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Developing high performance team

Submitted to
soumya miss
MBA ,10


1.1 Introduction

When a least two individuals who are Independent on each other work towards a common
goal, they form a ‘team’. Subsequently when such teams become capable of performing at
their best, consistently for a longer period of time, providing desired output in the most
efficient manner, they become ‘high performance team’.

Team members of high performance teams possess the following characteristics:

1) Exhibit proficiency in their professional roles along with maintaining the personal

2) Never run away from taking the others activities.

3) They are good at communicating with others,

Characteristics Of High Performance Teams

1) Shared Objectives: Clarity and commonality in the objectives is one of the

important characteristics of high performance teams. Shared objectives not only
motivate the members to form a team, but also help them to stay together during
various ups and downs.
2) Clearly Defined Roles: It is very difficult to measure the effectiveness of the
combined efforts of all the team members. High performance teams direct the efforts
of the members in order to produce efficient collective output. For that purpose, it
becomes a necessity that all the members know their as well as their co-members’
role clearly.
3) Efficient Leader: The factor that motivates them to work together is the effective
leadership. An effective leader is the one who can stimulate the team members to
give their best as team members as well as individuals.
4) Effective Processes: all the teams formulated for a business purposes have perform
some processes or functions.. All the processes are basically categorised into two
types, i.e., working processes (implementation) and thinking processes (planning).
High performance teams are supposed to perform the thinking processes.
5) Healthy Relationships: When the team members respect each other, have trust ‘
among them, share a‘ common understanding level, and demonstrate courtesy, then.
the relationship among them is said to be healthy.
6) Excellent Communication: Excellent communication is one of the main
characteristics of the high performance teams. Talking straightforwardly and
avoiding misunderstandings are the signature qualities of high performance teams.
These teams communicate effectively because they are aware of the fact that
effective communication is the key to success.'

Developing high performance teams

1. Concentrate on group performance: the team leaders should instil the quality of
working as a team. them to give consideration to shared performance of team, and not
only their individual performance.

2. . Avoid Conflicts and Foster Cooperation: The leader should encourage team
members to work in the direction of achieving optimal results ~ without getting
involved in conflicts
i) Guide the functioning of team in the direction of achieving team goals.

ii) Stimulate the members to 5"Share their viewpoints, and listen to that of others in
order to reach at common agreement.

iii) Convince the members that keeping the focus on shared goals will also beneti't‘
their individual career objectives. '

iv) Adopt the reward-based compensation structure, as it motivates the members to

concentrate on team performance.
3. Let the Team Know the Goals and Keep them Motivated: The leader should
discuss the goals with the team members over and over again as doing 0this will
remind the members that everyone is working towards the shared goals.
4. Nurture Positive Work Environments The team members should be provided with
pleasing environment where they feel motivated to contribute. providing such an
environment by taking some creative steps such as appraise the team in company
magazines, offer a day off, or arrange a vacation, etc.
5. Delegation of Authority The leader can also " authorise the team members for
partaking in the dealslon-makmg and other strategic processes
i) Avoid taking decision on the basis of majority; instead try to establish consent among
ii) Allocate the problems :to different members, as -as per their area of specialisation .1-.
iii) Consider and acknowledge the ideas and ‘ viewpoints of all the members.
iv) Appreciate the members for providing their inputs
6. Model Own Values: The team leader should define the values to every member at the
starting itself. When every member IS clear with all the values and same set of values are
followed throughout the process then a positive.
7) Provide a Break to Team Members‘. Providing breaks after certain period of time not
only .‘relaxes the. members, but also provides them an opportunity to look at the
developments other team processes as a whole, i.e., where have they started from and where
they have. reached now. '
5.1.4.” Importance of High Performance Teams
I) Drives Innovation and Thought: The prime objective of high performance teams is to act
creative in order to produce futuristic results. These teams do not believe in thinking with that
state of mind with which everyone else also thinks

2) Result-Oriented: methods; they always attempt to develop new methods of doing things.
The actions of high performance teams are result-oriented
3) Influences Change. The quality of high performance teams is to stay one step ahead of
others, and grabbing the opportunities before them results in influencing others to work
creatively 1n order to compete.

