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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKEMIEnvironmental Microbiology 1462-2912Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 200577909915Review ArticleBioremediation

by bioaugmentationI. P. Thompson, C. J. van der Gast, L. Ciric

and A. Singer

Environmental Microbiology (2005) 7(7), 909–915 doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2005.00804.x


Bioaugmentation for bioremediation: the challenge of

strain selection

Ian P. Thompson,1* Christopher J. van der Gast,1 tation in bioremediation. Some see it as an expensive
Lena Ciric2 and Andrew C. Singer1 and ineffective equivalent to voodoo medicine, while
Environmental Biotechnology Section and others extol its virtues and even derive a living from its
Molecular Microbial Ecology Section, NERC Centre for commercialization. The rationale underlying bioaugmen-
Ecology and Hydrology – Oxford, Mansfield Road, Oxford tation in bioremediation is simple: the augmentation of
OX1 3SR, UK. catabolically-relevant organisms to hasten remediation.
But despite its apparent simplicity there have been many
failures, and these have been well detailed and reviewed
(Goldstein et al., 1985; Stephenson and Stephenson,
Despite its long-term use in bioremediation, bioaug- 1992; Bouchez et al., 2000; Vogel and Walter, 2001;
mentation of contaminated sites with microbial cells Wagner-Döbler, 2003). Often, failures have been simply
continues to be a source of controversy within envi- due to choosing bioaugmentation as the remediation
ronmental microbiology. This largely results from its approach in the first place. In these cases the absence of
notoriously unreliable performance record. In this relevant catabolic genes within the indigenous microbial
article, we argue that the unpredictable nature of the community is not the factor limiting contaminant degrada-
approach comes from the initial strain selection step. tion. Biodegradation can be inhibited by a plethora of
Up until now, this has been dictated by the search for factors, such as pH and redox, the presence of toxic co-
catabolically competent microorganisms, with little or contaminants, concentration, or the absence of key co-
no consideration given to other essential features that substrates, to name but a few (Barriault and Sylvestre,
are required to be functionally active and persistent 1993; Harms and Zehnder, 1995). The purpose of this
in target habitats. We describe how technical article is not to review the many instances where bioaug-
advances in molecular biology and analytical chemis- mentation failures could have been predicted by undertak-
try, now enable assessments of the functional diver- ing microbial and chemical analyses to identify possible
sity and spatial distribution of microbial communities constraints to degradation. Our focus is on those more
to be made in situ. These advances now enable micro- challenging cases where, after appropriate analysis, there
bial populations, targeted for exploitation, to be dif- are no obvious constraints to microbial degradation, yet
ferentiated to the cell level, an advance that is bound bioaugmentation still fails. We believe that the route of
to improve microbial selection and exploitation. We these failures is summarized by Vogel and Walter (2001),
argue that this information-based approach is already ‘Although microbial ecology issues are among the most
proving to be more effective than the traditional important in bioaugmentation approaches, unfortunately,
‘black-box’ approach of strain selection. The future they are rarely addressed’. The authors argue that, as with
perspectives and opportunities for improving selec- indigenous populations, a broad range of environmental
tion of effective microbial strains for bioaugmentation parameters, together with the phenotypic characteristics
are also discussed. of the strains and procedures for introduction, culminate
to determine the activity, persistence and performance of
bioaugmented strains. It is the lack of consideration of
such determinants and the complete and sole preoccupa-
There are few issues in environmental biotechnology that tion with the search for vigorous degradative strains that
generate more controversy than the use of bioaugmen- is the root of many failures.
In this article, we argue that ecological considerations
should be a priority, even before the application of inoc-
Received 23 September, 2004; accepted 20 January, 2005. *For
correspondence. E-mail; Tel. (+44) 0 1865 281630; ula: that is at the strain selection stage. Vital to these
Fax (+44) 0 1865 281696. ecological considerations is the relative spatial and tem-

