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The members of DA for Change would like to invite

you to participate in exciting sessions and workshops

Mindfulness that will broaden your horizons! Our Mindfulness
Retreat will begin the week of April 15th.
Follow us @daambassadorsforchange for more
information and announcements about this event!
by DA for
Change We hope to see you there!
Mindfulness Monday April 15th Tuesday April 16th Wednesday April 17th Thursday April 18th

Before School Guest teacher, Ms. Carr Guest teacher, Mary Hayes Guest teacher, Ms. Carr Guest teacher, Mary Hayes

Mindfulness Breathing and Mediation Mindfulness Breathing and Mediation

Located in rm. 218 Location TBD Located in room 218 Location TBD

Lunch Guest Presenter Guest Presenter Guest Presenter Student Demonstrators

Session 1
Art Therapy Journaling Stress Management Movement
Monday, Tuesday,
and Thursday:
Located in the gym Located in the gym Located in the gym Located in the dance room

*Wednesday, Stress
Management:  (Lunch in gym after the  (Chat and Chew)  (Chat and Chew)  (Lunch after the session)
During A Lunch session)

Lunch Guest Presenter Guest Presenter Guest Presenter Guest Presenter

Session 2
Growth Mindsets Yoga Stress Management “Laughology” (Laughter Yoga)
Monday, Tuesday,
and Thursday:
Located in Rm. 218 Located in Rm. 49 Located in the gym Located in Rm. 49

*Wednesday, Stress  (Lunch in room after  (Lunch in room after  (Chat and Chew)  (Lunch in room after session)
Management: session) session)
During B Lunch
Stay tuned! We have
many exciting things
planned for DA! More
announcements to come
Our goal here at DA For Change is to increase
our school's sense of community and our mental
health literacy. We have many exciting things
that we will soon be announcing, and we
welcome you to join us in making our school a
more loving, connected place.

For more information: text @dafor to the number

81010 to get reminders for our club meetings and
upcoming events

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