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Ancient Lost Civilizations Atlantis Rising Magazine No 48 Ancient Time Travel Technology

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Atlantis Rising Magazine #30 - Edgar Cayce's Caribbean Atlantis Prophecy

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J. Douglas Kenyon


Libby ArndtJohn ChambersMichael CremoGary A. DavidRalph EllisJulie GillentineWill HartWilliam

HenryFrank JosephJohn KettlerCynthia LoganJeane ManningJeff NisbetMarsha OaksRob Resetar


Ryan Hammer


Jeff Nisbet


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November / December 2004

6Letters10Early Rays17Report fromthe Front

A New Jeane ManningColumn on theComingEnergy Revolution

18The ForbiddenArchaeologist23Return toTunguska

Astounding New Cluesto Siberia’s 1908Blast

24Enigma of theCrook & Flail

Ralph Ellis Unravels anAncient EgyptianMystery

26The HumanOrigins Puzzle

Did We Come fromAtlantis or the Stars?

28The Ant Peopleof Orion

What Did the AncientsWant Us to Know?

32The Childrenof Atlantis

Frank Joseph Tracksthe Survivors in Europe

34Deepak Chopra

Cynthia Logan Talks tothe Visionary Healer

39Back to Rosslyn

Jeff Nisbet Digs Deeperinto the Chapel’sMystery and Unearthsa Queen’s Secret

Order BOOKS, VIDEOS & MORE: See Our Catalog on Page 74Order BOOKS, VIDEOS & MORE: See Our
Catalog on Page 74

42The WormholeDance

Did the Ancients Leavethe Secret of TimeTravel to the SufiWhirling Dervishes?

44Da Vinci, Hugo& Newton

Was Their Connectionthe Priory of Zion, orWas It SomethingMuch Deeper?

46Spain’s AncientPathway

Exploring the EnduringMystery of the Caminode Santiago


1 01 04 24 21 71 73 43 44 64 62 42 4



• Number 48

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PO Box 4Lyndon, KS 66451

nowledge,” it hasbeen said “ispower.” We havealso heard that “alittle knowledge is a dangerous
thing”(emphasis on ‘little’). The importantquestion is, it seems to us: what isknowledge anyway?
Or—to take a cuefrom neurotic contemporarythought—does it even exist?For many great and
ancient spiri-tual traditions, gnosis or knowledgeof some sort—self-knowing, truth-knowing,
love-knowing, etc.—is ‘a’goal, if not ‘the’ goal, of the life. Andyet Western culture, it seems to us,has
come to question the very possi-bility of knowing anything with cer-tainty, least of all, the answers to
ulti-mate questions of truth—Who arewe?..Where did we come from?..Whatis our purpose? etc. The
issue, of course, is not whether there is such a thing as truth, but rather—whatever it may
be—howcapable are we of apprehending it. In fact, from

Slaughterhouse Five


Clockwork Orange,


Catcher in the Rye


Rebel Without a Cause,

countless contemporary myths havemade disputing the capacity of humankind to understand truth
into a kind of heroism.From psychoanalysis to existentialism, from situation ethics to political
correctness, themain effect of today’s thought has been to undermine the authority that goes with
trueknowledge. Hamlet-like we are left to wonder if we should ‘be’ or not ‘be.’On such issues,
science—at least the kind that dominates our civilization today—doesus little good. The best an
honest empirical method can hope to achieve is an indication of probabilities. Nowhere to be found in
the halls of academia is pure knowing, the kind thatcomes with what philosopher Theodore Roszak
once called “rhapsodic declaration.” Presentin copious quantities, though, is despair.When, a few
centuries ago, we decided to free ourselves from the corrupt priesthood of the dark ages and to turn
to what we thought was a more enlightened way of decidingthings, we believed we were getting
closer to true knowing. Ironically, what we got in thebargain was ‘doubt,’ and to replace old
superstitions came a new kind of fear. Instead of hell-fire we got the void. It has taken a while for the
full implications to sink in, but who canquestion that a widespread hunger for certitude now
threatens to overwhelm civilization.Sadly, that unrequited longing has already taken many beyond
the brink of madness andinto the abyss. And, into the knowledge vacuum created by our corrupt
scientific priesthoodhas rushed a multitude of false priests and charlatans promising the true wine of
spiritualknowledge but delivering—from genocide to jihad—a plethora of poisons instead.
WhetherAdolph Hitler or Osama Bin Laden, the pied pipers of hell, by exploiting the legitimatehuman
desire for ultimate answers, have continued to ensnare the unwary masses.Notwithstanding such
bitter facts, though, we at

Atlantis Rising

do not believe that thequest for truth can or should ever be abandoned. Far from it. We do suggest,
however, thatthe goal be pursued more sanely, wisely, and less fanatically.For those lost in the
meaningless sea of contemporary life who yet seek to navigate pastthe pirate coves and into the safe
harbor of true gnosis, it is worth remembering thatanyone claiming special knowledge of such things,
and seeking the authority that goes withit, is subject to challenge and to being required, among other
things, to show his real fruits.Or, to put it another way when it comes to evaluating truth, the proof is
in the pudding.Nothing else has quite the flavor of the real thing.



Waiting for Gnosis


James Dean in

Rebel Without a Cause

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• Number 48

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When the Truth Shakes

riting to


, via snail mailor e-mail is the best,but not the only way tomake your views known to ourreaders.
There are also “forums” onthe

Atlantis Rising

web site (go towww. and select“Discussions”).

More on Gene Mallove

Eugene Mallove was ahead of his time for sure. It’s good to knowthose who write in your very
infor-mative magazine. It is by far, forthe money, the top shelf stuff. I leta lot of fellows look at the
maga-zine. Some get enlightened, someget shaken. Truth is often identi-fied in this manner. You
cannotstand in its presence without doingso. There has been a long war overthis matter. Let’s hope
we canmove many into the light on thissubject of cold fusion. There’s aproverb about depending on
oil; itwill lead to poverty.Let’s hope our fellows in Wash-ington move on this a bit faster. Idon’t mind
risking my life for thetruth. But to give it up for some of the causes that we have... I justdon’t know.
Let’s also hope the Al-mighty gives us some time to move on it.

Tam Lee AllyLima, OH

The Galileo article deserves a response.(“Gallileo of our Time,” Brian O’leary’s eu-logy to Gene
Mallove, A.R. #47). While infavor of finding an alternative to burningthings for energy, the article says
thingsthat just need correction.Where are the hundreds of millionskilled in the quest for oil? WW 2?
That was arace war. Both the Germans and the Japa-nese thought they were superior to us. If
theconflict in the Mideast was strictly for oil,then the whole thing could be defused bydrilling in the
Arctic or even here in LakeErie. The Canadians drill anyway, but the USside is off limits for
environmental reasons.‘Global warming’ is just another fad. In the70s it was ‘global cooling.’
Legislation wasgoing to be enacted to limit dust. This dustwas thought to promote cloud
formationand coolness. Buffalo had its famous Bliz-zard of 1977. It was blamed on dust fromman’s
activities. If this was not curtailed,then man would face extinction due to cold,starvation, etc.

Continued on Page 9

One has to marvel at the ingenuity of thecrisis fanatics. Anyone familiar with


has heard of Wilhelm Reich. Hiswork alone is enough to sink the

global-warming-due-to-carbon-dioxide (theory).Our scientists are not smart enough to seethrough
this. Or they are deliberately in apower grab. Imagine declaring carbon di-oxide a pollutant!I offer the
following: if the recent so-called storms and drought are not just partof a longer climate cycle, then
someone whois very familiar with Reich’s work can engi-neer a drought, flood, etc. This has
beenwidely published. Reich’s work was pickedup by Constable. So if the work has beencontinued by
other hostile powers, then itwill look natural. This is of course true,since this is how nature works, via
theseetheric or even astral energies. This is calledthe veil of nature by the occultists. Reichbroke
through it. Tesla did too, but his work was too valuable to sink. Why, even the Arabnations use the
Tesla polyphase system.I believe the solution to the energycrisis, so called, will come from a
marriageof Tom Bearden’s work on logic andSteiner’s etheric and astral energy descrip-tions.
Somewhere there must be an inter-face of the two. Else, how didReich’s cloudbuster work? Hint:Here
is one interface. Tom Beardendoes not know of the sound orchemical ether spoken of bySteiner. Tom
should read Steiner.With his four-law logic, here is ahuge extension of scientificthought not seen on
the planet forthousands of years. Even if we getrid of the need for carbon for fuel,we will still need it
for the petro-chemical industry, which itself ishuge on the planet.Do not believe in fads;
globalwarming is a farce.

Tom BatorskiAngola, NY

Air Core Coils

Your explanation of funnelsmakes sense (“Dealing with theTornado Threat,” by Peter Bros,A.R. #47).
In short, a funnel is awhirling group of electrons re-turning to the atmosphere—abunch here that
whirls back as afunnel and another bunch therewhirling back as a funnel—and thatis a coil! Precisely
as all coils madeof wire wrapped around a coil formor an iron core.What’s still not seen (but is a
be-ginning with your view) is coils of electriccurrent need not be made of wires or anyother metals.
The coils also exist withoutany materials at all. Made of only electronsthemselves—as occurs in radio
vacuumtubes (particularly the magnetron tubes of radar and microwave ovens).What you consider as
something the coilgoes around isn’t a “primary flow of elec-trons” but is the magnetic field where
theiron core is located. If used. Or plain air if it’s an air core coil. There isn’t any electriccurrent there
at all. But, the magnetic fieldthere must be larger than the earth’s field.Maybe as much as permanent
magnetshave—the average kind found in speakersand the like. It should be detectable by
acompass—An ordinary compass—or thenew ones using Hall devices and mountedon the dashboard
of cars.In short, these small funnels and the tor-nado, itself, ARE air core coils made of anelectric
current of electron flow that’s (the)same as the current in a bolt of lightning—roughly the same.

Moses Bernard North Las Vegas, NV

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Number 48



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Number 48




Continued from page 6

Defending Heresy

Regarding the statement, by “Anony-mous, The Internet,” in the Reader Com-ments section of A.R.
#47, that “Arians be-lieved Jesus was created but the words of Christ as well as the apostolic writings
re-corded in the New Testament clearly refutethis view and so Arianism was rejected”:Nowhere in
the New Testament was itoriginally stated, by Christ or by anyone else,that Christ was divine. Erasmus,
in the early16th century, was the first to point out thatcertain passages in the New
Testament(sometimes just a matter of a few words),often quoted by the Roman Catholic Churchas
proof that Christ was divine, did not existin the very earliest Greek (and other) ver-sions. For this, the
great Dutch humanistwas almost excommunicated. Others, in-spired by Erasmus’s example, pushed
thequestion further; some were burned at thestake for their efforts. In the late 17th cen-tury, Sir
Isaac Newton wrote a 25,000-wordletter to the English philosopher John Lockein which he proved
conclusively, citing wellover 100 ancient authorities and texts, thattwo key passages in the New
Testament, longused by the Roman Catholic Church to sup-port the doctrine of the Trinity, were in
factcorruptions. In a second letter to Lockewritten a short time later, he proved exhaus-tively that 25
more passages in the N.T.,used repeatedly by the Roman CatholicChurch to buttress the statement
that Christwas divine, were also corruptions. Newtonkept these letters secret in his lifetime(though
the first one played a key role whenthe two passages came to be corrected a cen-tury later). In
Newton’s time, even a man aspublicly recognized for his greatness as SirIsaac ran the risk of ruining
his careerthrough the public admission that he was an“anti-trinitarian” (Arian) heretic.Today, we
don’t have to go just to theworks of alternative writers like Baigent andLeigh to learn about
pro-Christ-is-divinecorruptions in the New Testament. Thegreat mainstream Roman Catholic
theolo-gian Hans Kung (for one), in his “Chris-tianity,” provides an incisive account of howthe notion
of Christ’s divinity crept into 2nd,3rd and 4th century editions of the New Tes-tament (Kung also
provides perhaps the bestbrief account possible of the hugely com-plex, complicated and elusive
deliberationsof the Council of Nicea, and how these delib-erations did indeed—though not in the
wayDan Brown’s persona describes—eventuatein a point-of-no-return for the fixing of thedoctrine
that Christ and God are one, how-ever true or untrue, within Church dogma).Today also, there are a
good number of scholars of biblical textual criticism—whohave no theological ax to grind at all but
areinterested only in establishing in a respon-sible manner the correct text—who have


demonstrated beyond any doubt that thetext of the New Testament as it came downto us through
the centuries was riddled withcorruptions and that there was no statementin the earlier texts that
Christ was divine.One such excellent work is “The OrthodoxCorruption of Scripture” by Dr. Bart
D.Ehrman.We’re not talking here necessarily aboutreligious “conspiracy” rather, we’re talkingabout a
huge, maddeningly elusive and com-plicated mass of literary and historicalevents that in numerous
ways, some overt,some subtle, some intentional, some not(and much more) came to affect the text
of the New Testament in the early centuries of the Christian era, and came especially toplace upon
the New Testament a seemingbias toward the divinity of Christ which wasnot there when the apostles
originally wrotethe Gospels. Since the 16th century, manyhave suffered terribly and died to
piercethrough to the truth of this matter; weshould honor their sacrifices not by the easyand
comfortable acceptance of dogma but byour own efforts, however puny they may be,to pierce
through ourselves to the truthabout God and His relation to man.

John Chambers,Boca Raton, Florida

Black and Blue Moons

Your article “Once in a Blue Moon?”(A.R. #47) overlooked an equally rare occur-rence within a
calendar month. What is itcalled when there are two New Moonswithin the same time frame? It isn’t
noticedas much, except among Wiccans mostly, be-cause of its seeming invisibility by crossingso close
to the sun. It does have a name,Black Moon, and is just as uncommon. TheNew Moon should get
more attention be-cause of its conjunction with the sun. Theastrological sign the New Moon is in at
thetime in the almanac conjoins the true SunSign, not the ones we’ve been conned intoaccepting
with our current ‘one sign off’ Zo-diac. But it will be rarer than ‘Once in aBlue Moon’ the next time
you hear someonesay ‘Once In A Black Moon’.

Kelly Don Ford Duncanville, TX

Hooked on Atlantis Rising

I truly enjoy your magazine. It seemsyour are first to know about the latest techavailable in energy
(free), archaeology, newbooks out on healing, and discoveries onsubtle energies.Keep up the good
work. You’ve got mehooked!

Jan MartinezSpring Creek, NV If the Internet is not for you, you canstill write to us in the traditional
way at: At-lantis Rising, P.O. Box 441, Livingston, MT 59047.




• Number 48

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t press time, the brutal slaying of ColdFusion advocate and

Atlantis Rising

col-umnist Dr. Eugene Mallove remains un-solved. Killed on May 14 in an apparent rob-bery attempt,
Mallove was visiting his familyhome in Norwich, CT.Late in the summer local detectives werepursuing
evidence that the murder mighthave been connected to other crimes in thearea. A similar death
occurred in nearbyPawtucket at about the same time. In an-other episode, a shooting in Groton
mayhave ended in the death of Mallove's killer.According to a report in

The Norwich Bul-letin

Jarion Childs, 27, while not named as asuspect by police, has nevertheless beencalled a person of
interest. Progress in theinvestigation has awaited definitive analysisof forensic evidence taken from
the crimescene. In late August detectives, thoughaware of rampant speculation throughoutthe cold
fusion community, were inclined todiscount conspiracy theories. All the evi-dence seems to point to a
simple robbery/ homicide.Lending support to the random violencetheory is the difficulty in conceiving
of alogical motive for a conspiracy killing.While Mallove doubtless had many enemies,

it is hard to imagine how any of them couldhave benefitted from his death. On the con-trary, making
him into a martyr would cer-tainly do little to advance their cause butmight serve to advance his.Still,
many have recalled other seeminglyinexplicable crimes against heroic pioneersof alternative
science—from Wilhelm Reichto Raymond Rife—who dared to challenge acorrupt scientific
establishment. Mallove'sown reputation for relishing combat, albeit,the verbal kind, and his
willingness to speak out with considerable rhetorical force doeslittle to dampen the conspiracy talk.
Fornow, though, the case remains a mystery.In the meantime, the Mallove family andtheir supporters
have established a trustfund to deal with the many difficult chal-lenges confronting them in the wake
of thetragedy. Donations can be made directly to:Eugene F. Mallove Memorial Family Fund,Sovereign
Bank, 73 West Street, Concord,NH 03301. More information is available Anonline petition to offer condolences to familyand friends
can be found petition.html.


The late Dr. EugeneMallove in the

Atlantis Rising

Video “Clash of theGeniuses”

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third robotic exploration of the shaftsfrom the Queen’s chamber in the Greatpyramid of Giza has
been set for next year.This time Singapore University is buildingthe robot which will try to find out,
onceand for all, what, indeed, is behind the mys-terious doors of both the chamber'snorthern and
southern shafts.Zahi Hawass, secretary general of Egypt’s supreme council of antiquities,made the
surprise announcement in Au-gust. The shafts from the Queen’s chamberhave intrigued Egyptologists
ever sinceGerman engineer Rudolph Gantenbrink,without permission, sent his robot cameraup the
southern shaft in 1994 and producedphotos of a mysterious door with what ap-peared to be copper
handles. In 2002 an-other robot built by Chicago University as-cended both the southern and
northernshafts, this time with the blessing of Hawass. After drilling though the door inthe southern
shaft, the robot revealed whatappeared to be yet another door. Two dayslater, in the northern shaft
a door with fit-tings like those on the opposite side and atthe same altitude was discovered.“It is
impossible,” says Hawass, “thatthese doors are only symbolic or were builtfor King Khufu” (the
supposed builder of the Great pyramid). Egypt has 118 pyra-mids, he points out, but no others have
fea-tures resembling the doors in the Great pyr-amid. On those points, at least, Hawasswould find
himself in agreement with alter-


native Egyptologists. Many including JohnAnthony West, Graham Hancock and RobertBauval have
long disputed that the purposeof the Great pyramid had anything to dowith the burial of a pharaoh.
Engineer ChrisDunn writing In

Atlantis Rising

#37, arguedthat the shafts and the doors were mostlikely an arrangement of fluid switches.Liquid
rising up the two shafts would even-tually close a connection between thecopper handles/electrodes
and set in motiona yet-to-be-discovered process. Dunn argueshis startling theory in detail in his book

TheGiza Power Plant

. Copper, by the way, ap-pears no place else in the structure, at least,as far as we know.Next year’s
effort is intended to exploredeeply within the bowels of the Great Pyr-amid. The new robot will be
designed, man-ufactured and paid for by Singapore Univer-sity. Whether or not the event will
bebroadcast live to a worldwide audience hasnot yet been revealed.In his announcement, Hawass
alsohinted that plans for a ground-penetratingradar survey of the Giza plateau are stillbeing pursued.
The Daily Grail (TDG) in-ternet news service quoted Hawass, “Work isunderway in the radar project
that will beused in revealing what is inside the groundbetween the second Pyramid and theSphinx.”
Greg Taylor, editor of TDG, won-dered publicly what Hawass might belooking for between the Sphinx
and Khafre’spyramid. Perhaps we can be of assistance. Inissue 23 in the Spring of 2000

reported that such a survey wasplanned as part of a then upcoming live TVspecial by Fox TV. We had
been told that thestate-of-the-art ground-penetrating radarsurvey was “capable of revealing
deeplyhidden underground anomalies as well as se-cret chambers behind thick granite
walls.”However, when the Fox show aired, theradar survey and any discussion of the mys-terious
chambers was missing. Between thetime we went to press and the airing of thespecial, the Egyptian
antiquities authoritieshad apparently abandoned the plan and sub-sequently refused to confirm that
any suchradar survey was in the works. It seemsthough, that in the secret deliberations of the Council
of Antiquities in Cairo, the oper-ation remains on the table.

Gantenbrink DoorThe Great Pyramid of Giza


Dr. ZahiHawass




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eaders of

Atlantis Rising

have seenenough to know that the orthodox datefor the appearance of humans in the Amer-icas is
way off. It may surprise many of themto learn that news has not yet made it to theconventional
science community. The so-called Clovis horizon theory which saysmankind first crossed the Bering
landbridge from Asia to Alaska about 13,500years ago is still treated in many quarters assomething
akin to Holy Writ. Even the mosthardened enclaves of anthropological doc-trine and group-think,
however, may be infor a reawakening soon.New evidence from the banks of the Po-tomac River in
Maryland could prove to bethe smoking gun of ancient human habita-tion as early as 16,000 years
ago. TowsonUniversity anthropologists under the leader-ship of Dr. Robert D. Wall have come upwith
radio carbon dates for buried organicmatter of around 14,000 B.C. While somematerial at the site
shows a younger age, ex-perts think they are unearthing here thebest case yet for challenging the
conven-tional time line.Other sites in the eastern U.S. have

yielded similar evidence. In fact spear pointsand bone from one site near Pittsburghtested up to
19,000 years old. Other localesin the Americas—Chile for instance—haveshown comparable artifacts
with anomalousages. All such discoveries have remainedcontroversial, however, as detractors have


nother artifact of early Christian times in Israel has emerged. Acave said to be linked to john the
Baptist, now joins the so-called James Ossuary as a lightning rod for controversy.The locale near
Jerusalem is the discovery of British archaeolo-gist Shimon Gibson. Carved into a rocky hillside, it is 24
yards deepand houses a bathing pool believed to be the site of first-centuryanointing rituals. Gibson
says the cave resembles Byzantine draw-ings made a few centuries later. The archaeologist believes
the sitemay have been frequented by Jesus as well as John. Originally dis-covered in 1999, it has
been the focus of Gibson’s investigation eversince and is now the subject of his forthcoming new
book.As all such discoveries, this one is certain to create a tempest.The New Testament tells of John
baptizing in the River Jordan butmakes no mention of a cave, nevertheless, Gibson thinks the spotwas
related to John’s early period when he looked for solitude in thewilderness. Located near the village
of Ein Kerem, the cave is be-lieved to be near John’s birthplace. Several churches nearby are
ded-icated to him. Gibson thinks it was lost when the crusaders invadedin the 11th century.

argued that the evidence is ambiguous. TheMaryland deposits are of particular interest,though,
because the river silt, built up overtime, has created simple stable horizontallayers with the oldest
buried the deepest,thus providing the clearest and most irrefut-able of evidence.


Russian photographer now claims he has taken pictures of thepast, and, apparently, there is some
evidence to support his as-sertion. According to reporter Savely Kashnitsky writing for theRussian
news agency Pravda, Henry Silanov’s collection now in-cludes photos of dinosaurs and WWII soldiers,
as well as ghosts,which he says were taken overthe years. One photo of thethrone of the Tsars in St.
Peters-burg reportedly shows the faintimage of what appears to bePeter the Great holding
court.Silanov’s pictures usuallyshow a contemporary image withan accompanying transparentone,
apparently representing aprior state. The trick he says isremoval of a thin layer of magne-sium
fluoride which coats mostlenses and is also found on pho-tographic film. He also useslenses made
from the tiniestgrains of natural quartz. Thistechnique, he says, permits ultra-violet light to enter the
cameraand, somehow, to produce the anomalous images. Silanov theorizesthat the universe is a huge
hologram filled with information abouteverything that has ever been placed or moved in it. Certain
condi-tions, he believes, make it possible to ‘turn the memory of space on.’Silanov’s story is
reminiscent of Father Pellegrino Ernetti, aBenedictine priest in Italy. “Father Ernetti's Chronovisor,”
a book by Peter Krassa, chronicles the priest’s mid 20th-century experi-ments with time travel which
included, it is said, actual photo-graphs of Christ on the cross.

Atlantis Rising

#26 included JohnChambers’ report on Ernetti’s strange tale.

