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- Capitán América: El primer Vengador - Capitán América: El primer Vengador

- Marvel: Agente Carter Temporada 1 - Iron Man

- Marvel: Agente Carter Temporada 2 - Iron Man 2
- Agente Carter (One Shot) - Thor
- Iron Man - Los Vengadores
- El Increíble Hulk - Iron Man 3
- Iron Man 2 - Thor: El mundo oscuro
- Algo divertido ocurrió de camino al martillo de Thor (One Shot) - Capitán América: El Soldado de Inviern
- Thor - Guardianes de la Galaxia
- El Consultor (One Shot) - Gurdianes de la Galaxia Vol.2
- Los Vengadores: La Viuda Negra contraataca (Cómic) - Vengadores: La Era de Ultrón
- Los Vengadores: Antes de la película (Cómic) - Ant-Man
- Los Vengadores - Capitán América: CIVIL WAR
- Artículo 47 (One Shot) - Black Panther
- Iron Man 3 - Spider-Man: Homecoming
- Todos aclaman al rey (One Shot) - Doctor Strange
- Marvel: Agentes de SHIELD del 1x01 al 1x07 - Thor: Ragnarok
- Thor: El mundo oscuro - Avengers: Infinity War
- Marvel: Agentes de SHIELD del 1x08 al 1x16
- Capitán América: El Soldado de Invierno
- Marvel: Agentes de SHIELD del 1x17 al 1x22
- Guardianes de la Galaxia
- Gurdianes de la Galaxia Vol.2
- Marvel: Daredevil PRIMER TEMPORADA
- Marvel: Agentes de SHIELD del 2x01 al 2x19
- Vengadores: La Era de Ultrón
- Marvel: Agentes de SHIELD del 2x20 al 2x22
- Ant-Man
- Marvel: Jessica Jones PRIMERA TEMPORADA
- Marvel: Agentes de SHIELD 3x01 al 3x10
- Marvel: Daredevil SEGUNDA TEMPORADA
- Marvel: Agentes de SHIELD del 3x11al 3x19
- Capitán América: CIVIL WAR
- Black Panther
- Marvel: Agentes de SHIELD del 3x20 al 3x22
- Mini serie 'Slingshot'
- Marvel: Luke Cage (PRIMERA TEMPORADA)
- Spider-Man: Homecoming
- Marvel: Agentes de SHIELD del 4x01 al 4x16
- Doctor Strange
- Marvel: Iron Fist (PRIMERA TEMPORADA)
- Jessica jones (SEGUNDA TEMPORADA en Marzo)
- Marvel: Agentes de SHIELD 5x (EN EMISIÓN)
- Thor: Ragnarok
- Avengers: Infinity War
mérica: El primer Vengador

undo oscuro
mérica: El Soldado de Invierno
s de la Galaxia
de la Galaxia Vol.2
s: La Era de Ultrón

mérica: CIVIL WAR

n: Homecoming

Infinity War

Strengthening Plan Week 1: White Belt Beginner Level

Try to perform each exercise for a minimum of 30–60 seconds, with about the same amount of rest time inbetween
the exercises.

Try to perform these exercise three days this first week, skipping a day in-between.

1. PUSH-UPS (chest, shoulders, back, arms) 30–60 seconds

2. LEG SQUATS (quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves) 30–60 seconds

3. LYING BACK BENT LEG LIFTS 30–60 seconds

Stretching Plan Week 1: White Belt Beginner Level


A. NECK LIFTS—Tilt head down (hold), then tilt up (hold), then up and down, four times.
B. NECK TILTS—Lower the ear to right shoulder (hold), then left (hold), then back and forth, four times.
C. NECK TURNS—Turn head to right (hold), then left (hold), then back and forth, four times.
D. NECK ROTATIONS—Drop the head and rotate fully to the right, then to the left, four times.

A. UP/DOWN SHRUGS—Shrug both shoulders up (hold), and down (hold), then up and down, four times.
B. FRONT/BACK SHRUGS—Bring both shoulders forward (hold), and back (hold), then back and forth, four
C. SHOULDER ROTATIONS—Rotate both shoulders forward four times and backward four times.