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd

910 I. P. Thompson, C. J. van der Gast, L. Ciric and A. Singer
poral abundance of potential source populations and their indigenous microbial populations, among many others
ability to tolerate the prevailing conditions in target habi- stresses (Recorbet et al., 1992; England et al., 1993).
tats. Until recently, initial strain selection has been based We believe it is this initial selection step, and specifically
on a single key criterion, degradation ability, with no con- poor knowledge of the composition and population
sideration of the potential ability of strains to proliferate dynamics of source communities, as well as those in the
and be active in sites to which they were applied. We target habitats (competitors in waiting), that underlie
propose that strains selected from populations that have many inocula failures.
low abundance, or are transient within the source or tar- An alternative approach, which would probably increase
get habitats, are less likely to succeed as inocula, when success rates, in terms of persistence and activity, would
compared with those that are spatially and temporally be to base the initial selection step on a priori knowledge
ubiquitous. We discuss the challenge of selecting strains of the ubiquity, population dynamics and spatial and tem-
for reliable exploitation in bioaugmentation applications: a poral distribution of microbial communities in sampled
key stage, but sparsely dealt with in most relevant papers. habitats. It seems logical that a strain, derived from a
We briefly summarize some of the more recent technical population that is temporally and spatially prevalent in a
advances that now enable strain selection to be based on specific type of habitat, is more likely to persist as an
an in situ understanding of organism abundance, func- inoculum when reintroduced, than one that is transient or
tional activity and population dynamics in the habitat from even alien to such a habitat. Once abundant populations
which they are derived. We go on to provide evidence as have been identified, the second phase of the selection
to why a more informed approach is already proving to be procedure should then be to identify strains which can
more effective, than the traditional ‘black-box’ attitude to degrade the target contaminant. Indeed, there is evidence
selecting ‘good strains’. The future opportunities these to suggest that such a strategy would aid inocula survival.
technological advances provide for selecting well-adapted Belotte and colleagues (2003) isolated bacteria from a
and catabolically competent strains, for degradation per range of locations in a forest soil. When vigorous growers
se, as well as their potential as vehicles for delivering and were cultured and reintroduced into the environment, they
maintaining degradative genes in the target habitat are tended to colonize the sites from which they originated,
discussed. providing strong evidence for local adaptation. The
authors estimated that isolates were 50% fitter when rein-
troduced into their home sites, and that fitness diminished
The challenge
exponentially with distance from their origin (Belotte et al.,
Successful application of bioaugmentation techniques is 2003).
dependent on the identification and isolation of appropri- We are not advocating that the selective enrichment
ate microbial strains, and their subsequent survival and method should be made redundant. The approach is
activity, once released into the target habitat. Sourcing essential in order to derive ‘superior strains’ and so will
microbial strains for bioaugmentation has typically been continue to be an essential step for obtaining exploitable
achieved, for at least the past 100 years, by selective strains (Singer et al., 2005a). Nor are we suggesting that
enrichment (Beijerinck, 1901). This involves strains from intensive microbial community analysis be taken for every
polluted samples being enriched to grow, relative to the site targeted for bioaugmenation. Tailoring inocula for
background community, in culture, using the target con- every site and application would just not be practicable.
taminant as the sole enriching carbon or nitrogen However, we are suggesting that selection of strains
source. The procedure results in the selection of strains should be taken on the basis of some understanding of
that express the required degradation ability: in the spe- the kind of microbial communities present in the source
cific conditions of the enrichment culture, at least. How- habitat, and preferably with some knowledge of the type
ever, such enriched populations are not necessarily of organisms that are common in the target habitat. With
typical or representative of indigenous communities in the introduction of superior methods for undertaking more
the target habitat and could equally, by chance, be thorough assessments of microbial communities, this
derived from transient populations. It seems likely that knowledge-based approach is becoming increasingly
this latter point is the crux of many bioaugmentation fail- more feasible.
ures. The problem is that the enrichment procedure is
unlikely to have any influence on other traits that are
Identification of key populations and genes in situ
also required for strains to be competitive and effective
in the target environment. These additional traits are In recent years technological advances in molecular
required to survive prevailing, often fluctuating, environ- microbial ecology and analytical chemistry have been
mental conditions (e.g. moisture, nutrients, redox, pH brought together, enabling us to identify in situ popula-
and osmotic factors) and, of course, competition from tions, and even individual cells, responsible for undertak-