Henry Silanov (Pravda photo)


Reuters Photo




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he professional debunking class is more than a little exercisedthese days. No matter how much they
ridicule the opposition,people keep disagreeing with them. Now, their official version of theRoswell
UFO crash episode has been challenged again, and, thistime, by a very influential public figure. New
Mexico Governor BillRichardson, who served Bill Clinton as both Energy Secretary andU.N.
Representative and who chaired the recent Democratic conven-tion, has publicly endorsed the idea of
reopening the official investi-gation of the celebrated crash.In the foreword to a new book “The
Roswell Dig Diaries” pub-lished by the Sci Fi channel Richardson says “the mystery sur-rounding this
crash has never been adequately explained—not byindependent investigators, and not by the U.S.
government.... Thereare as many theories as there are official explanations.“Clearly, it would help
everyone if the U.S. government disclosedeverything it knows,” says Richardson. “The American
people canhandle the truth—no matter how bizarre or mundane.... With fulldisclosure and our best
scientific investigation, we should be able tofind out what happened on that fateful day in July
1947.”Writing on Richardson’s remarks in the San Francisco Chroniclescience reporter Kay Davidson,
pooh poohs the Roswell episodepointing out that the Air Force has “closed the books on thematter.”
Davidson quotes several professional skeptics to the effectthat anyone who takes the Roswell case
seriously is a fool. AndrewFraknoi, a college professor, astronomy popularizer and critic of al-ternative
science, called Richardson’s foreword unbelievable. “Thiscontinues to confirm that election or
appointment to high officedoes not guarantee wisdom in all areas of human thought.” saidFraknoi.
(Of course, much the same thing can be said of collegeprofessors.)On the other hand, the executive
director of New Mexico’s re-publican party Roswell native Greg Graves agrees with Richardsonand
rejects the official weather balloon explanation. Since the latecongressman Stephen Schiff, most New
Mexico politicians have al-ways had a special place in their hearts for the Roswell story.

uperbolts of lightning.” That is the way scientists are de-scribing bursts of erratic energy newly
reported on theplanet Saturn by the US-European spacecraft Cassini.For the first time in 20 years
scientists are getting a closeup of the ringed planet and they are seeing a picture quite unlike thatsent
back by Voyager, the last earthcraft to visit the region—hugeirregular bursts of lightning from
perennial storms. Scientists spec-ulate that the storms are caused by differences in the
temperaturebetween shaded and unshaded areas beneath Saturn's rings.Some scientists like
Australian Walk Thornhill have long arguedthat NASA is failing to understand the essential
electromagnetic na-ture of the universe and that gigantic lightning bolts—virtual thun-derbolts of the
Gods—between nearby celestial objects account formany mysterious phenomena in the solar system
such as the greatcanyons on Mars and the rope-like patterns on the surface of Ju-piter's moon
Europa.In at least one respect Saturn’s weather may indeed be like thaton Earth. As Mark Twain is
said to have observed, everybody talksabout it but no one does anything about it.



ollywood once again has people wondering if its celluloid fanta-sies are mimicking real life. This past
summer’s release of theremade

Manchurian Candidate

has planted the idea, if not the chip,that mind control may be the next thing in science. In the
movieDenzel Washington fights back against a sinister plan to remotelyprogram a U.S. vice
presidential candidate through a microchipimplant.According to USA Today reporter Dan Vergano the
science to dosuch things is well within reach. In

Atlantis Rising

#38 John Kettlerexplored such technologies, including radio frequency identifica-tion devices which
could register our product choices and ulti-mately much more. The same technologies which now
enables yup-pies to track their pets could make it possible to track people. It is ashort step to devices
which could stimulate pleasure centers to con-trol behavior as in the movie.The mind control dangers
here have been recognized by some,and the future of neuroscience is under study this year by the
Presi-dent’s Council on Bioethics. According to USA Today critics of “neu-romarketing,” the study of
consumer choice by using brain scanshas raised alarms about the possibility of the advertising
industryusing science to sell people unneeded or harmful products.



NASA Artist’s Conception

New Mexico Governor,Bill Richardson




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Tracking the News of the Com ing Energy Revolution

High Stakes on the Bleeding Edge

ear the leading edge of well-known en-ergy technology, the landscape is in-creasingly dotted with
inventions—fromsolar-electric breakthroughs to new hy-drogen-generating alternatives. I’m
pleasedthat Doug Kenyon asked me to write thiscolumn regularly, to bring you some of theexciting
news from that landscape. And be-yond.The “beyond” is even more interesting.Out on the bleeding
edge where new-paradigm scientists struggle, the stakes arehigher and issues larger. Those issues
orquestions affect the future of humankind.Will powerful breakthroughs be monopo-lized by
weapons-makers, or will we-the-people have empowering tools for creating amore enlightened
civilization? Will coun-tries continue to fight over supposedlyscarce energy resources, or will
planetarycitizens enjoy energy-abundance from har-monic technologies that could clean upsome of
our environmental messes? Will we

get it

that humankind can work in harmonywith nature?On the bleeding edge of energy research,frontier
scientists and other self-funders aremaking progress, sometimes in quantumleaps. But it seems that
the establishment iscommitted to allowing only incremental im-provements on existing technologies,
de-spite the fact that some people within thecorridors of power know about break-through energy
possibilities.Dr. Tom Valone, in a conversation at aconference in Salt Lake City this summer,gave
additional insights. He noted that themandate for NASA’s Breakthrough Propul-sion Physics (BPP)
research program spellsout its commitment to “incremental” im-provements. Doesn’t that mean just
smallsteps along a familiar path, instead of aquantum leap to a different path? Mean-while, the
familiar fossil-fueled or nuke pathis harming ecosystems. BPP’s grants to cau-tious theoreticians to
study little facets of “zero-point energy” theories have been toolittle and too spineless—lacking in the
cou-rage to fund heretics who actually build pro-totypes of new energy generators that coulddo
useful work.Valone had tried to introduce, into theNASA “breakthrough” program, two Rus-sian
scientists who had built a generatorpatterned after the legendary flying SpaceEnergy Generator of
John Searl of England.The Russians’ prototype worked dramati-cally as a more-output-than-input
gener-ator, and even lost weightwhile operating. But the NASArepresentative told Valone ineffect
that such quantum leapsare not wanted by the pro-gram.However, at least two braveindividuals from
within theU.S. Department of Energy at-tended Valone’s energy 1999Conference on Future
Energy.Back at the DoE they hadstarted a program similar toNASA’s, but aiming forground-based new
energy tech-nology. Their proposed Break-through Energy Physics Re-search (BEPR) programwithered
away after the federalchange in administration in2000. Recently even their In-ternet talk-group was
kickedoff the DoE radar screen.So don’t look to the federalgovernment for quantum leapsto a
carbon-free energyeconomy. When pressured, thefeds will give grants to certainphysicists to study
zero-pointenergy (free energy from thevacuum of space), but thosestudies will be safely remotefrom
actual working hardwarethat could be easily replicated.In other words, they don’tseem too serious
about freeingus from fossil fuel dynasties.The Utah conference was small in atten-dance but big on
freedom-of-thinking. Itwas co-sponsored by Steven Elswick’s Tesla-Tech business and the small
Utah-based In-stitute for New Energy, represented byjournal editor Hal Fox.It was an opportunity to
speak with re-spected authors such as Valone, Moray Kingand others. The international community of
New Energy proponents is still grieving thebrutal loss of our friend and inspiration Dr.Eugene Mallove,
and will be for some time.As readers of

Atlantis Rising

know, he pub-lished

Infinite Energy

magazine, brilliantlyargued New Energy concepts on nationalradio and other venues, wrote a column
forthis magazine, had the courage to seriouslyinvestigate bleeding-edge developments
innew-paradigm science, and was also a wittycolleague with a superluminal sense of humor. I can’t
write about him withouttears.However, the shock of loss is bringingthe beleagured community of


Continued on Page 58

Bulgarian-American scientist Dr. Kiril Chukanov plumbs thesecrets of ball lightning.

together in determination to accomplishtheir goals—and in the process to honorGene Mallove’s

memory. At the Utahmeeting several speakers stressed the needto cooperate more closely even
where therehave been differences of opinion. I photo-graphed one such pair of
researchers—AlFrancoeur of Canada and Sonne Ward of Idaho—shaking hands on that sentiment.At
the conference Francoeur presentedhis several areas of works-in-progress—amagnetic generator of
his own design, a re-build of a vintage free-energy motor fromthe late Ed Gray, which you’ll hear
moreabout in a future column, and Francoeur’sfuel vaporizer—an interim technology to re-duce the
use of fossil fuels until New Energygenerators are on the market.Ward actually had revolutionary
hard-ware for sale at the meeting. His novel bat-tery-chargers quickly sold out. He said hisdiscovery
was built on a foundation in-



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Continued on Page 20


we’re following on the internet


• Amateur ArchaeologistsTrack Lost Chamber inGreat Pyramid

Two French amateur archaeol-ogists claim to have located asecret burial chamber of thePyramid of
Cheops near Cairo,Egypt.

• Mysterious Signals from1000 Light Years AwayDetected

A radio signal, now seen onthree separate occasions,presents an enigma. It couldbe generated by a
previouslyunknown astronomical phe-nomenon. But it also happensto be the best candidate yet fora
contact by intelligent aliensby SETI.

• Turkey Denies HonoluluMan’s Bid to Find Noah'sArk

A businessman's plan to takean expedition to Mount Araratin search of Noah's Ark endedin
September when theTurkish government refusedto permit it because of securityconcerns about the
area,which borders Iran and is 150miles from Iraq.


Notes from

Michael A. Cremo

Continued on Page 20

Moving in the Right Cir cles at Glastonbur y

n Friday morning, July 23, I arrived at Gatwick airport, south of metropolitanLondon, on my way to
speak on my new book

Human Devolution

at the Glaston-bury Symposium, which is mainly about crop circles. The very term crop circlesgives
new meaning to the expression “it’s not my field,” because it really is afield in which I have not made
very much of a mark.I made my way rapidly through immigration and customs, and then found my
way tothe streets at the arrival level. My driver was there to meet me and take me to Glaston-bury,
which is located in the southwest part of England. We headed out of the airport tothe M25, the
dreaded circle route around London, The traffic was not so bad, and theweather was good as we
headed west on the M1. After a while, we came onto the SalisburyPlain, and up ahead on the right,
stark against the bright blue summer sky, rose the mys-tical megalithic forms of Stonehenge. Some of
the huge stones were rolled on logs ordragged on planks, from as far away as Wales. Or perhaps they
were floated to theirpresent positions byStone Age wizards.Some timelater, the Glaston-bury Tor, a
lonestone tower on thetop of a steep con-ical hill, appearedon the skyline. Glas-tonbury is a
potentplace, deeplysoaked in the loreof the Grail and Ar-thurian Avalon. Weentered the
townand found Magda-lene Street, with itsassociations withMary Magdalene.According to Esseneand
other esoteric doctrines, she was the wife of Jesus, who, say many here, himself spenthis lost years
in Glastonbury studying Druidic mysteries. My lodgings were at No. 3 Mag-dalene, at the
unimaginatively named No. 3 Hotel, which was not a hotel but a luxury bedand breakfast mansion.
The lady of the house showed me up to my lodgings on the secondfloor Walnut Room. My
cheerfully gracious hostess told me there were ghosts in thehouse, but I said I was a bit tired and
would have to meet them later on.After that, I crashed into dreamless sleep. In the early evening, I
got up and wanderedup Magdalene Street toward the town center. I strolled by the Abbey ruins,
reputed to bethe site of the most ancient Christian church in England. The Abbey was destroyed
byKing Henry VIII in the sixteenth century. In 1908, a trust appointed architect Frederick Bligh
Bond to conduct excavations. He located many lost structures using psychicmethods and by
automatic writing established communication with long dead monks.When his methods became
known, the trust fired him. A little further up Magdalene, Ifound the quaint Town Hall, the venue
for the conference. I went in and introduced my-

Arches of the ruined cathedral at Glastonbury

Filtered satellite image from Mt.Ararat believed to show ark beamsjutting through snow. (photo ©
2004 Shamrock—The Trinity Corp.)

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Episode 1


Episode 1 of an eight-partdocumentary series aboutancient Egypt, never seen onTV. Based on the
research ofJohn Anthony West exploringthe magic and mysticism ofAncient Egypt.This episode looks
at a side ofEgypt that is less well known -Egypt as the birthplace ofmagic and the home of“mystery

Episode 2


In this episode we look at the many clues that point to anadvanced ancestor civilization. We study
architecturalanomalies and hear the latest developments in the Age of theSphinx debate.

Episode 3


A revelation at the ancient stone calendar at Nabta Playa.The system of the yugas provides one
explanation of theancestor civilization and we probe into the catastrophetheory.

Episode 4


This episode is about the mysterious Temple of Man atLuxor, an ancient site and a great arcane,
where a key wasdiscovered that unlocks a timeless teaching encoded instone.

Episode 5


Explores Egyptian technology and its possible extensions intoafterlife. In the valley of the kings, wall
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Thereare two different storiestold about this same land,two different histories,almost as if there
weretwo Egypts.This ancient land hasalways partaken of a dualnature. The public face ofEgypt is
known the worldover, and told in everyhistory book. But there isanother side of Egypt thatis not so
widely known.Egypt is also a land ofsecrets.Another history, asecret history, tells ofEgypt as the
inheritor ofdeep wisdom and magicalability from an evenearlier ancestor culture.This alternate
history isechoed by parallelaccounts from the mythand history of otherancient cultures, as wellas
myriad secret societiesand occult sources. It isthe account of theEgyptians themselves.
Theremarkable number ofparallels in these storiesprovides a uniquewindow into this
otherEgypt.Magical Egypt takes alook at the shadowyhistory and magicalpractices of anotherEgypt,
the other Egypt;Egypt as the keeper ofsecrets, the land ofriddles, the birthplace ofmagic and the
home ofthe mystery schools.Join symbolist authorand Egyptologist

JohnAnthony West
for asymbolist tour of MagicalEgypt. Explore not onlythe sacred sites, but alsothe ancient teachings
thatlie concealed there. Seethe ancient mysteriesthrough a decoding lens,a cipher that brings thelost
magic to life, andreturns to humanity theteachings and magic ofour ancestors.

Episode 6


The cradle of civilization can also be seen as the ancestralhome of a high science of magic. We explore
the manymodern incarnations of the ancient science of perfection andtransformation. We explore
the hidden thread that connectsmodern and ancient magic.

Episode 7


A haunting exploration of the Temple of Abu Simbel with arare onsite segment by mega-bestselling
author/researcherRobert Bauval.

Episode 8


Seen through the decoding lens of our most advancedscientific understanding, ancient myths reveal
themselves tobe a repository of an elegant and technically profoundknowledge so accomplished that
only our most recentscientific advances have brought us to a vantage point fromwhich we can
understand their true revelations.




• Number 48

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• Asteroid Shaves Past Earth’s Atmosphere

The closest observed asteroidyet to skim past the Earthwithout hitting the atmos-phere, has been
reported byastronomers.

• ‘Mystery Cloud’ AppearsOver Eastern U.S. And Canada

Anyone who lives in theeastern part of the UnitedStates or Canada and gazingskyward on a recent
eveningmay have noticed somethingstrange in their west-northwest sky.
• Silent Running: ‘Black Triangle’ Sightings on theRise

They have become legendaryin UFO circles. Huge, silent-running “Flying Triangles”have been seen by
ground ob-servers creeping through thesky low and slow near citiesand quietly cruising overhighways. 040902.html

• Directed Energy WeaponsProved Effective

Lasers have been getting prettygood at knocking downrockets, as we’ve seen in testsover the last few
years. Now,the ray guns are starting to zapeven more.


Continued on Facing Page

self to one of the three organizers, Sheila Martin, andpeeked into the lecture hall, which was packed
full. Then Iwent out to get something to eat. There was a fine Italianrestaurant across the street
from the Town Hall, but my in-ternational reputation had not yet reached the maitre d, andhe turned
down my request for a table for one, saying that the es-tablishment gave tables for one only after
ten o’clock. Thus humbled, Ifound my way to a fish and chips joint, and had an order of chips (fish is
off limits to me) with an apple juice to drink.On Saturday morning, I had an ample English breakfast
in the dining room of No.3. Of course, being a vegetarian I had to confine myself to the fresh fruits
and juices,whole wheat toast with jam and butter, fresh fruits with yogurt, some local cheeses,
anddecaf coffee. Later in the day, I ran into Suzanne Taylor, who is producing a documentaryfilm on
crop circles. She and her crew interviewed me in front of the Town Hall. My con-tribution was to
comment on the process of knowledge filtration that operates in theworld of science, some-thing I
had documented inmy book

Forbidden Arche-ology.

The knowledgefilter ensures that phe-nomena that radicallycontradict the current sci-entific
consensus do notenter the mainstream dis-course—except as exam-ples of
pseudoscientificfoolishness. I enjoyed theshoot, and we partedagreeing to meet some-time in LA,
where both of us are based.Sunday morning, Igot up and performed myusual ablutions and
medi-tations before headingdown to breakfast.Sunday was the last day of the symposium, and I
wasto be the last speaker. Ispent most of the morningand early afternoon put-ting the finishing
toucheson the presentation. Inthe late afternoon, I wentover to the Town Hall tohear the talk of
RobertBauval, whose work I verymuch like. I ran into him and his wife Michele at the Town Hall café.
We reminiscedabout the last time we had met and then went into the lecture hall.I very much liked
Robert’s talk, taken from his latest book,

Talisman: Sacred Citiesand Secret Faith,

coauthored with Graham Hancock. The talk focused on the similaritiesbetween the city design of Paris
in France and Luxor in Egypt. Certain monuments andboulevards in Paris, namely the Louvre, the
Champs-Elysees, and the old Place de l’Etoile,have celestial alignments related to the goddess Isis,
mirroring a similar arrangement of temples and boulevards in Luxor. Bauval explored the historical
transmission of the Isisconcepts from ancient Egypt to the Masonic secret societies of
France.Afterwards, I met with Karen Doug, another one of the three symposium organizers,to take
care of the technical preparations for my presentation. Then it was showtime.After a nice
introduction by Andy Thomas, the third of the trio of symposium organizers,I began by relating the
topic of my book

Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative toDarwin’s Theory

to the crop circle phenomenon. In

Human Devolution,

I present a viewof the cosmos in which crop circles make sense. The message of

Human Devolution

isthat we do not evolve up from matter, as most scientists now believe, but that we devolveor come
down from pure consciousness or spirit. We exist in a multilevel cosmos with be-ings adapted to the
conditions at each level. Originally, we are spirit beings, who exist inthe realm of pure consciousness.
If we depart from that level, having become attracted tothe lower energies of mind and matter, we
descend to those levels. We now find ourselves

Robert Bauval

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Section Beginning on Page 74

Number 48




• Arctic’s Sub-Tropical Past

The Arctic was once a sub-tropical region full of marineplants and animals, according toa new study.

• Bookmakers Slash Odds onScientific Breakthroughs

The chances of scientistsmaking one of five remarkablediscoveries by 2010 have beenhugely

underestimated, ac-cording to bookmakers.

• Hibernation BeingDeveloped

The European Space Agency isfunding research into what hasbecome the holy grail of spacetravel—a
method that will allowastronauts to spend months oryears in suspended animation.
• Sci Fi Channel LobbiesCongress for More UFO Info

The cable network has hired alobbying firm to press Congressabout being more open with theresults
of UFO investigations.Sci Fi is also thinking aboutgoing to court to have docu-ments from a 1965
incident inPennsylvania declassified.,1002,271|81942|1|,00.html


on the level of gross matter. But beings from higher levels may be attempting to commu-nicate with
us, through, for example, crop circles.Even mainstream science accepts that there are very probably
intelligent beings inother parts of our universe trying to communicate with us, hence the existence
of gov-ernment funded projects in SETI—the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Buttoday’s
mainstream scientists are not imaginative enough in their thoughts about themeans of
communication such extraterrestrial intelligences might use to contact us andwhat means of
communication we might use to contact them. However, in the nine-teenth and early twentieth
centuries, imaginative scientists made provocative proposals,such as using geometrical forms
inscribed in crops to communicate with extraterres-trials. In his book

SETI Pioneers,

David W. Swift says (1990, p. 6): “Mathematician KarlFriedrich Gauss suggested planting broad bands
of forests in Siberia in the shape of aright-angled triangle. Inside the triangle wheat would be planted
to provide a uniformcolor. An elaboration of this basic scheme would have included squares on each
side of the triangle, to form the classic illustration of the Pythagorean theorem.” So if humanscientists
have thought that geometrical forms inscribed in crops might be a good way tocommunicate with
extraterrestrial intelligences, perhaps some of the extraterrestrialshave concluded that this would
also be a good way to communicate with us.After my talk, as I was making my way out of the hall to
go sign some books, Dr. John Mack comeup and introduced himself. Mack is the HarvardUniversity
psychiatrist who got into trouble withhis faculty colleagues when he became involved inresearching
reports of alien abductees, and con-cluded they were not mentally ill or hallucinating.His colleagues
convened an academic court to re-move him from the faculty. Fortunately, they failed,but provided a
good example of the knowledge fil-tration process in action. It had been a long timesince we last
spoke together at a conference—a fewyears ago, at an event organized by Erik von Da-niken in Bern,
Switzerland. I told John I had citedhis work in

Human Devolution,

in a chapter that documents evidence for beings existingat higher levels of reality in our cosmos.After
we parted, I made my way to the book room where Marcus Allen of the UK edi-tion of


was selling copies of

Human Devolution

. I sat down and signed somebooks, making some nice contacts with purchasers, some of whom
invited me out fordinner at a nearby Indian restaurant. I then spent my last night in Glastonbury at
the No.3 Hotel, and at dawn my driver was there to take me back to Gatwick.

Michael A. Cremo is author, with Richard Thompson, of the underground classic

For-bidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race

. His latest book is

Human Dev-olution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory


The gigantic Milk Hill crop circle from 2001 (photo by Busty Taylor)John Mack

Suspended animation,Hollywood style, “Coma” 1978




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Continued on Page 59

belonging to extraterrestrials. A number of science-fiction accounts have degraded theevent to

fantasy. Some critics hold that theentire history of nearly five decades of fieldwork represents little
more than a chain of mistakes. Most scientists disagree and pointto a comet or asteroid being the
cosmicculprit.”Nor does the above even approach theoryexhaustion. In

The Fire Came By: TheRiddle of the Great Siberian Explosion

(Doubleday, 1976), authors John Baxter andThomas Atkins consider not only the eventitself, but what
happened in the area after-wards, developing in the process eyewitnesstestimony indicating that not
only did analien craft explode in midair, but that an-other one was observed in the area of the
ex-plosion later, apparently searching for itsmissing counterpart. So convincing andpowerful was their
argument that the arch-conservative

Reader’s Digest

published asynopsis of their book in the magazine.Another exotic explanation long bruitedabout is
that one of Nikola Tesla’s high-powered energy experiments went badlyawry. On the face of it this
may sound crazy,but recall that this was the man who notonly invented radio, instead of
GuglielmoMarconi, in 1898 (per a 1945 U.S. Supremeunguska! A name so charged withthe power of
sudden, utter devasta-tion that nearly a century later, itwas given to a frontline Russiangun/missile
antiaircraft system, the 2S6Tunguska. The scale of devastation the June30, 1908 event caused, some
800 squaremiles laid waste, argues that such a monikermight better have been given to somethinglike
an ICBM, particularly since estimates of the explosive yield range from around 500kilotons to a
whopping 50 megatons, a loadso heavy no ICBM has ever borne it. Had theTunguska event not taken
place in the vast-ness of practically empty Siberia, but indensely populated Europe, there “wouldhave
been 500,000 human victims,” ac-cording to Russian Academician NickolaiVasiliev, who coordinated
research resultsfor no less than 29 Tunguska scientific expe-ditions. It is with this sobering
knowledgethat we must revisit the Tunguska question,pursued by what can only be called
breakingnews from a Russian scientific expeditionthere.The headlines are stunning. “Russian
Re-searchers Say Debris of Alien SpaceshipFound in Siberia” reports the online editionof

The Moscow News

of August 10, 2004.And here in the U.S. the highly conservative


online paper asks onAugust 12, 2004, “Did aliens save the planetin 1908?
Russians say they have foundspaceship debris.” took a some-what negative stance on the
matter, saying“Russian Alien Spaceship Claim Raises Eye-brows, Skepticism.” The original story
wascarried worldwide on the newswire of France’s Agence France Presse (AFP). Be-fore we discuss
the new story, though, let’stake a look at the various existing Tunguskaexplosion theories.

Thinking about Tunguska

Professor Roy A. Gallant, SouthworthPlanetarium, University of Southern Maine,and author of

Meteorite Hunter: The Searchfor Siberian Meteorite Craters (McGrawHill, 2002) has made our task a
great dealeasier by presenting his own Tunguska re-search, including filed work, on the webpage “The
Sky Has Split Apart! The CosmicMystery of the Century” (
tunguska/docs/splitsky.html) and provides adistillation of many of the Tunguska explo-sion
theories.“Some have suggested it was a black hole. Others have wondered if it was a pieceof
anti-matter. A Japanese UFO group (Sa-kura) headed by Kozo Kawai, are (sic) con-vinced that it was
the explosion of the nu-clear power plant of an errant vehicle


Return to


Return to


Felled trees in the Tunguska area of Siberia photographed in 1928 by N. A. Strukov

Was it an Astronomical Event?Advanced Experiment Gone Awry?or Did ETs Save the Earth?




