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Deelopment and Urbanization

Gilbert A, Ward P 1985 Housing, the State and the Poor: Policy Rondinelli H 1983 Secondary Cities in Deeloping Countries.
and Practice in Three Latin American Cities. Cambridge Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA
University Press, oxford, UK Sassen S 1991 The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo.
Goldscheider C 1971 Population, Modernization, and Social Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ
Structure. Little Brown, Boston Sassen S 2000 Cities in a World Economy. Pine Forge Press,
Goldstein S, Sly D 1979 Patterns of Urbanization: Comparatie Thousand Oaks, CA
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Gugler J 1978 Urbanization and Social Change in West Africa. New York
Cambridge University Press, New York Smith D 1996 Third World Cities in Global Perspectie: The
Gugler J (ed.) 1988 The Urbanization of the Third World. Oxford Political Economy of Uneen Urbanization. Westview Press,
University Press, New York Boulder, CO
Hardoy J, Geisse G (eds.) 1972 PolıT ticas de desarrollo urbano y Stren R (ed.) 1995 Urban Research in the Deeloping World.
regional en AmeT rica Latina. SIAP, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of
Hardoy J, Satterwaithe 1986 Small and Intermediate Centers:
Toronto, Canada
Their Role in Regional and National Deelopments in the Third
Tilly C 1975 The Formation of National States in Western
World. Westview Press, Boulder, CO
Europe. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ
Hauser P 1957 Urbanization in Asia and the Far East. UNESCO
Research Centre, Calcutta, India Timberlake M (ed.) 1985 Urbanization in the World Economy.
Hauser P, Schnore L (eds.) 1965 The Study of Urbanization. Academic Press, New York
Wiley, New York Walton J (ed.) 1985 Capital and Labor in the Urbanized World.
Henderson J, Castells M 1987 Global Restructuring and Ter- Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA
ritorial Deelopment. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA Weber M 1927 General Economic History. Greenburg Press,
Herrick B 1965 Urban Migration and Economic Deelopment in New York
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Hoyt H 1962 World Urbanization: Expanding Population in a
Shrinking World. Urban Land Institute, Washington, DC D. E. Davis
King A 1990 Global Cities: Post-imperialism and the Inter-
nationalization of London. Routledge, London
Knox P, Taylor P 1995 World Cities in a World System.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
Linn J 1983 Cities in the Deeloping World: Policies for their
Equitable and Efficient Growth. Oxford University Press, New
Lipton M 1977 Why Poor People Stay Poor: Urban Bias in World
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Lo F, Yeung Y 1998 Globalization and the World of Large Cities.
United Nations University Press, Tokyo
Mangin W (ed.) 1970 Peasants in Cities: Readings in the
Economic development is the process through which
Anthropology of Urbanization. Houghton Mifflin, Boston economies are transformed from ones in which most
McGee T G 1971 The Urbanization Process in the Third World. people have very limited resources and choices to ones
Bell, London in which they have much greater resources and choices.
McGreevey W P 1971 A statistical analysis of primacy and Economic development therefore covers almost all
lognormality in the size distribution of Latin American cities, areas of economics, though with modifications to re-
1950–1960. In: Morse R (ed.) The Urban Deelopment of Latin flect the particular situations of developing countries.
America: 1750–1920. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA Development economics refers to studies of economies
Perlman J 1976 The Myth of Marginality: Urban Poor and Politics with relatively low per capita resources: low- and
in Rio de Janeiro. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA middle-income economies in Table 1. About 85 per-
Pirenne H 1936 Economic and Social History of Medieal Europe.
Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, New York
cent of humanity currently lives in these economies.
Portes A, Walton J 1976 Urban Latin America: The Political Product per capita in low-income economies averages
Condition from Aboe and Below. University of Texas Press, 1.7 percent and in middle-income economies 9.6
Austin, TX percent of averages in high-income economies, with
Portes A, Walton J 1981 Labor, Class, and the International that in Switzerland over 500 times that in Mozam-
System. Academic Press, New York bique. Correcting these comparisons for different
Rabinowitz F 1973 National-local Linkages: The Inter-relation- price structures reduces the variations a lot, but the
ships of Urban and National Politics in Latin America. Sage range still is considerable, with per capita product
Publications, Beverly Hills, CA almost 60 times as high in the United States as in
Redfield R 1941 The Folk Culture of the Yucatan. University of Ethiopia. Human resource indicators (e.g., life expec-
Chicago Press, Chicago
Redfield R 1953 The Primitie World and its Transformations.
tancies and illiteracy) also are poorer for developing
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY than developed economies, but current differences are
Richardson H 1973 The Economics of Urban Size. Saxon House, much smaller proportionately than are those in pro-
Westmead, UK duct per capita. The question of what causes economies
Roberts B 1978 Cities of Peasants: The Political Economy of to move from per capita resource levels as in Mozam-
Urbanization in the Third World. Arnold Press, London bique and Ethiopia to those as in Switzerland and

