decades studying. It all seems very mental and complex, the flavor of my telepathic
transmissions to Alice Bailey. It was very intricate. You learned every little intricacy of
everything, but what it was meant to do was bring you back to “Know thyself” by
knowing how creation and nature works and how a cell works and how physics works.
And you went through all these levels, but everything always came back to the self,
because it always does. So “Know thyself” is the journey and when you’re semi-present
in the body, half-ejected or whatever, you do not get to know the self. You can’t,
because you’re not immersed in it. By removing resistance you’re free to say, “Oh, O.K.
I choose being in a physical body on the physical plane doing physical plane
transformation because that’s what I came here to do. Why resist it any more?” And the
other thing about the body, when you fully occupy it, then you can fully heal it. Miracles
occur when presence condenses and fully occupies the physical body. That’s what makes
it transform. (Well, I have been so impressed in the last few days with all I thought I
understood and I didn’t.) Well, you know you always come to a deeper realization. You
did understand and now you understand deeper. Don’t polarize.

STUDENT: Djwhal, would you say a little bit about how playing the victim comes in
with self-love?
DK: Oh, yes, I love doing the victim pattern with self-love. That’s one of my favorite
topics. If you are playing victim, there’s always a polarization of the bully, the victimizer
and the victim, or the perpetrator and the victim. Usually what you’re resisting is your
own dark side. Any time there’s a victim pattern running, “I’m a victim and the other
person’s a perpetrator,” or maybe it’s government, or whatever, that is polarization, as it
is saying you are resisting your own dark side. So let’s say --- O.K., I’m picking one
that’s familiar in mass consciousness --- let’s say a drunk driver hits your car. You’re
considered the victim, which means also the victim is in the right and the perpetrator is in
the wrong. That sets up that polarization. It means you’re resisting that aspect of your
consciousness. So if we pick that apart, do you ever allow yourself to act irresponsibly?
A little bit --- you’re certainly not driving while impaired. But do you let yourself be

playful or irresponsible or do you keep yourself under tight control? Or maybe it’s a sign
saying, “I am being irresponsible in my life; I am being irresponsible. And because I’m
not being responsible I get this mirror of someone who is really being irresponsible
victimizing me.” So it can work either dynamic, but it’s a shadow aspect that you’re
resisting whenever you’re in a victim mode. Let’s say someone is bad-mouthing you,
saying really bad things about you, trying to discredit your character, ruin your business,
make other people hate you. You’re a victim. That would be a resistance again,
polarization and resistance to the part of you that really would like to criticize. Maybe it
is very critical of other things --- I’ve seen the dynamic many times. The criticism can
show up, not against other people, but against things, like maybe this kind of car is totally
unacceptable: I’m very critical of this carmaker, or this restaurant, or I’m very critical of
this movie or this book. So the critic aspect could show up in any other aspect of life. If
you look at your astrology chart you’ll see where your criticism shows up. So if someone
is bad-mouthing you, you would go into your own critic and make peace with it. That’s
embracing the shadow side.

Again, Debbie Ford’s book, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, is another good read,
and Jungian philosophy in general, depending on how you want to work with the energy.
Byron Katie’s work will also get to that neutralization of polarities. That’s a very
important thing to remember: neutralize it in yourself and then this external example
doesn’t have to be there to show you what you’re not looking at. (Last night I was
dreaming I was trying to keep people from looting my Dad’s office that got flooded.
They were taking stuff and I was running round trying to get stuff in the car before
everyone took it.) Who was being victimized there? (I guess my father) Well, the office
flooded, your father’s objects, and you felt responsible to try to hold it all together when
it was someone else’s event. Another thing that might have happened in that kind of
dream is standing back and going, “Wow! Look at all this happening!” Not feeling like
you had to get involved and try to stop everything or fix everything. So in the shadow
aspect I would engage the inner male that wants to hold everything together and may not
want that job anymore; and then the flooding, flowing, that’s an emotional release, and
the looting is letting go. So there’s a lot of symbology there. I would go into that.

The looting is also a carry-over from things going on in other places on the planet.
The consciousness picks that up. I’ve been looking at the dream plane lately, there’ve
been lots of people dreaming they’ve been bitten by a poisonous snake, dreaming that
they’re drowning --- a lot of drama going on in the dream mode. That should be lifting
probably by today or into next week sometime depending upon your personal chart and
how you respond to Mercury retrograde in the configuration that it’s in. But for the most
part, I would say it should be lightening up by now. And again, personal power, personal
empowerment, means taking care of your own business. Somehow service has been
interpreted as taking care of everyone else’s business. It’s not. It’s taking care of your
own business, setting a healthy example and from there facilitating others as needed.
Watch that tendency to --- I’m not speaking to you personally, I’m talking to everybody,
because I’m seeing the tendency looping around through the group. Watch the tendency
to want to jump into other people’s lives and hold things up for them or fix things for
them. Pay attention to self-love.

