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SOL Supratentorial at sellar region due to suspect Tubercullum Sellae

1 Ida 48 th P 1671623 SKULLBASE 04/12/2018 KMG 2 9.8 RS CH Craniotomy Tumor Removal

Multiple Supratentorial SOL at Right Sphenoorbita and Left Frontal due to TH/ Craniectomy Tumor Removal
2 Anah 41 thn P 1689998 SKULLBASE 07/12/2018 KMG 5 .3.6 RS PT
Susp. Meningioma due to Susp. Neurofibromatosis type 2 and Cranioplasty elective

SOL Supratentorial at Midparietal due to residif meningioma due to post CTR

R/ DSA + re Craniotomy tumor
3 Dedeh widaningsih 44 thn p 1530092 SKULLBASE 13/12/2018 KMG 2 9.2 due to SOL Supratentorial at Left Parietoocipital due to meningioma + RS CH
Removal elektif
Hipokalemi + Hipoalbumin

SOL Supratentorial at left frontal due to Susp. Cenvexity Meningioma DD/

4 Marpuah 31 thn P 18071909 SKULLBASE 20/12/2018 Fresia 2 9.5 RS OB R/ Craniotomy Tumor Removal
Frontal Base Meningioma

01/01/2019 (Konsul Supratentorial SOL at Mid Frontotemporal due to Sphenoid Wing Meningioma
5 Rohanah 40 thn P 1697117 SKULLBASE Fresia 2 10.5 RS OB R/ Craniotomy Tumor Removal
Neuro) + Gravid 26 weeks

SOL Suupratentorial at sellar region due to suspect Tubercullum Sellae

6 Rumiyati 50 thn P 1717224 SKULLBASE 02/01/2019 ( IGD Bedah AB CH R/ Craniotomy Tumor Removal

SOL Supratentorial at right Temporoparietal due to suspect Convexity

R/ Craniotomy Tumor Removal
7 Anih 63 thn p 1699346 SKULLBASE 03/01/2019 KMG 4 5.3 meningioma + Post Craniotomy Tumor Removal due to SOL Supratentorial at RS PT
left Frontal due to Meningioma

R/ CT Scan kepala kontras

8 Yayat 51 thn L 1731369 ONCOLOGY 18/12/2018 KMG 2 10.3 Supratentorial SOL at frontoparietal susp. High Grade Glioma FM ES
CTR elektif

R/ MRI Kontras R/
9 Uden 40 thn L 1731688 ONCOLOGY 26/12/2018 Fresia 2 11.5 SOL Supratentorial at Left Parietal due to Susp. High Grade Glioma FM ES
Craniotomy Tumor Bipsi

Multiple SOL Supratentorial at left parietooccipital + Infratentorial at right R/ Craniotomy Tumor Removal
10 Sri Narti 63 thn P 1732319 ONCOLOGY 03/01/2019 IGD bedah FZ ES
cerebellum due to suspect metastasis + Suspect Lung Tumor + Hyponatremia Elective

Post VP Shunt and Omaya Shunt due to Acute Non Communicating

11 Siti Aisha 11 thn P 1660477 PEDIATRIC 14/12/2018 KMG 2 4.5 Hydrocephalus due to Supratentorial SOL at Suprasellar Region due to MS IB Craniotomy Tumor Removal Cito

R/ MRI lumbosacral
12 By. Ny. Yuli 13 hari P 1730713 PEDIATRIC 15/12/2018 Anturium Kamar 3 Suspect Tethered Cord due to Meningomyelocele at Lumbosacral MS JY
-Reseksi cele elektif

Cerebral Infract at Left frontotemporoparietooccipital due to Susp.

13 Ghalih 4 thn L 1722611 PEDIATRIC 29/12/2018 KMG 2 5.4 MS IB R/DSA
Moyamoya Disease DD/ Vasculitis + Status Epilepticus

Myeloradiculopathy at level Th 10 due to SOL Extradura at Level Th 10-12 due

14 Virzy 12 thn L 1298521 PEDIATRIC 02/01/2019 ( KMG 2 5.3 to Susp. Hodgkin Malignant Lymphoma + Hodgkin Malignant Lymphoma Post MS IB R/ Laminotomy tumor biopsy

Supratentorial SOL at Suprasellar Region Extend to Right Cavernous due to R/ Omaya Shunt + Craniotomy Tumor
15 M. Nazar 13 thn L 1724848 PEDIATRIC 02/01/2019 ( KMG 2 5.5 MS CB
susp Craniopharyngioma + Short Stature Removal Elektif
Post VP-shunt due Acute non Communicating Hydrocephalus due to SOL
R/ Craniotomy Tumor Removal
16 Hilman 8 thn L 171595 PEDIATRIC 03/01/2019 KMG 5 3.2 Infratentorial at Midcerebellum due to Susp. Cavernoma dd MS JY
Mild head injury + closed depressed fracture >1 table at left parietal + EDH ar
17 Agus 13 thn L 1731658 TRAUMA 19/12/2018 Kemuning 2 4.8 left parietal + Closed fracture distal right radius and ulna + fracture dento MZ YU R/ Craniotomy elevasi elektif
alveolar multiple

18 Yayan 67 thn L 1733722 ONCOLOGY 30/12/2018 KMG 5 9.3 Supratentorial SOL at temporoparietal susp. High Grade Glioma FM RB R/ CTR

Radikulopati at level L4-5 due to Extradural SOL at level V. L4-5 due to Susp. R/ Laminectomy decompression and
19 Eliasta 52 thn L 1733003 SPINE 27/12/2018 KMG 2 10.1 RD CP
Discitis due to Susp. Spondylitis TB debridement

27/12/2018 (Konsul myeloradiculopathy at level Th 10-11 due to Intradural Extramedullary SOL at

20 Tiara 17 thn P 1730174 SPINE KMG 2 2.6 RD CP R/ Laminectomy tumor removal
IKA) level V. Th 10-11 due to Susp. Meningioma DD/Schwannoma

R/ La tera l Extra Ca vi ty Approa ch

28/12/2018 Konsul Myel ora di cul opa thy a t l evel Th 1-4 due SOL i ntra dura l Extra medul l a ry a t l evel
21 Risna susanti 27thn P 1731406 SPINE Fres i a 2 10.3 RD RY tumor remova l + Pos teri or
Neurologi V. Th 1-4 due to s us p Schwa noma DD meni ngi oma
Sta bi l i za ti on

Sponta neous SAB + ICH a tLeft frontotempora l due to s us pect a neurys ma

22 Arya Setya 16thn L 1733587 VASCULAR 29/12/2018 Kons ul IKA KMG 4 3.1 AD CE R/ DSA

Post Operatif

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