Deelopment, Economics of

Table 1
Population, product per capita, life expectancies at birth, and illiteracy rates by level of development in 1995
Gross national product per capita

Population United States power parity Life expectancy Adult illiteracy
Country groups (billions) ($) (United States l 100) at birth (years) rate (%)
Low-income 3.180 430 1.7–12.1 63 34
Middle-income 1.591 2390 6.6–43.4 68 18
High-income 0.902 24930 42.4–100 77 5
Source: World Bank 1991–1997, Table 1.

the United States is the fundamental question that 1.1 Key Perceptions about Markets, Incenties, and
development economics addresses. Other Institutions in View of Deelopment in the Mid-
twentieth Century

1.1.1 Surplus labor and capital shortages. Factor pro-

portions in poor countries implied high labor to
1. Conceptualization of Deelopment in the Mid- capital ratios. Family farms\firms with sharing rules
twentieth Century based on average products permitted marginal labor
products to fall to zero so that labor was in surplus
Prior to the neoclassical developments in economic in large traditional agriculture sectors. Surplus labor
analysis of the late nineteenth century, most influential presented an advantage because, if it could be moved
economists, for example, Smith, Ricardo, Marx, were to industry, large gains in product could be obtained
concerned substantially with economic development. and much of the income generated could be re-
In the decades prior to the Second World War, in invested in further capital accumulation since the
contrast, most neoclassical economists were not con- ‘unlimited supply of labor’ keeps real wages low.
cerned with development, but with topics such as Physical capital was relatively scarce, so that, in
behaviors of firms and households, general equilib- Nurske’s (1952, pp. 1–2) words, ‘the problem of
rium, and efficiency and, starting in the 1930s, short- development is largely … a problem of capital accu-
run macroeconomic equilibria with aggregate demand mulation.’ But domestic capital accumulation was
shortfalls. limited by a vicious circle: low incomes meant low
In the immediate post-WWII era, mainstream eco- savings so that investment was low that kept incomes
nomics continued to focus on the extension of the low. Human capital was given little emphasis.
neoclassical paradigm and on Keynesian macro short-
run disequilibria with virtually no attention to de-
velopment. Development economics as a subdiscipline 1.1.2 Limited role of domestic markets. Markets
branched off from what Samuelson called the ‘neo- had limited efficacy because: (a) large population
classical synthesis’ of mainstream economics because shares, including traditional peasants and govern-
the development of poorer lands was viewed by mental officials, were not responsive to market and
development economists as different in essence from other incentives. (b) Markets were not well developed
concerns that dominated the neoclassical synthesis. because of large subsistence sectors, costly transpor-
Development was seen as involving discontinuous tation and communication, and the predominance of
shifts from a stagnant low-income traditional equi- mechanisms internal to households and firms for trans-
librium (‘a low level equilibrium trap’ or a ‘vicious ferring resources across time and space. (c) Markets
circle of poverty’) to a modern higher-income, chang- did not incorporate well information about demand
ing, and growing economy with increasing average per complementarities of investments (e.g., Rosenstein-
capita income, poverty alleviation and improvements Rodan 1943) and could not provide the right guid-
in human resources. Development was viewed as ance for investments that would change the basic
requiring structural change different in kind from the structure of the economy with more than marginal
marginalism of neoclassical economics. effects. (d) There were important market failures of
The dominant paradigm of the new\reborn disci- the types considered in mainstream economic anal-
pline of development economics in the mid-twentieth yses: technological externalities not transferred
century was based on key perceptions about the way through markets (e.g., pollution), increasing returns
markets, incentives, and other institutions operated in to scale relative to market sizes, and ‘public goods’
poor countries. These, in turn, had important policy the use of which are not ‘rival’ so that more con-
implications. sumption by one individual does not mean that less is