4)Fosters Cooperative Relationships: fostering cooperative relationship among all the

stakeholders, i. e., between employee of different hierarchical levels, between organisation
and its .clients, between organisations and its competitor organisations, etc
5) Assists the Less Competent Members 'to Participate: Some members due to some or
the other reasons hesitate to share their viewpoints. .the high performance teams help such
members by rectifying the" 1ssues they face and by assigning some responsibilities to them.
1) Hiring the right individuals,
2) Training, and
3,) Proper rewarding systems.

:1. Hiring the Right Individuals

Good interpersonal skills are a necessity for becoming an effective team member; Hence, the
recruiters should make sure that the candidate. they are selecting is well-acquainted with the
skills needed to become a good team member;

' According to Daniel (2007) :f-‘Share an experience that required you to build a team? What
criteria did you use in selecting team members? What challenges and successes did the team
have? How did you address members who were not being part of the team?”are some of the
questions that can help the recruiters to judge the interpersonal skills of an applicant. "

2. Training This suggestion is basically related to those individuals who are hired even
though they are not equipped with interpersonal and other skills needed to become a team
member. In such cases, company decides to train those employees.
The training programmes can include the demonstration of the satisfaction that can be
fostered by team work. Company can also organise workshops to improve various necessary
skills such as grievance redressal, negotiation, effective communication, problem-solving,
decision-making, etc.
. Proper Rewarding Systems

The reward systems for individuals are competitive in nature which is not suitable for
encouraging the team-based structure. Hence, group-based appraisals should be introduced in
order to. nurture a sense of cooperation among the employees. .For example, an employee
should be rewarded on the basis of his capability of resolving team conflicts, capability of
imparting training to new recruits, etc.



Face-to-Face Interaction: A huge quantity of awareness information is

disclosed by way of face-to-face interactions among the social contacts which
share similar location. Due to the fact that people like talking openly with their
friends and family members, this type of interaction is favoured by the
individuals to collect the awareness information.

Mediated Interaction: It is quite expected that pe0ple now perceive mediated

interaction as one of the most important methods to collect awareness
information in the Current society, ' which is approaching towards increasing
indirect relationships. \ In case the distance creates disconnect between the
social contacts, mediated interaction becomes essential for maintaining
awareness. Modern technologies like ‘e-mail, ' telephone, mobiles, instant
messenger, etc.,
3) Visual Cues from Domestic Artefacts: Awareness information .can be
interpreted without direct interaction by witnessing the existence, non-
existence, or position of the artefacts. The visual signs and indicators from
domestic artefacts which provide ample awareness information is the third and
the last technique by which individuals can maintain and develop interpersonal

. Importance of Interpersonal ' Awareness

1) Realises the strong aspects as well as limitations of other individuals.

2) Predicts in advance the reaction of other individuals towards a stimulus. __

3) Comprehends even the unexpressed meaning in a .' circumstance. ‘

4) . Pays close attention to the concerns and thoughts of the other people.
4. Limitations Of Interpersonal

1) Time Separation: , time. separation is the reason because of which they have . to depend
on. the mediated interaction instead of relying on face-to-face interaction which offers much
desired awareness information. Mediated interaction includes leaving written messages,
notes, or using modern technology like instant messenger, e-mails, or mobiles.

Distance Separation: It becomes more problematic to collect awareness information because

social contacts are divided by distance. Thus, in this case, to collect awareness information,
people are compelled to resort to mediated interaction techniques.'

Time Limitations: Time limitation is mainly associated with extended socials and intimate
socials. Taking into account the finite number ' of hours in a day, people . wish to retain
awareness of more number of people than they can really attain.

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