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edge, to glance over the shoulder of theHigh Priest of Heliopolis and see the in-scriptions on his secret
scrolls?Perhaps there is a way in which we candivine the past, and this technique centerson the way
in which the flail and the crook have been portrayed by the Egyptian arti-sans over the millennia.
Prior to the MiddleKingdom (circa 2000 B.C.) the imagery dis-played is almost without exception just
theflail on its own, draped over the pharaoh’sright shoulder. This is plainly evident in thestatuette of
the pharaoh Khufu and also inthe reliefs of Senusret I. During the MiddleKingdom, the imagery has
definitelychanged and it is quite evident that the flailand crook are now being shown
together.Occasionally they are shown being held to-gether in one hand, but more often than notthey
are grasped one in each hand and in-clined to cross over the pharaoh’s chest. Al-most without
exception, the flail is restingon the pharaoh’s right shoulder, while thecrook lies on the left. Finally,
when wereach the middle of the New Kingdom (circa1250 B.C.), the finely carved granite statueof
Ramesses II discovered by Drovetti por-trays just the crook on its own resting onthe pharaoh’s right
shoulder. Is there onesimple explanation to make any sense of thisapparent change in these royal
symbols of office? Is there anything that can show uswhy a flail or crook should be viewed asbeing a
symbol of divine power?I think there is such an explanation, buthe symbols of the flail and
theshepherd’s crook were used asprime symbols of Egyptian king-ship. In the favored funerary
furni-ture of the last of the Amarna pharaohs,Tutankhamen, they are portrayed as thecentral piece of
iconography for the de-parted king. Two blue and white stripedrods crossed boldly together over the
pha-raoh’s chest, as though warding off in-truders or protecting the mummified bodyconcealed
within. The real symbology of these two items of royal regalia is rather un-certain but it appears to be
not one of pro-tection for the deceased, but rather as sym-bols of divine power and also allied to
vagueconcepts of magic. In fact these were prob-ably symbols of royal office that were usedin daily
ritual, rather than imagery reservedfor the necropolis.The crook and flail were not only carriedby the
pharaohs, but also by the gods Minand Osiris. They were used throughout dy-nastic Egypt but more
notably during theNew Kingdom era. For these items to be dis-played so prominently they must have
beencentral to Egyptian theology and yet, pre-sumably because the majority of the royaland priestly
rituals were arcane and hiddenfrom the population, the meaning of theseprimary symbols of office
seems to havehave been lost to us. Is there any way inwhich we can bring back this hidden knowl-


we have to elevate our gaze to be able to seeit. In addition to threshing the corn, theflail was also
used in ancient Egypt to gentlygoad the cattle through the fields whilstploughing. One imagines that
the flail wasused with a gentle swaying action againstthe bull’s flanks, as cattle are easily spooked,and
using the flail like a whip is more likelyto propel the startled cow over the distanthorizon. This is
exactly what the imagery inthe Book of the Dead shows, with the flailbeing wafted over the cow’s
back. The copyfrom the tomb of Kerquny from the Ptolo-maic era is a good example of this.But the
flail was not just a simple imple-ment for laborers in the fields. Even rightback at the very beginning of
dynasticEgypt, in the Old Kingdom, the pharaohDjoser was depicted as running with a flailin his hand
during the Sed festival of royalrejuvenation. If nothing else, Egypt was asociety of long-lasting
traditions and so thissame rite survived the passage of the nu-merous centuries to be shown once
again,in exactly the same format, with the depic-tion in the Red Chapel at Karnak of the pha-raoh
Hatshepsut performing in her Sed fes-tival. Like Djoser before her, the Queen isshown to be running
between two sets of three markers, possibly boundary markersindicating and delineating the
boundaries of Two Lands of Egypt. But perhaps the Hat-shepsut scene sheds more light on the
realmeaning of this arcane ritual, because theQueen runs this time not only with a flail in

The Golden Coffin of Tutankhamen

Enigma of the




Enigma of the




What Did the Ancient Egyptians Mean byThese MysteriousSymbols?What Did the Ancient Egyptians
Mean byThese MysteriousSymbols?

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Number 48



Continued on Page 61

reign of Taurus was nearly over a transitionperiod had arrived, with the constellation of Aries slowly
becoming dominant in theheavens and also in the theology of Egyptwith the rise to prominence of
the HyksosShepherd pharaohs.Thus we now have a novel and highlyplausible explanation for these
mysterioussymbols of office for the pharaohs of Egypt.The flail and the crook were symbolic of
theconstellations of Taurus and Aries respec-tively. Thus, just as the constellations hadeventually
changed from Taurus to Aries,the symbols of office had likewise changedfrom flail to crook—with an
intermediaryperiod of flail and crook being shown to-gether. There are exceptionsto this rule, notably
with theflail and crook being displayedtogether long after the inter-mediary period had
effectivelyended, but nevertheless thereis a noticeable trend in the ic-onography that fits the
astro-nomical equivalent uncannilywell.So during this interme-diate phase the pharaoh, bycrossing
these two symbolsover his or her chest, was sym-bolizing the crossing point orthe crossover between
the twoconstellations of Taurus andher hand, but also while chasing a bull.Whether it is a farmer in
his fields or a di-vine pharaoh in a great temple, it is quiteclear that the flail can be thought of asbeing
a symbol of control over the move-ment of cattle.As is often the case, especially with thebiblical texts,
the initial and obvious link toan agricultural explanation is far too sim-plistic. Egyptian theology, if
anything, wasmore concerned with astrology and as-tronomy than agriculture, and so for amore
convincing explanation we must look to the stars and the cosmos. If we were totranslate this same
imagery into astronom-ical terms, then the flail can equally bethought of as being a symbolof control,
not over real cattle,but over the constellation of Taurus. In its turn, the crook can also be seen to be
asymbol of control over themovement of the constellationof Aries. Like the crook andthe flail, which
are often car-ried together by the pharaoh,it so happens that Taurus andAries are also adjacent to
eachother in the night sky.More importantly in thisexplanation, the movementknown as precession
makesthe astrological signs moveslowly through the heavenswith the passing generations,each sign
giving way to the next every twomillennia or so. This is a crucial observa-tion, for now we can possibly
see why someof the Old Kingdom pharaohs were depictedwith only the flail as a symbol of their
officefor in that era (circa 3150 to 1800 B.C.) theconstellation of Taurus alone was dominantin the
springtime morning sky and thusalso dominant in the astrology of Egyptwith the veneration of the
Apis Bull. Fromthe Second Intermediate period through theMiddle Kingdom and beyond (1800 B.C.
on-wards), however, there was a change in thenight sky. The precessional wobble of theEarth meant
that the constellation of Taurus was slowly fading in the east—the

Threshing-Floor. The oxen driven round the heap.




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ver the course of the last four dec-ades several para-digms attemptingto explain the origin of
civ-ilization have emerged. Of course I am referring totheories that are outside of the orthodox
models. Thenew paradigms acknowl-edge several crucial princi-ples that mainstream histo-rians and
archaeologistsgenerally ignore: 1) the ar-chaeological record con-tains many anomalies and2) so far
the mainstreamhas failed to address themor to provide a satisfactoryhistory of the emergence of
civilization.Many authors from J. A.West and Graham Hancock to Zechariah Sitchin andmany others
including my-self have addressed these is-sues extensively. The GreatPyramid is perhaps the
bestsingle example. Here we arefaced with a massive struc-ture rising to 48 stories andweighing in
excess of 4 mil-lion tons. Egyptologistsclaim that it was built in 20years using nothing morethan
hammer-stones,wooden sledges and manuallabor. Wait a minute. Be-fore we even give the
obvi-ously mechanically im-paired yarn-spinners thecourtesy of belief or disbe-lief we need to raise
somefundamental questions.Before we even begin to seriously ex-amine the premise that the
Egyptians of the4th Millennia B.C. had the engineering andconstruction know-how to build a
precision-engineered pyramid of such gargantuan pro-portions we need to see the following:Evidence
that they built smaller pyra-mids over the course of many generations.Corroborating evidence that
shows thatthey were capable engineers, architects,stonemasons, mathematicians, inventorsand so
forth.We raise our first objection because5,000 years of civilization has proven thatsophisticated skills,
knowledge, technologiesand artifacts leave a trail of developments, ahistory of trial and error
experimentationbehind. We did not start out building sky-scrapers, the Golden Gate Bridge and
theHoover Dam any more than we went rightfrom biplanes to supersonic jets. This pointseems so
obvious in the modern context ittraceable sequence of devel-opments? That is exactlythe case we are
confrontedby in ancient Egypt and Su-meria. Logic dictates thatthere must be evidenceshowing that
the Egyptiansdeveloped the stonema-sonry skills, engineeringand construction knowl-edge necessary
to designand build the Great Pyr-amid. Such evidence, likethe progression of simple tocomplex
bridges and dams,should exist in the form of thousands of small stonepyramids. This is what
weshould find scattered allover Egypt. Of course, theproblem is that such evi-dence does not
exist.There are literally reamsof serious historical and ar-chaeological questions thatthe orthodoxy
has not evenaddressed, let alone at-tempted to answer. ChrisDunn has also carefullyscrutinized the
level of en-gineering skills required tobuild the Great Pyramidand he has equated them tothe levels
we possess today.When Flinders Petrie, thefather of Egyptology, inves-tigated the GP in the
19thcentury he arrived at sim-ilar conclusions. Obviously,this presents us with a para-doxical
situation.There are no tools andno inventions in the Egyp-tian record dating to 2500B.C. that
substantiate theconclusions that the ortho-doxy has reached. If you re-move the Great Pyramidfrom
the record and examine their tools andtheir level of knowledge you see that theEgyptians of that era
did not have sophisti-cated tools or knowledge. They called theirsurveyors, “rope-stretchers.” How
couldthese rope stretchers survey a 13-acre ploton an uneven limestone bench and thenhave it
cleared and leveled by men wieldinghammer-stones as flat as a sheet of glass?We know that this was
the level of preci-sion achieved because the international en-gineering firm of Menendall, Johnson, et.
al,studied the site and determined that thebase had been planed to an accuracy thatcould only be
achieved with equipment onpar with laser levels. This is another dis-turbing fact. The precision of the
structureon such a massive scale is unthinkable forany technically unsophisticated culture. TheGreat
Pyramid is a mystery because in ourguts we know that it could not have been

Continued on Page 62


hardly needs any elucidation. We know thatgenerations of small wooden bridges pre-ceded the huge
bridges of today. We knowthat small earth dams and then woodendams preceded the 6 million ton
HooverDam.Our knowledge is rooted in practical ex-perience, logic and study. The history of
civ-ilization is replete with examples of incre-mental development. The horse-drawn plowwas around
in the days of Sumeria and itforeshadowed the automobile. But youcould not have a Model T until the
internalcombustion engine was invented and thatrelied on various other inventions fromrubber to
steel milling. That it all took about 4500 years to develop from Sumeriato America.Now, how you
would react if a historianor archaeologist tried to sell you on the ideathat the Golden Gate Bridge,
Hoover Damand the model-T just appeared without any

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ll across the Amer-ican Southwest wefind petroglyphs(rock carvings) orpictographs (rock paintings)
depicting eerie creatures withspindly bodies, large eyes and bulbousheads, sometimes with antennae.
The fig-ures are frequently shown in a “prayerstance” with elbows and knees positioned atright
angles, similar to the ant’s bent legs.Do these rock drawings represent a raceof Ant People? Do they
actually record an-cient encounters between humans and analien species? Are the creatures truly
“alien,”like those of the 1947 UFO crash near Ros-well, New Mexico? Or are they some
crypto-biological anomaly native to our planet? If not, then are they creations of the
collectiveunconscious? Let’s examine the evidence.

Linguistic Evidence

The term Nephilim mentioned in theNew English Bible apparently means “thosethat are of Orion.” In

Uriel’s Machine


Continued on Page 31

from the skies, perhaps from Orion itself.Because the constellation rises due east,one might think that
the name Orion de-rives from the word orient. In actuality, it isformed by dropping the initial “m” in
theIndo-European stem morui, which surpris-ingly means ant as well. Perhaps the constel-lation was
so named because its narrow, an-thropomorphic waist suggests this insect.The Hopi term for Orion is
Hotòmqam,which literally means either “to string up”(as beads on a string) or “trey.” This couldrefer
to the three stars of Orion’s belt butalso to the tripartite form of the ant: head,thorax, and abdomen.
These shiny, bead-likesections of the ant’s body may have their ce-lestial counterpart in what the
Hopi con-sider the most important constellation inthe heavens. The appearance of Orionthrough the
overhead hatchways of Hopikivas (semi-subterranean prayer chambers)still synchronizes many
annual sacredceremonies.

As Above...

When Orion dominates winter skies, theants are deep in their “kivas” (hills). Al-though this seems
contradictory, the zenithand the nadir are actually one shamanisticaxis comprising the Underworld.
Two sep-arate realms exist in the Hopi cosmology:the surface of the earth as the site of humanactivity
and a combined sky/undergroundregion as the home of the spirits, in partic-ular the kachinas. (A
kachina is a maskedspirit that can assume the form of any phys-ical object, phenomenon, or creature
in theuniverse.)Both the ant mound with its dark tun-nels and the kiva with its sipapuni (a hole inthe
floor symbolically linking it tothe Underworld) embody thenether plane. This paradoxicallyarches
upward across the skies toserve as home to the star spirits.The Hopi god of death, the earth, and
theUnderworld is named Masau’u. Like theants, he possesses knowledge of both theearth’s surface
and the chthonic regions. Hewears a mask with large open eyeholes and alarge mouth. His huge, bald
head resem-bles a summer squash, and his foreheadbulges out in a ridge. His feet are longas a
forearm, and his body is gray. Thiscolor is essential, since his name comesfrom the Hopi word maasi,
meaning gray. Infact, this description from Hopi mythologyis uncomfortably close to contemporary
im-ages of extraterrestrial Greys.Masau’u is also the terrestrial equivalentof Orion, whose name
means ant. The Hopibelieve that distances are insignificant toMasau’u because he can traverse the
entireearth before morning comes. What betterway to express Orion’s movement from theeastern to
the western horizon during thenight?


topher Knight and RobertLomas claim that the rootAramaic word nephîliâ is one namefor the
constellation. The Nephilim, of course, are familiar to readers of ZechariaSitchin. In

The 12th Planet

he translatesthe Sumerian root NFL (not the Americanfootball league!) as “...those who were
castdown upon the Earth!” In Genesis 6:4 of theKing James version, they are called “giantsin the
earth.” These creatures were the off-spring of the so-called Watchers, or fallenangels, and “the
daughters of men.” It maybe more than a coincidence that Nephilimsounds very much like the
Hebrew wordnemâlâh, which means ant.If the Nephilim are indeed “of Orion,”this could mean that
these descendants arethe Ant People who were also cast down


What Were the AncientsTrying to Tell Us about theWhat Were the AncientsTrying to Tell Us about the

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Continued from Page 28Continued on Page 63


In his celestial manifestation the ant-likeMasau’u is associated with the Hopi sky godSotuknang. The
Assyro-Babylonian sky godwas named Anu. The Hopi word for ant isanu. Related to Sitchin’s Anunnaki,
theHopi root word naki means friend, prayerfeathers, food offerings, or sand—a nexus of concepts all
pertaining to this flying insect.Anu was also another name for the Egyp-tian city of Heliopolis, where
the benbenstone of meteoric iron was kept. In addition,the Egyptian word anu meant not
onlyproducts, revenues, or something broughtin but also gifts, tributes, and offerings. Thisrefers to
both the ants’ ability to store provi-sions and the reverence given to the AntPeople. In any case, their
influence is global.

Mythological Evidence

Ants played a crucial role in the survivalof the ancient Hopi. The Ant People’s greatkiva provided
sanctuary during both the de-struction of the First World (or Era) by fireand the Second World by ice.
(For a possiblelocation of this, see Jack Andrews’ web site“Lost City of the Dead in the GrandCanyon,” vrartist/story.html) Only the virtuous mem-bers of the tribe
following a certain cloud byday and a certain star by night were able tofind the sky god Sotuknang. He
elected tosave these migrating “chosen people” byleading them to the Ant People for
protec-tion.Ants are portrayed as generous and in-dustrious, offering the Hopi sustenancewhen
supplies ran short and teaching themthe merits of food storage. In fact, ants havesuch thin waists
today, the legend goes, be-cause they once deprived themselves of pro-visions. In another account of
the earliesteras, the Hopi themselves are described asants when they were “way underneath.”
Theword underneath refers to both the Ant Kivaand the subterranean First and SecondWorlds. The
previous Third World is alsoconceptualized as being below ground,whereas our present Fourth World
is on theEarth’s surface.According to a rather brutal Hopi mythentitled “Why the Ants Are So Thin,”
manyants were living east of Toko’navi, or Na-vaho Mountain near the Arizona/Utahborder. These
insects are described not inthe allegorical manner of an Aesop fable butin an almost humanoid way.
During a Ka-china Society initiation, two of the ants haddressed up as fierce, giant Hu kachinas
andflogged the ant children so hard that theywere almost cut through in the middle of their bodies,
hence their slenderness.Ants are also associated with either war-fare or the hunt. The Hopi believe
that bothtraits are related to Orion in particular andto stars in general. This tribe also connectsblack
ants with witchcraft. The Hopi wordToko’anu (similar to the mountain’s name)literally means flesh
ant, the large dark redant with a painful sting. The Zuni, a tribethat lives near the Hopi, associate the
RedAnt Society with healing powers.Far to the south the Maya, who sharemany cultural traits with
the Hopi, tell leg-ends of ant-like men building stone citiesand roads during the First Creation
(World).These peculiar creatures possessed magicalpowers and could summon stones intoproper
architectural positions by justwhistling.In Maya History and Religion, J. Eric S.Thompson writes:
“Zayamuincob can betranslated as ‘the twisted men’ or ‘the dis-jointed men,’ suggesting a connection
with‘hunchback.’ The word may also be con-nected with zay, ‘ant,’ for there is also a Yu-catec
tradition of an ancient race called chaczay uincob, ‘red ant men.’ They were indus-trious like the ants
which take out the redearth and make straight roads through theforest.”The reference to hunchback
is reminis-cent of Koko Pilau (Kokopelli), the hump-back flute player. This is the ubiquitous,
in-sect-like fertility figure of Southwestpetroglyphs.

Celestial Ant Hills

Each February the Hopi perform theBean Dance inside their kivas. During thistime the fires are
continuously kept ablaze,turning these underground structures intosuperb hot houses. This ritual may
com-memorate a time when the Ant Peopletaught the Hopi how to sprout beans insidecaverns in
order to survive. The previouslymentioned Hu kachinas are an integral partof this ceremony to initiate
children intothe Katsina Society.Ants resonate deep in our psyches as ar-chetypal denizens of dual
worlds: the earth





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cans were serious music-lovers,assembling large groups of harp-ists, lutenists, flautists, drum-mers,
trumpeters, pipers, singersand other performers in whatmay have been the first musicalorchestras or
bands in history.Surviving Etruscan tomb art issophisticated, vivid and dynamic.The ruins of many
Etruscancities are still visited and studied;thousands of related artifacts arescattered around the
world inmuseums and private collections.Yet, the Etruscans are Europeanarchaeology’s greatest
enigma.Although numerous specimensof their written language exist,they continue to resist
transla-tion, save for yielding an impor-tant name now and then, aftermore than 100 years of
scholarlyeffort.To add to the confusion, theEtruscans referred to themselvesas the Rasna.
Investigators weredivided over whether the term isin fact a proper name or merelydescriptive. In
other words,calling the Etruscans Rasna maybe like referring to the wholeGerman people of 1900 as
“theKaisers,” even though only theking was Kaiser. A mountainchain still known as the Ras-senna
stands near the ancientcity of Arretium, whose Etruscanresidents contributed so heavily to theRoman
war effort against Carthage.Etruscan origins are no less enigmatic.Some researchers speculate they
were nativeItalians, but their sudden appearance at thebeginning of the 12th century B.C.
suggestsotherwise. Herodotus’ claim that the Etrus-cans came from Lydia, in southwestern AsiaMinor,
is still being debated after 2,500years. The Egyptians knew them much ear-lier, when Pharaoh
Merenptah includedthem among his worst enemies, the vauntedSea Peoples.They were mentioned
again by his suc-cessor, Ramses III, when he had to battle thesame alliance of invaders. They are listed
inthe roll-call of captured prisoners on thewalls of his Victory Temple as the Trs.w, orTwrws.w, the
Egyptian language version of the Greek Tyrsenoi. Trs.w’s philologicalidentification with the Etruscans
is sup-ported by Ramses himself. He singled them



“On this island of Atlantis had arisen a powerful and remarkabledynasty of kings, who ruled Eu-rope
as far as western Italy.”


the Timaeus

t the center of Atlantis, ac-cording to Plato, sprawledthe monumental Templeof Poseidon. The
ornatebuilding of stone and preciousmetals contained a colossus of the sea-god standing in his
im-mense chariot drawn by sixwinged horses. A smaller versionof this Atlantean work of art stillexists
in Rome’s Giulia Museum.The likeness from Praeneste wasmade by Etruscan craftsmensome time
during the early 6thCentury B.C. Yet another contem-porary copy is on display in theTarquinian
Museum. Poseidon’sfigure is missing from these ter-racottas. However, both areknown to have
originally adornedtemples to the sea-god.But who were the Etruscans?And what were they doing
withcopies of the most importantstatue in Atlantis?The Etruscans were a pre-Roman people who
dominatedwestern Italy from about 800 B.C.A previous period, once referredto as “Villanovoan” by
archaeolo-gists who assumed it represented a differentculture, is now regarded as an earlierEtruscan
phase beginning five centuries be-fore. By 750 B.C., the early Classical histo-rian and mythologist,
Hesiod, referred in

The Agony

to “the far-famed Tyrsenoi,”Greek for the Etruscans. He declared themto have been the first civilizers
in Italy, pro-digious sea-farers, who established a pow-erful thallasocracy that dominated thewestern
Mediterranean until the rise of Car-thage. Others remembered how they con-tested Phoenician
sailors for the distantAzore Islands in the mid-Atlantic Ocean, 900miles from Europe.Archaeologists
know they built magnifi-cent cities with architectural feats like the350-foot-high tower of Lars
Prosena, hungwith half-a-dozen enormous, bronze bells.The Etruscans mass-produced
high-qualitybronze on an unprecedented scale. WhenRoman forces captured the Etruscan city of


Tracking the Lost Continent’s Surprising Descendants in Europe

The Lady of Elche

Volsinii, in 280 B.C., they confiscated noless than 2,000 bronze statues. In 205 B.C.,to supply the
invasion fleet of Scipio Afri-canus, Etruscan Arretium provided 30,000shields, 50,000 javelins, and 40
fully-equipped warships in 15 days. The Etrus-cans were master irrigationists, as exampledby the
Graviscae Drain, a labyrinth of sub-terranean water courses, pools and lakescreated by the mammoth
excavation of inge-nious drainage canals.They were high-minded statesmen, whoset up the Populi
Etruriae, or omnisEtruria, a league of independent city-stateswhose rulers wielded broad powers,
butwere subject to a centralized authority.Etruscan cavalry were unmatched for versa-tility and
splendor. One of the New York Museum of Art’s most precious possessionsis a full-size, perfectly
preserved Etruscanchariot of bronze decorated with sculptedgold and silver appointments. The Etrus-

See Our Great 8-page Catalog Section Beginning on Page 74

Number 48




Etruria, their accomplish-ments in city planning, publicworks projects, irrigation,bronze manufacture

and thearts were all drawn on a trulyAtlantean scale. Ruins of Etruscan cities at Fiesole, Vol-terra,
Tarquinii and Sutri stillexhibit the same kind of con-centric walls with watch-towers and
interconnectingbridges arching over canalsPlato described for Atlantis.The Etruscans prosperedalmost
a thousand years afterthe cataclysm that over-whelmed their kinsmen be-yond the Pillars of
Heracles.Succumbing to the same moral decadencethat preceded the destruction of Atlantis,they
thoroughly inter-married with theRoman conquerors, so much so that theirlanguage, as well as their
cultural identity,vanished long before the onset of anothercatastrophe—the collapse of Classical
civili-zation. The Dark Ages which followed like-wise obscured Atlantean legacies at theother end of
the Mediterranean. Part of thatlegacy still survives in the Spanish city of Cadiz, known even in late
Roman times asGades. Earlier still, the Greeks called it Ga-dira, after the second king listed in
Plato’saccount of Atlantis, Gadeiros, “presumablyout because they came fromthe northwest, the
direction of Italy, unlike the rest of the SeaPeoples who attacked from thenorth and northeast. The
Tro-jans were part of the Atlanteanconfederation which invadedthe Nile Delta, and rasnes
orrasne—the Etruscans’ name forthemselves—refers to “publicaffairs” in the Trojan tongue.Of the
ten origins for thefoundation of Rome recordedby Plutarch in the “Romulus”chapter of his lives, two
areidentifiably Atlantean. He re-ported that the Pelasgian SeaPeoples, “wandering over thegreater
part of the habitable world, and sub-duing numerous nations, fixed themselveshere, and from their
own great strength inwar, called the city ‘Rome’.” Virgil agreed,recalling how “the ancient Pelasgians
longago were the earliest occupants of the Latinland.” He believed Roman ancestors wererefugees
from Troy, led by prince Aeneas,whose own forefather was “the same Atlaswho uplifts the starry
heavens.” These ori-gins parallel Ramses III’s report of the Trs.winvaders he dispersed and older
Greek refer-ences to the civilizing Pelasgians.Plutarch continues, “some say again thatRoma, from
whom the city was so-called,was daughter of Italus and Leucaria.” Italuswas the Latin version of Atlas,
while Leu-

Continued on Page 64

caria was a sea-goddess, one of the sirens, aninflection of Leukippe, the first woman of Atlantis. Plato,
after all, outlined the limitsof Atlantean influence in Europe by ex-tending them to western Italy, and
therebyincluded the Etruscans as part of an oceanicalliance that menaced the Aegean andEgypt. His
characterization of these eventsas the Atlantean War falls like a perfectlymatched template over
Homer’s Trojan Warand Ramses’ invasion of Sea People. Indeed,all three sources portray different
aspects of the same confrontation. The Trs.w were SeaPeople allies, who sailed from the defeat
andfinal destruction of Atlantis back to Italy,where they rose to power as the Etruscans.The
sea-power they commanded from