Deelopment, Economics of

available for another entity (e.g., information). (e) dynamic equilibrium condition, which in the simplest
Some major actors in markets—rural moneylenders, case is that the rate of growth equals the average
landlords, and traders—were ‘rapacious profiteers’ saving rate divided by the incremental capital output
who ‘exploited’ the uninformed poor by paying them ratio (ICOR). This relation was used to calculate
low product prices and charging them high input and savings requirements to achieve growth targets given
credit prices. ICORs and to justify efforts to increase savings, in-
cluding shifting resources from private entities to
governments under the assumption that govern-
1.1.3 Key role of industrialization. Agriculture
mental savings rates exceeded private ones, and to
dominated employment and production. But the
obtain foreign savings to supplement domestic
development process was in substantial part indust-
savings. When exchange rates became overvalued,
rialization. Productivity-enhancing technologies and
foreign capital to purchase critical machinery and
positive externalities were primarily available for
equipment became of particular concern, as system-
industry, domestic demand would shift towards
atized in the ‘two-gap’ model of Chenery and Bruno
industry with increased incomes because of income-
(1962) in which the constraint on growth is either
inelastic demands for food (Engel’s law), surplus
savings or foreign exchange. Human capital accum-
labor in agriculture could be shifted to productive
ulation was not central in most analysis partly beca-
uses in industry, savings potentials were much
use of the widespread perception of surplus labor.
greater in industry, and industrialization was essen-
tial for maintaining national autonomy (e.g., Mand-
elbaum 1945, Rosenstein-Rodan 1943, Singer 1950,
Mahalanobis 1955, Lewis 1954, Ranis and Fei 1961).
1.2.2 Import-substituting industrialization with balan-
ced growth. One major mechanism widely used to
1.1.4 Limited prospects in international markets. Pes- shift resources to industry, to protect new domestic
simism prevailed regarding international market pro- industries against foreign competitors, and to in-
spects, in part because of the market collapses in the crease economic independence was high protection,
1930s. Prebisch (1950) and Singer (1950) argued that through tariffs and quotas, on manufacturing im-
international trade transferred most benefits from in- ports. This established inducements for ‘balanced in-
creased productivity in poor countries to richer dustrial growth,’ with important complementarities
countries, the terms of trade of primary producers for intermediate inputs and for final product de-
decline secularly because demands were income-in- mands (‘backward and forward linkages’).
elastic for primary commodities and the developed
countries had monopoly power in markets for manu-
factured products, and opportunities for developing
countries to expand their manufacturing exports 1.2.3 Policy mix—quantitatie, direct public-sector
were limited because such markets would not grow production, planning, and irreleance of macro
quickly and these markets were dominated by mon- balance. The state role was very extensive. The domin-
opolistic producers in the high-income countries who ant policy mode was dirigiste. Efforts to improve
had succeeded in establishing protectionist policy-de- markets or to use ‘market-friendly’ taxes\subsidies
termined barriers to expanded manufacturing imports were relatively rare. Direct quantitative regulations
from developing countries. International capital and allocations, including substantial investment in
markets would not provide sufficient investable funds public-sector production, were common because it
for development and they cause exploitation and was thought that the desired ends could be effected
crowd out domestic investments. with most certainty through such direct actions by
knowledgeable, disinterested policy-makers. Public-
1.1.5 Policy makers hae good information, are dis- sector investments included physical capital and
interested and are effectie. Policy makers could human resource infrastructure and many other sub-
identify current and future magnitudes of negative sectors in the ‘commanding heights’ of the economy
and positive externalities, complementarities among so that the state could control directly development.
production sectors, and responses of various entities Planning often was viewed as essential because of
to policies so they could and would design and im- market limitations, reinforced by international aid
plement good policies. agencies that interpreted plans as essential evidence
concerning the seriousness of countries’ development
efforts. Planning agencies were concerned with in-
1.2 Policy Implications of the View of Deelopment vestment criteria and choice of techniques for deciding
in the Mid-twentieth Century on direct public sector investments and for guiding
private investments. ‘Shadow’ (‘scarcity’) prices were
1.2.1 Capital accumulation. Physical capital accumu- used to evaluate social cost-benefit ratios or internal
lation was central, as codified by the Harrod–Domar rates of return to alternative investments, with un-

