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Shashankasana (The Rabbit Pose,

Sanskrit: शशांकासन, Shashankāsana)
Steps to perform Shashankasana:

Sit comfortably in Vajrasana (folding both the legs and putting them below the hips,
spine should be erect and hands resting on thighs)
Relax your breathing.
Raise your hands above your head keeping them straight.
Take a deep breath and bend back a bit.
While exhaling, bend forward with a stretch.
Touch your forehead to the ground.
Maintain the posture up to five breaths or more.
Take normal breathe and come up slowly while exhaling.
Bring your hands down and keep the palms on your thighs.

Contradictions: Benefits:

People who have had any stomach surgery should not Relaxing posture.
practice this. Tones the pelvic muscles.
Those have severe back pain or knee pain should Massages the abdominal
avoid doing this aasan. muscles.
Those suffering from dizziness should not practice. Helps in improving the
·Those suffering from cardiovascular disorders, Acute digestion.
Respiratory Tract infection, Giddiness, Asthma and Gives a good relaxing
abdominal disorders should not practice. stretch to the spine.
It should be practiced at least three hours after having

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