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Eleanor Layne

Period 2

Rhetorical Analysis Essay: King, Alvarez, Yousafzai

Persuasive writing and speaking advances the progress towards social and justice equality by
using different rhetorical arguments such as Pathos,Logos,and Ethos to overall connect with the
audience. In Letter from Birmingham jail King’s purpose is to address the concerns of the
Clergymen and convince them that he should be in Birmingham Protesting. Also, in A genetics
of justice Alvarez advances her purpose by speaking up against injustice by writing a novel
which inspired her audience to speak up. Finally, In Yousafzai’s speech her purpose was to
advocate for women’s rights with girl’s education and free education around the world for every
child. Dr.King when it came to his letters it mainly consists of logos to represent the pacts of
injustie it offered. Alvarez uses Ethos to tell experiences from her mothers perspective making
her a credible source when it came to speaking for injustice. Lastly, Malala uses Pathos to
advocate her purpose emotionally with the audience. The text that was the best was Malala’s
speech since the fact that Malala persuades her audience more emotionally through her
experiences as a result that people supported her.
In Letter from Birmingham Jail , this addresses the concerns of the Clergymen and convince
them that he should be in Birmingham protesting. Dr. King in his speech explains using pathos
about injustice of Birmingham to emotionally connect with the audience. The text states,
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” (King, Pg.1) . This advances the purpose
due to ​Dr.King's evidence which is supported by pathos which helps him explain that he should
be in Birmingham because injustice could spread. This connection shows others such as
children or different people of color are getting served for their injustice even though their
protesting to get their rights as white people too and makes justice overall to be served. Lastly,
King’s speech is showing the embarrassment to himself and some of his people from injustice
given to them. According to the text, “ For more than two centuries … injustice and shameful
humiliation” (King,pg.11) . The advancement of this purpose which King’s supported by the
argument by pathos showing the emotion and pain they feel for experiencing that type of
injustice. This connects to others since others have been humiliated in the past just for looking
different than others which is not right wanting people wanting to support others overall. Overall,
when the text is evaluated some success this text have is using the type of rhetoric which was
successful by using Pathos and Logos to persuade the argument to the audience in sort of a
state of emotion which was shown. This text could be improved upon in the quote “injustice
everywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”(King, Pg.1) and when we compare it to Malala’s
quote “ There are hundreds of … I am just one of them (Yousafzai,Pg.1)”. Malala’s is stronger
which she has shown emotion based on her own experiences which people feel emotion and
would support Malala all the way emotionally.
Secondly, In Genetics of justice, Alvarez’s purpose is to ​ speaking up against injustice by
writing a novel which inspired her audience to speak up against injustice. In the text Alvarez
shows the effects through her mothers experiences of the devastation in which the Dominican
Republic was ruled under Trujillo’s rule. The quote states, “ Thousands has lost their lives..
Have been disappeared”(Alvarez,Pg.1) . This purpose is supported by pathos so the audience
could feel through her mothers experiences in which makes the audience feel for her
emotionally. The connection is ​ when using pathos expands the purpose even further through
the fact that injustice is happening throughout the Dominican Republic which needs to stop with
people by speaking up about the topic at hand. Then Alvarez goes on to show more of her
mother’s experiences but this time through drastic measures into the hot sun during Trujillo’s
parade. Alvarez text states,”The hot sun .. was damp with sweat “ (Alvarez,Pg.3) . This
increases the purpose by pathos to show the hard sun that the mother went through just
because of the parade which would be emotionally hard on the audience as a whole. This
connects since the injustice people in the Dominican Republic had to go through Trujillo's rule
was incredibly so drastic as a whole. The evaluation of this text is pretty successful by the type
of rhetoric used is successful by using experiences to strengthen pathos in which the audience
can emotionally connect with one another as much as possible. We can improve this by truly
capture pathos by people have a emotional reaction throughout the text. Like the quote from
Malala by saying “ Thousands had lost their lives .. have been disappeared” (Alvarez,Pg.1) and
“ Thousands of voices “(Yousafzai,Pg.2) to truly show pathos.
Finally, In Yousafzai’s speech the purpose is to advocate for women’s rights and girls
education, Also , free education all over the world for every child. In the beginning quote shows
the effects of Yousafzai advocating to speaking up to injustice . The quote states,” There are
hundreds of human rights activists … I am just one of them”(Yousafzai,Pg.1). This advances the
purpose to show her experience just advocating for her rights as a person who has the right of
speech which makes people inspired and want to support her. The connection is even though
there are some bigger people than you that try to knock you down Malala survived in which
became with thousands of voices in which now supporting her. Then, Yousafzai had became a
credible source when it came to her recovery. The text states, “Thank you… My
Strength”(Yousafzai,Pg.1). The advancement shows the rhetoric argument of ethos since
Malala is showing she is a credible source by showing appreciation of others that supported her
throughout the years. Malala demonstrates her purpose by many people supporting her side for
education in which supporting her making her a reliable source. The text has overall been
evaluated which is proven successful in which, shows pathos as a personal experience. Also,
this emotionally overall connects with the audience supporting Malala as a whole.
Therefore, All of the texts have been proven successful through persuasive writing and
speaking progress through justice equality through Dr. King’s letter when he connects his
audience emotionally through his words. Also, Alvarez text showed she connects her audience
through the experience with in herself and others. Lastly, Yousafzai connects to her audience
through her personal experience with in her country and powerful words to describe her injustice

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