Deelopment, Economics of

skilled labor valued at zero because of surplus labor success might be interpreted to ratify the post-WWII
and foreign exchange valued more highly than official development paradigm and associated policies (Sect.
overvalued exchange rates. A considerable literature 1). But the appropriate comparison should be with
developed methods for calculating general-equilib- what could have been achieved given the conditions of
rium shadow prices. Multisector planning models were the post-WWII era and appropriate development
developed and widely used to determine sectoral strategies and policies.
primary factor requirements, physical capital in- One major change in the last three decades or so of
vestments, import substitution possibilities and ‘non- the twentieth century was the rapid expansion of
competitive imports’ (for which domestic substitutes systematic quantitative analyses of development, often
were not available) for target growth rates. These based on data and approaches that were not available
models generally assumed no substitution among earlier. Many studies explored the underlying as-
production inputs nor among demands, focused on sumptions for the dominant initial post-WWII con-
physical capital, and were quite aggregated with little ceptualization of development. Some were undertaken
or no variation in qualities of products. They ad- in relatively visible large-scale comparative projects
dressed directly possibilities of supply or demand (e.g., Little et al. 1970, Bhagwati 1978, Krueger 1978,
complementarities. Optimizing versions yielded 1983, Taylor 1988, Page et al. 1993). Others have been
shadow prices that indicated impacts on objective individual country and microstudies that have in-
functions of marginal changes in binding model vestigated more detailed aspects of the development
constraints. Often these shadow prices were not very experience using new micro data sets with systematic
robust to small changes in the model. Moreover, these models (e.g., see references in Chenery and Srinivasan
models did not incorporate most macroeconomic 1988–1989 and Behrman and Srinivasan 1995; some
phenomena, so they did not provide guidance con- more recent examples are Behrman et al. 1997, 1999,
cerning such matters as inflation. Furthermore, most Foster and Rosenzweig 1995, 1996a, 1996b, Jacoby
of these planning models ignored or only crudely 1995, Jacoby and Skoufias 1997, Pitt and Khandker
incorporated most of the major phenomena other 1998).
than the supply and demand complementarities that These studies question many of the assumed initial
underlay the critique of the dependence on markets conditions in the post-WWII development paradigm
(Sect. 1.1). Subsequent models improved in some and suggest more nuanced characterizations of others.
important respects, for example, discontinuities were They suggest: (a) traditional agriculture is relatively
incorporated into integer programming models and efficient and traditional institutions such as share-
price responses in Johansen-type models (1960) that cropping, contracts tied to multiple transactions,
led to more recent computable general equilibrium attached farm servants, arranged marriages, and
(CGE) models (Blitzer et al. 1974). But still many of migratory patterns are efficient arrangements given
the limitations noted remained. imperfect or absent capital and insurance markets. (b)
Policies to establish macroeconomic balance—a Substantial increases in savings and physical capital
major topic in high-income economies—were rejected investments rates are not sufficient for development
as irrelevant. Rao (1952) and others argued that the because (i) incentives structures affect strongly on-
separation between savings and investment that was going productivity growth and (ii) human resource
critical in Keynesian underemployment analysis was development related to nowledge acquisition and
not relevant for developing countries given the domi- adaptation is critical. (c) Domestic markets work well
nance of family firms. The Latin American ‘struct- for many goods and services and returns to market
uralists’ argued that rigidities precluded economic improvements through infrastructure development,
entities from responding quickly to changes so that better information, and lessening policy barriers to
orthodox currency devaluation or monetary and fiscal well-functioning markets are often great. Nevertheless
policies would reduce output and employment. some markets—particularly those related to capital,
insurance, and information—are imperfect or missing.
(d) Industrialization is not equivalent to development
and industrialization strategies that penalize other
production sectors may retard development. (e) In-
2. The Dominant Paradigm Concerning Deelop-
ternational markets have presented substantial op-
ment at the Start of the Twenty-first Century
portunities for developing countries, with the most
Aggregate development experience since WWII in successful experiences being for those developing
many respects has been very impressive, though with economies (initially primarily in East and Southeast
considerable variations across economies. Average Asia) that expanded rapidly their exports and used
growth rates in GDP per capita have been high by international markets to induce ongoing productivity
historic standards and high for developing relative to improvements as well as sources of foreign investment.
developed economies. Other indicators of human (f) Policymakers have limited information and may
welfare, such as life expectancy and schooling, have be rent-seekers rather than knowledgeable and dis-
improved even more impressively. Prima facie, such interested.