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 909–915
Bioremediation by bioaugmentation 911
ing specific processes. Using molecular approaches, such samples analysed. Ribotype A was subsequently geneti-
as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) cally tagged (lacZY with kanamycin resistance), inocu-
(Muyzer et al., 1993), terminal restriction fragment length lated in lab-based field soil and found to persist
polymorphism (tRFLP) (Liu et al., 1997) and length-heter- significantly better than randomly selected (transient)
ogeneity polymerase chain reaction (LH-PCR) (Suzuki ribotypes, similarly tagged. This demonstrates that differ-
et al., 1998), we are now in a better position to obtain a ent strains, even when genetically very similar, have dif-
more comprehensive assessment of the composition and ferent competencies, in terms of survival, when introduced
structure of microbial communities in the environment. In into the environment as inocula. Interestingly, ribotype A
addition, other complementary techniques can provide not only proved to have exceptional survival ability, but
more direct assessments of microbial community compo- when co-inoculated, improved the persistence of the
sition. For example, fluorescent in situ hybridization poorly surviving transient isolate. In an attempt to deter-
(FISH) (Delong et al., 1989) uses a fluorochrome-labelled mine which traits distinguished competent strains from
oligonucleotide to identify specific populations in situ, and transient forms, the authors examined a range of pheno-
obtain direct measures of their relative abundance. More types that had previously been associated with rhizo-
recently stable isotope probing (SIP) (Boschker et al., sphere competence, including the presence of flagella
1998; Radajewski et al., 2000) has emerged as a poten- and lipopolysaccharides (de Weger et al., 1987a,b). How-
tially powerful tool, which employs stable isotopes such ever, the only trait found to distinguish the two populations
as 13C, to determine exactly which organisms assimilate was their organic acids utilization characteristics. Contrary
specific contaminants. Extraction of labelled fatty acids, to expectation, ribotype A utilized a narrower range of
DNA and/or RNA, allows accurate identification and dif- organic acids than the transient form, but grew faster on
ferentiation of the active members of the community. With compounds they could assimilate (e.g. citric and lactic
further development this should become the most power- acid). The importance of nutrients in determining inocula
ful of the new techniques discussed; although as yet, it performance, in the rhizosphere at least, is not surprising,
does not provide a reliable estimate of the relative abun- in particularly organic acids, as they are significant con-
dance of the catabolically active forms (Manefield et al., stituents of the root exudates (Rovira, 1969). However, it
2002). However, SIP has already been applied in the field, is surprising that the range of organic acids utilized by
where it successfully identified the populations that drive ribotype A was narrower than the less competitive strains.
the remedial process (Jeon et al., 2003). In an exciting Indeed, the ability to utilize a diverse range of nutrients
recent development, this approach has been combined has previously been correlated to competitive ability in the
with Raman confocal microscopy, lending insight into rhizosphere (Bakker et al., 1993; Oresnik et al., 1998).
those populations responsible for contaminant catabolism The authors concluded that, in some cases at least, the
to be differentiated, at the individual cell level (Huang ability to grow rapidly on a more narrow range of sub-
et al., 2004; Singer et al., 2005b). strates can confer a competitive advantage, if that com-
pound is abundant in the habitat. However, the contrasting
conclusions of these studies highlights the difficulty of pin-
Better selection gives better performance
pointing the specific traits that confer fitness on inocula,
The techniques described, in particularly SIP, are new and which are very much dependent on the characteristics of
not yet routinely and widely used to scrutinize communi- the habitat and strains, and their interactions, which in turn
ties, so it is really too early to predict how they might are unlikely to remain constant.
revolutionize the selection, detection and exploitation of In a similar study, the authors also noted that
strains for bioaugmentation. However, several studies are pseudomonad strains had different rhizosphere compe-
provided as evidence of how systematic and careful selec- tencies, and similarly used a dual selection criterion. In
tion process for competitive bacterial strains might be this instance numerical dominance in the target habitat
used to improve bioaugmentation. For instance, in an (rhizosphere) and the ability to degrade a contaminant
extensive field study 690 characterized isolates of fluores- (naphthalene) were used to select strains for long-term
cent pseudomonads from a single site were analysed to phytoremediation applications (Kuiper et al., 2001). The
determine the genetic composition using RFLP rRNA authors demonstrated a 100-fold increase in strain sur-
(ribotyping) analysis, and dynamics of the population over vival after two enrichment cycles within the Lolium multi-
several seasons (Goddard et al., 2001). The population florum rhizosphere, in addition to naphthalene
was found to be highly heterogeneous: the 690 character- degradation. The exceptional root-colonization ability and
ized isolates consisted of 385 ribotypes, and notably most excellent performance of the selected strain was attrib-
were transient, being detected only once. Approximately uted to its ability to effectively utilize the nutrients specific
26 ribotypes were detected more frequently (spatially and to the plant cultivar selected, and the careful and system-
temporally); one isolate, ribotype A, was ubiquitous in the atic targeting of the strain.

