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You Need Emotion To Learn English Fast

If there is one “secret” to success in anything, including learning English, it is emotion! Not
methods. Not teachers. Not books. Emotion.

With powerful positive emotion, you can succeed at anything.

I talk a lot about learning methods here at Effortless


Simply put- if you are bored, tired, or sad you will not learn English well. This is how our brains
…………………………………………………………... Even if you use the very best learning
methods and materials- you will get poor results if your emotions are weak or negative.

Tony Robbins, the famous peak performance coach, states that emotional mastery is the single
biggest key to success, and I agree. My best students– the ones who learn the fastest and get the
best results– are always energetic, enthusiastic, and positive.

When they are learning English, they are smiling.


If you want to improve quickly like them, you should imitate them.

How? …………………………………………………………………………………………….

First, sit quietly, close your eyes, and remember happy positive memories from your life. Feel
the way you felt at that
time. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Next, move your body. Stand up. Jump around. Smile. Lift your arms into the air. Get your
blood moving!

Finally, put on some happy, energetic music. Choose

………………………………………………………. Consciously smile a huge smile!

Now you are ready to study English! Always do this before studying, so that you are always in
a happy emotional state when you are learning English.

Do this and you will learn much faster. Your brain will remember much more. You will get
much better results.

Master your emotions to master English!


1. Tugas ini dikerjakan secara berkelompok max 2 orang, apabila jumlah mahasiswa ganjil
satu kelompok ada yang berjumlah 3 orang.
2. Tugas ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ide – ide atau gagasan yang hilang.
3. Mahasiswa diharuskan menuliskan gagasan yang hilang dengan menggunakan bahasa
sendiri (paraphrase), bukan berdasarkan hasil audio murni.
4. Tugas dikumpul paling lambat sore ini jam 18.00 WITA melalui email
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.rar/.zip disertai nama kelas contoh: Assignment 1 TBI(1/2)
6. Subject email : Assigment of Advance English Listening
7. Hindari copas dari beragam sumber, karena akan dicheck dengan menggunakan aplikasi

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