Deelopment, Economics of

This re-evaluation of initial conditions has sub- 2.1.3 Responsieness to incenties created by
stantial implications for policies. Because of the markets and policies are broad and often substantial.
combination of currently perceived much greater Therefore, it is desirable that markets and policies
responsiveness, limited information (and information create incentives for behaviors that are socially de-
asymmetries) faced by governments, limited govern- sirable and not sufficient, as in the earlier paradigm,
mental implementation capacities, much greater vari- that policy makers know shadow prices. Economic
ations in quality of goods and services, much more entities also adjust many or even all elements of their
efficient transmission of certain types of information behaviors in response to changes. Therefore, antici-
through unhindered markets, important role of pating full effects of policies or market outcomes on
markets in inducing greater efficiency, much greater behavior is difficult because of such cross-effects. The
importance of basic macroeconomic stability, and impact of new technological options, for example,
rapid changes in markets and in technology than may increase the value of educated women in mar-
assumed in the immediate post-WWII paradigm, there riage markets if gender roles dictate that women play
has been a sea change in perceptions of appropriate major roles in child education (Behrman et al. 1999).
governmental roles and of the best mix policy mix. A
broad new consensus had risen by the early 1990s on
2.1.4 Information problems are perasie in a rap-
the nature of development processes and implications
idly changing world so incentie-compatible instit-
for policies. Components of this consensus include the
utions and mechanisms are desirable. Information is
imperfect in general, information that policy makers\
implementers have often is less and more dated than
2.1.1 The basic economic enironment must be con- the information that individuals have who are di-
ducie for inestments. The two major components rectly involved in production and consumption of
are: (a) a stable macroeconomic environment with non- particular goods and services, asymmetrical inform-
inflationary monetary policy, fiscal restraint, and in- ation creates incentives for opportunistic individual
ternational balance (e.g., World Bank 1991, Corbo et behaviors that are likely to be socially inefficient and
al. 1992, Page et al. 1993) and (b) institutions that inequitable, and markets are relatively efficient in con-
permit investors to have reasonable expectations of veying certain types of information. Rather than at-
reaping much of the gains from their investments. Dom- tempting directly to regulate and monitor many
estic macrobalance is important because inflationary micro activities related to the development process,
taxes advocated by many earlier development eco- governments more effectively can support instit-
nomists are inefficient, inequitable, erode confidence utions that are relatively effective in inducing desirable
in policy and in the prospects for the economy, dis- behavior. The oft-cited claim that an important as-
courage longer-run productive investments by in- pect of the successful East Asian development ex-
creasing uncertainty, and are difficult to eliminate. perience has been outward orientation, for example,
Balance in international economic interchange is im- may be viewed in part as a mechanism for encour-
portant so that critical imports of intermediate and aging increasing productivity through forcing com-
capital goods can be maintained, pressures for in- petition on world markets. Likewise, efforts to make
creased efficiencies are ongoing through exposure to markets work better through open and transparent
world markets, and access to international finance bidding for governmental contracts, better market in-
and technology is maintained. Institutions include tegration to lessen monopoly power, introducing
basic property rights, legislative and legal systems voucher systems and decentralization of human re-
that resolve disputes fairly, and various mechanisms source-related services, eliminating governmental
to share (but not to eliminate) risks. regulations on entry, improving communication and
transportation and subsidizing or mandating inform-
ation that has public goods characteristics all may
2.1.2 Human capital is important, additional to
have important effects in increasing efficiency.
physical capital. In the views of some, investment in
human resources is in itself development. For most
mainstream development economists, in addition to 2.1.5 Selectie global and directed policy inter-
any direct welfare effects of better human resources, entions that are ‘market friendly’ where there are
there are important productivity effects. Positive ex- market failures are warranted. Policies should: (a)
ternalities through human resource investments may maintain macroeconomic balance, (b) develop instit-
be considerable, moreover, primarily because of ex- utions, including property rights and related legal
ternalities to knowledge and to capacities for in- frameworks, so that investors have reasonable ex-
dividuals to find and to process information. Given pectations of gaining returns from good investments,
gender roles and current market\policy failures, the (c) encourage competition to induce productivity in-
social returns to human capital often may be creases through an unbiased international trade sys-
relatively high for investments in females (King and tem and through eliminating legal barriers and less-
Mason 2000). ening transportation and communication barriers to