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 909–915
912 I. P. Thompson, C. J. van der Gast, L. Ciric and A. Singer
In a series of studies, a systematic selection/isolation genes (e.g. 3-chlorobenoate and 4-chlorobiphnyl) have
programme was undertaken whereby bacterial inocula been successfully introduced, by conjugation, into strains
were developed to treat spent metal working fluids (MWF) specifically selected for their tolerance (Top et al., 2002).
in bioreactors (van der Gast et al., 2003a; 2004), also For instance, introduction of catabolic genes into
based on significant criteria that reflected key features of desiccation-tolerant strains resulted in good degradation
the microbial habitat. However, in this instance the authors of the contaminants (biphenyl, isopropylbenezene and 3-
used a triple-selection criterion. These were: (i) the rela- chlorobenzoate) by the tranconjugants in desiccated soil
tive abundance of source populations in the target habitat conditions, and the strains demonstrated excellent shelf
(waste MWF), (ii) tolerance to co-contaminants (MWF are life when stored in a dried form (Weekers et al., 1999).
chemically mixed) and (iii) the ability to degrade compo- Enhanced degradation rates of carefully selected
nents of MWF. Extensive analysis of the microbial com- adapted strains have also been achieved by recombinant
munity composition and structure of a single MWF approaches. Watanabe and colleagues (2002) screened
formulation, both temporally and spatially at a worldwide a bacterial community in an activated sludge plant for
scale, were undertaken to identify ubiquitous populations phenol degradation, and selected the dominant (most
in waste MWF (van der Gast et al., 2002; 2003b). Subse- abundant) population Comamonas sp. rN7. Phc genes
quent screening cycles were based on the ability of iso- encoding for phenol hyroxylase, from the parent strain C.
lates to tolerate the toxicity of co-contaminants and to testosteroni R5, were integrated into the chromosome of
catabolize individual chemical constituents. A consortium the Comamonas sp. rN7. The specific phenol-oxidizing
of four isolates was generated that proved to be 85% activity of the resultant transformant, designated
more effective at processing waste MWF in bioreactors rN7(R503), was three times greater than the activity of the
than undefined inocula from sewage. It also demonstrated original strain R5. Quantitative PCR revealed that the phc
exceptional persistence in the chemically dynamic biore- genes were retained in the transformant, at 108 copies per
actors. Perhaps even more importantly, in terms of appli- ml of liquor, for more than 35 days, while the parent R5,
cations, the consortium performance was more consistent the original source of the phc genes, was undetectable.
and predictable than those from uncharacterized microbial Furthermore, inoculation of phenol containing activated
communities (activated sludge), a feature of great value sludge with the transformant resulted in high phenol-oxy-
