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Cumulative Effects Assessment August 8, 2007

PERU LNG Project

o Environmental Impact Study of Water and Power Supply and Desalinating

Plant of the Cerro Lindo Project.
o Environmental Impact Study of the Project of Exploitation Esperanza 2001.
Interviews and consultations were held with a number of individuals and organizations to both
obtain and verify information. Many of these interviews were conducted within the study area.
A summary of these is as follows:
• Ministry of Economy
o Milton Von Hesse and Dania Muniz. Direction of Multiannual Programming of
the MEF
o Carlos Garaycochea and Luisa Galarza. Working Group of Intersectoral
Coordination (GTCI)
o Javier Abugattas, Senior Consultant Specialist in Social Topics and Ex Vice-
minister of Economy of the Peruvian Government.
• Representatives from the four Local Governments
• Non-governmental Organizations (David Romero Espinoza – President of the Indesco
NGO) and CODE (Regional Coordinator of NGO’s of Huancavelica).
• Director of the Agricultural Agency (Carlos Portugal) – Chincha.
• Rosa Calle, architect for the Municipality of Chincha.
• General Director of Environment (Roman Bendezú) – Local Government of Ica.
• Director of the Regional Direction of Mining – Ica (Leoncio Carnero). Information Gaps

In Peru, information systems are not yet organized to allow for comprehensive researching of
projects. Information is still scattered and typically has not been verified or registered at the
local level. Field teams traveling to Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Ica and the South of Lima with a
list of projects recorded on private or central government data bases often met with local
administrators who were unaware of the projects. Similarly, the Ministry of Transport was
unaware of a road project being developed by Minera Milpo, which crosses the PERU LNG
Despite the existence of a National Strategic Development Plan, the connection between the
policies and programs contained therein and actual regional or local projects or initiatives
appears to be limited. Similarly, while there are also development plans at the regional,
provincial and district levels, most do not complement or articulate the policies, programs and
projects being implemented at each locality. The plans do, however, report on investment
projects that may be considered by the public and private sector.
Another general limitation relates to the extent and quality of environmental information. The
area has not benefited from any concerted or systematic biodiversity inventories, sampling, or
descriptive natural history research, other than that carried out as part of the environmental
assessments for the PERU LNG Projects and the recently constructed TgP pipeline. In
general, the coastal arid lands and puna ecosystems have received little attention in
comparison to either lowland or montane forest ecosystems. This does not imply the absence
of significant biodiversity value in the region, but it does limit regional assessments such as
this CEA to predominately qualitative judgments rather than more quantitative methods of
assessment. Workshop
As indicated above, approximately 2000 plans, programs, projects and initiatives of one kind
or another were referenced in the above data sets. Following a review of the broad
characteristics of each ‘project’ to determine potential relevance, this number was reduced to
29 before each was individually assessed in more detail in terms of the potential cumulative

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