Deelopment, Economics of

greater competition, and (d) use ‘market-friendly’ inter- due to fertility reductions means that they have large
ventions that are transparent, rule-based, general and working-age populations relative to younger and older
nondiscriminatory such as open auctions, vouchers, populations. Some have attributed a substantial part
subsidies, and taxes to attempt to offset market of the high recent economic growth in some Asian
failures (and directing such policies as directly as pos- economies to such a ‘demographic bonus’ associated
sible towards the market failures to limit unintended with higher savings and labor force participation and
distortion costs). These considerations imply a criti- lower health and education expenditures (Asian De-
cal, but also more selective role for government than velopment Bank 1997, Bloom and Williamson 1999).
in the earlier paradigm. Also involvement in these There are controversies about what conditions permit
activities is not necessarily best accomplished by developing economies to exploit successfully demo-
governmental direct production rather than taxes\ graphic windows of opportunity to enhance devel-
subsidies and regulations concerning disclosure of opment, rather than being hindered by faster increases
private information. in supplies than in demands for labor. Empirical
associations for the 1950–1995 period suggest that the
conditions embodied in the consensus that is sum-
marized in Sect. 2 increase probabilities of being able
3. Current Controersies and Possible Future to exploit demographic opportunities. Eventually
Deelopments aging populations will imply increased dependency
Despite substantial current general consensus (Sect. ratios due to a larger number of aged individuals, which
2), there is neither consensus on every dimension nor will raise issues about intergenerational transfers for
on how the paradigm is likely to change. retirees and increased health problems associated with
aging. Projections suggest that average ages in most
currently developing countries will converge substan-
tially to those of developed economies by 2025, so
3.1 Integration into the International Financial demographic–development interactions will change
System further.
International financial movements have expanded
rapidly and can swamp foreign exchange movements
from international trade. This may provide useful 3.3 Poerty Reduction s. Growth
discipline for governments to keep their policies
credible. But this also may result in enormous shocks, The dominant view is that the most effective form of
perhaps fueled by speculative bubbles, which present sustained poverty reduction is rapid development that
great difficulties for even the best of governments. The exploits comparative advantages (perhaps including
Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s intensified relatively large labor forces), though some safety nets
greatly such concerns. Considerable debate continues are likely to be desirable for individuals who cannot
about the extent to which such problems can be participate or who suffer dislocations in adjustments
lessened by greater transparency in developing towards sustained growth (e.g., Page et al. 1993). But
countries finances, more restrictions on capital move- others claim that there are substantial tradeoffs be-
ments, appropriate sequencing of liberalization efforts tween poverty reduction and the dominant conven-
with capital flows liberalized relatively late in the tional wisdom, at least during transition structural
process, new systems to assure that developed country adjustment programs (e.g., the UNICEF critique,
investors bear some of the social costs of disruptions calling for ‘adjustment with a human face,’ Cornia et
originating in large international capital movements, al. 1987). There are inherent productivity-equity trade-
and greater international insurance through inter- offs in providing safety nets because a sense of
national organizations (with attendant moral hazards entitlement tends to develop that makes such policies
of encouraging risky behaviors). hard to change (e.g., political responses to efforts to
eliminate food and transportation subsidies) and
because they may dampen incentives for work efforts
through implying high effective marginal tax rates.
3.2 Demographic ‘Windows of Opportunities’ and Therefore, there is likely to be an ongoing debate
Aging Populations about the extent to which such safety nets should be
provided and exactly what forms they should take.
Waves of Malthusian overpopulation fears have fea-
tured prominently among noneconomists. But stat-
istical analyses of relations between population growth
and economic development do not find important
3.4 Social Cohesion and Social Capital
long-run associations. However, recently developing
countries are claimed to have transitory (but perhaps There is a growing perception that these are important
lasting several decades) opportunities because aging factors in successful development efforts. If so, then