to chemical engineers and technicians who design and genating activity and improved resistance to phenol shock
manage such systems. loading, compared with inoculation with the parent.
Taking a similar approach the catabolic genes were
genetically engineered into persistent and adapted
Improved exploitation of robust strains
Deinococcus radiodurans strains, specifically selected for
Over a decade has passed since it was first proposed that their natural tolerance to high doses of radioactivity, and
inoculation of strains containing mobile genetic elements modified to express the cloned mercury (II) resistance
(MGE) might provide a mechanism for the introduction of genes (merA), derived from Escherichia coli (strain
specific traits into microbial communities (Brokamp and BL308) (Lange et al., 1998). The resultant was a strain
Schmidt, 1991; Fulthorpe and Wyndham, 1991). For able to grow in the presence of radiation, a natural char-
instance, the transfer of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid acteristic of this organism, and ionic mercury, which it
(2,4-D) degradation plasmids pEMT1 from an introduced transformed to the less toxic elemental mercury (II). Sim-
donor strain to the indigenous soil microbial community ilarly, the same radiation-tolerant strain was modified to
resulted in the complete degradation of 2,4-D after express toluene dioxygenase (tdo) activity. Cloning of the
19 days, while the contaminant persisted in the non- tdo genes into the chromosome of D. radiodurans
inoculated soil after 89 days (Dejonghe et al., 2000). imparted the ability to oxidize toluene, chlorobenzene and
Enhanced 2,4-D degradation was attributed to the emer- indole. The recombinant was also capable of growth and
gence of transconjugants (105 colony forming units per functional synthesis of tdo in highly irradiated conditions
gram soil), as the donor was undetectable before degra- (Lange et al., 1998). This approach puts us in very strong
dation started. It might be argued that this approach would position not only to select persistent and active strains,
negate the requirement to take the trouble to screen for but to add functionality to well performing strains.
competitive strains, as we are advocating, as the donor is An alternative but complementary approach, success-
no longer required, once catabolic activities are trans- fully used to maintain the catabolic activity of introduced
ferred and expressed in the indigenous bacteria. However, inocula, is to manipulate key environmental parameters
it can be equally reasoned that introduction of robust selected specifically to favour catabolic expression and
strains, containing desired genes, that persist long-term survival of introduced cells. Again this approach requires
in a habitat, would have greater opportunities to transfer good understanding of the ecology of the selected strains.
the catabolic genes. Indeed, plasmids-borne catabolic For instance, Pseudomonas stutzeri KC was selected for