An Etruscan Funeral Monument

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eepak Chopra loves to fly,which is a good thing, sincehe spends a lot of time onairplanes. He’s mused
overthe design of an aircraft that would be‘uncrashable’ (“perhaps some kind of glider with an airfoil
that never stalls, nomatter what angle of dive the plane goesinto”). He finds flying to be a very
relaxingexperience, and uses it for writing, medita-tion and rest. This week, he’s flown into Sa-vannah,
Georgia and now sits overlookingthe river from his hotel room. He’s been upsince four a.m.—his daily
habit in any timezone. He meditated until six, then spent twohours in the gym (a little yoga, a run on
thetreadmill and some weights) before enjoyinga variety of salads, fruit and fish at thebreakfast
buffet.As an Ayurvedic “pitta” constitutionaltype dominated by the element of fire, it’s awonder he
could wait. But he’s a patientman, and says he lives in many dimensionsat once, so food is something
he appreciatesbut doesn’t crave. He’s here to give a sem-inar at the center he’s established in
con-junction with the Memorial Health Hospital,a large institution that trains physicians inintegrative
medicine.Formerly chief of staff at the Boston Re-gional Medical Center, Dr. Chopra had asuccessful
endocrinology practice there andalso taught at Tufts and Boston Universities’Schools for Medicine.
Training other physi-cians is one of the reasons he left a highlyregarded position as chief of staff at
The NewEngland Memorial Hospital in Stoneham,Massachusetts in 1985. Desiring to expandthe
impact and effectiveness of conventionalmedicine, Chopra (who still holds medicallicenses in both
Massachusetts and Cali-fornia) rarely sees individual patients any-more, but feels he has enlarged his
practice,made it more “all-encompassing.”Hardly arguable: Anyone with even apassing interest in
alternative medicineknows his name and is familiar with at leastone of his best selling books, CDs or
cassetteprograms, some of which have been pub-lished on every continent and in dozens of
languages. Chopra’s presentations to world

Millionsof peoplehave beendrawn toDeepak Choprathrough

TheSeven Spiritual Lawsof Success



“Money is theenergy we give to the thingswe value. It doesn’t exist on itsown it’s a symbolic
expression of en-ergy and its exchange.” He suggeststaking inventory of your unique abilities
andasking yourself how you can put them to theservice of the ecosystem—“you will havemoney and
abundance,” he promises.“Abundance is the nature of the universe,which is extravagant and even
wasteful.”Chopra says he taught his children (a sonand a daughter) to visualize the kinds of
ex-periences they would like on a daily basis.“They found, to their surprise, that was howthe day
turned out. I think you just extendthat into your lifestyle.” He also thinks lifeshould flow from passion
and be easy, spon-taneous, effortless and joyful. Though heworks hard, he doesn’t find the driving
work ethic particularly spiritual and (great newsfor messy desk types) thinks that ordershould come
from embracing chaos andcreativity, arising on its own as a ‘sponta-neous emergent property.’ He
likes to quoteOscar Wilde, who used to say “driving ambi-tion is the hallmark of failure.”Chopra’s
latest written work,

The Book of Secrets,

was a response to the unexpecteddeath of his father. A cardiologist, KirshanChopra was also,
according to his son, agreat healer and humanitarian. “He wouldtreat the needy once a week, paying
theirbus fare to reach him, and my mother wouldcook for them.” Chopra remembers the callhe got
from her reporting that his fatherhad come to tell her good-bye, kissed her,

Continued on Page 36

A NewBook fromDeepak ChopraLooks for the HiddenDimensionsof Life


CellularSecr ets

leaders,educational in-stitutions and large public au-diences have generated international

recog-nition. Whether speaking or writing, hechampions the human potential for out-standing
physical, emotional, spiritual,mental and social health. In 1992, he servedon the National Institutes of
Health’s Panelon Alternative Medicine and established TheChopra Center for Well Being in La
Jolla,California three years later. A non-profit or-ganization, the Center has relocated toCarlsbad,
California, where Chopra serves aseducational director. Individual and groupprograms include
mind/body medicine andpersonal development. Some find the costsof such programs prohibitive, but
Choprasays the Center has lost money in the pastand that he’s had to subsidize it. “It’s theonly way
we can pay our bills with the staff we have and the rent we pay,” he states. “Wetry to give 10% of our
applicants scholar-ships another 10% come as volunteers.”Techniques emphasize Primordial
SoundMeditation (based on an individual’s Vedicastrological chart), a balanced
lifestyle,health-promoting foods and herbs, rejuve-nating body therapies, and personal
empow-erment. Chopra sees the application of mind/body techniques as the cornerstonefor a future
of greater self-reliance and self-awareness. In his view, this enlightenedself-knowledge will be
embraced as a mostvaluable asset in our rapidly evolving, evermore challenging world.

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gone back to bed, called to Godthree times, then quietly passedaway. As the elder of two sons(his
brother is Dean of MedicalEducation at Harvard MedicalSchool), Chopra returned to hisnative India to
participate in thetraditional Hindu cremationrites, culminating in crushinghis parent’s skull to release
hisspirit. An intense experience forany child, of any age, of whateverrenown. Chopra needed to
pro-cess. And to share the insightsgathered. The book reflects anapproach more personal eventhan
that taken in his last book,

The Spontaneous Fulfillment of All Desire

, and contains 15 “se-crets” to becoming creators in-stead of victims, resulting intransformation, the
only goal heconsiders worth pursuing.Ever the scientist, Chopra in-troduces


by explainingthe characteristics of cellularlife, stating that “cells have beenoutthinking us for billions
of years—the only wisdom more ancient thanthat of our cells is the wisdom of thecosmos itself. The
universe wants to grow,expand, and create, as we do.” In doing so,he points out, “selfishness is not
an option.”Nor is refusing to communicate, living likean outcast, over-consumption, obsessive
ac-tivity or aggression. If our cells know not tobehave in these ways, he asks, why do we?Cellular life
(and death) can be used as ametaphor for any system, but his back-ground in medicine provides a
naturalfocus: “If the medical model were living likea cell, we would look at things contextuallyand not
use metaphors like ‘war on cancer’,‘war on drugs’, ‘war on AIDS’, ‘war on ter-rorism’. That’s based on
a linear, non-contextual, non-relational view of what weterm reality.” In revealing the secrets
tomeeting your real self, using time wisely,feeling subtle levels of awareness, findingpersonal
freedom and ending suffering,we’re reminded to live like a cell and to letour body’s wisdom point the
way to under-standing and unity. A second step also sup-ports the other secrets—Chopra insists
that,rather than our being in the world, it’s theother way around. The world is in each of us. Looking
at it this way, we are co-creators in everything that happens to us.In discussing suffering, Chopra has
aninteresting take on 9-11: “America’s na-tional paroxysm after the terrorist attackson the World
Trade Center continues to playout a drama of “us” versus “them” on amass scale. The sense of
American invulner-ability was exposed as an illusion. Yet atbottom this wasn’t a nation’s problem.
Itwas an individual problem felt on a huge

Continued from Page


Continued on Page 65

scale.” He feels that our political system andeven our religions have become divisive andfrequently
“indulge in idiotic behavior” inthe name of science, nationality or patri-otism. “Every situation that
arises in thehuman body or in the biological organismwe call planet earth or in a social systemarises in
a context and, unless we look atthe world contextually, we’ll always be atwar.”Though he comes from
a very crowdedcontinent, he doesn’t feel we have a popula-tion problem, but thinks we’ve got a big
onein the development of our own awareness.“We have enough resources to create peaceand
harmony and laughter and love andsustainability on our planet for thousandsof years, if not more,”
he states emphati-cally, acknowledging that we haven’t yetachieved the required emotional or
spiritualdevelopment to make it happen. “We havevery primitive instincts coupled withmodern
capacities, and technology is lev-eling the playing field. Some little kid sit-ting in some remote
developing countrywill soon be able to mess with electrons onthe computer, cut off electricity, poison
thefood chain and the water supply, interferewith air traffic controls and suffocate anddevastate a
city anywhere in the world.” Hesays this dispassionately, though he isdeeply concerned. “Technology
is neutral.The question is, how can we make thisGarden of Eden a paradise again, for ourchildren and
our children’s children?People with resources and wealth will no




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rance’s Mary of Guise liked a goodjoke.When England’s King HenryVIII proposed marriage,
Maryquipped that her neck was too slender—acutting reference to the beheading of Henry’s second
wife, Anne Boleyn.Mary married Scotland’s James V, in-stead, and in 1542 gave birth to that na-tion’s
best-known monarch, Mary Queen of Scots, just a week before James died. And in1546, during her
daughter’s minority reign,Mary made a curious “bond” with Sir Wil-liam St. Clair of Rosslyn.One
passage of that bond has been muchdebated: “We bind and oblige us to the saidSir William, and shall
be a loyal and truemistress to him. His counsel and secretshown to us we shall keep secret, and in
allmatters give to him the best and truestcounsel we can, as we shall be requiredthereto.”In 1999’s

Rosslyn: Guardians of the Se-crets of the Holy Grail

the authors say thatthe “general tone of the letter is bizarre. Itis more like that of a subservient
person to asuperior lord than that of a sovereign to hervassal.”What secret was Mary shown at
Rosslynthat brought about this strange relation-ship?

Continued on Page 40


Among the many speculations are theCup of the Last Supper, the mummifiedhead of Christ, the Stone
of Destiny, a pieceof the True Cross, the Ark of the Covenant,and the genealogical records of a
holybloodline established by a marriage betweenMary Magdalene and Jesus. And in a recentissue of
Templar History magazine theGrand Herald of the Scottish Knights Tem-plar claims he “once met a
chap who wasconvinced the chapel had been built over anET-type spacecraft, and presented an
excel-lent case …” The mind boggles.But while Mary may have been shownany of these things, I
believe she was shownsomething else—something in the architec-tural fabric of Rosslyn Chapel that
was sin-gularly unique to a lineage she shared withWilliam.Let’s first consider who they were.Mary
was the granddaughter of René IIof Anjou and Lorraine, the grandson of René I—a mover and shaker
in the heroiccareer of Joan of Arc. Both Renés inheritedthe title “King of Jerusalem,” a
designationdescended from Godfrey of Bouillon’sbrother, Baldwin, who first accepted thetitle.
Godfrey had led the First Crusade toliberate the Holy Land from the “infidels.”It was Baldwin who
granted the first nineTemplar Knights quarters on Solomon’sTemple Mount, beneath which they were
tobusy themselves digging for a still-mysterious “something” over the next sev-eral years. Baldwin
also granted the orderits first insignia—the equal-and-double-barred Cross of Lorraine. Christopher
Co-lumbus acknowledges in his journals thatRené I granted him his first ship’s com-mand, and it’s
thought that Columbus voy-aged westward with a cross on his sails. Butdid that cross have one bar or
two? It is per-haps highly significant that René II com-missioned the first map that shows thename
“America,” dated 1507. That map, re-cently purchased for $5 million by the U.S.Library of Congress,
may ultimately proveto be little more than a spectacularly expen-sive piece of cartographical
propaganda.William was the grandson of RosslynChapel’s builder, who was himself de-scended from
several other notable St.Clairs: one who married Hugh de Payen,one of the original nine Templars
men-tioned above one who was a mover andshaker in the career of great Scots heroRobert the Bruce
and one who may have leda voyage of discovery to the New World in1398, 94 years before Columbus
made thehistorically approved voyage.Mary and her vassal clearly had a lot in

The Vaulted Ceiling of Roslyn Chapel

The FurtherMysteriesof RosslynChapelThe FurtherMysteriesof RosslynChapel

Beyond Dan Brown’s Conjectures in

The DaVinci Code

What Was theSecret of Its Ceiling and Was It Revealed to Queen Mary of Guise?

Mary ofGuise




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Continued from Page 39

common before she was shownthe “secret” mentioned in herbond. Each of their respectivefamilies
connects to the creationof a great national hero, eachconnects to one or more of theoriginal nine
Templars and eachin some way connects to the dis-covery of America.In my “Secrets of
RosslynChapel” (Atlantis Rising #38), Italk about recent changes thathave been made to the
“starcourse” of Rosslyn’s ceiling, andsuggest that the original archi-tectural fabric of the chapel
hasbeen tampered with since it waswritten—not a popular viewamong Rosslyn’s many “book instone”
fans.Now I'll talk about all fivecourses of the ceiling, and the se-cret I feel William revealed toMary
when she visited the chapelin 1546, the 100th anniversary of Rosslyn’s foundation.Let’s follow them
inside.I believe that William wouldhave asked Mary to look up andponder the chapel’s ceiling,drawing
her attention to the factthat while two of the five coursesare laid out in true checkerboardfashion
with the same number of equally spaced architectural ele-ments, the three remainingcourses appear
more crowded!Bearing in mind that the ar-chitectural elements of each of those three courses would
not only requiremore carving but would be significantlymore difficult to lay out, he would thenhave
asked her why she thought that thiswere so.At this point, had Mary’s 16th-centurydynastic mind not
been moved into suddenrevelation, William would have told herwhat I now tell you.Rosslyn’s ceiling
vault consists of fivecourses, each made up of its own unique ar-chitectural element of floral design,
exceptthe star course—what we will call the firstcourse—which consists mainly of stars, laidout like
the alternating squares of a check-erboard. The second course is chockablock with architectural
elements, containing ex-actly twice the number of elements as thestar course. The third has the same
numberof elements as the first. The fourth splits thedifference between the first and the secondand,
though there is not as much carving asin the second course, would have been moredifficult to lay out,
since the easy-to-replicate checkerboard template was notused. The fifth course has less carving
thanthe fourth, but the layout difficulties would

Continued on Page 66


Layout of Rosslyn’s five-course vaulted ceiling with thecrowding elements pulled out from the central
vault,forming the reversed arms of the Lorraine Cross.Left to right: The Hermetic Equal-Armed Cross
ofLorraine; The Christian Cross of the Crucifixion; TheChristianized (INRI) Cross Lorraine; The
Reverse-Armed Rosslyn Cross, Symbol of the SMOTJ.

have been as great.I believe that William directed Mary’sgaze up to Rosslyn’s ceiling, drawing her
at-tention to the overcrowding of certaincourses, and then told her that his grandfa-ther, 100 years
previously, had hidden ahuge Cross of Lorraine in it—with its armstucked in!As the accompanying
graphic shows,when we move the “crowding” elementsaway from the ceiling vault,
redistributingthem according to the harmony of thecheckerboard pattern found in the first andthird
courses, the Lorraine Cross is then re-vealed with its arms extended. It is not theoriginal equal-armed
cross mentionedabove, however, but a later incarnation thatexhibits a further eccentricity I will
coverlater.The symbolism of the Lorraine Cross hasbeen explained in different ways.Writing in

Dagobert’s Revenge

maga-zine, Boyd Rice reports that French poetand essayist Charles Peguy claimed that thedouble- and
equal-armed cross represent

Conventional biblicalscholars tentatively posi-tion Moses during theAncient Egyptian NewKingdom

reign ofRamses II. Not much evi-dence supports this view.However, the EgyptianTwelfth Dynasty
storiesprovide so many detailswhich match Exodus de-tails, that these coinci-dences strongly
suggestthat both sources are de-scribing the same events. Also, a theory fromthe controversial
Immanuel Velikovsky – that thePassover angel was a comet – fits into this re-construction. In addition,
a reading by psychicEdgar Cayce identifies the “abused Hebrew” asMoses’ previously unknown sister,
Sidiptu. Thereading hints that Moses killed the pharaoh whodespoiled her. This reconstruction not
only iden-tifies Moses in the Egyptian literature, but alsothis sister and nine other characters, seven
pha-raohs among them. Includes: -a chart identifyingthe 12th Dynasty pharoahs as characters of
theExodus -a merged chronology of the 12th Dy-nasty stories with Moses´ life events -a sevenpage
parallel chronology matching events of thebible with Egyptian 12th Dynasty events -twelvefamily
trees that position Moses and his role insome of these Egyptian stories -14 selected sto-ries
summarized and superimposed on Exodusevents -a 67 page glossary of relevant items -atwelve page

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Did the Dervish Sages Knowthe Secret of Time Travel?

“We come spinning out of nothing-ness, scattering stars...the stars forma circle, and in the center we

Rumi, 13th century

icture this: It’s nighttime ona Nile cruise ship dockedunder a blanket of stars inLuxor, the lazy
palm-lined re-sort town in Upper Egypt. Three mu-sicians are ‘hitting the shed.’ With thecall of the
drum and the colorful keysof glory from an electronic keyboard,suddenly ‘Benny and the
Pyramids’(not their real name) have your feettapping. They’re not Led Zeppelin. Infact they’re kind of
cheesy, but hey,they’re all right.Benny and the Pyramids changetheir tune, and then, a dancer
materi-alizes from the shadows. Tall. Railthin. Stoic. He begins to gently spinin place. His feet move in
an intricatecounterclockwise rhythm. His headjerks in a circular motion. Who knewthe human body
could move like that.As you watch the dancer, awhirling dervish, you’re mesmerized.His spinning is
dizzying, and it con-tinues for five, ten, fifteen minutes,more.Right before your eyes he producesa
brightly colored bell-like skirt thathe expertly spins around his hips. Anecstatic pulse of excitement
washesthrough your blood as you realizethat, to western eyes, it’s a saucer-shaped UFO or Mer-Ka-Ba
(‘space-time-light vehicle’) spinning aroundhis body!Don’t stop watching. The dance isfar from
finished. The revolution of your thinking has only just begun.Unbeknownst, this is the magicmoment
every Grail knight seeks: It’sthe moment when the rock spurtswater, the angel spins out of the
whirl-wind, the sea-sky opens and the


he question of whether or not it is possible to travelin time is getting a fresh look these days. As
newNASA spacecraft are dispatched to measure gravity ininterstellar space, and laboratories in the
U.S. and Aus-tria learn how to teleport photons, many exotic possibil-ities, including superfast
quantum computing, are be-ing tested in new ways.At the heart of the new research is the notion
origi-nally conceived of by Einstein that spacetime is a four-dimensional construct that can be
influenced by thepresence of heavy objects. Gravity has been shown tobend light and the net result,
physicists say, is curvedor, in effect, folded spacetime. Though many of the dis-tortions which have
been observed are at the sub-atomic level in what has been called quantum foam, thepossiblity that
such phenomena might exist at muchgreater levels has not been ruled out. Black holes, forinstance, it
has been theorized, represent such greatconcentrations of gravity that time itself could wellcease to
exist at their center—termed a “singularity.”Such possibilities have left some to wonder if it mightbe
possible to travel directly from one compartment of spacetime to another—or, perhaps, to take a
kind of shortcut across its curve—through random openingswhich might provide portals to alternate
universes orperhaps to different times in the same universe. Theseopenings have been called
“wormholes” and are usuallyvisualized as hourglass-shaped vortices connecting oneworld or time
with another.While today’s science may be on the threshold of un-derstanding such wormholes, the
possibility has arisenthat, in this area—as in many others—our ancient an-cestors may have gotten
here first. In the accompa-nying story, author and investigative mythologist Wil-liam Henry suggests
that, indeed, such knowledge mayhave been passed down to us in the form of a powerfulancient


Artist’s conception of a Wormhole entrance.Tosin Adetoro under supervision of Pat Tyler (NASA)


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Continued on Page 68

stairway to heaven appears, and suddenlyyou are in a magical new world, anotherlevel.It’s not an
accident that you are here.It’s synchronicity time. The Eye of Egypt isupon you.In the next phase of
this whirling or“sema” or samâ ceremony of the divine loveand mystical ecstasy the dancer produces
asecond skirt and spins it into a ‘saucer’. Helifts the second ‘saucer’ above his head,spinning it in
perfect synchrony with thefirst.“Holy Singularity!” you think. His skirtsand body form the shape of a
wormhole! Heis the phoenix, rising to perform the al-chemical transformational process of ascen-sion,
the secret closely guarded by the an-cient mystery schools.The human wormhole. The merger of the
Hour Glass shape of the two ‘saucers’becomes the Star of David, another symbolof the Mer-Ka-Ba.
The meeting of the upperworld (Heaven ) and the lower world (Earth)is exactly what is performed by
the dancer.

The Human Wormhole

Wormholes are essentially tunnels inspace/time. In the figures shown below thetop and bottom
sheets are connected via awormhole. The two sheets may representtwo different universes or two
sections of the same universe, which, if not for thewormhole’s presence, would be separated bya very
large distance.After this whirlwind blew through mymind and my dendrites stopped sizzling at19.5
degrees I floated as if on angel’s wingsback to my stateroom thinking I was in Oz.I guess this is what
happens when the oldand new worlds collide. In fact, when Italked with the dancer after his
performancehe told me the ‘story’ told by his dance con-cerned connecting heaven and earth.The
dancer is part of the Al TanuraGroup. The dance is known as Al Darweesh,or dervish dancing. A
special ability of thesedancers is the ability to spin in a counterclockwise circle in place for hours, his
feetforming a never-changing intricate pattern.Twenty to thirty times a minute the dervishtwirls for
Allah. Adherents believe this tightcircular movement represents the universe,which stems from a
single, spinning point.Their twirling is a form of prayer, a methodof tapping into hyperconsciousness
and anact of love.The Persian word darwish is accepted inArabic and Turkish (dervish) to describe
theSufi who is the one who is at the door to en-lightenment. Derived from the Persian word‘dar’
(door), a dervish is one who is poor inthe sight of God and in need of His mercy.As the doorway, we
might say that thedervish is a mystical dancer–the Poor orPure One–who stands between or unites
thematerial and cosmic worlds. Through hisspinning he arrives at a place where ego dis-solves and a
resonance with universal soulcomes in. It is believed that the dervish is inprayer and that his body
becomes open toreceive the energy of God.The purpose of the ritual whirling is toempty himself of all
distractingthoughts. Placing himself in atrance, his body conquers diz-ziness. He accepts that he isthe
true instrument (tuner) of God (Allah, Light) and there-fore he does not question thepower that
comes and leaveshim during the spinningtrance.Max Pulver’s article “Jesus’sRound Dance and
CrucifixionAccording to the Acts of St John” in JosephCampbell’s

The Mysteries in Papers Fromthe Eranos Yearbook

, informs us this mayeven have been the secret initiatory rounddance secretly performed by
Jesus.Perhaps the reason why I am the first toconnect the (eastern) dance of the mysticdervish with
the (western) wormhole sci-ence is because the Al Tanura group repre-sents a break away from the
traditional der-vish dance. For centuries, the dervishes startby wearing black cloaks symbolizing
tombs.Upon removal, they remove themselves fromthe world.The multicolored spin-fest I witnessed
isactually a runaway advance comparable tothe breakthrough in technology sweepingaway the old
world and introducing the su-perhuman future.Speaking of the birth of a new human, as‘the
wormhole dance’ progresses the dervishcloses the wormhole and a ‘baby soul’ de-scends from the
“wormhole” into “creation”.This is only natural as the circle representsthe feminine.The ‘child’
brought through the ‘worm-hole’ symbolizes a very interesting connec-tion between the whirling
dervish (doorway,wormhole) dance and the traditions of theGreat Mother. According to
mythologistBarbara Walker, Sufism is an Arabic mys-tical system preserving within Islam a Tan-tric
form of Goddess-and-woman worship.Christian and the Buddhistart also portray this concept of the
birth of a divine childthrough a gate. In the paintingshown on page 68 Mary bringsthe baby Jesus
through themouth or gate of the universe,the almond-shaped vesicapiscis. A wormhole is an
exten-sion of Schwarzchild geometry,which shows the throat of awormhole as the vesica symbol.The
Sufis believe feminine forces holdthe universe together. They disguised their


The dance begins with a white sheet or veilcovering the dancer.


Saucer-man. Is he re-enacting Elijah’sjourney into heaven through the whirlwind?


The merger of the Hour Glass shape of thetwo ‘saucers’ becomes the Star of David

Next, he forms a ‘saucer’ around his body.This is symbolic of the Mer-Ka-Ba.


Then, a second saucer spins around hisbody. He’s forming a wormhole


Toward the end he collapses the wormholeand brings a ‘baby’ out of the




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Continued on Page 70

he authors of the best-selling1982 non-fiction book

HolyBlood, Holy Grail

, which pop-ularized the notion of the“Priory of Sion”—the 1,000-year-oldsecret society said to guard
the HolyGrail—must be sorry now that nov-elist Dan Brown seized upon the ideaand made it the
centerpiece of hishugely popular 2003 novel T

he DaVinci Code

. Brown did so much vio-lence to orthodox Christianity in hisbook—claiming that the Church
sup-pressed women, that it fabricated thenotion that Christ is divine, that it stillwants to rule the
world, and muchmore—that Evangelical and other or-thodox Christians have risen up enmasse
against him. In 2004 at least adozen books have already been pub-lished denouncing

The Da Vinci Code

and everything in it. Among the tar-gets: The Priory of Sion.Some of the issues raised inBrown’s book
are complex ones andnot so easily dismissed (e.g., whetherConstantine imposed the doctrine of the
Trinity on the Council of Nicaea).Unfortunately, the issue of whetherthe Priory of Sion exists doesn’t
fallinto this category.

