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ETL Testing interview questions asked by ZS associates:

1. Tell me abou yourself.?
2. Tell me about your project and architecture.?
3. whats your role in your project.?
4. Tell the complex mapping which u did in your project.? and crictical defects
found in your project.?
4. what is join.? difference btwn left outer join and right outer join.?
5. What are the validations u did in your project.?
6. if source is flat file what type of validation u will do.?
7. tell some sql queries which u validated as part of the project.?
8. unix command (like mv,diff,cmp,grep,...)
9. data mart.?
10. what is the schema of your project.? explain the schema.?
11. dimension vs fact
12. have u worked on bi report testing.?
13. As part of report testing what type of validations you will do.?
14. QC ALM (How to links the defect/test cases with requirement).?
15. defect life cycle in your project.?
16. audit tables usage in infomratica.?
17. how will you run the workflow.?
18. given some scenario then asked explain how scd implementation will happen.?
19. rank() vs dense_rank().?
20. primary key vs surrogate key.?

still few more questions asked didnt remembered excatly, few more project related
scenarios asked

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