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 909–915
Bioremediation by bioaugmentation 913
site inoculation because of its ability to transform carbon demonstrate brief periods of activity, stimulated by the
tetrachloride to carbon dioxide (Dybas et al., 1998). Pre- appearance of an available substrate, returning to quies-
vious studies revealed that the inoculum was favoured by cence, when resources were exhausted. In contrast, the
anoxic conditions and demonstrated an exceptionally high ‘autochthonous’ forms were defined as those organisms
affinity for iron (Criddle et al., 1990). By manipulating the that demonstrate slow but continuous activity (e.g. Arthro-
pH in the field to pH 8, which lowered iron availability, the bacter). Later, Hirsch and colleagues (1979) utilized the
strain was able to persist and actively degrade the con- term ‘r-strategist’ to refer to an organism typified by a high
taminant, by out-competing indigenous populations that Km and Vmax, suggesting the need for a large food source
were unable to obtain adequate concentrations of iron. to induce growth followed by a high metabolic rate and
subsequent short-lived but large increase in population
size. ‘K-strategists’ are typified by a low Km and Vmax, and
Future perspectives
an equivalent metabolic and population growth response
It would be naive to believe that by simply picking the to both large and small nutrient introduction (Hirsch et al.,
‘right’ organisms or manipulating the right field parameter, 1979). On this basis, if a strain for bioaugmentation was
bioaugmentation will suddenly become as reliable and required that could survive long-term in a habitat, slowly
predictable as engineered systems. Inevitably, as with and continuously degrading a contaminant, an autochth-
most biological systems, there will always be an element onous candidate would be most suitable. Zymogenous
of unpredictability. Such biotic factors as inoculum density, forms would be ideal when there were occasional pollution
preparation and modes of introduction are known to episodes. When the contaminant was present, the zymog-
greatly influence performance (Vogel and Walter, 2001). enous strain would explode in activity and growth rate,
It is not practical to tailor consortia specifically to each their numbers then rapidly diminishing when the contam-
habitat and eventuality. However, it is clear that members inant was completely degraded. These scenarios may
of the same genera/species do not all have equal fitness seem far fetched, and they probably are, but they serve
and some are likely to be competitive in a broader range to stress the point that it is essential to select the right
of scenarios, while others may be more suited to specific ‘strategist’ for a specific task. However, what is described
conditions and habitats. With improving knowledge we above may not be too far from the real world. In a long-
should become more effective at determining and target- term study into the persistence of bacterial inocula, the
ing the kind of organisms or traits (e.g. resistance to low performances of Arthrobacter (A109) and Flavobacterium
pH or high heavy metal concentrations, poor nutrient con- strains (P25), selected specifically to represent the two
ditions or high salinity) that are likely to suit specific contrasting classes of microorganisms defined by Wino-
conditions and remedial requirements. This should then gradsky, were evaluated in the field. As Winogradsky
allow us to develop a suite or culture collection of well- might have predicted, after 87 days, counts of the zymog-
characterized organisms which maintain exceptional cat- enous form (P25) fell below detectable limits, while those
abolic ability and tolerance in a broad range of chemical of the autochthonous form (A109) were detected in
and environmental stresses. These superbugs are excess of 300 days after introduction, when monitoring
referred to as an Heirloom strains – named after the ceased.
microorganism’s often long lineage within research Even though Winogradsky’s theory of survival may now
groups, where they acquire an ever-increasing dossier of seem simplistic and may not survive the test of time, or
desirable traits from an equally long list of researchers the scrutiny of modern techniques, it does at least provide
(Singer et al., 2005a). For instance, bioaugmentation of some theoretical basis on which we can more systemati-
soils co-contaminated with organics and metals may see cally select strains for exploitation for specific tasks in
greater success with the application of microorganisms bioaugmentation. With the introduction of new technolo-
selected specifically for their dual catabolic competence gies, we are in a much better position to understand the
and tolerance of toxic metals. Furthermore, such a collec- bewildering extent of microbial diversity, and to develop
tion would avoid the impractical requirement of painstak- ecological theories and models (Curtis et al., 2003) that
ingly selecting and tailoring inocula for each specific site. will inevitably help target the best microorganisms for any
The notion that different types of microorganisms have one task. Moreover, by minimizing the size of the ‘black
different survival strategies and opportunities is far from box’, we are better able to respond to changes in system
new, but seems to have been largely forgotten. The great and environmental parameters – ultimately leading
pioneering microbiologist Winogradsky distinguished towards a more robust and reliable bioaugmentation.
between two classes of microbes in terms of their survival
strategy (Winogradsky, 1924). He coined the term ‘zymog-
enous’ microbes (e.g. Pseudomonas), for those microor-
ganism that exist mostly in a resting phase, which Barriault, D., and Sylvestre, M. (1993) Factors affecting PCB

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