Holy Blood, HolyGrail

authors Michael Baigent,Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincolnnever offered a shred of evidence forthe
existence of the Priory of Sion (infact, in subsequent books like
TheMessianic Legacy

they publicly backedaway from the notion altogether. Ed.)it has always been an assertion just


waiting to be demolished and anumber of authors of the EvangelicalChristian anti-

The Da Vinci Code

books have been incensed enough togo ahead and do just that. In

CrackingDa Vinci’s Code

, authors James L.Garlow and Peter Jones carefully ex-plain that the authors of

Holy Blood,Holy Grail

relied on documents pro-vided to them by one Pierre Plantard,an anti-Semitic Frenchman who
spenttime in jail for fraud in 1953. ThePriory of Sion began as the name of asmall social club started
by Plantardand three friends in 1954 to promotethe “cause” of low-cost housing inFrance. When the
club was dissolvedin 1957, Plantard held on to the nameand used it in the 1960s and the 1970swhen
he put together a series of docu-ments “proving” the existence of abloodline descending from Mary
Mag-dalene, through the kings of France,down to the present day, to in-clude...none other than
Pierre Plan-tard. At this point, he began using thename Plantard de Saint-Clair,claiming that the
Saint-Clairs were di-rect descendants of the line of Jesusand Mary.Garlow and Jones write: “In 1993,

Leonardoda VinciIsaacNewtonVictorHugo


Vinci,Newton,& Hugo


Priory of Sion?Or Brotherhood of the Remnant?

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From top clockwise. View of the Camino from O’Cebreiro Lugo. Village near Ponferrada.Labyrinths at
Mogor Pontevedra (3,000 to 1,500 B.C.). Baphomet at the Templar church atTorres del Rio. Ruins of a
Celtic “ castro” , La Corona.


Exploringthe Enduring Mystery of the Camino de Santiago

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Continued on Page 72

he Camino de Santiago is an an-cient pilgrimage route that tra-verses Spain from its beginning inthe
Pyrenees to the tomb of St.James the Apostle, located at the Cathedralof Santiago de Compostela in
Spain’s north-western province of Galicia. The Caminosaw as many as 2,000,000 pilgrims annuallyin
the Middle Ages, and is regaining similarpopularity today. Because of the Camino'simportance in
medieval times, it holds,within its declared boundaries of 25 kilome-ters on either side, the greatest
concentra-tion of Romanesque and Gothic architec-ture in the world.Known generally as a Catholic
pil-grimage, little is said or known of the pre-Christian Camino, sometimes called the“Route of the
Stars.” Evidence indicatesthat the origins of the Camino can be tracedback into prehistory, long
before the re-mains of St. James were said to have driftedashore at Padron, in Galicia. Following
the42nd parallel to the “end of the earth” atCape Finisterra, the path of the Camino un-folds along a
corridor formed by megalithicsites dating to the second millenuim B.C. Itis said in Spain that “To walk
the Camino isto walk on the stars,” and so we find thatthese megalithic sites, and the older, orig-inal
Camino, have many links to the sky.Megalithic monuments are often asso-ciated with astronomical
events and orien-tation. They have been associated as wellwith ancient roadways, and these in turn

with “ley lines,” the “energy channels” of the earth. Sometimes, as is the case of theCamino itself, the
location of these mega-lithic structures has been thought to obeyboth models at once, thereby
connectingand harmonizing the energies of heaven andearth. “As above, so below,” states the
Her-metic axiom, and so the “Route of the Stars”follows mirrors the path of the Milky Way.The use of
ley lines and astronomical or-ientation in prehistoric building and site se-

Dolmen of Akeitas (3,500 - 1,800 B.C.)

lection can be considered evidence as well of an ancient science known also as the Pri-mordial
Tradition, or the Ancient Mysteries.Such a science has been said to lie at theheart of the “art of
building” throughouthuman history, and to encode knowledge of the nature and laws of the universe,
and of man. This “art of building” has always im-plied the alignment of the forces of heaven




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ibra, The Scales, is the only inani-mate member of the zodiac and assuch might be seen to
representpure principle. The Scales are thoseof Justice, weighing and measuring the fatesof humanity.
As the seventh zodiac signLibra marks a turning point in the evolu-tionary process. Here the idea of
coopera-tion is born, and we are challenged to movetoward increasing group consciousnessthrough
the experience of the remainingsigns.Libra is a Cardinal Air sign ruled by theplanet Venus, mythical
goddess of love andbeauty. The name Venus comes from theLatin “venustus, which means graceful.
Thisancient Italian goddess was seen as thegrowth and beauty inherent in nature’sbounty and
spring’s rejuvenation. She wasworshiped in Rome where Julius Caesarclaimed to be her direct
descendant. He ded-icated a temple to her, expressing his grate-fulness for granting him victory in
war. Al-though Venus was equated with the Greek Aphrodite, she is more appropriately relatedto the
goddess Charis (charity) who was theGreek goddess of grace and embodied theconcept of human



Aphrodite, the earlier Greek goddess, derives from “aphros,”meaning foam. Aphrodite wasborn of
the foam which bubbled upfrom the ocean after Cronus (Saturn) cas-trated his father Uranus, causing
his phallusto fall into the sea. The blood gave Aphro-dite’s hair its coppery color. This hints atthe
profound and symbiotic relationship be-tween earth and sky, sea and clouds. Aphro-dite herself
emerged from a much oldergoddess with more profound mythic signifi-cance. The earlier goddess
contained thetriple aspect of Mother-Maiden-Crone andheld sway over issues of life and death.In
myth Aphrodite was married to thelame god Hephaestus, the Blacksmith(Vulcan), but had a
long-standing affair withAres (Mars). Mars is the ruler of the firstsign Aries, opposite to Venus-ruled
Libra onthe zodiacal wheel. Through their mythicexploits, these two famous lovers are tryingto
balance the scales of the extremes of gender. That Venus was married to theOlympian Blacksmith
suggests the fires of transmutation, tempering us through theexperiences of
relationships.According to R. H. Allen (Star Names,their Lore and Meaning), the constellation

The Kingof the GodsWeighs in on theScales of Justice

“The quality of deci-sion is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon whichenables it to strike and destroy
its victim.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

first appeared as Libra in clas-sical times in the Julian cal-endar created by Caesar as Pon-tifus
Maximus. He was aided in thiseffort by Flavius and Sosigenes, an Alexan-drian astronomer. In
millennia past thealpha and beta stars of Libra, which nowform the pans of the balance, were the
clawsof the Scorpion and were perceived as a sep-arate constellation. The stars still bear theearlier
names of Northern and SouthernClaws.Although the Romans claim to have in-troduced Libra as the
twelfth sign, thesestars have an enduring symbolic representa-tion as the Goddess Justice,
dispensingjudgment and regulating the affairs of dim-sighted humanity. In India this constella-tion
was a kneeling man, holding a pair of scales. In the early zodiac of China thisgroup of stars was a
dragon, the nationalemblem, with ancient mythic origins to theGreat Goddess. Later, following the
Ro-mans, the constellation became Tien Ching,the Celestial Balance. Libra’s theme of weight and
measure also extends back toEgypt where the constellation was depictedas a scale beam,
representing the Nilometer,which tracked the level of the Nile. Well be-

J upit erin Libr a

September 2004 - October 2005

J upit erin Libr a

September 2004 - October 2005

Jupiter(NASA photo)

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Continued on Page 73

fore the time of the Romansthis part of the sky was asso-ciated with the idea of light, ora lamp,
representing the As-syrian god Bir. Similar to Ju-piter, Bir was a father god of fireand great light and
was believedto inhabit these stars. This sug-gests an ancient awareness of the importance of


As king of heaven Zeus/ Jupiter ruled supreme over theOlympian gods, wielding histhunderbolts. In
one of his as-pects he was seen to bring rainand to oversee sowing of thecrops. Jupiter’s positive
quali-ties include a jovial expansive-ness, a sporting approach to lifeand an unquenchable
optimism.His influence is generally fortunate, benevo-lent and generous. Exaggerated or used
un-wisely these same characteristics can be-come extremist in viewpoint, wasteful anddisregarding of
resources, and trusting toomuch to luck which brings misfortune. Thisside of Jupiter can be too fond
of a good jokeand fail to see when matters are serious. Be-cause Jupiter always wants to take the
largerview, there is a risk of dismissing details asinsignificant, also leading to misfortune.Jupiter was
considered to be a god of that we can get a sense how theplanet affects our life. Everytwelve years
the king of thegods returns to the place he oc-cupied at our birth, providingan infusion of growth and
en-ergy we can optimize. Thoseborn with Jupiter in Libra willenjoy the benefits (or chal-lenges) of this

Jupiter in Libra

Jupiter entered Libra onSeptember 26, 2004 just threedays after the semi-annual bal-ance of the
scales of light anddark at the Autumn Equinox.Jupiter will transit through theVenus-ruled sign until
the endof October 2005, about thirteenmonths. This transit will focuson relationships as that isLibra’s
domain. In traditionalastrology Jupiter and Venus are consideredbeneficial planetary archetypes.
ExpansiveJupiter, residing in the harmony-loving do-main of Libra, augers a pleasant year. But anote
of caution should be sounded re-garding Jupiter’s optimism. Relaxing withsensuous Libra can alter our
vision withproverbial rose-colored glasses.Jupiter in Libra adds a quality of refine-ment and idealism,
engendering a love of Light, and therefore wisdom. Jupiter is saidto deal with the realm of
superconscious-ness and therefore is a widener of horizons.In myth, the infant Jupiter was raised
onthe milk of a goat whose horns continuallyoverflowed with food and drink. This is theorigin of the
cornucopia, the horn of plenty,and mythically encodes the symbolism thatJupiter embodies
abundance.Astrologically, Jupiter acts to expand thearea he visits. Jupiter orbits the Sun intwelve
years, so looking far back in time

Jupiter (Vigee Le Brun)




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wo new episodes have beenadded to the hugely popular“Magical Egypt” set (based onthe original
research of JohnAnthony West, Egyptologist and Sym-bolist author) and like the first six thesealso
present more of the beautifulfootage and fascinating insight into an-cient Egypt for which we
devotees of that magnificent culture always seemhungry.


This is the first full-length programthat John Anthony West has done sincethe groundbreaking NBC
special, “Mys-tery of the Sphinx.” Here, he fullypresents the architectural and culturalevidence of a
sophisticated ancient an-cestor culture.Abu Simbel, a marvel of engineeringand a masterpiece of
symbolic architec-ture, marks the furthest, southern ex-tent of the Egyptian empire during thetime of
Ramses II (most of the 12th cen-tury B.C.). Even though the monumentfeaturing, as it does, massive
statues of Ramses may seem to make a very boastfulstatement, West doesn’t believe, in fact, thatis
what it is. Instead, he thinks Ramses IIwas saying, “Here the forces of Light begin.”We enter Abu
Simbel listening to theambient recording of chirping birds and wesee the four statues highlighted by
the sun’srays. West tells us, “The overriding themethat fueled Egypt for 3000 years of
almostuninterrupted peace and prosperity was thedoctrine of immortality—the idea that wehuman
beings are of divine origin andthrough our own internal efforts we can re-establish that connection
within ourselvesand become divine.”The embodiment of that principle wasthe pharaoh himself.
Ramses II, one of thegreatest of the Egyptian pharaohs and cer-tainly one of its most prodigious
builders,proclaimed himself in that role. On October22 and February 22, supposedly the
birthdayand coronation day of the king, we see aphenomenon that is what you might call thephysical
manifestation of illumination.Again, we are directed toward the four sunlitstatues. The temple is
aligned in such a wayas to capture the first rays of the sun onthese two days and seems to have been
engi-neered so. On these days the sunlight pene-

For Those Who Love the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries This Is a Good Time



standing the many visual and geometricclues, they are magical and capable of exploding into a
whirlwind of ideas, as-sociations, understandings, and lessons.As the narrator explains, “Like
com-puters’ use of hierarchy, hieroglyphicsare icons, they are folders containing asmuch as we have
loaded into themthrough the process of successive initia-tions. They are magical icons that
com-mand and cause a desired brain state.They are programs which perform tothe extent that we
have installed the up-grades.” Bauval says that the ancientEgyptians understood that the mind
re-sponds to talismans and that they clev-erly combined it with architecture.Along these lines the
video examineshieroglyphs as logos, in much the sameway that corporate logos communicatea vast
amount of information in aneasy-to-remember image. A talisman isactually endowed with a magical
forceof a specific nature; it’s a neat littlepackage of spiritual force.There’s so much more covered
inthis episode. The question: Why thefour statues of the temple? leads to alengthy presentation on
the fourfoldstructure of the universe and the re-lated symbolism of Abu Simbel. Why theking as the
reconcilable principle unites theotherwise irreconcilable polarities of Horusand Set, who are
otherwise eternally op-posed—positive and negative, yin and yang,spirit and matter. The pharaoh
representingmankind brings about a union of the twothrough balance and shows us how to re-solve
the struggle between left brain/rightbrain, logic and intuition, between wakingand the dream state,
between the secularand the sacred.As West says, “It’s a peculiar thing thatover the course of the last
century and nowthe beginning of the 21st, a number of ex-traordinary scholars, scientists,
teachers,and esotericists have succeeded in puttingtogether that ancient doctrine in a way thatmakes
it not only comprehensible, but to aconsiderable extent, comprehensive. Wenow have at our
fingertips the potential ma-terial to reformulate that ancient doctrinein a manner commensurate to
our 21st cen-tury minds which are largely rationalistic.It’s what Schwaller De Lubitz called‘thinking
with the heart.’ It is an essentialof understanding what went on in the past,

Continued on Page 52

trates the temple to its very heart.Robert Bauval (whose latest book


co-authored with Graham Hancock,explores ancient magical technology) com-ments on the temple as


thatneeds to be activated by one’s presence. Hesays a temple is only stone if one doesn’t
un-derstand its symbolism and if one doesn’tintegrate with it. He adds, “Today we’restanding here
alone...we’re being affected,partially, by the symbolism we see, by theharmony of the architecture,
but in no wayto the degree a full initiate would be. Inshort, we’re inside the hardware, but we’renot
charged with the software whereas, hadyou been initiated in the full sense of temple initiation,
then you would have(contained) software programmed to in-teract with the temple. You wouldn’t
behere talking to me; you’d be exploding withthe statuary and the symbols—you wouldexplode in
here—directly and spiritually!”Hieroglyphs are explained as misunder-stood technology that works
with the brainof the initiate to evoke a matrix of meaningsand associations. They are charged,
con-densed ideas where even entire schools canbe collapsed into a single image. To the ini-tiate, who
has been given the keys to under-





• Number 48

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to represent an invoice number. Youdon’t call that ‘XYZ123’ you call it‘INVNO.’ ” He could see that
these sym-bols were made by someone who knewenough to have used these techniques.Thus
convinced that he was on the righttrack, Scranton was inspired to spendten years researching it.The
Dogon were brought to best-seller prominence by Robert Temple(

The Sirius Mystery

), who was struck bythe fact that Sirius was the prime focusof Dogon religious worship and thatthey
knew that Sirius was orbited by aninvisible dwarf star called Sirius B.These facts were only discovered
by ourmodern-day telescopes in recent times.The Dogon, so far as we know, had noway of knowing
this.Scranton makes reference to NASA’sbrainstorming, “If we had to createsome kind of structure
here to let an-other culture know that we had beenhere, what would we do? What kind of symbols
would we come up with thatwould survive for a long enough periodof time for an uncivilized culture
togrow to a level of sophistication wherethey would then understand that wehad been here?” He
says, “That’s ex-actly what this set of symbols does, andI’m very impressed with whomever
devel-oped them. They’re a very stable set of un-

Visa or MC


Atlantis Rising • P.O. Box 441 • Livingston, MT 59047

ccording to the view of mainstream historians, primitive civilization inMesopotamia, Egypt, and in
India emerged from the stone age just overfive thousand years ago.Just a few centuries after what
the experts say was the first greatlabor saving invention of the ancient world, the wheel, society
crossed a major di-vide and headed inexorably toward the modern world. The wheel, we are
told,revolutionized primitive society and set the stage for the great achievementswhich were to
follow.Such is the conventional scenario for the dawn of civilization on Earth. The as-sumption is, that
the rise of highly organized society was unprecedented. If therehad been an earlier advanced
civilization, we would have discovered unmistak-able evidence—highways, and bridges and electrical
wiring; plastic bottles, citydumps, and CD Roms. Those, after all, are the things which we will leave
topuzzle future archeologists.But could an ancient civilization have risen to heights similar to our own
and,perhaps, have traveled a different road? Would we understand a world whichmight have
employed fundamentally different—though no less effective—techniques to harness the forces of
nature? Would we understand, for example,the transmission of energy by means other than a
power grid, rapid transitwithout internal combustion engines, or highly complex calculations
involvingearth science and astronomy without electronic computers? Have we been surrounded by
evidence of such an-cient advancements, but not yet, advanced enough ourselves to grasp the
astounding implications.Now a breakthrough video from the creators of

Atlantis Rising

magazine takes a look at real evidence—largely ignored by the academic establishment—which

shatters the orthodox scenario for the dawn of civiliza-tion on Earth. Now assembled in a devastating
one-hour documentary, hosted by

Atlantis Rising

Editor andPublisher J. Douglas Kenyon, are the comments and evidence of breakthrough researchers
such as

John An-thony West

Robert Bauval

Richard Noone

Colin Wilson, John Michell

Patrick Flanagan

Christo-pher Dunn

Zecharia Sitchin

David Hatcher Childress

Edgar Evans Cayce

and others.


Technologies of the Gods


hr VHS





see streaming video excerpts andorder on line at

and equally essential in attempting toreestablish another civilization based onthe same principles, but
undoubtedlyvery different in outward form andaspect.”This is another excellent productionby Chance
Gardner with effective soundand camera angles.DVD 51 min. $29.95VHS 51. min.

In this episode, John Anthony Westinterviews Laird Scranton, author of

Hidden Meanings: A Study of theFounding Symbols of Civilization

.Scranton is a specialist in computer lan-guages. He realized that the Dogontribe of Mali in remote
West Africa hada cosmology that closely matched theancient Egyptian story of creation andthat when
both stories were comparedto contemporary physics and cos-mology, the meaning was the
same.From his programming backgroundScranton could see that the Dogon sym-bols were created
using techniques aprogrammer would use when designinga symbol. He says that a good
pro-grammer learns over time to incorporatehints and clues into the form of the symbolitself.
“When you create a field name in aprogram,” Scranton says, “that’s supposed


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Number 48




Continued on Page 54

the individual must undergo preparatory toentering one of these gateways. Whethercalled
stargates, wormholes, or the Mayanserpent rope, his discussion on all of this isquite intriguing and
informative.Mayan scholar, John Major Jenkins(

Mayan Cosmogenesis: 2012

) says that if weexchange “wormhole” for the archaic “ser-pent rope” mentioned in the Mayan
prophe-cies, we have a revelation of what the Mayanprophecies say is going to happen in 2012—a
stargate or wormhole is going to openfrom the celestial center, from the centralspiritual sun, and out
of that will appear agod of enlightenment.Says Henry, “What I’ve attempted to dois reinforce John’s
argument by looking toother traditions, including the Egyptian, forevidence that the ancient gods
actually usedserpent ropes or wormholes as a mode of transportation. And I found some
strikingpictorial evidence that suggests that this isexactly so.” He continues with
fascinatinginformation relating to: the Ark of the Cove-nant and white powder gold connections tothe
Christian tradition, even the possibilitythat the crucifixion was some kind of worm-derstandable
symbols that can be applied tothree different, important creational storylines and create one set of
myths that en-compassed all three story lines. The threestory lines are: The Structure of
Matter,The Structure of Reproduction and Ge-netics, and The Surface Story Line, whichexplains how
these symbols were taught tothe Dogon.The ensuing description of the Dogon’screation story starts
with the unformed uni-verse and the emerging building blocks of matter. It makes a
fascinatingpresentation.“The significance of Scranton’s work,” says West, “isthat he shows, in a way
that ispractically incontrovertible, thatthe ancients had our science.”“Whoever that might
havebeen—whether from Atlantis orsomeone with divine inspiration,or alien visitors—it wassomeone
who knew a lot aboutscience,” says Scranton.Episode 8 was another ex-citing presentation. I have
justone minor complaint—printedwords shown on the screen weretoo small (though still
readable).DVD 55 min. $29.95VHS 55 min. $24.951-800-228-8381


William Henry (well-knownauthor of at least ten books cov-ering his research over the pastten years)
discusses in this DVDa dance which he saw while inLuxor, Egypt and what he be-lieves are its
astounding impli-cations. The dance is that of thewhirling dervishes and is an an-cient, traditional,
mystic part of Islamic culture (see his articleon page 42).Henry's presentation beginswith his analysis
based on my-thology and how it connectswith the dance. Showing aNASA image of our galaxy he
explains hisbelief that the Milky Way is the realmeaning of the actual Biblical reference tothe good
land, flowing with milk andhoney—the Promised Land. The idea thatour souls come from the
central portion of the Milky Way is part of many mystical tra-ditions. Henry sees this connection in
art-work from other cultures. It is our soul’smission, say many teachings, that while onearth we are
to locate the stairway toheaven, the gateway that will return us tothe heavenly realms. Henry's
mythologicalspecialty has been to look for stories thatdescribe such gateways to heaven, and tellus
where they are located, how we’re able toaccess them, and the transformation that

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• Number 48
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hole event. (Bizarre as that may sound,there is much Christian imagery that sup-ports this contention.)
Also named is theRing of Power, important in numerousmystic traditions, and the Jewish
merkabamysticism. He points out that the idea of the ring or merkaba as a space/time light ve-hicle
was adapted amazingly well in themovie, “Stargate,” where the ring is recov-ered and the characters
in the movie enterthe stargate and are able to travelour cosmos. However, it had al-ready been
foreshadowed in ancientart as the vehicle of the gods.The ring, the wheel, the circle—all ideas that
speak to the concept of rotation or spinning. Remarkably itall seems to come back to this
tradi-tional mystic Islamic dance wherethe whirling dervish is spinning, ro-tating in place. When you
comparethe body posture and the look of thewhirling dervish with the waymodern science portrays
the mouthand throat of a modern wormhole,Henry believes it is absolutely clearthat this is a
wormhole dance.Henry talked with the dancer after-ward who told him he was at-tempting to tell a
story about theunity of heaven and earth. To Henryit was the culmination of a processhe had been
researching for the pastten years whereby the human bodycan be used to open a gateway intoother
dimensions. It is all part, hebelieves, of our spiritual quest onearth to reclaim the secrets of
thatgateway, to open the wormhole andto return to the Pure Place. He sug-gests that, perhaps,
this is the rounddance that Jesus performed for hisdisciples.And then you see the dance—much more
than the few scenes onemight have seen in films of a personspinning. What he does with his“skirts”
(and for more than just acouple of minutes) is truly awesome!1 hr. DVD + 100-page book


This 3-tape set tells stories “forged inlegend, veiled in mystery, and soiled byhuman greed.”
Diamonds, gold, palaces,crowns, scepters, good fortune, tragedy—the world over—it’s all here. From
the storyof the Lost Dutchman’s gold to that of thegrave robbers of the ancient world, the al-lure of
cursed treasure endures.One tale offered from northern Iraqwhich seems timely today is of the
Queen of Assyria, an empire the Bible says was bathedin blood. In 700 B.C., the Assyrians had the

Continued from Page 53


most powerful kingdom on earth. Ruled bydespots, theirs was the ultimate war ma-chine. Recent
discoveries in the desert haveshown not only their extraordinary wealth,but also their determination
to take it withthem to the grave.In April 1989, a team of Iraqi archeolo-gists discovered the last
resting place of Queen Yobia where she had lain undis-turbed for nearly 3000 years, covered ingold
and jewels. A curse etched into stonewarned those who might dare disturb her.“If anyone lays his
hand on my tomb, oropens my grave, or steals my jewelry, I prayto the gods of the Netherworld that
his soulshall roam in a scorching sun after death.Let the ghost of insomnia take hold of himforever
and forever.”The threat didn’t scare off the archaeolo-gists. Part of their find is filmed here.Many
feel it was on a par with HowardCarter’s discovery of King Tut, but it was al-most immediately
eclipsed by operationDesert Storm.One wonders what else might yet be dis-covered in those
deserts.Mysterious Treasure will certainly stimu-late your imagination of the possibilities.VHS 3 hrs.


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he Sci-Fi Channel’s new hit televi-sion spin-off based on the ex-tremely popular

Stargate SG-1

se-ries has hit the ground running. If you haven’t seen it, the story takes a team of Earth’s ‘best &
brightest’ through the ‘star-gate’ (a device created by an ancient race forinstantaneous interstellar
travel ) to a far-off galaxy where they discover the lost city of Atlantis.Atlantis is actually a huge,
self-contained, undersea city which appears tobe abandoned except for plenty of high-techgear
including a collection of spacecraftsmall enough to fit through the stargate. Inepisode one, Atlantis
responds to the visi-tors' presence by releasing its underseamoorings and rising to the surface to
be-come a floating city. Unable to return toearth, the team must explore local worldsthrough the
stargate to find food and alli-ances in their battleagainst the (you guessedit) evil ‘Wraith’,
residentenergy-sucking bad guysfrom this part of the uni-verse.Finding the rightchemistry of
personalitiesto attract our weekly in-terest and eventual‘caring’ is usually themost difficult part of
anysuccessful series. Al-though not quite as lik-able as the

Stargate SG-1

cast of RichardDean Anderson, Amanda Tapping, MichaelShanks & Christopher Judge...

