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11/21/2017 Guru: Logging SQL Errors And Warnings - IT Jungle


Guru: Logging SQL Errors And Warnings TFH Volume: 27 Issue: 71

October 30, 2017 Birgitta Hauser

If something goes wrong with an embedded SQL statement or an SQL routine (a trigger, stored This Issue Sponsored By
procedure or user-defined function), the system does not crash. Instead, DB2 returns a negative
SQL code and an SQL state that starts with something other than 00, 01, or 02. If the routine does Fresche Solutions
not handle the error, the program continues to run. Maxava
T.L. Ashford
It is good practice to log errors to a table, especially unexpected ones. Before you can log any WorksRight Software
errors, you need to know how an SQL error can be trapped and handled. You need to know how to Manta Technologies
write a condition handler.

Continue, Exit, and Undo Handlers

In a SQL routine, you can code condition handlers to process warnings and errors. Condition
handlers are activated as soon as a specific SQLSTATE is signaled. You may define handlers for any
unhandled SQL error or warning.

There are three types of handlers.

1. Continue Handler: After the handler is executed, execution of the routine continues after the
statement that caused the handler to be activated.
2. Exit Handler: After the handler is executed, the routine is ended.
3. Undo Handler: After the handler is executed, the routine is also ended, but if the routine is run
under commitment control, the database manager performs a ROLLBACK.

Define condition handlers in the declaration section of the routine body, after the variable,
condition, and cursor definitions and before the executable statements.

Within a handler, you may code either a single SQL statement or, if multiple statements need to be
Table of Contents
performed, a compound statement. A compound statement starts with BEGIN and ends with END.
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Between BEGIN and END, you may include a declaration section followed by multiple executable
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statements that should be performed as soon as the specified SQL state occurs.
Navigator For IBM i On A Zigzag Journey
The syntax of a condition handler looks like this: Guru: Logging SQL Errors And Warnings
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More Power7 And Power8 Features To Bite The
Single Statement or Compound Statement;

You may define multiple condition handlers to manage different SQL states. Content archive
Sometimes unexpected errors or warnings occur. SQL states for unexpected errors are normally The Four Hundred
not known and cannot be anticipated. But handling or at least logging those errors might be even Four Hundred Stuff
more important than managing foreseen SQL states. Four Hundred Guru

General Conditions
SQL programming defines three general conditions for all unexpected errors or warnings. You can
use these conditions instead of an SQL state.

SQLEXCEPTION: Can be used for any SQLSTATE that does not start with 00 (runs correctly) or
01 (warning) or 02 (not found) that is not specifically handled elsewhere. 1/8
11/21/2017 Guru: Logging SQL Errors And Warnings - IT Jungle
SQLWARNING: Represents any SQLSTATE starting with 01 (warning) that is not handled
NOT FOUND: Stands for any SQLSTATEs starting with 02 (not found) that is not handled

The following example displays the syntax of an exit handler that is activated for any error:


Single Statement or Compound Statement;

You can always retrieve the SQL state of a statement, even for unexpected errors. The SQL state is a
cryptic value consisting of five digits and/or letters. You can use the GET DIAGNOSTICS statement
to retrieve more detailed information about a statement that failed.


The GET DIAGNOSTICS statement provides information about the previous SQL statement. It can
only be used in embedded SQL programs and SQL PL routines.

GET DIAGNOSTICS provides detailed statement, connection, and condition information. You can
specify multiple items or keywords to describe the information to be returned. The syntax for
retrieving information differs slightly depending on the information type.

Statement information includes, among other information, the following keywords

ROW_COUNT: Returns the number of rows associated with the previous SQL statement, i.e.
returns the number of rows deleted, updated or inserted by the previous INSERT, UPDATE or
DELETE statement
MORE: Indicates whether more errors were raised than could be handled
NUMBER: Returns the number of errors and warnings detected by the execution of the
previous SQL statement

The following GET DIAGNOSTICS Statement returns the number of inserted, updated or deleted
rows of the previous statement.


You can retrieve information based on multiple keywords with one GET DIAGNOSTICS statement.
The different Variable = Keyword pairs are listed one after the other and separated by commas.

To retrieve condition information, you must specify an additional condition as an integer value.
For information about the previous statement, specify CONDITION 1.

Condition information includes, among others, the following keywords

MESSAGE_TEXT: Identifies the message text of the error, warning, or successful completion
returned from the last SQL statement that was executed.
DB2_MESSAGE_ID: Returns the message ID corresponding to the MESSAGE_TEXT
COLUMN_NAME: If the error was caused by an inaccessible column, the column name is
CONSTRAINT_NAME: If the error was caused by a constraint violation, the constraint name is
TRIGGER_NAME: If a trigger caused an exception, the trigger name is returned.