Deelopment, Economics of

there may be important policy implications from the This controversy about what forms of political systems
perspective of the currently dominant paradigm (Sect. lead most effectively to development is likely to be
2) because factors that increase social cohesion and ongoing.
social capital are likely to have social returns beyond
private returns and thus be under-rewarded by un-
hindered markets. Establishing the importance of such
factors, however, requires the development of more 3.7 Extent of Technological Externalities for
careful integrated modeling\estimation approaches. Human Resources, Population Control, and
Suggestive anecdotes and associations are currently Enironmental Effects and Remedies for those
available, but not persuasive systematic studies that Externalities
lead to confident identification of causality in the Assertions are widespread that there are substantial
presence of behavioral choices and unobserved in- positive externalities of human resources and negative
dividual and community characteristics. externalities of population growth and economic
growth on the environment. Yet empirical evidence
regarding magnitudes and natures of such externalities
is almost nonexistent, at times a priori arguments
3.5 Paternalism\Maternalism, Indiidual Choice, about what constitutes an externality are confused,
and Endogenous Preferences and means sometimes advocated to address such
In the immediate post-WWII dominant paradigm externalities do not seem directed well towards the
(Sect. 1) policy makers and analysts acted as if they supposed sources of externalities nor do they recognize
knew what was best for the poor in developing well the importance of incentives, so they may have
countries. If the poor were perceived to hold the substantial distortion costs. There would be high
‘wrong’ values (e.g., not working hard enough, want- returns to persuasive systematic studies that lead to
ing too many children, saving too little) it was deemed confident identification of the magnitudes of such
appropriate to ignore or to try to change their externalities in the presence of behavioral choices and
preferences. The current dominant paradigm places unobserved individual and community characteristics
greater weight on individual preferences, at least in so (e.g., Foster and Rosenzweig 1995).
far as they are manifested through responses to
markets and policies (though limited resources limit
the effectiveness of the poorest). There also is rec-
ognition of difficulties in making welfare comparisons 4. Conclusion
if preferences are changed. Nevertheless, there are
The economics of developing countries was an inte-
some who appear to wish to impose their values on
grated part of most major streams of economic
others regarding, for example, appropriate gender
analysis in the nineteenth and early twentieth cent-
relations. Such concerns raise the analytical question
uries. But in the immediate post-World War II period,
that also has been of increasing interest in general
economic development was widely seen as sufficiently
mainstream economics of how to model endogenous
different in degree to be different in kind from
preferences and to include them usefully in applied
mainstream economics for the developed economies.
Developing economies were seen as having such
imperfect markets and limited responsiveness to
markets by private entities that effective development
could be best pursued by (supposedly disinterested
3.6 Association between Economic Participation and
and very knowledgeable) policy makers using direct
Political Participation
quantitative policies guided by planning models to
An important component of the current economic industrialize in part by protecting their economies
development paradigm is much greater recognition of from the many negative effects of international
active participation of individuals, which, together markets. In the last quarter of the twentieth century,
with discipline of competitive-like markets, provide there was a radical shift in the dominant paradigm
checks and balances that limit predatory economic concerning economic development. This was in part
behavior. But is an essential component of successful due to a number of new systematic quantitative studies
development also a political system with checks and of a range of developing experiences, importantly in-