A. FRONT/BACK ARM EXTENSIONS—Extend both arms front (hold), then lower arms to side of body and
reach backward (hold), then back and forth, four times.
B. LATERAL ARM LIFTS—Extend both arms up (hold), lower to the side of body with arms straight (hold), then
up and down (flapping movement), four times.
C. ARM ROTATIONS—Make a backward circular movement with both arms four times, followed by a forward
movement, four times in each direction.

A. FRONT/BACK PELVIC TILTS—Push the pelvic area backward (hold), then forward (hold), then back and
forth, four times.
B. SIDE TO SIDE PELVIC TILTS—Lean pelvic area to right (hold), and left (hold), then side to side, four times.
C. HIP ROTATIONS—Complete a full hip rotation to the left, and then to the right, four times.

A. GROIN MUSCLE STRETCH—Lean onto your left leg, stretching the groin muscle of the right leg. Keep body
B. HAMSTRING AND CALF STRETCH—Lean back on the right leg, stretching the hamstring and calf muscles
of the left leg. Use arms for support
C. FRONT AND BACK LEG COMBO STRETCH—Move back and forth four times, then repeat the stretch on
the other side.

A. Bend the body as close to parallel with the floor and lean buttocks backward, stretching the entire back
region (hold). Keep legs straight.
B. Now straighten body, leaning the pelvic area forward while arching neck and back area (hold), then gently
sway back and forth four times


1. SEATED FLOOR STRETCHES (hamstrings, calves, groin muscles, and lower back)
A. SEATED HAMSTRING AND CALF STRETCH—Sit upright with both legs straight and together. Reach both
hands toward your feet, repeating four times.
B. SEATED SINGLE LEG HAMSTRING AND CALF STRETCH—Extend one leg straight and bend the other
leg, tucking it on the inside of the straight leg. Lean body and arms toward the extended leg (hold), then return
to upright position; repeat four times. Repeat with the other leg. Keep ankles and toes flexed back.
C. SPREAD EAGLE SIDE REACHES—Sit with legs extended and parted as wide as possible, but without too
much discomfort. Lean body with right arm to right leg (hold), then lean to the left (hold), then left and right, for a
total of eight times.
D. SPREAD EAGLE CROSSOVERS—In the spread eagle pose keep legs in same position while reaching
toward right leg with left arm (hold), then right arm toward left leg (hold), and back and forth, repeating eight
E. SPREAD EAGLE PUSH-UPS—Place both hands shoulder-width apart on the floor in front of you, lean your
body forward while bending both arms (hold), then lift your body up and down while bending your arms as if you
were doing a push-up. Repeat eight times.

A. DOUBLE KNEE BENDS—Lying on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor, bring both knees to the
chest, squeeze and hold; then lower legs. Repeat four times.
B. ALTERNATING SINGLE KNEE BENDS—Lying on your back, bring one knee up to the chest and hold while
extending other leg straight along the floor, then switch legs. Repeat four times.
C. BENT KNEE REVERSE SPLITS—Lying on your back with knees up and together, gently part your knees to
stretch and hold. Repeat four times.
D. DOUBLE KNEE TWISTS—Lying on your back with legs bent together and feet on the floor, gently lower
both knees to the left side of the floor (hold), then to the right side (hold), then move side-to-side. Repeat four
times. Make sure not to lift the arms off the floor.
E. SINGLE KNEE TWISTS—Lying on your back, bend one leg with foot on the floor, take other leg and cross
over the leg on the floor, then from that position gently twist the lower body side-to-side. Repeat four times.
Repeat with other leg on top.
of rest time inbetween

four times.
d forth, four

ght (hold), then

ed by a forward

e, four times.

leg. Keep body

calf muscles
e entire back

ld), then gently

Reach both

hold), then return

without too
n left and right, for a

, repeating eight

you, lean your

g your arms as if you

h knees to the

d hold while

our knees to

side. Repeat four

eg and cross
peat four times.

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