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Causes of accident and ways to overcome accident

Nowadays, many tragic accidents happen everywhere and this situation is alarming. Rate of
accidents keep on increasing from day to day not just in the cities but also in rural areas. All of
these accidents have made many people lost their families and loved ones. It is very pitiful when
we get news about accidents which happen every day from newspapers. This shows that many
people suffer when accidents happen to their family or relatives.

First and foremost awareness of people's about traffic rules. Almost all the people do not
follows the traffic rules and regulations. Some of the people do not know about the rules while
they are driving and mostly accidents take place because of impulsiveness and lack of knowledge
about how to run vehicles on road. Many reckless and inconsiderate drivers like to drive at high
speed especially those who are driving heavy vehicles like Lorries and express buses. Some of
the drivers are very selfish and do not care about others. They just speed up while driving
because in a hurry to go work or other places. They do not realize that their action might harm
others especially when they overtake cars. If a driver is speeding and overtaking recklessly, it is
highly risk that the vehicle may skid and caused accident. They will ram other cars from opposite
direction. There are also irresponsible drivers who drive at high speed and hit the red traffic light.
There is a strong possibility that they will collide with other vehicles and may cause death. It is
universally acknowledged that "slow and steady win the race" so people should drive slowly in
peaceful manner without considering driving as a fun and they should think about themselves
and about their family and for other also.

Apart from that, vehicles which are not serviced for a long time may not be in the best
condition to drive. A car which is not serviced may have problems like the brakes and clutches
which cannot work efficiently and may cause accident. The bad condition of road such as
slippery when raining, muddy or have many potholes also can harm drivers and motorcyclist. It
is very pitiful to see motorcyclist fall on the road when there are many potholes on road.

Television is also a major factor behind road accidents as the stunts and fast car and bike riding
races shown on television by which people imitate these and tries to do on the roads and cause

I think there are many ways that all of us can take to overcome accidents and lower rate of
accidents. Firstly, drivers should follow all the traffic rules and speed limit. They should never
speeding and accelerate further at traffic light when the light turns red. They should give signal
when they want to turn at the junction so that other divers know where they are heading. If the
drivers follow speed limit and not speeding, their journey and others will be safer.

Another important thing that should be considered is to put on seat belt while driving. Wearing
seat belt would be annoying for many people. But, this is highly vital, as wearing seat belt would
reduce the chances of road accidents. Not only drivers, passengers including adults and kids are
also recommended to put on seat belt. In some nations, it has been even made mandatory to wear
seat belt.

Further, one of the best ways to avoid car accidents is to be a defensive driver. You may be a
cautious driver, but it is not necessary that you would be able to overcome a reckless driving. But,
being a defensive driver, you could foresee probable road crashes. Also, a great way to avoid
road accidents is via being courteous. Being courteous makes you more cautious and intends you
to not race against other vehicles.

Intersections are considered a prime cause for many road accidents. Hence, special care must be
taken when proceeding through intersections by looking left, then right, and then again left
side in order to ensure that the area is absolutely clear. Apart from these, have a clear idea on the
road conditions. This would be highly beneficial when you drive during rainy or winter season.
Also, keep your car's lights on when driving at dusk and dawn and during rainy seasons. Also, a
useful tip to avoid road accidents is by adjusting mirrors properly and via checking the side as
well as rear mirrors at least in every 15 seconds.

All you have to do in order to avoid road crashes as a result of drunk driving is to refrain from
taking any kind of harmful drugs or alcohol. You can also minimize car accidents via
maintaining a constant speed as well as through leaving a safe distance between your vehicle and
other vehicles.

Next, the cars and vehicles must be serviced regularly to maintain their best condition.
Failure to service the car may cause many technical problems and can injure the driver. The
Works department (JKR) also must do maintenance of roads and repair damage on roads
immediately before more drivers become victims.

In addition, government and traffic police should take actions to control these types of
accidents done by public by driving after drinking alcohol and using cellphones, they should be
charged or punished if people do so. The reason people keep disobeying traffic rule is because
they do not feel the punishment as a threat. Fines should give them lesson so that they would not
do the same fault.

On the other hand, the infrastructure on the road can also be improved. More overhead
bridges should be built. Building overhead bridges can reduce traffic jams thus reducing the risk
of accidents. Roads could be widened. Widening the roads can reduce traffic congestion. If the
road is not wide enough, the probability for cars to run into each other is higher.

Lastly, traffic accidents can also be reduced through education. Road safety campaigns should
be organized. By organizing campaigns, the will participate more and active thus providing them
information on how important it is to obey traffic rules for safety. Schools also could teach
school kids about traffic rules and road safety. By early exposure, they will be more aware and
will be disciplined traffic users.
I can conclude that majority of the accident cases begin from the drives themselves. I think from
now on, drivers should be more responsible and careful while driving vehicles. Government and
traffic police also should do combine efforts to overcome this problem. An ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure. I hope the rate of accidents will decrease as it is so sad to see many
tears flowing especially losing their loved ones when accidents happen.

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