balances? Some argue that some of the most successful cluding the unprecedented growth in a number of East
East Asian economic development experiences have and Southeast Asian economies. The dominant para-
been under strong autocratic governments (e.g., Korea digm at the start of the twenty-first century emphasizes
under Park, China, Singapore). Others note that that there is considerable responsiveness to oppor-
strong autocratic governments have not been a suf- tunities in developing countries so the incentives
ficient condition for successful economic development created by markets and policies may be critical, that
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Udry C 1994 Risk and insurance in a rural credit market: An though the problems of organizational change made
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World Bank 1991–1997 World Deelopment Report. Oxford, It was the behavioral sciences, especially the human
New York resources approach, which made organizational
change a problem in its own right and developed
J. R. Behrman completely new approaches for its solution.
The impetus to establish organizational change as a
Copyright # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. field came from empirical studies finding that success
All rights reserved. in change critically depends on the attitudes of
organization members as well as on the general mood
Development: Organizational towards the new design. This insight originated from
studies on ‘resistance to change.’
The initiative to study resistance to change, as well as
1. Introduction the approaches on how to overcome it, dates back to
Organizational development (OD) is a special inter- Lewin (1958). Most salient are his seminal experiments
disciplinary field focused on organizational change. It on changing the aversion to specific foods. Group
provides conceptions for understanding the logic of meetings and active involvement of group members
change as well as techniques and tools for managing proved to be the best way to change food habits. The
the change process effectively. The major purpose of foundations for what were later to become the ‘golden
OD interventions is to overcome resistance to change rules’ of successful organizational change (Lawrence
and to encourage the willingness of organizational 1954) have been laid in these studies:
members to participate actively in the change process. (a) Broad information at an early stage and active
As a discipline of social sciences OD has been criticized participation in the change process.
for lacking a sound theoretical basis and for mis- (b) The group as an important medium (facilitator)
conceiving the nature of organizational change as for change: Change processes are perceived as less
exceptional projects in organizational life. worrying in groups and generally are accepted more
(c) Mutual cooperation among organizational
2. Historical Oeriew members.
(d) A settling-down period at the end of the change
In classical organization theory, the problem of coping process designed to institutionalize the changes that
with organizational change was not of much concern. were carried out.
Change basically meant reorganization and the criti- Lewin (1958, p. 210) later elaborated on these
cal activity was to determine the best organizational insights and conceived the well-known ‘triadic epis-
solution to master new situations. Realizing the new ode’ of successful change. The model builds on the
solution, if regarded as a problem at all, was seen as a idea of homeostasis and suggests a three-step proc-
problem of careful preparation and of giving the right edure: unfreezing, moving, and refreezing (see Fig. 1).
instructions. After a brief period of tolerance, all The most important issue of the model is that
employees were supposed to work according to the organizations need an initial period of irritation in
new organizational guidelines. order to break up their habits and routines. Or as
This traditional model, however, rarely proved to Lewin put it, organizations have to become ‘unfrozen’;
be a success. Organizational members notoriously otherwise they are not likely to give up their equi-


International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences ISBN: 0-08-043076-7

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