STUDENT: Djwhal, for the first one I used my tiredness and it was kind of like I was so
tired it felt like the other side was very weak. I’m not sure if that was because I was so
tired I couldn’t visualize it. I didn’t know what to do with it because I couldn’t get the
reciprocal flow going.
DK: Ah! Well, that is resistance. Too tired to do work is another form of resistance.
All right, let’s see if w can get to that one. Anyone else that was just too tired to set up
the reciprocal flow or feel it? Let’s do that again. I would like for all the ones who either
didn’t think they felt anything because they were still working in their heads, or who
were just too tired, maybe feeling a little ill today, to soak up the energy. Really soak up
the energy. You can be in resistance to your resistance. That is what I see happening
there. Another way of doing it, rather than setting up a reciprocal flow, just tune in to the
body, particularly, how does your Solar Plexus feel? (I haven’t been feeling it. It’s more
up into my heart because I’ve been having palpitations or hormonal stuff, so that’s where
I’ve been feeling most everything.) Go to your Solar Plexus and tell me what you’re
feeling there. (It’s expanding out sideways.) Emotional ejection, which will cause some
heart palpitations, by the way. When that third chakra is off to the side or turned a little
or too high up or too low down it will reverberate --- usually in the chest, sometimes
lower, but usually in the chest. So let’s bring the emotional system, rather than resisting
it, let’s just bring it back into alignment. “I choose and allow the divine flow of creation.
I am perfectly aligned in the divine flow.” Good. Everyone soak up the energy. It’s
right there. “I choose and allow receiving all of this healing energy.” I’m sending it
quite strongly right now to all of you. How is your body feeling now? Your chest and
Solar Plexus? (It feels better. It just sat up.) Good. How about energetically? Do you
feel like you have more energy? (Yeah, good.) Your voice even sounds a little more
energetic. Good.

So it’s about bringing up energy. Resistance takes a tremendous amount of power. It’s
the difference between hauling a heavy load uphill and just coasting downhill, not even
needing an engine. Flow is flow; resistance takes tremendous amounts of power. I can
guarantee it’s using up way more energy than you’re even aware of. Anyone else before
we go into the healing transmission?

STUDENT: Hi, Djwhal, can you hear me? (Yes.) I was aware that I was resisting DK
so I just made a choice to let that go. (Good.) What I experienced in the initial exercise
was really important. I’ve been working this last week or so and coming into the
realization that I had closed my heart to people who in the past I believed were not loving
in the way I wanted them to be. So I chose to step away from them. They were teachers
and other people and I had cut myself off from them; I had held them in separation,
somehow. But in the exercise I chose to work with the energy of resistance that ---
there’s a man I have been with in a relationship of friendship and he has wanted more,
but I have known that I have not. Yet there is a part of me, I could feel it, that hooks into
him because it still wants attention in some way. In the exercise what kind of opened up
for me was the understanding that I was still wanting his attention, although it was not of
the highest (word?) because I thought that other people were not giving me what I
thought was caring. What this led to was this realization that I have believed I have not

been good enough, not devoted enough to God or a higher power, and that it will reject
me because of that. I don’t know if this is clear, but it was a very profound realization for
me and it will continue to unfold and become more clear.
DK: Good. There are many who stay in a relationship that is not in the divine interest of
either party because there’s an aspect there that says --- it’s really again that self-love
issue --- you really don’t accept affection from those --- just to feel some affection
coming from somewhere or out of guilt that you shouldn’t reject another person or “This
a good safety net for me so I’ll just keep the energy going even though it’s not my ideal.”
It all comes out of the “I don’t love myself enough” pattern. Once you recognize that,
you can set up the resistance energy, resisting being with them or disconnecting from
them both, and flowing. You might even try the dynamic of the symbol of infinity:
instead of the reciprocal flow in an oval shape, set up a symbol of infinity, a figure 8 on
its side between the image of him and his affection and you until you just move into that.
What you’ll be choosing instead is “I choose giving myself affection.” And see what
happens there. I see people’s energy tied up in relationships when they really should be
freeing themselves to be in better relationships --- both parties. There’s just enough
confusion, or just enough of a tether, that when someone begins to withdraw attention the
other says, “I want some attention. Don’t go away.” The push/pull effect that gets traded
back and forth is an interesting dynamic. Of course you can learn a lot from it, but if
you’re spending a lot of time in resistance rather than acceptance, what you’re teaching
yourself is “I don’t know how to love myself and I don’t know how to be in a proper love
relationship with another partner.” That’s essentially what you’re showing yourself. So I
would move toward the deep inner knowingness that you do know how and that’s it’s
worth whatever its worth to move into self-love. Is it worth what appears to be a risk but
is not a risk at all. It’s just resistance posing a risk. I hope that met with a few ears
today. (Well, it got mine.) Good.

I’m going to go do a little energy work before going into the healing transmission. If you
need a little break, don’t hang up the phone. And know you’ll get the energy no matter
where you are.

Djwhal Khul
This is the end of Part 1 of 2 “Eliminating Resistance and Polarization”

Wednesday teleconference classes are open to anyone who would like to join. There is a
nominal fee of $10.00 for an entire month of classes, due on the 10th of the month.
Wednesday classes always take place at 3 PM Pacific (6 PM Eastern). Saturday
workshops are once a month. Transcripts are free by email. Channeled private sessions
with DK are available by telephone appointment at the current rate of $3.00 per minute.
Prices are subject to change.

Contact Rev. Terri:

Terri Newlon Holistic Consulting, LLC

110 E. Cortez Dr. # 203
Sedona, AZ 86351



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