The following statement shows the GET DIAGNOSTICS statement for retrieving the error text and
message ID for the previous statement.


Set LocMsgText = MESSAGE_TEXT,

You can find detailed information about the GET DIAGNOSTICS statement in the IBM i Knowledge
Center 2/8
11/21/2017 Guru: Logging SQL Errors And Warnings - IT Jungle
Information such as the message text or the name of the constraint that causes the error is very
important when logging the error information.

For logging SQL errors additional information that is not returned by the GET DIAGNOSTICS
statement might be essential. For example, you might need to know which user ran the SQL
routine, the routine name itself, or the job in which the routine ran.

Special Registers
Special Registers provide current user and current time information. The following list shows a
subset of the currently available special registers

USER / SESSION_USER: Returns the current user at run-time

SYSTEM_USER: Returns the user who connected to the current server. May be different from
CURRENT USER: Returns the user profile that runs the program or routine. May be different
from the session user. If the program or routine is compiled with the user profile option set to
*OWNER, the owner user profile is returned.
CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: Returns the current date or the
current time or the current timestamp
CURRENT_TIMEZONE: Returns the difference between UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and
local time at the current server.

To get the UTC, the system subtracts the CURRENT_TIMEZONE special register from the

You can find detailed information about special registers in the IBM i Knowledge Center.

Built-In Global Variables

You can retrieve additional information from built-in global variables that are provided with the
database manager and are located in either the QSYS2 or SYSIBM schema. The scope of a global
variable is the session (or connection), which means that the same variable used in different jobs at
the same time can return different values.

The following list shows a subset of the built-in global variables that are currently available:

JOB_NAME: Contains the name of the current job in the format JOB/USER/JOBNO
ROUTINE_SPECIFIC_NAME: Contains the name of the currently executing routine.
CLIENT_HOST: Contains the host name of the current client, as returned by the system.

You can find detailed information about built-in global variables in the IBM i Knowledge Center.

Auditing Columns
Beginning with Release 7.3, you can define auditing columns in SQL tables with the GENERATED
ALWAYS attribute and a special register or a built-in global variable.

The database manager automatically sets the content of the auditing columns as soon as the row is
inserted or updated.

The following snippet shows the definition of two auditing columns to hold the session user and
the qualified job.

Create or Replace Table YourSchema.YourTable

(... ,
SessUser VarChar(128) Generated Always as (Session_User),
Job VarChar(28) Generated Always as (QSYS2.Job_Name),

You can find detailed information about auditing columns can be found in the IBM i Knowledge

Logging SQL Errors and Warnings

Now let’s pull it all together for logging SQL errors or warnings. 3/8
11/21/2017 Guru: Logging SQL Errors And Warnings - IT Jungle
The first step is to create an SQL table where the error information is written. The following
example shows the CREATE TABLE Statement for the ERRORLOG table that will be updated in the
subsequent examples. The ErrSQLCODE, ErrSQLSTATE and MSGTEXT columns will be populated
with information returned by the GET DIAGNOSTICS statement. The ROUTINE, ROUTSCHEMA,
SESSUSER, JOB and CHGDATTIM columns will be automatically populated with special register
values or built-in global variable values.

Create or Replace Table YourSchema.ErrorLog

(Routine VarChar(128) Generated Always
as (SysIBM.Routine_Specific_Name),
RoutSchema VarChar(128) Generated Always
as (SysIBM.Routine_Schema),
ErrSQLCODE Integer Not NULL Default 0,
Char(5) Not NULL Default '00000',
Type Char(1) Not NULL Default '',
MsgText VarChar(1024) Not Null Default '',
SessUser VarChar(128) Generated Always as (Session_User),
Job VarChar(28) Generated Always as (QSYS2.Job_Name),
ChgDatTim Timestamp Not NULL
Generated Always For Each Row on Update
as Row Change TimeStamp);

A Stored Procedure with Error Logging

After you create the table, write condition handlers to handle specific SQL states and/or any error
or warning conditions. The following example shows the syntax for a stored procedure that
includes several condition handlers: a condition handler for SQLSTATE 24501, a condition handler
for all SQLWARNINGs and an exit handler for all SQL exceptions except SQLSTATE 24501.

Within the handler source code, first define the LocMsgText, LocSQLCODE and LocSQLSTATE local
variables. The procedure runs GET DIAGNOSTICS and populates these variables with the
MESSAGE_TEXT (Error Message Text), DB2_RETURNED_SQLCODE (i.e. the SQLCODE of the
previous statement in error) and RETURNED_SQLSTATE (the SQLSTATE of the previous statement
in error). Then the procedure writes these values to the ERRORLOG table.

Other information, such as the session user or the qualified job, are updated automatically because
the appropriate columns in the ERRORLOG log table are defined with GENERATE ALWAYS as
auditing columns.