ExecutiveProducer, Brad Wright has once again as-sembled a decent group of likable folks for

Stargate Atlantis

. We'll have to see howthey hold up over time. Meanwhile, no cor-ners have been cut in providing
fantasticsets, special effects, solid stories and greatmusical scores.The idea for

Stargate Atlantis

actuallybegan several years ago as a movie script forSG-1. But

Stargate SG-1

continued to be sosuccessful on television (now in its 8thseason) that the movie script seemed
bettersuited for a whole new spin-off series.Art Director James Robbins was then setto work to
provide preliminary sketches forthe new nemesis...the essence-suckingWraiths. His drawings were so

They May Not Be Where We Thought They Were, but Wherever, They’re Hot!



Atlantis Stars Rising

and son of a respected Cold War Colonel.Sheppard tarnished his career by disobeyinga direct order in
an attempt to save the livesof three service men. Think “Jack O'Neill of SG-1” at age 20 something.Lt.
Aiden Ford—Military 2nd-in-command who oversees the Stargate At-lantis security team.Dr. Rodney
McKay—A familiar face froma few SG-1 episodes, Rodney Mckay is thefast-talking, brilliant
astrophysicist with anacerbic wit that has no match.Teyla Emmagen—Leader of the nowprimitive but
once technologically advancedcivilization on the planet, Athos in the Peg-asus galaxy. She has allied
her people withEarth’s Stargate team and is unmistakablythe ‘Atlantis hottie.’So far, so good. Sci-Fi's
new series seemsto be well on its way to following in the suc-cessful footsteps of

Stargate SG-1

. Becausethe ratings, like




Rob Resetar lives in Tucson, Arizonawith his television and a small cactus plant.He can be contacted at:
that they couldn't beused on mainstream tel-evision. Even so, theversion they eventuallysettled on is
not pretty.The Wraiths havemass feedings on humans and then hiber-nate for several generations
(or ’til the indi-gestion clears up). They can make you seethings that aren't really there and thendrain
your life-force leaving you as a hollowshell. It’s my conjecture that their earliestpredecessors were the
result of inter-breeding between television network execu-tives and politicians.Unlike

Stargate SG-1

, the


teamwas designed to be more of a civilian opera-tion. Although if you're going to be battlingbad guys
every week you had better have afew military guys in the mix. So, let's take alook at who's living on


these days: Dr. Elizabeth Weir—Team Leader andformer head of Stargate Command. She hasa
political-science background and experi-ence with international diplomacy.Major John
Sheppard—Military Chief




• Number 48

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Continued from Page 17


cluding what he’d learned from innovatorssuch as John Bedini (interviewed for a pastissue of

Atlantis Rising

) and the late NikolaTesla. Similar to Bedini’s, the effects of Ward’s battery chargers seem different
fromconventional battery-charging in quality(rejuvenation of batteries) and not justquantity (speed of
charging). Ward’schargers are not self-running; they must beplugged in to a source of electricity.
How-ever, they are apparently super-efficient. Ispoke with him a month after the confer-ence, and he
doubted whether he could con-tinue to fill orders for the $150 chargers. Hedid, however, plan to sell
a larger model for$500.Sonne Ward makes it easy for academicsto dismiss his claims. At the end of his
pres-entation, an engineer stepped up to the mi-crophone to present the standard viewpointof what
is possible or not in electrical engi-neering. Ward, a self-taught inventor whodescribes himself as
obnoxious and arro-gant, just laughed and said “Why should Icare?”He may have developed attitude
in re-sponse to decades of incidents such as fed-eral bureaucrats hitting him with
dismissivecomments such as, “We make the energypolicy, kid. Who do you think you are?”Other
presenters such as Valone andKing, however, did take pains to place theirresearch in relation to
accepted science,citing many references, in peer-reviewedscientific literature, to zero-point
energy.Dale Pond’s presentation was somewherein the middle, neither disregarding standardscience
nor trying to stay on the same page.His research is into the “sympathetic vibra-tory physics” of
19th-century inventor JohnW. Keely. Dale brought an example of thatscience—a Keely Musical
Dynasphere. Anenergy science-of-the-future that workswith resonating vibrations? Sounds like
theultimate in harmony-with-the-universe.Pond says the biggest gap between theorthodox viewpoint
and sympathetic vibra-tory physics is their views about cause andeffect. Orthodoxy sees vibration as
amoving-back-and-forth caused by outsidephysical forces, while SVP views vibration ascaused by
primary laws of the universe thatcreate and govern rhythmic exchanges,acting from within. That view
of “vibration”sees rotation—spin—instead of the stan-dard view of oscillations. For more
informa-tion, see can easily spot the pioneers—by thearrows in their backs.
That saying is doublyapt for New Energy pioneers. Most of themstruggle without funding and are
oftenpierced by the criticisms and barbed wit of armchair skeptics. A few inventors of newenergy
devices have been physically pum-melled by paid thugs, or hauled into courton false charges. Some
were targets of un-scrupulous promoters and found themselvesinvolved in businessdealings that
ruined theinventor financially.An Internet newsservice reporting on theUtah conference criti-cized
inventors whocomplain about needingmoney to continue theirwork. Yet how many of us have
single-mindedlyworked for decades andspent all our savings onsomething we believecan save
humankindfrom smothering in pol-luted air? Only the rareindividual can maintainthat level of effort
formany years withoutfalling out of step withpolite society in someway. It’s easy tocriticize.One of
those lone re-searchers is Robert Pat-terson. He and his friends drove to the con-ference in a vehicle
equipped with aninvention that he says triples his gasmileage. He calls it RAM—Ram ImplosionWing.
He claims the shape causes vorticesof air in front of the vehicle pulling it for-ward, and vortices
behind adding a push.The fortunate inventors are those with asupport group, even if that group has
alsoemptied their wallets for the cause. In thecase of a Bulgarian-American scientist livingnear Salt
Lake City who plumbs the secretsof ball lightning, a three-generation ex-tended family offers morale
support. Dr.Kiril Chukanov’s daughter, Laura Chu-kanov, translates his science writings intoEnglish
and his wife Angelina seems fullycommitted to encouraging his work.Chukanov creates ball lightning
in aquartz sphere within an industrial micro-wave oven in his laboratory. He found thephenomenon
has unusual electrical fea-tures and enormous possibilities for gener-ating usable energy. In his book

GeneralQuantum Mechanics: The Great Reform of Science

, Chukanov says he has sacrificedthe best years of his life to “exhausting andungrateful scientific
research,” but hasn’ttried to get the attention of either sciencewriters or the public, nor does he
wantfame. “God gave me this knowledge, not touse it for my own needs, but to share…forall of
people on earth.”

Robert Patterson’s RAM Implosion WingDale Pond’s Version of Keely’s MusicalDynasphere



• Number 48

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doctrine in allegorical symbols, and estab-lished a mystical system in which nearlyevery tenet was
imparted as a graphic imageor metaphorical tale. Sir Richard Burton,says Barbara Walker, called
Sufism “theEastern parent of Freemasonry.”The word Sufi is translated from the Ar-abic work Suf
meaning wool or others be-lieve from the Greek word ‘sophos’ or ‘So-phia’ meaning wisdom. There
are two fablesfor how the whirling dervish dance beganinvolving tradesman spinning wool
(thesymbol of the wisdom of the Golden Fleece)from a bale onto a spindle.A third story traces the
origin of thewhirling dervishes to the 13th century Ot-toman Empire mystic Mevlâna JalâluddînRumi
(d. 1273), a native of Afghanistan whois considered one of the greatest mystics andspiritual poets of
all time. It is said Rumiwas walking through the goldsmith area(the alchemists were gold smiths) of
Konyain Turkey. He heard beautiful music in thecraftsmen’s hammering and began to turnin
harmony. The whirlingdervish dance was born.Rumi’s father, a religiousscholar, reared him to
be-come a highly trained spiri-tual teacher. In his thirtieshe was widely known as aneminent professor
of re-ligion. All his education waspreparing him for his en-counter with a spiritual guruknown as the
Shams of Ta-briz. This was the centralevent of Rumi’s life.At the age of thirty-sevenMevlâna met the
spiritualvagabond Shams. Thismeeting can be compared toAbraham’s initiation re-corded in the Book
of Gen-esis in the mysteries of theladder to heaven by Mel-chizedek, the founder of Jesus’s Holy Grail
priest-hood, the Order of Melchiz-edek. In fact, Melchizedek and the Shams are consid-ered to be
messengers fromthe Source. They carry en-lightenment to someone who can receive,someone who is
either too full or too empty.Fascinatingly, as researchers includingZecharia Sitchin and Laurence
Gardnerhave observed, the letters SHM of Sham de-notes that which is high or heaven ward! Itis the
root of shaman and Shambhala, themystical center where esoteric Buddhismsays the immortals
dwell.After his ‘shamanic attunement’ by theShams Rumi became an inspired poetgreatly loved. In his
verses, Rumi empha-sized that music uplifts our spirit to realms

Continued from Page 43

Zoroaster rides his ‘ring’ or Mer-Ka-Ba.Mary brings the baby Jesus through the mouthor
gateWormholes are essentially tunnels in space/time. In the abovefigure the top and bottom sheets
are connected via awormhole. The two sheets may represent two differentuniverses or two sections
of the same universe, which, if not forthe wormhole’s presence, would be separated by a very

above, and we hear the tunes of the Gates of Paradise. The meeting places of the der-vishes,
consequently, became academies of art, music and dance.A dervish is an apprentice, one who
islearning the profession that will provideeternal livelihood, which I would suggest isthe Great Work,
alchemy. This profession isstill taught in certain “schools of higherlearning.” While there are many
skills thatcan be self-taught or learned alone, theskills of the dervish are learned by being
inrelationship to a shaikh, or guide, andwithin a spiritual family, a Sufi circle.One of the most well
known of theseSufi circles, the Mevlevi, or Mevleviye, wasfounded in 1273 by Rumi’s followers
afterhis death, particularly his son, Sultan VeledCelebi. The Mevlevi, or “The Whirling Der-vishes,”
believe that union with God can beattained in the sema (which is very close toshema) dance. Sema
represents a mysticaljourney of man’s spiritual ascent through

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Perhaps the most dramatic reference tothe Mer-Ka-Ba in the Bible comes from IIKings and the story
of Elijah, the prophetwho never died, but who may have returnedas John the Baptist, the forerunner
and ini-tiator of Jesus. We read that the Lord sentElijah, and his disciple and successor Elisha,to a
place called Beth-el (II Kings 2:2). Thiswas same place where Jacob had seen theladder to heaven.
Beth-El (meaning ‘Houseof God’) is also known as Luz (‘light’), and isconsidered by Jewish mystics to
be one of the ‘Seats of the Immortals’. Shambhala, werecall, is also called the dwelling of
theimmortals.At Beth-el, the sons or the brotherhoodof prophets came out to greet Elijah. Fifty of the
brotherhood follow Elijah and Elisha tothe Jordan river. Upon arrival Elijah andElisha cross the Jordan,
which takes itsname from Eridanus, the river of life, or theMilky Way.Elijah rolled up his mantle or
cloak andstruck the water of the river. The water wasparted and the two prophets cross the
river.Suddenly, a Merkaba of fire appears, andElijah disappears in a whirlwind. On thethird dimension
of reality, the one we aretuned to, Elijah has vanished! Has hecrossed the Milky Way?Most biblical
interpreters explain theseverses in the following way: Elisha had a “vi-sion” of a war chariot of fire. He
halluci-nated or “imagined” something chaotic (the“whirlwind”).However, something very profound
hap-pens if we interpret this word “whirlwind” asa rotating or counter-rotating field of energythat is
the open ‘mouth’ or entrance to the(energy) of the House or Throne of God . Inthis model the
concentric rings symbolizenot only the pulsing energy of the ‘whirl-wind’, and the whirling dervish,
but also thetop-down view of a description of the mouthof a wormhole.Who were the brotherhood
of 50prophets? The mystical number of thegroup, 50 draws a comparison to the 50Anunnaki who
came to earth from heaven inshems in the Sumerian tradition as well asthe 50 Argonauts who sailed
with Jason insearch of the Golden Fleece (wool, soph,sufi). Perhaps all these brotherhoods
wereancient mystery schools, akin to thewhirling dervish mystery schools of Egyptand Persia, where
interdimensional travelmay have been taught. If so, one wonders if Elijah performed the ‘wormhole
dance’.As our world tumbles toward a great con-flagration between Judeo-Christianity andradical
Islam, what is needed is a way tounite people. Perhaps the whirling dervishesare the gift from above
that will show us away to shamanically spin our world to ahigher level of understanding.

William Henry’s book

Egypt: TheGreatest Show On Earth

features a DVD of the wormhole dance. It is available

Mevlâna Jalâluddîn Rumi

mind and love to “Perfect.” Turning towardsthe truth, his growth comes through love,deserting his
ego, finding the truth and ar-riving to the “Perfect.” When he returnsfrom this spiritual journey he is a
man whohas reached maturity and a greater perfec-tion, now prepared to love and to be of ser-vice
to the whole of creation, to all creatureswithout discrimination as to belief, race,class or national

The Merkaba

Sufism may not be the only way to thisshamanic state of being. Scan the spiritualhorizon and you’ll
find evidence of knowl-edge of this round dance outside of Islam isplentiful. In Jewish mysticism the
soul mustascend to the throne or the Merkaba. AnEgyptian word usually translated as“chariot,” the
Mer-Ka-Ba is the vehicle of Light mentioned in the Bible by Ezekiel,which is equated with the shem of
the An-nunaki. It is the most ancient and secretteaching of Kaballah, the collection of Jewish mystic
writings.The Mer-Ka-Ba is described as a counter-rotating field of light that affects spirit andbody
simultaneously. Of utmost import tothis discussion is that the Star of David orhexagon that we find
surrounding the bodyof the dervish in the whirling dance denotesthe Mer-Ka-Ba. It is alternately
portrayedsimilar to the disk-shaped structure of ourgalaxy or the saucer-shaped ship the an-cient
gods tooled around the world upon. Itis a vehicle that can take spirit and bodyfrom one world or
dimension into another.Some speculate this is the interdimensionalvehicle used not just by gods and
angels,but also by prophets.The Mer-Ka-Ba mystics believed theycould reach the Throne of God
(possibly thecenter of the Milky Way) in a shamanisticascent, through a series of heavenly halls.
Inseveral of my books I have interpreted thesehalls as wormholes or ‘halls’ in space.




• Number 48

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Continued from Page 44

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Plantard’s name came upin light of a politicalscandal involving a closefriend of then-FrenchPresident

François Mitte-rand. Plantard had, inone of his documentedlists of the Priory of Sion,listed
Roger-Patrice Pelat[the friend] as a GrandMaster. When called be-fore the court to testify,Plantard,
under oath, ad-mitted he had made upthe whole Priory scheme.The court ordered asearch of
Plantard’shouse, which revealed further documentsthat proclaimed Plantard to be the true kingof
France. The judge gave Plantard a sternwarning and dismissed him as a harmlesscrank.”In

Holy Blood, Holy Grail

, the authorslist twenty-one men and four women who,over the course of a thousand years,
were“Grand Masters” of the Priory of Sion. Theyare an uneven crew, these ostensible leadersof this
secret society, some of them fairly ob-scure, e.g., Edouard de Bar and Blanched’Evreux, some
certainly famous, e.g.,Sandro Botticelli and Claude Debussy, andthree of them towering geniuses:
Leonardoda Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton and Victor Hugo.Why these three? DidPlantard know
somethingwe don’t know? Did thesethree men possesscommon characteristicsthat make them
plausibleleaders of a secret societyfounded by the KnightsTemplar in 1099 and dedi-cated to the
protection of the Holy Grail?Surprisingly, for men of such different gifts and as-pirations: Yes.They
possessed, first of all, an enormous respectfor life.This is graphically illus-trated in the
vegetarianismof Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). SergeBramly writes in

Discovering the Life of Le-onardo da Vinci

: “Leonardo loved animalsso much, it seems, that he had turned vege-tarian. He asked with horror
how naturecould permit her creatures to live by thedeath of their fellows. He would not let hisbody
become a ‘tomb for other animals, aninn of the dead...a container of corruption.’”Sir Isaac Newton
(1642-1727) was notfar different. Richard Westfall writes in

Never at Rest

: A Biography of Isaac Newtonthat Newton’s successor at Cambridge, Wil-liam Whiston, “spread it

about that Newtonrefused to eat rabbits because they werestrangled and black pudding because
theywere made of blood. Catherine Conduitt[Newton’s step-niece who lived with him inlater years]
told her husband that this was amatter of ethics rather than taste. Newtonthought that strangling
was a cruel way tokill an animal and that eating blood excitedmen to brutality. Apparently he did
regardabstention from cruelty to animals as amoral command almost on a par with loveof
neighbor.”Victor Hugo (1802-1885) was the wildestvegetarian of them all. He believed the an-imal,
vegetable and mineral worlds, as wellas the human world, were all part of thecycle of reincarnation
(humans could be re-incarnated as animals, stones or plants). Allnature pulsed with living, suffering
soulsworthy of love and respect. Hugo talked reg-ularly with cows, didn’t allow his cook toslaughter
animals, made his children returncrabs to the sea when they found themstranded on the beach, and
forbade the snip-ping of stems off flowers: “Flowers suffer be-neath the scissors/,” he wrote in

What theShadow’s Mouth Says

, “The rouge on awoman’s cheek is the blood of roses. The de-butante at the dance, corsaged and
whirlingto the melody/ Breathes in, with unwittingsmile, a bouquet made of agony.”All three felt this
respect for nature be-cause, for all three, all aspects of naturewere interconnected. To respect the

Pierre Plantard in 1979

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Number 48



portion of nature was also to respect all elseand oneself.Da Vinci, Newton, and Hugo were sim-ilar in
their dissenting religious beliefs. Allthree, while nominally Christian, werefiercely independent and
unorthodox in theway they worshiped God. Maxim Gorki in

Reminiscences of Tolstoy

said that Tolstoy’srelationship with God reminded him of “twobears in one cave.” The same might be
saidof Newton’s, da Vinci’s, and Hugo’s relation-ship with God.Serge Bramly writes of Leonardo:
“Hisflagrant anticlericalism certainly did notlead him toward an atheistic position. Hebelieved in
God—though not perhaps a veryChristian God....He discovered this God inthe miraculous beauty of
light, in the har-monious movement of the planets, in theintricate arrangement of muscles andnerves
inside the body, and in that inex-pressible masterpiece the human soul. Hewas almost jealous of the
Creator, whom hecalled the primo motore: the inventor of everything was a better architect than
hehimself could ever be.”Sir Isaac Newton was considered aheretic in his day because he did not
believethat Jesus was God. For Newton, the wor-ship of Christ as God was a kind of idol-atry—a
self-weakening hero-worshiping. Itwas the one, true, unknowable God thatshould be worshiped—for
Newton, a Godmore of power and dominion than of loveand compassion, whom we worshiped by
ob-serving His actions and then by seeking toemulate them. Newton wrote in the


(Section 35): “We are to conceive himvoid of external shape, or bounds, a beingintangible and
invisible whom no eye hathseen or can see, and therefore also incorpo-real.... [He is] a being whose
wisdom andpower is manifested in the contrivance andframe of the world and the things thereinand
particularly in that of the bodies of animals.”Victor Hugo’s god is even less orthodoxthan that of da
Vinci or Newton. It is dark and brooding, withdrawn from its creationin the manner of the Zoroastrian
god. Manin our universe, says Hugo, is “God’s con-vict”—we on the prison-planet earth areserving
time for hideous acts we committedelsewhere in the cosmos. Our salvation liesin splendid,
stand-alone acts of courage, likethose of Jean Valjean in

Les Misérables

, orGilliatt in

Toilers of the Sea

who single-handedly salvages a steamboat engine.The religions of Leonardo, Newton andHugo make
them astonishingly independentmen. Their beliefs empower them to standalone against all odds and
to succeed.There is a final, elusive, and powerfulway in which these three men are linked. Allwere
prodigiously creative—but nonethought they were creating anything new.Plato said that when we
learn we are merelyrecalling that which we knew before birthwhen we dwelt in the realms of
EternalForms. Leonardo, Newton and Hugo be-lieved this, and that far back in history thememory of
the Forms had been clearer andhumankind had embodied more of theirwisdom in life. Da Vinci and
Newton soughtthe

prisca sapientia

(the primal, pristinewisdom). Newton believed his laws of gravi-tation, motion and optics were known
to an-cient sages like Plato and Pythagoras.Bramly writes of Leonardo: “Along withhis contemporaries,
he believed that art hadbeen brought to its highest pinnacle duringthat vague and idealized period
known asAntiquity and it has been in constant de-cline since the days of the Romans.”Leonardo subtly
hints in his Notebooksthat the pinnacle of art went back much far-ther than that.Newton saw himself
as a gifted alien, atitan from a vanished era—a member of thepre-Flood “remnant.” The meaning of


, he wrote, was open onlyto “a remnant, a few scattered personswhich God hath chosen, such as
withoutbeing led by interest, education, or humaneauthorities, can set themselves sincerelyand
earnestly to search after truth.” Westfallwrites that “There is no doubt that Newtonplaced himself
among the select few. Someof his descriptions of the remnant have thepoignancy of personal
experience....Isolatedin his chambers, Newton may have won-dered if he was another Elijah, like the
firstalmost the only true believer left.”In exile on Jersey island, Hugo thoughthe had been Elijah in a
previous incarna-tion. He also thought he had been Isaiah,Aeschylus and John of Revelation.
Listeningto flattering “spirit guides” during nu-merous “table-tapping” séances, writing


, Hugo thought he was forging amessage essential to the future of mankind,just as St. John had forged

Book of Rev-elation

on his own island of Patmos for thebenefit of mankind. Even as jealous col-leagues on the mainland
called him Jocrisseà Pathmos! (“Fool of Patmos!”), Hugonamed the hero of

Les Misérables

Jean Val-jean (“John of John”) in tribute to the au-thor of Revelation. He wrote poems aboutthe Flood
and Og, the titan who’d hitch-hiked on the roof of the Ark, disappearingthereafter. Did Hugo identify
with Og? Ogwas One of the Remnant!In seeking to resurrect the

prisca sa-pientia

, Newton and Hugo (and likely Leo-nardo) were straining back to the worldwhen all was one.
Newton’s many interestswere one interest: The life-giving sun of theSolar System was also the
alchemist’s firewhich sought to transform matter; bothwere the eternal flame in the temple of
theprimal religion—and this flame stood forGod. In a manuscript in the Babson CollegeLibrary,
Newton links twelve gods of ancientpeoples to twelve elements of alchemy, andthese to the five
known planets and theseven elements of the earth. In manuscriptslike these, all truths are a single
truth, lostin the mists of time but remembered by themembers of the Remnant.Remarkably, a similar
document peeksout from the 1853-1855 “table-tapping” ex-periences of Victor Hugo on Jersey. On
July24, 1854, the participants found themselvesapparently communicating with the inhabi-tants of
the planet Mercury. The Mercurianscommunicated with a pencil attached to a“tapping table” leg, and
so were able notonly to write down what they said but alsoto draw pictures of themselves. They
wrotein Latin, in sentences that were also al-chemical formulae, the same that were usedthrough the
ages by alchemists whenworking with mercury. Moreover, these sen-tences (and pictures) were
descriptions of the planet Mercury and its inhabitants—andalso of Mercury, the God of
communication.Did such a séance really take place? WasHugo using this format to write somethinghe
didn’t want to sign? We don’t know, butwe know that this confluence of planet, al-chemical
substance and God was the samethat Newton strove for, it being the onenessof identity that
characterized the world of the

prisca sapientia

.So Leonardo, Newton and Hugo allshared a total respect for life and a religionthat drove them to
stand-alone achievementand a hearkening back to the pre-Flood timeof the prisca sapientia. This may
make themmembers of a Brotherhood of the Remnant,but it doesn’t necessarily make them
GrandMasters of the Priory of Sion.Or does it? I forgot to mention onething: At the séance where
Hugo and com-pany talked to the Mercurians, a particular“spirit control” presided over the
proceed-ings. That spirit control claimed to be Nich-olas Flamel, the great fifteenth centuryFrench
alchemist.According to

Holy Blood, Holy Grail

,Nicholas Flamel was a...Grand Master of thePriory of Sion.

