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This file contains a partial list of the environmental variables that a user can


Set these like this:

-> tcsh: setenv SCI_DEBUG ExecTimes:+
-> bash: export SCI_DEBUG=ExecTimes:+
To set multiple flags, use quotation marks and separate flags by a comma:
(no spaces after commas)
-> bash: export SCI_DEBUG="ExecTimes:+,TaskGraph:+,WASATCH_FIELDS:+"�
-> tcsh: setenv SCI_DEBUG ExecTimes:+,TaskGraph:+,WASATCH_FIELDS:+

Name type Description


ExecTimes SCI_DEBUG Outputs the time for execution on each task

NOTE: Reported values are:
1) Represented in seconds
2) Cumulative over 10 timesteps
3a) Cumulative over nthreads when
using the UnifiedScheduler
3b) Cumulative over nthreads-1 when
using the ThreadedMPIScheduler
To view the top 10 tasks use:
sort -t: -k 2 -k 3 -g -r exectimes.?.? |
To get a summary of all exectimes files run
the script src/scripts/execsummary
NOTE: This only works with MPI and you must
run your input file for more than 10 timesteps

ReductionTasks SCI_DEBUG outputs a message on processor 0 whenever a

reduction task occurs.
RELOCATE_DBG SCI_DEBUG prints out debugging information in the
code that finds the neighboring
patches inside of particle relocation task.
WaitForDebugger SCI_DEBUG when an exception is thrown halt the
program and print out
the pid so you can attach a debugger to it.
OnDemandDataWarehouse SCI_DEBUG outputs when a variable is retrieved or put
into the data warehouse.
VarLabel List when a VarLabel is created and deleted
ComponentTimings SCI_DEBUG output overall mpi and cpu times
BCR_dbg SCI_DEBUG print out some information regarding the BC

Grid related Information:

GRID SCI_DEBUG prints out each patch's index space
AMR SCI_DEBUG prints out the patch layout
AMR_CoarsenRefine SCI_DEBUG prints out debugging information for
coarsening and refining operations

Task and Taskgraph Debugging Information:

TaskDBG SCI_DEBUG output the name of each task as it begins
executing and when it's completed
TaskLevel SCI_DEBUG output the task name and beginning patch
on each level after the task has completed.
TaskGraph SCI_DEBUG prints out task name, computes and
requires for every task
TaskGraphDetailed SCI_DEBUG prints out internal details of computes
and requires for every task
TaskGraphPhase SCI_DEBUG prints out the task phase assigned to each
task by the task graph
Scrubbing SCI_DEBUG prints debugging information for scrubbing
vars. You can "watch" one variable by setting: dbgScrubVar = "Var";

Scheduler Debugging Information:

MPIScheduler_DBG SCI_DEBUG Prints general debugging information for
the MPIScheduler
MPIScheduler_TimingsOut SCI_DEBUG Outputs fine-grained MPI communication
timings to files: timingstats.avg, timingstats.max
MPIStats SCI_DEBUG Prints comprehensive, fine-grained MPI
summary to stdout
WaitTimes SCI_DEBUG Prints detailed summary of task wait times
to stdout

DynamicMPIScheduler Related:
DynamicMPI_DBG SCI_DEBUG Prints general debugging information
DynamicMPI_QueueLength SCI_DEBUG Prints the average task queue length

UnifiedScheduler Related:
Unified_DBG SCI_DEBUG Prints general debugging information
Unified_QueueLength SCI_DEBUG Prints the average task queue length

GPU Related:
GPUStats SCI_DEBUG Reports detailed GPU statistics from within the
UnififedScheudler on "host-->device"
and "device-->host" data movement.
GPUDataWarehouse SCI_DEBUG Reports detailed statistics from within the GPUDW
on GPUDataWarehouse activity.

ICE_DOING_COUT SCI_DEBUG Outputs the name of each task as it's being
scheduled and executed.
ICE_BC_CC SCI_DEBUG output boundary condition debugging information for
Cell-centered variables.
ICE_BC_FC SCI_DEBUG output boundary condition debugging information for
Face-centered variables.
DBG_EqPress SCI_DEBUG Output debugging information about the iteration
process in computeEquilibration if an exception is

ARCHES_PRESS_SOLVE SCI_DEBUG Outputs the name of each task in the pressure
solveras it's being
scheduled and executed.
ARCHES_TASK_VARS SCI_DEBUG Print the variable with associated registration
requirement attributes (ArchesTaskInterface).

MPM SCI_DEBUG Outputs the name of each task as it's being
scheduled and executed.

MPMICE_DOING_COUT SCI_DEBUG Outputs the name of each task as it's being
scheduled and executed.
DBG_EqPress SCI_DEBUG Output debugging information if
computeEquilibration throws
an exception.

WASATCH_TASKS SCI_DEBUG Outputs Wasatch task diagnostics. See
WASATCH_FIELDS SCI_DEBUG Outputs information on Wasatch registered fields.
WASATCH_REDUCTIONS SCI_DEBUG Information about Wasatch's reduction tasks and
related expressions. See
WASATCH_QMOM_DBG SCI_DEBUG Outputs full matrices that are constructed during
the product difference algorithm, and warning for moment reduction

RAY SCI_DEBUG Outputs the name of each task as it's being
scheduled and executed.

Regression testing:
GOLD_STANDARDS N/A Path to the gold standards, this overrides the
default path.
RT_CHECKPOINTS N/A Path to the checkpoints directory that are needed
for tests that restart from checkpoints.
MALLOC_STATS N/A file that is used for sci malloc output
MALLOC_STRICT N/A "set" will enable the sci malloc tests on all.

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