Since the source code for logging a specific SQLSTATE or all SQLWARNINGS or all
SQLEXCEPTONS is identical, I have commented out that code in this example.

Create or Replace Procedure YourSchema.YourProcedure

(Define Input/Output Parameters)
Dynamic Result Sets 1
Language SQL
-- Define Variables
-- Define Cursors

-- Continue Handler for Cursor Not Opened (Close not successful)

Declare Continue Handler for SQLSTATE '24501'
Declare LocMsgText VarChar(1024) Default '';
Declare LocSQLCODE Integer Default 0;
Declare LocSQLSTATE Char(5) Default '00000';

Get Diagnostics Condition 1


Insert into ErrorLog

(ErrSQLCode, ErrSQLState, Type, MsgText) 4/8
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Case When LocSQLCODE < 0 Then 'E'
When LocSQLCODE > 0
and LocSQLCode <> 100 Then 'W'
Else '' End,
With NC;

-- Global Continue Handler for all Warnings

Declare Continue Handler for SQLWARNING
-- Same source code as for the continue handler
-- For SQLSTATE 24501

-- Global Exit Handler for all not explicitly handled Errors

Declare Exit Handler for SQLEXCEPTION
-- Same source code as for the continue handler
-- For SQLSTATE 24501

-- SQL Source Code

End ;

Note: If you are not yet on release 7.3 and cannot define columns with the GENERATE ALWAYS
attribute for auditing, you must define the appropriate columns as regular columns and populate
them within the handler.

The following example shows the content of the log file after having run the stored procedure
multiple times from different jobs and with different errors.

SQL Include Statement – SQL Copy Member

Repeating the same source code over and over again is not only bad design but also error-prone.
With the first technology refresh in Release 7.3, IBM introduced the INCLUDE statement. The
INCLUDE statement inserts application code, including declarations, into an SQL routine body. The
source code must be specified at a point in the source code where it is syntactically correct. For
example, DECLARE statements are not allowed among the executable statements. The source code
to be inserted can be stored either in a source physical member or in a stream file. The source code
can be either pure SQL code or C code. Visit the IBM Knowledge Center for detailed information
about the enhanced INCLUDE statement.

To simplify procedure source code and make the error logging available for all other SQL sources, I
created a copybook called CPYERRLOG. I put it in source physical file QSQLCPY. I did not include
the BEGIN and END tokens, which indicate a compound statement so that I would be able to add
variables before the INCLUDE statement and additional executable statements after the copy
member within a handler compound statement.

Here’s the source code of the CPYERRLOG copy member:

Declare LocMsgText VarChar(1024) Default '';

Declare LocSQLCODE Integer Default 0;
Declare LocSQLSTATE Char(5) Default '00000';

Get Diagnostics Condition 1

11/21/2017 Guru: Logging SQL Errors And Warnings - IT Jungle

Insert into ErrorLog73

(ErrSQLCode, ErrSQLState, Type, MsgText)
Case When LocSQLCODE < 0 Then 'E'
When LocSQLCODE > 0
and LocSQLCode <> 100 Then 'W'
Else '' End,
With NC;

Include this copy member in any source code wherever you need to write an error log. Here’s an

Create or Replace Procedure YourSchema.YourProcedure

(Define Input/Output Parameters)
Dynamic Result Sets 1
Language SQL
-- Define Variables
-- Define Cursors

-- Continue Handler for Cursor Not Opened (Close not successful)

Declare Continue Handler for SQLSTATE '24501'

-- Global Continue Handler for all Warnings

Declare Continue Handler for SQLWARNING

-- Global Exit Handler for all not explicitly handled Errors

Declare Exit Handler for SQLEXCEPTION

-- SQL Source Code

End ;

Logging errors — where they first occurred, how they were handled, and so forth — is very
important for analysis, especially when job logs and program dumps are not available. Using log
tables with GENERATED ALWAYS columns and the SQL INCLUDE statement makes error-logging

Error Handling in SQL PL, Part 1

Error Handling in SQL PL, Part 2

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2 thoughts on “Guru: Logging SQL Errors And Warnings”

Rob Berendt says: October 30, 2017 at 7:58 am

So, which is it: ROW_COUNT or ROW_NUMBER?

ROW_COUNT: Returns the number of rows associated with the previous SQL statement, i.e.
returns the number of rows deleted, updated or inserted by the previous INSERT, UPDATE or
DELETE statement
MORE: Indicates whether more errors were raised than could be handled
NUMBER: Returns the number of errors and warnings detected by the execution of the previous
SQL statement
The following GET DIAGNOSTICS Statement returns the number of inserted, updated or deleted
rows of the previous statement.


Alex Krashevsky says: October 31, 2017 at 2:37 pm

Thanks Birgitta, this is invaluable! Saves us a lot of time and researching effort.


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