St. John the Revelator




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Continued from Page 47

and earth. It also employs a science of num-bers and proportions, as a system of discreteand powerful
forces, and their relations, thatunderlie every act of creation.This “spiritual science” is considered
bysome to lie, like the Route of the Stars, atthe heart of all religions, including Chris-tianity itself. It
was preserved by the med-ieval masons, the builders, architects andsculptors of the churches along
the way. Or-ganized in lodges or guilds, the medievalmasons were the precursors of contempo-rary
Freemasonry, “high priests” in a lin-eage of keepers of occult, or “hidden,”knowledge, capable of
uniting the materialand the spiritual, the human and the divine.A Journey on the Camino is, in
thissense, a Journey into the Ancient Mysteries,a Primordial Traditional that once “was,”but has been
“lost,” and can be regained.The name “Santiago” itself comes from“Jaime,” or “James,” and like the
Italian“Giacome” and the Basque “Jakin” means“sovereign,” or “wise man” while “Compos-tela”
would signify “field or clearing” fromthe Spanish “campo” “of the star,” “estrella.”Nevertheless, it has
been pointed out thatthe site at which the Cathedral stands is“Compo,” not “Campostela,” indicating
apossible connection with the “compos,” or“seed of wisdom,” of Alchemy. “Santiago deCompostela”
would mean, then, “Wise Manof the Star.” In a similar manner, the GreatWork, the path of spiritual
development of the Alchemists, is sometimes called the “Ca-mino de Santiago.”A Journey on the
Camino is an opportu-nity to explore and interpret, witness and ex-perience the preservation of such
a “spiri-tual science” it is also an opportunity toconsider its very source.Like the labyrinth that is its
symbol, theancient Camino is a Journey to a place of union, to the center of All That Is, wherebythe
pilgrim can attain self-salvation. It is anopportunity to weave, at every step, mythand history, life and
symbol, time and thetimeless, until they merge.As Tomé Martinez observes in his book,“The Secret of
Compostela,” the traditionalelements of the Camino can be seen in thesky looking West from
Finisterra: the con-stellations of the “ship,” or Argo, and of CanMajor, with the Dog Star, Sirius,
towardswhich the Cathedral at Santiago is oriented.And we remember that St. James himself was
always accompanied by a dog.From the cliffs high above the Atlantic atthe Finisterra, we think not
only of the mes-sage, but also of the messengers of the Ca-mino that arrived on shore from the sea of
the body of St. James the Apostle, and of Noah and his ark which, as legend wouldhave it, landed atop
Mount Aro, near Noya, aname etymologically derived from “Noah.”We think of the mermaids and
fishmen of lore, of the Virgin of the Camino and theChrist of Agony at Muros, which both, ac-cording
to legend, floated ashore on thewaves.It was not, as Juan Garcia Atienza ob-serves in his book,
“Legends of the Caminode Santiago,” that the protagonist is Christ,or this or that hero of legend or
myth it wasabout the Ocean itself, from which cameeverything that was transcendent to thatland. It
was about the horizon line whenone looked out to sea and about its depthand unfathomable secrets,
the transmis-sions of which were picked up on the beachfrom time to time, or they arrived on
shore.From the high cliffs at “the end of theearth,” the Milky Way lies reflected in theAtlantic Ocean,
and the origins and destinycan, once more, begin to be conceived.

Column Capitol fromthe 12th centuryCloister at theMonastery of SantoDomingo de Silos,BurgusThe

Camino de Santiagoat Leboreiro

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Continued from Page 49


beauty and harmony, art, good taste, desirefor happy conditions and pleasant relation-ships. This
transit could bring a round of unusual creativity in music and the artsand make people feel more
generouswhere endowments to the arts are con-cerned. Concert halls and museumsmay get a boost
during this time. Ju-piter in Libra should be also good forbusiness, especially those that deal withart,
beauty, women and partnerships.The flip side could signal potentialtrouble or lawsuits in partnerships
if things haven’t been going well or issueshaven’t been addressed fairly.The stereotype of Libra is
someoneconstantly weighing matters in the bal-ance, taking forever to choose, and per-haps never
making a decision at all.This is due to a deep and abiding desireto be fair to all concerned and a
keensense of justice. One lesson of Libra isthe importance of timing. At the rightmoment, evaluation
must end and ac-tion ensue. This lesson can be exploredas we move through the next thirteenmonths.
We’ll be encouraged to take alarger view, express fairness to all, butact when and where it’s
appropriate.The experience of Libra is more likeshifting scales than the actual experi-ence of
equilibrium. There is a risk of too much compromise on the part of Libra which builds up resentment.
Ju-piter in Libra can be very like the high-flying falcon described in the quote atthe beginning of the
article. IsabelHickey remarked that there is a fist of ironbeneath Libra’s velvet glove, so it’s a mis-take
to dismiss the mild-mannered exterior,missing the falcon’s swift strike.When the energies of this
planet andsign come together we can hope for bal-anced abundance and the potential forwisdom in
decision making. Happening be-fore the November election Jupiter in Libramay help voters to look
at all sides of issues,establishing equilibrium, and arriving at in-formed decisions.These archetypes
together create a loveof order and a desire to see justice done.Since Libra is ruled by feminine Venus,
it islikely that the concerns of women in rela-tionships will receive more attention duringthis transit.
This could see improvement inchild care, equal pay issues addressed in thecourt room and a
legislative focus onwomen’s “rights” in general. New legislationmay be introduced which changes the
waycertain decisions are made relative to mar-riage and divorce. Women may be less likelyto
change their name when they marry,preferring instead the independent status of Venus’s reputation
during this transit.These two energies are similar in mythin that both Jupiter and Venus (which
rulesLibra), were known for numerous romanticliaisons. This emphasizes lessons of relation-ship and
the importance of discernment.Looking at the archetypes in the most posi-tive light, the potential
exists in this ener-getic combination for enlightened love. Ju-piter’s wisdom can see the most
sublimejoining of god and goddess in an eternaldance of creation, spinning worlds into exis-tence,
similar to Krishna and Radha inHindu myth. Also on the idealistic sideof this combination Jupiter’s
potentiallylofty perspective can yield a profoundsocial consciousness which grows out of an enhanced
ability to interact withothers.

Still point

After Jupiter’s journey through in-trospective Virgo, which ended in Sep-tember, the goal of Jupiter in
Libra is toapply the same faculty of discernmentto gain a wiser perspective in relation-ships.
Contrasted with the deep and in-dividual psychological work offered byJupiter in Virgo just ending,
this com-bined influence seeks to establish bal-ance in relationships. While the scalessway and tip,
searching for the balancepoint, relationships that are out of equi-librium will be tested.Jupiter in Libra
offers wisdom in re-lationships and an enhanced ability tosee the big picture where loved ones
areconcerned, seeing our relationships in anew light. We are encouraged to seek more balance in our
personal relation-ships, asking if we are spending enoughtime with friends and family. To with-draw
and isolate ourselves from otherpeople causes a withering of our psycheas we grow and learn
through our rela-tionships no matter how difficult. It’salso vital to our wellbeing to take time forour
own creativity and express our artisticside.At heart Jupiter in Libra asks that wehonor the principles of
truth, love andbeauty in our lives, individually and collec-tively. For inspiration visit a museum, go
tothe symphony, or take a long walk in thewoods with a loved one.

Aphrodite "Venus d'Arles", Louvre, Paris


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Every lifeis a book of secrets, ready tobe opened. The secret of perfect love is found there,along with
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Deepak Chopra, has isolated fifteen secrets thatdrive the narrative of this inspiring book--and of our
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6x9 H/B, 288 pp.


CANOPUSREVELATION: Star gateof the Gods and the Ar kof Osir is

Philip Coppens—

The identifica-tion of the constellation Orionwith the Egyptian god, Osiris, hasbecome engrained in
human con-sciousness, yet this is one of thebiggest misunderstandings domi-nating the
understanding of Egyp-tian mythology. Rather than the constellation Orion, it isthe star Canopus
that is linked with Osiris. Canopus wasspecifically identified with Osiris’ Chest, the Ark in whichhe was
transformed from mere mortal to resurrected su-pergod—an image that has inspired mankind ever
since.Canopus was therefore literally a “stargate,” where mancould communicate with and aspire to
become gods—andenter into other dimensions. This book unveils how an-cient accounts and
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Arthur Guirdham—

This is the story of the oppression of the Cathar Christians in medieval France. Dr. Guirdhamuses not
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those vi-olent times. It involves the recollections of a young Eng-lish schoolgirl whilst under hypnosis.
Recollections are of a past life in the Languedoc region of France in the 13thcentury. There she
encountered a dualistic sect of sup-posed heretics, the Cathars, who were eventually wipedout by the
inquisition. At the time the young girl recalledher past lives, the Cathars were little heard of and
evenless had been written about them. Discusses the Cathars'connection to secret societies in
southern France more.

6x9 PB, 208 pp., illus.


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CATHEDRAL OFTHE BLACKMADONNA:Dr uids & theMyster ies ofChar tr es

Jean Markale—
The greatcathedral of Chartres is re-nowned the world over as amasterpiece of HighGothic
architecture andfor its remarkable stainedglass, considered alchem-ical glass, and its
mysticallabyrinth. It is dedicated to both the Virgin Mary, Motherof God, and to one of the most
venerated Black Madonnasin Europe: Our Lady of the Pillar. Coincidence? Hardly,says Markale,
whose exhaustive examination of the sitetraces Chartres’ roots back to prehistoric times and
theappeal of the Black Madonna back to the ancient wide-spread worship of Mother Goddesses.

6x9 P/B, 328 pp., 8-pg. B&W insert



Graham Phillips—

While many vessels were claimed to have been the trueGrail, there was only one thought to have
been thechalice used by Mary to collect Christ’s blood when he ap-peared to her after rising from the
tomb. Well into theMiddle Ages, legend persisted that it had been taken tosafety in Britain. This
journey to England, and what hap-pened to the Chalice there, is the focus of this book. Intracing the
relic, Phillips offers the inside story behind anastonishing adventure that results in the identification
of the historical King Arthur and locating one of the mostpowerful symbols in Western tradition.

6 x 9 P/B, 272 pp., b&w inserts & illus.



William Henry—

The author explores the secrets of the Illuminati and re-veals the true power of the illuminated, even
in themodern world. There’s no other book in the world whereyou will learn as much about the secret
sources of worldpower, and why certain people have access to it, and howthey get it.

5x8, 237 pp., P/B, illustrated



Jean Mar-kale—

In 1885 the village of Rennes-le-Chateau welcomeda new priest, Abbe Sauniere, for its church
dedicated toMary Magdalene. Sauniere ordered very strange restora-tion work, and it is thought that
he discovered somethingthat brought him to the attention of the power brokers of that time and
made him a very rich man. Possibilities in-cluded the Templar treasure or the Cathar treasure.
Yeteven more compelling is this church’s ambiguous por-trayal of Magdalene hinting at an archaic
role that couldshake the foundations of the Church.

6x9 P/B, 312 pp., 8-pg. b&w insert



Zecharia SitchinPaperback, 298 pgs., black & white illustrations




Zecharia SitchinPB





Zecharia Sitchin—

Powerful evidenceof humanity’s extraterrestrial forefathers.

Paperback, 436 pgs., b&w illust.





Graham Phillips (“Marian Conspiracy”)

Theauthor explores the excavation of a mysterious and ritu-ally desecrated tomb in the Valley of the
Kings, which hecontends holds the key to the true history of the destruc-tion of Atlantis.

6x9 P/B, 392 pp., profusely BW & Col.



Paul Dunbavin—

Theauthor sets out his con-troversial theory thatPlato’s Atlantis myth re-members the submer-gence
of a neolithic civ-ilization around theshores of the BritishIsles. Bringing togethermodern scientific
evi-dence and a pattern inmany mythologies, theauthor presents a com-pelling multi-disciplinary case
for At-lantis as one among many views of the submerged civiliza-tion of the Megalithic Builders.

5x8 P/B, 389 pp., B&W photos and drawings



LaurenceGardner, “SpecialAuthor’s Edition,” 4NEW CHAPTERS—

From royal andsuppressed archivescomes proof of thedescending heri-tage of Jesus in theWest.
Penetratingnew light is castupon the GrailCode of Service andthe venerated femi-nine element,
aban-doned by theChurch in order to forge a male dominated society.

P/B 454 pp, 24 col. pl., 10 B&W fig., & 15 B&W charts



William Henry—

A search for the loststargate artifacts of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Exploresthe mysteries of
Rennes-le-Chateau, the hilltop village inSouthern France that is central to the Holy Grailmysteries

5x8, 244 pp., P/B, illustrated


10 % Discount onor der s of over $10 0(See page 8 1)




• Number 48


Alphabetically by Title


GOSPEL OF PHILIP:J esus, Mar yMagdalene, and theGnosis of Sacr edUnion

Jean-Yves Leloup with aForeword by Jacob Nee-dleman—

The Gospel of Philip is best known for itsportrayal of the physical rela-tionship of Jesus and his
be-loved disciple, Mary Magdala.The mainstream position of the Christian church on sex-uality was
perhaps best summed up by Pope Innocent III(1160–1216) “the sexual act is so shameful that it is
in-trinsically evil.” What Philip records that Christ said theopposite: The nuptial chamber is in fact the
Holy of Ho-lies. Neither man nor woman alone is created in theimage of God. It is only in their
relationship with one an-other—the sacred embrace in which they share the divinebreath—that they
resemble God. Philip’s gospel was sup-pressed and lost until rediscovered at Nag Hammadi in1947. It
is presented here for the first time in English.

6x9 P/B, 176 pp., 70 B&W illustrations

GUARDIANS OFTHE HOLYGRAIL:The KnightsTemplar , J ohnthe Baptist, andthe Water ofLife

Mark AmaruPinkham—

The authorpresents a history of the Knights Templarand the Holy Grail likenone ever before!
Fornearly 1000 years theKnights Templar have been rightly regarded to be theeternal guardians of
the Holy Grail, but what the HolyGrail actually is has never been accurately revealed—untilnow.
Here, he proves that the Grail existed many thou-sands of years before Christ, and that it is as old as
theGarden of Eden itself, which he believes originated on SriLanka, the island paradise recognized
within the Arabworld as the true location of the fabled Garden of Eden.

6x9 P/B, 341 pp., B&W photos



Ahmed Osman—

Contends that Jesus,Joshua, and Tutankhamun were the same person; pro-vides evidence from
church documentation, the Koran,the Talmud, and archaeology that the Messiah came morethan a
millennium before the first century C.E.; showsthat Christianity evolved from Essene teachings.

6 x 9 P/B, 296 pp., 8-pg. b&w insert



Ahmed Osman (“Moses and Akhenaten”)

When Joseph revealedhis identity to his kinsmen who had sold him into slavery,he told them that God
had made him “a father to Pha-raoh.” Throughout the long history of ancient Egypt, onlyone man is
known to have been given the title “a father toPharaoh”—Yuya, a vizier of the eighteenth dynasty
king,Tuthmosis IV. This sheds a whole new light on the suddenrise of monotheism in Egypt,
spearheaded by Queen Tiyeand her son Akhenaten, clearly explaining the deliberateobliteration of
references to the “heretic” king and hissuccessors by the last eighteenth dynasty pharaoh, Ho-remheb,
whom the author believes was the oppressor kingin the Book of Exodus.

6x9 P/B, 208 pp., 4 8-page B&W plates



Zecharia SitchinPaperback, 343 pgs., black & white illustrations





Linda Moulton Howe—

Discover the truth be-hind the US Government’s cover-up of paranormal ac-tivity. Emmy award
winning journalist Linda MoultonHowe presents evidence that a non-human intelligence isinteracting
with earth, including information about recov-ered crash debris and the transfer of human souls
frombody to body—evidence of a mystery involving the entirehuman race.
365 pp., 8.5 x 11, PB many b&w & color photos & images



PB, 477 pgs., b&w photos illus., 11" x 8.5"



Mark H. Gaffney—

In the third Cen-tury C.E., the Catholic Bishop Hippolytus composed a Ref-utation of All Heresies in
which his chief target was theGnostic sect, the Naassenes, whose writings included a re-counting of
Jesus’ actual teachings at the Last Supper.Contrary to Church attacks, the Naassenes were not a
he-retical derivative of Christianity, but the authentic founda-tion and purveyor of Christ’s message.
In fact, much of what passes as Christianity has nothing to do with theoriginal teachings of its

6x9 P/B, 304 pp., 12 b&w illus.



Gregg Braden—

A coded message has been found within the moleculesof life, deep within the DNA in each cell of our
bodies.Through a remarkable discovery linking biblical alphabetsto our genetic code, the “language of
life” may now beread as the ancient letters of a timeless message. Regard-less of race, religion,
heritage, or lifestyle, the message isthe same in each cell of every man, woman, and child,past and
present. With nearly one-third of the world’s na-tions currently embroiled in armed conflict, such
proof of a universal bond offers compelling evidence that we aregreater than any beliefs that have
separated us in the past.

6x9 H/B, 289 pp.



(Revised Edition of “Christ the Yogi”)Ravi Ravindra, Ph.D.—

The Gospel of John is differentfrom the other ca-nonical gospels inits overall point of view
concerningJesus Christ andhis mission onearth. It is muchmore cosmologicalin scale and mys-tical in
nature and has long been considered more eso-teric.

This book presents an unusual and rewarding ex-ploration of this Christian text from a Hindu
perspectiveas the author takes us into the heart of St. John’s words,eloquently and convincingly
revealing the interconnected-ness of all faiths and the growing need in today’s world forinterfaith
dialogue. For those concerned with the emer-gence of a universal spirituality, he provides a source of
light, a translucent pool of wisdom that offers from itsdepths an immense and lasting spiritual vision.

6x9 P/B, 272 pp.



Nicholas de Vere—

This bookoutlines in detail the ancient dragon bloodline—where itcame from and what it really means.
This extremely wellresearched book unveils many mysteries of the past, in-cluding who the elves,
fairies and vampires really were,why blood itself was so important to this bloodline.

6x9 P/B, 429 pp.



Zecharia Sitchin—

Sitchin, reveals for the first time thefoundational research and adventurous expeditions
thatresulted in his conclusions that ancient myths were recol-lections of factual events, that the gods
of ancient peopleswere visitors to Earth from another planet, and that weare not alone in our own
solar system.

6x9 H/B, 304 pp.



John Gordon—

Based on an understanding of the Precession of the Equi-noxes and its inextricable connection to
human evolutionand divine purpose, the author contends that the sacredscience of the ancient
Egyptians was the legacy left tothem by “fallen star gods,” conscious divine beings whofounded

8x10 P/B, 288 pp., 88 b&w illustrations




After 26 years of research, using science to searchfor the secrets of religion, and religion to search for
thesecrets of science, what the author discovered (andproved) will shock the world. This
revolutionary dis-covery destroys the foundation of 20th Century Science.The great theories of the
last century, including Relativityand Quantum Mechanics, are found to be totally and com-pletely
wrong, making every science book in the world ob-solete. The five pieces of the universe—matter,
space,time, energy, and the forces of nature—are created in away unlike anything conventionally

6 x 9, 137 pp. P/B



Joseph Noah—

“On the morningof September 11, 2001, theworld changed with the destruc-tion of the World Trade
Centerin New York. President Bush de-scribed it as the beginning of along struggle between good
andevil. He was right. According tothe Bible Code, it was the start of a ten-and-a-half-yearcountdown,
the time and half-time as prophesied inDaniel 12 of The Old Testament and also described in thelast
book of The New Testament, The Revelation to John.

6x9 P/B, 208 pp.




Drawing on pre-biblical documents, this up-dated special USA edition of this international
bestsellerincorporates new color images and improved genealogicalcharts. Here are the documented
records of the hermeticPhoenix, the Philosophers’ Stone and the Tables of Testi-mony—records
which give stunning insight into theMissing Link, active longevity, the transmutation of gold,and the
anti-gravitational science of the pharaohs.

6 x 9 P/B, 408 pp.



Will Hart

—Shows that Earth wasvisited by an extraterrestrial race who bioengineeredmodern man in its image
and taught man how to con-struct the pyramids; examines the flaws in Darwin’stheory of evolution
and presents startling new evidence of intelligent intervention; reveals the messages coded inthe
pyramids left by the ancients concerning impendingEarth changes at the end of the Mayan calendar.

6x9 P/B, 288 pp., 30 B&W photos



Number 48




10% Discount onorders of over $100

(See page 81)

NIGHT SIEGE—2 nd Ed. Expanded &Revised

Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt—

NewYear’s Eve 1982 marked the beginning of one of the mostpuzzling UFO cases in recent times—the
Hudson Valley“siege.” If you missed the first edition, this is your chanceto delve into the Hudson
Valley mystery. If you have readthe first edition, you may be interested in the additionaldata covering
sightings from 1986 to 1995, the graphicalanalysis of the UFO's appearance, and the chronology of
the sightings.

5x8 P/B, 262 pp., B& W photos



William Henry(Blue Apples, et al.)

The latest book from the author of “Cloak of the Illluminati.” Chapters include: From Cloakto Oracle;
Return of Sophia; The Cosmic G-Spot Stimu-lator; The Reality of the Rulers; The Hymn of the Pearl;The
Realm of the Illuminati; Francis Bacon, Oracle;Abydos and the Head of God; Enki and the Flower of
Light; The God Head and the Dodecahedron; The StarWalker; The Big Secret; and References.

6 x 9, 256 pp., b&w Illus.



Michael Todd Sandborn—

This4-volume series details variouselements and perspectives of what the author calls,
NaturalResonance. He says that he hasdiscovered, actually re-discovered, the harmonic sci-ence
underneath color theoryand music theory, and then uni-fied these two discoveries with numbers and
general wavetheory. The result is a simple and elegant language withcross-translation of meaning
between all disciplines.Volume 1: “The Origin of Understanding” Volume 2:“The Origin of Color
Theory” Volume 3: Not yet pub-lished, Volume 4: “The Origin of Ancient Knowledge.”

8 1/2 x 11 P/B, Vol. 1 - 164 pp. Vol. 2 - 142 pp. Vol. 4 - 152pp., many beautiful, detailed color graphics

$17.95 ea. or $50.00 set


A ScientificTreatise on the Effects of aNew, Large Planet or Comet Arriving in Our Solar Systemand
Expected Earth Weather and Earth Changes


A Supple-ment to “Planet X, Comets,and Earth Changes


TheScience of Atlantis and Tesla are Rediscovered, Giving aUnique Untold View of Life on the Lost
Continent, An-cient Space Craft Design, Unlimited Electrical Power, and The Secret SocietiesJames M.

The author studied the ruins of ancient cities and archeological sites and learned that theruins and
devastation had to have come from celestialevents. And here is where he developed the
theoreticalbasis for his work. In 1979 he joined the faculty of Cor-nell University, a repository for
NASA. He had access tonew data from the Voyager and other spacecraft.

6x9 P/Bs, 242 total pp., B&W photos & drawings

$39.95 sold as a set only


Michael A. Cremo & Richard L. Thompson—

Graham Hancock, calls Hidden History Of The HumanRace “One of the landmark intellectual
achievements of the late twentieth century.” Condensed from ForbiddenArcheology, this edition
exposes a major scientific cover-up showing that people like ourselves were here millenniaago.

Paperback, 228 pgs. black & white illus., 6 x 9



Michael A. Cremo—

Where DID we come from? Drawing upon a wealth of re-search into archeology, genetics,
reincarnation memories,out-of-body experiences, parapsychology, cross culturalcosmology, and the
search for extraterrestrial intelligence,Cremo provides a refreshing perspective on human ori-gins
according to the ancient philosophy of India.

6x9 H/B, 584 pp.



Ralph Ellis—

Traces thehistory of the Egyptianroyal family from the timeof Noah through to Jesus,comparing
Biblical andHistorical records. Nearlyall of the biblical charac-ters can be identified in thehistorical
record—all arepharaohs of Egypt or pha-raohs in exile.

PB, 6 X 9, 330 pages, Color Illustrated



William F. Mann—

Uses the principles of sa-cred geometry, archaeological evidence, and Native Amer-ican legend to
discover the site of a secret Templar settle-ment in Nova Scotia; offers evidence that Scottish
prince,Henry Sinclair, not only sailed to the New World 100years before Columbus, but that he also
established arefuge there for the Templars fleeing persecution; showsthat the Grail, the holy
bloodline connecting the House of David to the Merovingian dynasty through Jesus and
MaryMagdalene, was hidden in the New World. With evidencefrom archaeological sites, indigenous
legend, and sacredgeometry handed down by the Templar order to the Free-masons, the author has
now rediscovered the site of thesettlement established by Sinclair and his Templar fol-lowers in the
New World.

6 x 9 P/B, 336 pp., b&w Illus.



Peter Bros—

The authorexamines every one of thescientific establishmentsunfounded myths, thevery myths that
preventflying saucers from ex-isting, and then presentsthe galaxy as it probablyis, with life teeming
onthousands of planets ex-ploring every aspect of theuniverse our scientists,with their ancient laws,
their conceptual blindness andtheir unwillingness to examine reality, make off-limits usto, because
without concepts of the possible, we cannotengineer the future.

Paperback 6X9, 293pp.,



Zecharia SitchinHB, 352 pp., 6 x 9, b&w illustrations


THE LOSTCOLONY OF THETEMPLARS:Ver r azano’sSecr et Missionto Amer ica

Steven Sora—

In 1524the Italian explorer Gio-vanni da Verrazano wassent by the French kingFrancis I on an

expedi-tion ostensibly to find ashorter route to China.However, his true mis-sion, Steven Sora
sug-gests, was to contact a Templar colony that might havebeen established in Newport, Rhode Island,
by Henry Sin-clair at the end of the 14th century. In his expedition logVerrazano recorded that his
only stay on this journey wasat Newport Harbor, the site of a tower built to the exactmeasurements
of a Templar baptistery, a sacred sanctuaryrepresenting baptism and eternal life. (Available

6x9 P/B, 288 pp.



Zecharia Sitchin—Paperback, 390 pgs., black & white illustrations





Laurence Gardner—

Alongside the time-honored questfor the Holy Grail is the equally compelling and long-standing
mystery of the Ark of the Covenant: what, whyand where is it? All these questions are discussed in
thiswork which explores the secret metaphysical and scien-tific importance of gold from the time of
the pharaohsdown to the present day—and the significant role of theArk in this history and for the
future. “Lost Secrets of theSacred Ark” is the latest in Laurence Gardner’s cycle of books tracing the
hidden messianic dynasty of Jesus.

H/B, 395 pp.



Jean Markale—

On March 16, 1244,over 200 Cathars were captured in their fortress strong-hold of Montsegur and
were burned alive by troops of theInquisition. History has recorded that four high-rankingCathar
perfecti carried a great treasure out of Montsegurthe night before its fall, a fact that led rebel
Huguenots of the 17th century and members of Hitler’s S.S. to believethat an enormous treasure or
weapon of awesome spiri-tual power lay hidden somewhere nearby the ruins of theformer Cathar
stronghold. Seeking to untangle the truefrom the false, the author meticulously searches throughthe
obscure history of the Cathars. (Nov)

PB, 312 pps



Lionel and Patricia Fan-thorpe—

Next to Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, no otherplace on Earth holds as much esoteric symbolism
asFrance’s Rennes le Chateau. Its location and design arethe subjects of countless rumors, myths, and
legends.Formerly published as, “The Secrets of Rennes le Cha-teau,” this book delves into the reality
behind the actionand adventure of, “The Da Vinci Code.” Rennes le Chateauhas plenty of secrets:
buried treasure, unsolved murders,supernatural powers, codes on parchments and tomb-stones,
not to mention clues concealed in statues andpaintings, enigmatic priests who controlled
immensewealth, and secret societies that are still active today.

6x9 P/B, 272 pp., illustrations





• Number 48


Manly P. Hall—

The complete text of Hall’s celebrated classic has beenreset and redesigned, and is available in a
compact, afford-able “Reader’s Edition.” More than 100 line drawings anda 16-page color insert
reproduce some of the finest illus-trations of the original work. This new edition featuresHall’s
original index and bibliography; and the chaptersand pages are renumbered according to
contemporary nu-merals (rather than the Roman numerals of the original).

6x9 P/B, 768 pp. Color insert & line drawings


SECRET TEACHINGSOF PLANTS: TheIntelligence of theHear t in the Dir ectPer ception of Natur e

Stephen Harrod Buhner—

Allancient and indigenous peoplesinsisted their knowledge of plant medicines came from theplants
themselves and notthrough trial-and-error experi-mentation. Less well known isthat many Western
peoples made this same assertion.There are, in fact, two modes of cognition available to allhuman
beings—the brain-based linear and the heart-based holistic. Readers will gain the tools necessary
togather information directly from the heart of Nature.

6X9 PB, 320 pp.



Zecharia Sitchin—327 pgs., illustrated, Paperback,




SURVIVORS OFATLANTIS: TheirImpact on Wor ldCultur e

Frank Joseph—

Thissequel and companion volumeto, “The Destruction of Atlantis,”explores scientific evidence

fromfour cataclysmic events that ledto the development of civilizationand the downfall of Atlantis.
Italso demonstrates that the Atlan-teans ran an imperial copper trade empire that stretchedfrom
North America to Asia Minor.

6x9 P/B, 280 pp., 8-pg. color insert & 35 B&W illus.



Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval—

This is a roller-coaster intellectual journey through theback streets and rat runs of history to uncover
the tracesin architecture and monuments of a secret religion thathas shaped the world. Pivotal
historical events and pro-cesses, not least the Renaissance, the birth of scientific ra-tionalism, and the
French and American and Revolutions,are radically re-evaluated in the light of new
investigativeevidence presented for the first time in “Talisman.”

6x9 H/B, 416 pp.Photos/Illus.



Richard Andrews & Paul Schellen-berger—

The authors applied mathematical logic to theenduring mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau and the
treasurealleged to buried there. Beginning with a healthy scepti-cism, they assumed the enigma
would wither under scru-tiny. They combined their knowledge of archaeology, the-ology, geometry
and surveying with plain common senseto produce an account of what they believe happened
be-hind this most controversial of burials. The text asks whypeople went to such lengths to keep the
truth under-ground, and as the nature of the treasure becomes ap-parent, the question appears to
answer itself—the knowl-edge is dangerous, alarming, the greatest of heresies.

5 x 8, P/B, 513 pp., illus.



PYRAMID OF FIRE:The Lost AztecCodex

John Major Jenkins &Martin Matz—

The firsttranslation of a previouslyunknown Aztec codex andits initiatory teachings for2012. Revealed
are the tech-niques by which man istransported to the stellarrealm after death via thesolar energy in
what the an-cients called the “serpent of consciousness.” Commentary by Matz and John
MajorJenkins provides insight into the perennial philosophycontained in the codex and its relevance
to our times.

6x9 P/B,160 pp., 20 B&W illustrations


SCIENCE AND THEAKASHIC FIELD:An Integr al Theor yof Ever ything

Ervin Laszlo

—Mystics andsages have long main-tained that there exists aninterconnecting cosmicfield at the
roots of realitythat conserves and conveysinformation, a field knownas the Akashic Record. Re-cent
discoveries in the newfield of vacuum physicsnow show that this Akashicfield is real and has its
equivalent in the zero-point fieldthat underlies space itself. Scientist and philosopherErvin Laszlo
conveys the essential element of his vision of the “informed universe” in language that is accessible

6x9 P/B, 208 pp.



Tony Bushby (“BibleFraud”)—

Ancient Egyptian priests recorded that “gods of the first time” revealed to them the nature of the
afterlifeand the keys of mastering death. They guarded this withutmost secrecy revealing it only to
selected members of the Mystery Schools. In later times, high initiates se-creted the essence of the
sacred secret into the Bible anddeveloped a series of ciphers that enabled them to unlockthe hidden
wisdom. Bushby’s second book reveals this ex-alted knowledge and explains why the Holy Bible was
al-ways considered a divine book.
6 x 9 P/B, 344 pp., b&w Illus., rare photos


SECRETS OF THE CODE: Unauthor izedGuide to the Myster ies Behind The DaVinci Code

Dan Burstein—

Here is asweeping tour, guided byrenowned experts,through the many pro-vocative ideas raised inthe
bestselling novel.With excerpts from manyoriginal works, all-newmaterial, and interviewswith
prominent scholars,exploring the themes un-derlying “The Da VinciCode, Secrets of theCode,” will
satisfy yourcuriosity, engage yourimagination, and provideyou with insights to better understand the
historical andreligious issues of the novel.

6x9 H/B, 373 pp.


Number 48




TEMPLARS ANDTHE ARK OFTHE COVENANT:Discover y of theTr easur e ofSoloman

Graham Phillips—

According to legend theArk of the Covenantwas an ornate goldenchest that was both ameans of
communi-cating with God and aterrible weapon usedagainst the enemies of the ancient Israelites.In
order to use it the high priest had to wear a breastplatecontaining twelve sacred gemstones called
the Stones of Fire. These objects were kept in the Great Temple of Jeru-salem until they vanished
following the Babylonian inva-sion in 597 B.C.E. At the ancient ruins of Petra insouthern Jordan,
Phillips uncovered evidence that 13th-century Templars found the Ark and the Stones of Fire,and that
they brought these treasures back to centralEngland when they fled the persecution of French
king,Philip the Fair, a century later.

6x9 P/B, 256 pp., 16-pg color insert



Bruce Maccabee—

Thisbook details the existence of the “real X-files”—knowledge held by the FBI and the U.S. Air Force
on UFOsightings between the years 1947 to 1964 and withheldfrom the American people. Often
filed under the title,“Flying Discs: Security Matter-X,” actual FBI and USAFdocuments are revealed
here for the first time ever in anybook. Bruce Maccabee is a physicist employed by the U.S.Navy.
He was the first to obtain the previously secret filesof the FBI, and has also collected documents from
theCIA, the Air Force, the Army, and other governmentagencies. He has appeared on dozens of
radio and TVshows, and is the coauthor of, “UFOs are Real: Here’s theProof.”

6x9 P/B, 311 pp.



Russell Moon—

Complete paperoffering the author’s challenge to Einstein. Includes “Endof the Concept of Time.”
Moon’s work was presented andpraised in October at a major Russian Scientific Confer-ence. It is
currently being taught in schools in China.

8-3/4"x11", HB, 184 pp. Color Illus.



Joseph Christy-Vitale—

Using au-thoritative source material and an understanding of man-kind's aptitude for the
transmission of factual knowledgethrough myth and legend, the author dramatically un-veils a past
unlike any proposed by either religion or sci-ence. Twelve thousand years ago, the human race
barelyescaped annihilation when a piece of exploded star passedthrough our solar system, unleashing
an apocalypse.Great fires raged, mountains rose and fell, a maelstrom of cosmic debris bombarded
Earth, continents broke apart,and oceans swept across the land. Millions of people, ani-mals, and
plants perished almost overnight. Entire socie-ties, cultures, and belief systems were lost forever. The
re-sulting aftershock shaped humanity for thousands of years, and continues to haunt us to this day.
This is notfiction. This is history.

5x8 P/B, 224 pp.



Zecharia SitchinPaperback, 377 pgs., black & white illustrations





Zecharia SitchinPaperback, 410 pgs., black & white illustrations





(from the 1999 Egypt In TheNew Millennium conference)Christopher Dunn—Find outwhy researchers
from around theworld are praising Dunn’s theo-ries. Explore how the pyramidswere really built, and
how theywere used. Dunn, author of TheGiza Power Plant, is a professional engineer who
under-stands how advanced technology operates in the modernworld; and sees it clearly in the
ancient monuments of Egypt. Dunn’s research is stunning.

VHS 240 min.



Dr. Bruce Lipton—

Cellular biologists nowrecognize that the envi-ronment, the externaluniverse and our in-ternal
physiology, andmore importantly, ourPERCEPTION of the en-vironment, directly con-trols the activity
of ourgenes. This videobroadly reviews the mo-lecular mechanisms bywhich
environmentalawareness interfaces ge-netic regulation and guides organismal evolution.
Thequantum physics behind these mechanisms provide in-sight into the communication channels that
link themind-body duality. This knowledge can be employed toactively redefine our physical and
emotional well-being.

120 min. VHS or DVD


BLUE APPLES: Star gate Secr ets ofJ esus and Mar i Magdalene

Presented by William Henry

In “Blue Apples” you’ll find the greatest secret of Christianity; its origins with the stargate secrets of
thegods of ancient Sumeria and Egypt. According to ancientlegend, Blue Apples refer to an
astounding supernaturalpower and the key to humanity’s spiritual liberation.Joshua, Moses, Nimrod,
Mari, Nebuchadnezzar, Jesus andall the alchemists of old knew the secret of the Blue Ap-ples. Why
does this knowledge still remain a secret today?Join investigative mythologist and author William
Henryas he presents the untold story of the Blue Apples, and thespiritual teachings of a lost and
ancient culture of enlight-ened beings known as the Annunaki, or the “ShiningOnes.”

3 hours - 3-tape set VHS or 2 DVD Disks


BOOK OF SECRETS: Unlocking theHidden Dimensions of Your Life

Deepak Chopra—

(See description under books.)

Unabridged CD or cassette



10% Discount onorders of over $100

(See page 81)


Here, at last, is thestory of a handful of in-ventors battling to savethe world from industrialgiants, like
Ford, Morgan,Edison and their ilk. FromNikola Tesla to T. HenryMoray, from John Keely toPons and
Fleischman, thestruggle to break throughwith world-saving technologies has gone on for gen-erations,
but now a new breed of inventors threatensto succeed where others have failed. Here is the storyand
the commentary of the geniuses behind many of today’s amazing discoveries in free energy,
anti-gravity, rejuvenation, and much more.

One-Hour VHS





Powerful evidencelinking Stonehenge,Avebury, Glastonburyand many other Englishlocations with an

ad-vanced ancient ordernow lost to history.Written and narrated byAtlantis Rising editorDoug Kenyon,
the videois based primarily uponthe discoveries of Cam-bridge-trained scholarand author John
Michell. The program demonstrateshow a mysterious network of perfectly straighttracks, laid out for
hundreds of miles across the Eng-lish landscape, proves the great advancement of pre-historic

Forty minutes VHS





Overwhelming evi-dence of the existence of high technology in pre-historic times, this videoshatters
the orthodox sce-nario for the dawn of civ-ilization on Earth. Nowassembled in a devas-tating
one-hour docu-mentary, hosted by At-lantis Rising Editor andPublisher J. DouglasKenyon, are the
com-ments and evidence of breakthrough researcherssuch as John Anthony West, Robert Bauval,
RichardNoone, Colin Wilson, John Michell, Patrick Flan-agan, Christopher Dunn, Zecharia Sitchin,
DavidHatcher Childress, Edgar Evans Cayce and others.

One-Hour VHS








• Number 48


DVD with William Henry

Millennia ago the, Stargatetechnology of the gods was lost.Mayan Prophecy says it will re-turn by the
year 2012, along withour alignment with the center of our galaxy. Could this bring thebirth of a new
matrix and a newhuman? According to ancienttexts, what is needed is the Cloak of the Illuminati,
asuper skin with astounding supernatural power whichmakes safe passage through Stargates possible.
In thisprogram, investigative mythologist and author WilliamHenry explores the secrets of the
Illuminati and revealsthe true power of the Cloak and the Illuminated, even inthe modem world.

240 Minutes, 4-VHS or 2-DVD Set.


CROP CIRCLES: Questfor Tr uth

William Gazecki–

This is a com-pelling and provocative feature-length documentary full of never-before-seen footage

and in-terviews with leading Crop Cir-cles researchers and scientists,some of whom agreed to be
oncamera for the first time. Thefilm is an in-depth examinationof prevailing theories about theorigin
and nature of Crop Circlesand the possible implications forus and for the future of Planet Earth.

DVD only 120 min.



William Henry

—This is a DVD/ book set. The DVD is a one-hourtalk about “The Wormhole Dance”and features a
whirling dervish per-forming this dance in Luxor, Egypt.Refer to the Video/DVD Review sec-tion for
more detail (Page 53).

1 hr. (plus a 100-page book)



Ze-charia Sitchin, internationally acclaimed author of TheTwelfth Planet, The Stairway To Heaven and
Genesis Re-visited to name a few, presents evidence for mankind’s ex-traterrestrial origins and cosmic
connections. Sitchin dis-cusses some of the advanced knowledge possessed by theSumerians nearly
6,000 years ago. Not only did they havethe wheel and detailed writings on clay tablets but alsowrote
of the planets in our solar system and knew the ac-curate distances between them.

2-hours 2-videos



Sir Laurence Gardner at the “Signs of Destiny II: CropCircles & Earth Mysteries Conference”—

From the tombsof pharaonic Egypt to the laboratories of modern science,comes the extraordinary
account of gravity defiance andteleportation in the ancient world. Sir Laurence explainshow physicists
are now researching previously unknownplanes of existence through the rediscovery of a lost
tech-nology from distant times.

DVD 148 min.


VHS 78 min.




Europe’s towering cathedrals areknown throughout the world assplendid monuments to the
glorifica-tion of God, but newly discovered evi-dence suggests that mysterious de-sign and sinister
purpose may haveinfluenced their construction. Thegreat cathedrals of Notre Dame,Chartres, Reims,
Strasbourg, andDuomo in Florence and Siena were designed and built bythe Templars, the mysterious
and powerful order of knights who quested for the Holy Grail and later evolvedinto the illusive and
secret society known as the Freema-sons. An important, but obscure fact concerning their
ar-chitectural design, is its dependence on principles of as-trology. For all their enduring strength
and beauty,these houses of the Lord have remained a compellingmystery throughout the ages.

55 min. VHS



For centuries, man has attemptedto discover how and why the pyra-mids were constructed, and
recentevidence suggests that these ancientand fascinating edifices may not havebeen bult by the
Egyptians at all. Newtheories indicate they may have beenconstructed by a superior race, per-haps as
much as 3,000 years beforethe Egyptians emerged as a world power. A large boat satmysteriously
before the tomb of the pharaoh, Kufu. Forthousands of years, the craft has been believed to
benothing more than a symbol of transition, waiting in si-lence for the return of the God-King. New
scientific re-search reveals that there was once water in the endless,barren desert, and an analysis of
Kufu’s boat proves con-clusively that it has spent time in the water.

55 min. VHS


(Cathedrals & Pyramids 2-tape set)



Narrated by James Earl Jones

TheGreat Year.This DVD in-vestigatescommonalities in ancientbeliefs andlooks backinto timeseeking

an-swers toquestionsthat stillloom oversciencetoday. Howfar back dohumankind’sroots reallygo?
What didthe ancientsknow about the stars and their movements and what canwe learn from them?
How was the Precession of theEquinox used to mark the rise and fall of these great agesby the
ancients? The Great Year examines this theory andfinds that perhaps these ancients were really onto

46 min. DVD


Number 48




LIFE ON MARS? New Scientific Evidence

The press conference with Tom Van Flandern, formerChief Astronomer for the U. S. Naval
Observatory andBrian O’Leary, former Apollo Astronaut trained forAmerica’s first manned mission to
Mars. In this historicpress conference, scientists announce the discovery of startling artifacts found
among the 65,000 recently re-leased NASA/JPL photos by Mars Global Surveyor. Theybelieve these
artificial structures are proof that Mars wasonce inhabited by an intelligent civilization.”

Approx. 1 hr. VHS



Sir Laurence Gardner at the “Signs of Destiny II: CropCircles & Earth Mysteries Conference”

What was the ancient Hebrew Ark of the Covenant?Where did it go and where is it today? What is the
SacredArk’s relationship to medieval alchemy’s “Philosopher’sStone” and to the discoveries of
modern QuantumPhysics? Were ancient Egyptian initiates and Israelitekings possessors of the secrets
of super-conductivity andhigh-spin metallurgy so as to be able to transcend ordi-nary Space-Time,
using what’s known as the “whitepowder of gold?” By accessing Rosicrucian, Templar,Royal Society
and private archives, Sir Laurence hasfound astonishing answers to these questions and more.

DVD 144 min.


VHS 78 min.


Journey from Middle Ages Jerusalem to modern dayEurope to unravel the extraordinary story of the
legen-dary Knights who some say survived their supposed exe-cution at the end of the Crusades and
have preservedtheir order to this day. Leading historians reveal theirfantastic origins, and period
accounts bring their legen-dary battles to life. Ancient documents and artifacts hintat the mysteries
that surround them. Did they discoverancient secrets buried beneath Solomon’s temple, andconspire
to seize part of Europe for themselves? Explorethe incredible history of the Crusade’s mightiest
andmost puzzling warriors.

50 min. VHS



Presented byWilliam Henry—

In this well documented video presenta-tion, compelling evidence is presented that there is onlyone
great secret: the secret of the stargate or wormhole, auniversal transportation system known to the
enlightenedseers of the Sumerian, biblical, Egyptian and other pri-mordial traditions. Although this
sacred knowledge waslost long ago, according to the Mayans we are about to re-experience it now
and enter a new age. The authorpresents the spiritual, historical and scientific back-ground of this
imminent “Stargate Revolution” and thefascinating journey of questioning, and discovery, thatawaits
us all.

9 hours, 6-tape Set VHS or 6 DVD Disks


MAGICAL EGYPT: A Symbolist Tour

—Episodes 1 through 8See page 19


A Film by Peter Brook based onthe RST/CICT stage pro-duction adapted by Jean-Claude Carriere—

An inti-mate film journey to thevery heart of Indian my-thology, religion, historyand thought, directed
bythe outstanding theatricalinnovator of our day. Inbringing to life the conflictbetween the
“Pandavas”and the “Kauravas,” thefeuding families at thecenter of the saga, PeterBrook has created
an alle-gory that speaks directly to the emotions and concerns of contemporary audiences. The
world of, “The Mahab-harata,” is of profound storytelling power and spiritualimport within it a
civilization rises, falls and is reborn.

318 min. 3-tape video set



MARY MAGDALENE: AnIntimate Por tr ait

Who was Mary Magdalene? Was shethe love of Jesus’ life? Or simply thestrongest of his followers?
How did shebecome the bad girl of the Bible...theforbidden woman...the saint who wasmade into a
prostitute? She stood bythe cross after the male disciples hadfled. She watched his body laid to
rest,fearless in her grief. On the third day itwas to her that Jesus first appeared. This penetrating
filmexplores the mysteries still surrounding Mary Magdalene,one of the least understood women in
history. Winner of several awards.

43 min. VHS


MYSTERIOUSTREASURE: TheUltimate Guide to theWor ld’s Gr eatestTr easur es

On this three-video set arestories forged in legend, veiledin mystery, and soiled byhuman greed about
royal ob-jects that cannot even protectmonarchs from a destiny filledwith plunder and murder,
andsimple objects which have em-bodied the power to transformhuman lives. Tape 1 - Myster-ious
Treasure Tape 2 - Royal Treasure Tape 3 - SacredTreasure.

3 hrs. (approx.)



From the occult origins of the Nazi Party to the death of Hitler, the emergence of thedoctrine of the
National So-cialist Party took place in adark and sinister world of oc-cult rituals and beliefs.
Usingnewly discovered archivefootage, this DVD set exploresthe remarkable phenomenonthat
mesmerized Germany inthe 1930s and l940s.

3 DVD set



with Doug Kenyon

Atlantis Rising publisher Doug Kenyon talks aboutplanetary amnesia. From “Signs of Destiny II: Crop
Circlesand Earth Mysteries Conference” at Tempe, AZ in No-vember of 2003.

90 min. VHS and DVD


ROLLING THUNDER:Healer of Meta Tantay

Visit with Cherokee medicineman and shaman, RollingThunder, in this intimate portraitof a teacher
and sage who has apowerful effect on everyone hemeets. Rolling Thunder is wellknown for his
ability to draw spir-itual power from animal nature,his prophecies for the future, in-cluding a warning
about WorldWar III, his knowledge of UFOsand aliens and his knowledge of the healing alternativesfor
cancer and AIDS.

1-hour DVD or Video



William Henry’s presenta-tion at the “Signs of Destiny II: Crop Circles and EarthMysteries

Henry’s mythological specialty isthe Ladder to God (

Scala Dei
in Latin) which has beenfeatured in myths and scriptures since the beginning of time. In his books, he
interprets these stories on six dif-ferent levels: the historical, the cosmological, the
sym-bolic/metaphorical, the mythological/allegorical, the ana-tomical, and the technological. The
existence of theHealing Sun has been coded in the Mystery Teachings,which tradition has so long held
to lie behind the HolyScriptures of numerous religions.

67 min. DVD





For 525 years, adven-turers and archeologistshave studied the Mayancivilization for cluesabout their
calendarsystem. Due to the trans-lation of Mayan writing,discoveries of calendar in-scriptions at
Mayan ruins,and the availability of sci-ence about Earth history,we now have the answerto the Mayan
calendar mystery. Ian Xel Lungold presentsscientific evidence that demonstrates the Maya
centeredtheir civilization around the actual schedule of the evolu-tion of consciousness and the
unfolding of creation.

150 min. 2 DVDs or 2 VHS



Grizzly Adams Productions—

From the PaxTV’s “Encounters with the Unexplained,” this episode in-cludes interviews with Atlantis
Rising editor DougKenyon, Boston University Geologist Robert Schoch,Christopher Dunn, Stephen
Mehler and others. Can wediscover what, if anything, is under the Sphinx? Is it pos-sible that even
today, the Sphinx stands guard over somestill undiscovered chamber? Archaeologists and
geologistssquare off as the Egyptian government declares: handsoff! Also, some argue that much of
the hatred and ani-mosity in the world today can be traced to a single event...the confusion of
language at the Tower of Babel. New dis-coveries fire the debate.

VHS approximately 46 min.



Don’t get caught in thewilderness without theknowledge needed tosurvive. In this doublefeature
DVD, Ron Hoodshares his experiencesand teaches you thecritical survival tech-niques every
out-doorsman needs toknow. Build a firewithout a match, defeatthe five deadly
heat-lossmechanisms, learnwhat to eat, and much more.

134 min. DVD






• Number 48


“Return to Harmony”

Created by Nicole Lavoie

—Utilizes Sound Wave Energy technology that instillsin sound frequencies specific nutrients for
en-hancing health and well-being. These CDs act muchlike a tuning fork, they remind our cells of
theirideal vibratory rate, and the re-entrained cells willbegin to match energy of the nutrients.

4 CD Set with book



Harmonic Structure CD—designed to helpthe cartilage, tendons, ligaments and bones


Vibrant Expression CD—developed to assistin cleansing and energizing the blood so it can carrytoxins
out of the body and nutrients into the body,to promote cellular changes to the root cells of theskin,
hair and nails.

Physical Senses CD—designed tostrengthen and increase the acuity of the senses of hearing, vision,
smell and taste.

Muscles CD—designed to tone muscles,help the release of lactic acid after physical work andbring a
sense of deep relaxation throughout thebody.• Ultimate Lovemaking CD—designed to en-hance
sexual function, providing energy that willgive a greater sensuality, enhance kinesthetic abilityand
heighten our sense of touch.

5 CD Set plus book, “Return to Harmony”



Number 48 •





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